The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-09-09, Page 12sass .. TWILWs • A THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 1l7t1 'BERG COW -SAVER STALLS Outlasts others by 3 to4 times because of hot dipped galvanized steel tube construction. Require Tess bedding than loose housing—keeps cows drier. • and more comfortable. ` Bell-shaped. arches take up chain slack and pre- vent tangling. and .choking., Provides ' ' more head roomwhen cows lie down. • WHYLET • YOUR INVESTMENTS V1►ANDER AROUND •LOOSE..? Berg Cow -Saver Stalls and Berg Lever' Stalls were designed for the dairyman who wants to han- dle his dairy cattleas/ndivldusk/. Successful dairymen profit by individualized management. ,-- by .challenging each cow. Prac-' tices that .pay! They 'pay with. increased milk production from, every lactation. By lengthening each cog's productive life. By assuring Jou of 'positive, ind= vidualized nutrition and disease --ontrol: Rut. -Berg -stalls -to -work increasing, your dairy, profits... Berg provides. a free complete , barn -planning service:, WHITECHURCN Miss Janette.Johnston`of Lon- don is spending the holiday week end-w-ith her parents -* *-and Mrs:. , Clark Johnston': Mr.' and' Mrs. Jim Moffat , Heather and-*iniley. of-Wingha= were Sunday visitors with her ; parents Mr. and. Mrs. 'Elwood Groskorth . Mts. Leroy Rintoul , . Carol and Kimberley of Peterboroughwere visitors Wednesday t� Sunday with Mr and Mr's. Leroy Riritoul 'arid. , •family. and her parents Mr, and Mrs.e Stanley Black of Belgrave. Miss:Joann Laidlaw., nurse in training at Victoria Hospital, London spent. the week end: with • 'her•parentsMr. and.•Mrs.' Elroy, Laidlaw. John Gibb began Work .on Tues- day at the Canada .Packer Office` at Walkerton'. The`comrnunity wish John success: ' Mr. and Mrs. jack-Coultes, Debbie , Kevin and. Brian of •Burlington and Mr.. and Mrs.. Alex Craig were'guests on Monday with, the.it.._parents,Mz._.andLMrs.._.Alberx-. Coultes:.' • ' • Att'ending the trousseau tea _ for Ruth Coultes bride to be',, at the home of her mother Mrs. Nor- -znan Cotrltes on -Sunday W ere Mrs. Albert Coultes, Mrs: John Gaunt ;• Mrs Alex -Craig Mrs Don Ross '-and -Mrs R>}ssel-Gaunt Rev. "and Mrs. Horace Braden, Linda and' orna of.London were, ts_o_n_..S.unsay=-with and Mrs. Elroy ,Laidlaw" and fam- ily. • Visitors with,,Mr. and Mrs.. •` Wesley Tiffin•and Mr. and .Mrs. , - Bob Mowbray were Mr. .and Athol Purdon,.Shelley and Douglas, r. an' • s. •e ison Falconer.; Lynn Pahl tnd-_Bnia2" all of Sarnia. Mrs, `A. E..Pur don; who had been visiting with n -for • . . a few weeks returned hoe with 'them.. . m • Mr. and Mrs'. Ben IvlcClenaghan; Mr:, and Mrs,. Carl McClenaghan,.. spe.nt the week •end'with Mr.. and. Mrs. Bill' Parker and family. —Mr. and .Mrs.. Carl McClenag- han attended the Rodeo held on— Sunday Sunday at.Exeter . Miss Linda Magoffin, of London and Ernest Magoffin of Toronto were holiday visitors ., :with Mr', and Mrs,, .Tom Magoffin of Lucknow. ' Word• has ,been •received here of the Sudden passing of Jim Phillips. of London on Sunday..He is a'; nephew of Lloyd Phillips", and When . 1 his home with Mrs : George Phil- lips and the late George:Phillips and family. • The community. extends:."sympathy to the relatives and tothe relatives' of Mrs. Herb Curran who passed away on Mon - Mrs. Wm : 'Orr and Robert of ngstde_v sited on Sunday with: _ 'her,daughter Mrs: John L. Currie,. Mt.:Currie and family: Miss'Jeyce Tiffin visited last: -__ week with Miry and Mrs: levan Tiffin of. Wingharn. • ,' Clark Johnston on the week end. _ .. • Miss Tereasa De Bruyharrived ,home from Vancouver last week e 'en nursing in a ospita , there. She intends •to seek em- • ployment in .her profession in this section..• Mr, and Mrs George Fisher; • Mr. and Mrs.' Elliott ..Carruthers of Ripley spent .last week end at Cartipbeilford with Mr. ,and Mrs-; Dawson and family and at Port Credit with Mr. and Mrs. • _with entertain tit.. • On �g SaturdaY rh ht Whitechurch :Jr Intermediate Soft Ball team journeyed to. Mac Tier to play the series of 2 out of .3 ; The score was 5 -'2.for :Whitechurch who 'had 'won •the first game in the series. and thus they, are the winners and advance to' meet the next •contestants . Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wall and family' were Bill Wall andgirl: friend, -n �b a ?ia Eah1a r LB tP Gr s,. of,. - >°�'T� Fis ler aiit�fdm'ily , _ Labor Day week end visitors. .with.Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher were Mr. and Mrs. Carman Machan of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 6i'her ., Lonnie Lori and tee of Guelph, Mr:. and :Mrs. Bill Gibson, Rhonda , Billie and Gr'egory.of Lueknow. HlstorlcaiPres.. isGuest.Spe�ker . The Holyrood. Women. Institute met on Thursday evening, ,at the home of Mrs. P, A . Murray for the September meeting with, Mrs. Raynard Ackert presiding and:wel- coming.the visitors. The Meeting opened by, singing the Ode and • repeating the Mary ,Stewart Collect,, The Secretary .etar, Mrs. Lorne Eadie read,the 'rnint%tes of e, thprt yious meeting, the financ-. ial report and the correspondence. Mrs, Jack•Scott reported on the group display which is•being arranged for the Lueknow Fall fair. Mrs. Dan McInnes reported on Agriculture and Canadian Indus tries. She mentioned the delay on paying the taxes, the tourism, • industry ,'and the George Gear day. The Citizenship and Education re- port by Mrs..Jack Scott was'on.the "Monarchy" Historical research, Mrs, Jim 'Smith , which'wasa read ing "My. old quilting frames". The roll call was answered with "A picture ofyourself'-ra,ken--in-your— teens showing a variety of styles. As many had never seen "hops" which the yeast .in the olden' days. was made`o#—aample Eras pass= ed around as some aregrowing in this area. • Members brought salt, and pep- per shakers and told the storyof dhow they received-tlr Dan McInnes read the motto, `whfcli was prepared by,Mrs. M. McPherson, on things in the past. entitled °':The pioneer as Mrs McP. herson 7has ,peen in poor health acard.wassigned for, her. FAST, COURTEOUS VICE SER ie*.ig' At SIEGRIST'S, LUCKNOW _ MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY. PANNASECKER'S, ST. HELENS MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY SLATERS STORE, AUBURN TUESDAY,. THURSDAY, SATURDAY president of the Bruce County Historical Society for the past three years and a resident of the Ltio.know area; He explained the purpose of the•Society which was' first forrne.dfin 190u When the History of Bruce was written by Norman Robertson in 1996.. • it'was revived. in 1960 and an -• other book was published by .Nor Man McLeod , 'assisted by the ' County Council; and 4000 books were sold. ' There. were then 280•; • s ---r e-inbers, Pictta'ces we=e oII c -ice ed' of old buildings etc. and inar eac the Centennial ye and 'each year since a .year womatt" . cort_�.piled .. At the conclusion of his address, he 'showed- pictures which were most interesting and many from this immediate area such as churches, schools, older . buildings etc, Mrs. Raynard Ackert thanked the speaker and presented him with a gift in appreciation. Besides being Historical Research'rneeting, this was the Grandmother's meeting. • There were 8 grandmothers present' and all took part in a novelty.game _such T-be.ost buttons" closest birthday" and many others with a prize going to each grand- mother. Mrs.Jim Smith gave. the courtesy remarks and lunch was served. KJNLOUGH book has been and Mrs. Paul: Weber; of Kitchener and Mr.Eldon Eckenswillerof London• spent the week end here with their parents Mr. and.ivirs. • ' Mrs. Jim,Smith program con- vener, .introduced Pharis Mathers, Weir :Eckenswiller and Steven Mrs. Art Haldenby is hostess for the' Anglican Church. Women on. Thursday afternoon at her home. 'ast dry clothes a lo-w--tenips; PERMANENT PRESS CYCLE provides ri removing con_ dtioningperiod after clothes are dried - means Tess ironing. a gentle circle 01 low, even heat means 'soft vl ua y wpm e- ree clothes in :minimum time. Saves Ironing. REVOLVING LINT FIL- is-•highiyeffieieft. Filters 100% of ex- haust air. Snaps in. Snaps out. Cleans easily. 'Toronto, Mr ; and Mrs. Dave Arthur:a'nd family of London and on Sunday Mr. and 'Mrs. George Needham. and family of Pinkerton. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wall and Mary Lou have recently returned frorn a trip to Saskatchewan 'Where they visited with her rela- tives. kh • (Full Opening Safety Door • Large Capacify Drum • Snag.' Free Porcelain Enameled . Drum • Convection Cooled Cabinet _ •�..�. _n°..,.� • • ••rrl»:�-�,r�»-1»i�--�l-fit»' • • ,,I„ri„g,,�,,::�»g�,'-� . ,,. _ , ; , , . �. .�i»:�►-�-'.� ' FIELO'S ' TEESWATER "THE STORE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR GOES FARTHER" h4•