The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-09-09, Page 2PAGETWO THE LIJCKNOW SENTINEL, LU.CKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9;1..970 T"he L'UCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO "Tim Sopor Town" — Oar, the Huron=BruC Boundary Second Class MailRe "is. at An Number° 0847 EBtablished 1873; Published Each Wednesday Afternoon, Member ;of the C.W.N.A. and 0.W.N.A. Subscription Rate, $5.00 a yearin advance — to the U.S.A., $7.00 Donald C Thompson, Publisher "•''WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER `9, 1970 N6S.1DE Sandra and Greg. Gardner. of Lucknow returned to their home after holidaying .with their ,grand- parents Mr. and Mrs.: Wes - Young. ' 'Ken Young of Paincourt spent the holiday week -end withhis parents IMir, and Mrs. Cliff ung. A "good :crowd' attended the Bruce County Plowing Match last Thursday at the farm of. Doug ..: Simpson on Concession 4,. Culross. • • ick Gardners fove To Lucknow ZION NEWS Mrs. Robert Panter, forn. any Kathleen Gardner .and! her daughter Linda of Santa Rosa, California flew to Malton on .Tuesday where ;hey were met by Mr..and Mrs. Charles Anderson and 'Kathleen's father John, Gardner. They are spending a week with,•Mr. and .Mrs Gardner assisting them to move and get settled in an apartment in the . former- Murdie home , .which • r couple.Married Inn St.'Nary'S Church: KING 'HAMILTON, The marriage of Mrs. Jean Hamilton; of R.. R. 5. Lucknow and. Mr. •David King; of Goderich took. place at St. Mary's,Roman Cath- • olic Church, Lueknow .on Saturday, July '18th at .2 p. m, with Father Cassano ,officiating.. Miss Laurie Chisholm. was organist,, , The bride wore a coat. dress, ensemble'of•mint polyester,; white accessories , yellow roses in her hair' and yellow" rose corsage. Their attendants were the bride's daughter•and son-in-law.: Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hoffman of R. R. 3 Lucknow'. Mrs. Hoffman wore a beige; coat and dress en- semble, ,bronze accessories with. bronze mum corsage and'bronze mums in her Bair. A reception followed at"Tiger Dunlop Inn. Following a wedding trip north, ,Mr.. and Mrs. King areresiding is now-owned-bythe Stanley -broth.' in Goderich. • • ers. The Gardner farmhas been purchased by Mr. ;and. Mrs. Rad- cliff of Guelp The Radcliffs and..w ill have possession of the farm. by the last of September. It. sure of Fast ends Mr. and Mrs. ' Frank Ritchie went to Guelph on Saturday return- ing home. on Sunday. They. visit - 'ed .Mrs ..Mary..McAuley:.in.Guelph nal -hvsp rta i -w -ho -was -improv " ed and w•as mbved: out -of intensive . care on Sunday. Mrs, TtcAirley has a birthday this nesday. : 'Birthday' greetings are extended to her,from the commun ity, . Mr'; and Mrs/. Roy'Keane'•of. Stratford" spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs W. G. Hunter and`Mr•. and •Mrs . • J.. Keane 'Of Luck now, Mr.' and:Mrs. Gordon Kirkland spent Tuesday at' Toronto Exhibi- tion. Nancy Kirkland entered' Strat- ford Teacher's College on Tues- Automati fi • ucknovv District,? day,:' Mr..and Mrs. Allan Ritchie. and family *ere in London on Friday visiting Wesley Ritchie at Victoria Hospital. Wesley had a set' -back on Friday and was quite ill duringitt e week -end. By Monday he was improved. John and Kenneth Ritchie and', - Ir -s- --Wes-Ri-tch-iey ited. him in London on. Sunday. MOVE TO GOD.ERICH Mr'•and bits. Grant'Chisholm and.farnily have:Moved to -,God each wheteth-ey-have putph sed --::-_ a home, there. Grant .will ca'rry . on his fuel business'there.. Mr. and_ Mrs. Bi11-Nelson-and.,farttily of L-ureknow will reside in the Chisholm home here. 1/ 9-f r SHOW _AT 11:40, A.M. , ON, SA-TURDAA -i-SEPTEMBEIt"--1-9 AT THE . -LWC FAIR Get 'a , prize, list from The Sentinel Office or .Secretary Mrs. Bob' Struthers and check the classes in which you could enter your pet ' such as • 11oflgest_tailetc. Cooperafive. PHONE 528-2125 1 1 1 1 1 ,1 `.,for^'^;2t1o7: call ft) • Co<OP PROPANE DEPT.. UNITED CO.OPER"ATIVES OE ONTARIO, ' 96 Kensington St•,' GUELPH, Ontario, Pftone 519 82443{0. Name • 1 f. Address. '. .. . COUNCIL BRIEFS. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 meat floater 9oiicy was increas- ed to $2000 on office contents and S20Gu coverage was also placed on fire hall contents • 01. Named to the••Liicknow Library cotiimittee wereildon-•,railer. Mrs. W. B. Anderson. Mrs,. Cord on Johnstone , i;s. Jack Treleav- en, releav-en, .1.rs,' .Ken Chester. Grants of $192 each, were made _ .1a :iinc to e 5W.o leaders, Elizabeth Ritchie 'and Joanne Freer. This is the sale as last year, r • • s s . .q Roy Emberlin was awarded the contract 'for the installation of storm w iidow on the upper portion of the town Ball at the tender price of 4^y. _. 1 . I Si: H Miss' Florence 'Stewart .of Evan- ston ,' Illinois is visiting with' Miss W. D. Rutherford.. Mrs. Andrew Gaunt and Mrs. few•`d'a�ys"w'it�ti'`Ivlr;'anc1�`Ivlrs: •Chan les 'Sherwood iri'Detrot Anniversary, service'at St.: • Helen's •Church will be held next .Sunday September 13 at 11 a4. in., .and 7.30 p.m. • Rev.. Dr..Andrew 'Mowatt of Clinton is guest :minis ter at both services,' At the morn• ing:service •the Chandler •family ' will •give special musical numbers: --and,.in the --evening ,- -the-Harbour -- aires from God•erich will supply eGa1 111S1G FvPPvnn i-s-GQrc ially welcome.: .Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller • `. .of London' were week end visitors with Mrs W. I. Miller' and ; •Isobel, /' I . \/ :. andfatuity-spent the holiday ..............• weekend with Mr. and..Mrs. Earl Grey andfamily in North' Bay. •Mrs.. Robert Iy1cQuillin of Ham- ilton, George McQuillin of Tor- onto; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mur. ra•yand •Robbie ofActon; ..Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert McIntyre of Win-- onaa. and Miss• Mary Biggar of Buffalo visited' with relatives in the-'a-rea_.and_attcnded the_G qht-_-_: Purdon'wedding: OF THE LUCKNOW FALL FAIR SEP iEMBER18 AA6 19 ENTERfAINMENT BY; PETER 1PAQ ELATE, LARRY IRWIN AND ` y . - N �_� FROG JUMPING CONTEST D• ANTURTLEP.M. RACE` AT $.30 PIE EATING CONTEST , ♦a ' z y PLUS VIEWING 'OF INDOOR' EXHIBITS ♦♦ 2 ♦t. •••:•-•:•••••! ♦••♦♦♦ ♦♦♦+N♦••••••••••••:••••••••:•••:•••:•4•4•4•4••••••••••' : . SATURDAY NIGHT IN THE ARENA.. X • 8:00 P.M. 7 VINCE MOUNTFORD SHOW .. `• . , y BarkeWith Les r.— med cartoonist: liu ille Lorin — -Sa. -Stylist ' .♦♦i ••♦•• Seppo Lo Finnish Juggler; Jackie P.arrell Toe -Tapping Dance Sen- •• • •••: sation; Jack Ayre Piano Accompanist and Vince Mountford the'Fun- •• .♦ malting. Emcee.. 1 `Ill1.. P. . 11E 1UTY CONTEST ti ` . ►t Featuring girls from area towns competing for. Miss Midwestern Ontario and the, 'chance to enter the Miss Dominion of Canada Cont'est next, summer. t 10:45 P.M. ENTERTAINMENT BY HURON BRUCE SWINGERS z � Mobile bait will be used as a sound system for the Saturday night •♦♦ program, • •:••:•-•:e4•44.•:••:••:••• i~i~i•!•!•i~i~i i i~i~i.•• • •v'i~