The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-09-02, Page 3.o e WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1970 7.; tow20,umP4./.01FULMR THE LUCKNOW- SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO N moo 'natio 1■■■■i■■■■■■■■■■■■i■■■■■■■i■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■i■■■■■i■■■■■■■■i■■r•�■■■■■K■Y■■■■NNNtY■EEE■EEEBNNENuI■ERRNI BEST BUY! — .12c OFF PACK = ECONOMY. 90: to Collo. Bog. RED ROSE MST WY) sUYNOLns 12411CH FOIL WRN . . . . BEST. BUY! — DR.'BALLARD'S (2c, OFF TACK) BEST -BUY! ` MUYI DOC FOOD NC1A .:M.A(ARONI' i • • 15-Oi.: This 1 ■• • ■ ■ ■ • ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . ■ . ■ • :. on sale this week F[Drinks. Seven Up, 'diet seven •up Cola, Orange, Grape, Root•beer, G.inge'rale 26 oz Bottles F R '00 53* 'SHOP WITH: NO PARKING PROBLEMS USE 'OUR NEWLY PAVED r• ITE • 'AT THE .REAR OF• THE STORE ENTER ;THE STORE. FROM .THE __- _REAR_OE THE BUILDING.:' .-_ ■ ■ ■▪ • • ■ '. ■ ■ ■ . :• ■ ■ ■■01011M ■■NNDU■■ED■DEN■KE■t■■UK■mA■E■UE■ ■KE■■N mumell1■■■■E■■■■D■E■■■■%■■■■■■■■■■■u■■ .............■■■■■■■■ mo Recent visitors with the Misses. Ada and Hazel Webster were Mr. Mrs. Edward. Roberts - and Winston of'•Toronto. Miss Emily Pearson,' • who -had been .a guest at the Web ster._home for the past two weeks, returned to Toronto' with them. on Sunday evening. • . Mr. and Mrs. George Webster • and three boys of Halifax , ,Nova Scotia 'visited for the'month of ugus iLucknow .wiithhe -Harvey Websters and the .Philip. lvlacMillans.. Mr. rs `and M. Ted McCullough . of. Toledo; Ohio were visitors last week end with :their aunt and• . uncle Mr. and.Mrs. Clarence Bell; 'Lucknow. , :The Lucknow:.Wornen's Institute :will meet in the Town Hall on Frid-ay�ePternbe--4th-•at p, rri Guest Speaker , Pharis Mathers.. Please 'note •change of .day and date. •Bring•a friend with you.,. . Glenn lrwi•n, 12 -year-old son of Mr and Mrs. Harvey Irwin of Highway 86 west , is 'a patient in Wingham Hospita I. having been • taken there about- ten da s a:o, :Mr. and Mrs. Peter Campbell hive moved to the Gammie Apart n-ients.an Main $t, , Lucknow. Harold Chesbro of Eastman Quebec, who. spent the past three -.ks 'with 1TtS ist+ec-M Roberts, Lucknow and other .rela- tives has returned to his -home. Mrs. Cyril Brown of Lucknow returned home last Sunday from Victoria Hospital, Londort,•. where she had been a patient 'for ten days following surgery., • Mr.. and Mrs. Fred •Ho'rton of Lucknow and Mr. and Mars. •Frank turned from a• camping holiday to the east c.oast, • • Ernest (Freck) Button of Blyth, formerly of •Lucknow •, has return-. ed to.h•is horne after ten days .in • •• • •17 ing an accident, when his knee was badly injured. • :Mr. and Mrs .,.Dan •Rose„ David Alison and. S to their home at Emo after holid- aying in the area with her: parents Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Webb and with his mother Mrs. Steve Stoth- ers•and`Mr. Stothers, Elizabeth and David .Wharry of Beaconsfield, Que. ;, have spent of their vacaticin_. their grandparents, Mr.. and Mrs. Wrn.'Wharry at the family cot- .tage , Point Clark ;' Mr. and Mrs.' Goldie Harris Mrs.. Clara .Downey of Kincardine and Mr, and Mrs. Ralph"Elliott o; -ur•n ow s ip.. were •inner. guests with. Mrs.. Ewart Taylor Sunday evening. ittR NBfE (.Contributed) • Are you planning'on coming home for Lucknow :Fair; ,Septem- 'ber�18 and:19?• It will be a good• weekend• to meet .arid enjoy„old .frie:ndships.. . Ori Friday evening the .Hall. w irks' will be open to the public and _ there will Se •entertainment from, 8 to `9 :p. m . Larry. Irwin.;: Phil lip. Paquette `and :Peter .Walden X1.1 b-e-enrerraltiing-in the arena.: Marylou and. Gordon• Barger of. Lucknow and Jackie Collinson of Kintail spent last week caMping, at 'Fairway Park near Port Elgin. .Last week's Sentinel contained an article about the residents of.. rs -Etta 'Pinperest Manor beim-•ent at a lawn tea and drive around - -the town.: The host group to the: Pinecrest•.re'siden, ts' was Unit 5 of the LtreknO v tLnited.•'CChu'rcla Worn eti, , Mrs.— E1si-e—Ashworth of Lucknow, who attended her grandson's. wed- ding in Hamilton,has returned to the home of Mrs, Etta Roberts' Lucknow, , Mss Lorna. Campbell; MisS •Helen Tftortipsori , Mts.' L. C. Thompson of Lucknow and Mrd. Wni': Hewat of Elriira spent last week end at Erankenrnuth, Mic1 igan. • Sharon and Donny Neabel spent a'week's holidays each with their :grandparents Mr, and wits. Wm, • Neabel of. R. R, 3, Lucknow. • • Mr.. and Mrs. ,lass.• 1.•iar ilton and Hughie McDonald" of Exeter visited. recently with Mrs;, ltobt , Hamilton, Lucknow. • 1 `Elmer , lvlarlene ; Blair, Brent and Craig MacKenzie of Mt. 'For -- est recently enjoyed,a hold y making of flowers will take place•. . Hey kids', did you remember to, train” -a turtle to race arid a frog •to•jump. These contests will be held Friday evening at 8,30. Let's have a record entry'in each... Prizes are worthwhile. Give Don holiday The O:P.P:_.will show slides every 45 minutes ,, Friday even- • • ing and all day Saturday in the Arena•. .. The exhibits. will be on display and several concessions have been booked. • Candle making, -a wi• dernonstration • and the 'Cameron a ring and enter. ' �...`�' �... �.,,.-Y�, <�..�,I�au•<you..�r-na=d•€ y�u.P�st advertising Ontario Apples. Prizes are $3.0O, $2.00 and $l,uo. These, are worthwhile too. Get busy and •make a bristol board pat- ter now. How about asking 'n . Mrs Struth- ers tru c- h ers for a prize list, There are. ever 'so many things you all can make and enter to boost •Lucknow Fall Fai': • John Nixon and family of Bel grave -Carman. Nixon and Grant of London , Ralph Nixon of Wing - ham.,. Mr, and Mrs..Wayne Nixon and family of Ripley visited, on Sunday with their parents Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Nixon of ilelfast.. IIW41;1 i'aS4 iY e, • • MacLENNAN -'on Friday',: August 28. at :Wingham and District Hos pital to Mr. and Mrs.. Angus MacLennan of Lucknow ,: a daugh=. 'Norma -ns FOXTON = at the Wingham and District Hospita1 on .Tuesday g ; • August 25th to Mr. and Mrs,. 'Bruce. Foxton, R. R. 3 'Wingharn a.,daughter. 4HA,A NOOT=ta t and District. Hospital. on Wednes- ` day , August 26th to Mr.. and Mrs. Abe oo_t_,_R 1 Auburn_, son. B�IlTPlay�ffs On This Week ... _. hcdv-Ic' h. plet`ed in. bgth senior and junior • divisions of the Ashfield • Recreaa tional. Softball League., The• playoffs begin this week with North Ashfield meeting Port Albert and Dungannon meeting Belfast in the Junior Divi'sion.. er-lrtr—�ct;�•ncii---l� plays Kingsbridge and Dungannon plays Belfast, The winner'of this grotip plays West Wawanosh. Games. far. the Senior Division Will ' be held at Lucknow Ball Park beginning at 7,30 p.m. on Tues- day, Thursday and Sunday evenings, ;•Corrie out and..see some good 'softball. • • f.: tr�e� :�, .,amu. s:f.•.>r +�"i:'/'