The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-07-29, Page 1$5.00 A Year In Advance — $2.00 Extra To U.S.A. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY. , JULY 29th, 1970 Single Copy 15c l Pates 15 Calls From Classified Ad If you want to know whether classified ads in the Lucknow Sen- tinel.work, ask John. Kuik of Ash-' field Township. a• John advertised ,hay forsale in the July b issue. The hay was gone by .Wednesday night long before John. received .his own paper. He had •15 calls.from a people wanting to buy the hay'. �jrTp7l�l ti Son; buys Farm •Ivlr;. and Mrs. Peter Carter, Holyrood , sold their 100 acre farm to their eldest son George', the farm Is .on concession 6 of 'Kinloss Township.. This •farm had. been owned'. by the late .. Jennie-We-r-ce.. g Mr. and Mrs. Carte.r along with their 'daught•er, Aileen movedJast • Dutch: Canadians Present- Plague To. Legion The Lucknow, Legion Branch has been presented with. a.hand made plaque by the Dutch Canad it zent7of- chis-c-om-munity----` to Mark the 25th' anniversary of the liberation .of Holland by the. Cauaditrn forces' during the -second word war. • The presentation was made in an informal ceremony at the' Legion Hall on Monday.evenin of.-last_veek :__• week to their home' in Walkerton at 13, .Hinks Street , which they• purchased recently. . :. • Ash#ie�d-Pas�� Bykiw. Permittin g Sunday, Sports.. At the JulyMeeting of; Ashfield. Townshi. Council, the court'of revision was held on the Aust'in • and Hendricks drains No appeals were received• and .the• court wasclosed and the .By-laws passed-, Applications for tile drain loans were presented by Thornton Eedy and Martin Hendricks and approved.' A by-law permitting,Sunday sports'in the. Township after 1 O'clock on Sundays was given three readings and passed • Art Dickslon arid Fred CraVidtJ were present and requested that council pay .pant of thecost of • buildozing•on.sideroad to the Lake. : Council -decided to` leok at the site:. • General accounts of $17,684.60 -etc-orde-red-edpaid , The next: regular meetingwill be g Tuesday , August 4th at 8 p. M. DONALD SIMPSON, CLERK,_ The'plaque'was brought .toCan-. ada• fr9m Holland by Mr, .and Mrs; John Meije.ringh , parents,of Mrs. Peter. de Boer who are pres- ently visiting with the de Boer. fancily, - 'Pictured, left to right; ,are'M.rs. John'Meijeringh; Peter de. Boer, making the presentation on behalf of -the I�uteh-Carradians-othe 0 co:nimunity to. Irvine Eedy ,,, • accepting on behalf.of'the Luck_. uuw- Legion: Qn. rile -right is -John Meijeringh: In: the top: centre of ,the• plaque: , is the coat of'arins of.Holland with the •coat of. arms of the eleven provinces. of Holland,arou•nd-the outside .,� T_1 lian-d mad.e._piaque-- was done by ,Ha16e Zylstra of • Havelte , Holland, an :art teacher in a college there... He spent over.' 200 hours'making•this ands.' another plaque tobe presented at' • Wi'ngharn . The contact, with Mr. Zylstra was made by a, sister of Mrs. Peter de Boer, 'Henny Meij- • -eringh..• She has visited in this. c' rrrn i u i tr'a-nd is ki ow'n Id many local people:. When the work was completed it was bi;ought C'a nad•a. by ,Mrs: de-tioei s parents who will be staying'. in Canada for a'visit for about six weeks:. It •is the•ir'second visit to. this country.. The plaque, which will hang in a prominent place at The early Deadline' Next Week Sentit eI correspondents please note the folio ing'publication schedule for the vacation period. There will be no issue publish- ed on August . 12 or.19 but corres- pondents are advised to send in , any news as it becomes available and this .will be processed over , the holiday time.. It would be- •; helpful if news Was not held until after the holidays. • Send it in bits and pieces ;' however small. The Sentinel,post office box will be cleared regularly during , vacation .tune, ._ .Because of the Civic Holiday , next Monday, and the production problems it. creates;. the Sentinel., h -n e-f-ot�-t-h�A t�=gt�t-5xh=int 'has, been, advanced to Friday. of this'week.. • The 'early, deadline will present 1 problems for news correspondents but it would be appreciated if 'any, news or advertising for next week's ;paper could reach us by 'Friday. '0 ►♦♦NNNNNNNNN Died At Pinecrest .Maty 'Etta Hetherington, belov ed 'wife of, Duncan Thompson of Culross• Township, 'passed away, it . • -Legion---Hall: r-eads---presen-ted--to-------Pineer-est Ma-nor'Nursing-1- om•e the Royal Canadian Legion, 1945= 1970, .Branch .309, Luc know :, . in commemoration of the liberation : of Holland with the deepest grat- itude of the Dutch Canadians: in this area".. . •• ooa..aa a.0..oo4v..44-4-4..4-4:0-4)o-4-40000000:4`ado`uooWSW0;4.were. 000004) SawTRO)aIFarnily; Mr„ --land Mrs. • T errr•-S°a 1ke=ld: of Lucknow have returned froni a three week visit toWestern-Can- ada which included a view of the Royal family -when' they visited Yellowknife: ;1` 1r, and Mrs. Salkeld •flew to Victoria where they mettheir daughter Mrs. John (Margaret) SchmtdtafCalgary.._ They drove back to Calgary with Marg later going to. Yellowknife- by plane -where they spent three days and sa r -rhe Royal fanr y They flew' back to'Ca•lgary, later flyiiig to Saskatoon to return Problems_. Min r_ O' 0.• 0 0 0.• 0 0 Lucknow on Monday'; July 27. Funeral service will: be conduct- ed at MacPherson Funeral. •Home , Teeswater on Wednesday July :29-, at 2 p.m: , interment in ees- Water, .cemetery . ause.s ..First' 'Tri ‘"Home!.' 1n Twenty.....: _. •Years. A •, July 16th Three days prior to Y P departure she, was advised that the flight had' been oversold and that her departure had been' de layed until,.Saturday n•i:ght at. TI'p..m. • Upon departure in Toronto, she was informed that her flight went to London., England ,..not ,Scotland as•.planned. A see:"orid flight. ,was_ arranged by airport officials' to . . take them from London •to• Glas gow A hurried wire advised, relatives Mrs:.Rudi Henning and her sot Norniari of London are, presently visiting in Scotland , but it took Margaret some "doings" ,'to get thein there. Mrs 4 -ha -r -is:" -Mather -s ;-bou-nda-ry east, who were visiting in Saska- toon with their daughter and son- in=lavvi Carolyn and Wayne. Pep • per and young grandson.,, Mrs. Henning is the former ' Susan McNaughton and had not been back.to Scotland since• coin- ing to Canadato live with her • parents -twenty years 'ago: Her - tc-Natzhhton "of •L'atl-ilow • and Sus an grew up inI this community... 'She and Ne?rraian•were schedul-• ed to flys direct to Preswick Air- port in Scot fa lid on. Thu rsda y , in Sci,tland that she would be - • Af E —AND—MANUFACTURED NOMINATED FOR ONTARIO by El Hoffman and manufactured by the Lucknow Furni ure Co.:, , has been nominated as award wine ner.n the 1970 Ontario Furniture Design Awards Competition spon- cored by the Ontario Department of Trade and Commerce, As well as designer, Mr; Hof- fman is also manager of the Luck 601 a P?' ently manufacturing a complete new line'of furniture and finding a ready market for their products: Three designs were entered by Mr, Hoffman in the competition;' One of these groupings, in. the, occasional furniture division, ha& been nominated4dr the award, The competition is, held to en- courage established Ontario corn- OEA{�Y C of ilew' design which will help'. to stimulate 'interest in Canadian home and contract. furniture both at' home -and abroad ... Those nominated' for awards' will show their lines at the Inter- ior Design Show in Toronto in , November., Presentations to the wiiinit%designers will also be made at,.that time. Foreign', as .well as domestic buyers will .• be invited to attend the awards presentation and to viewthe prot • otypes at a special exhibit,. The Winning entry and runner up will receive $500 and $250 ih several Classes and in caddition; the overall winner and runner up wiil'reeetve •a similar art o:unt of money, ' four hours .later arriving •• Upon taking the flight from London to Glasgow , she once • again ran into a snag.; Reading* her. schedule ; she found the air line had. arranged far• her to arrive at Abbotsinch, not Pres CONTINUED ON PAGE -2 C.neMo!eIssu,-- BeforeHoiidays• There will be one tnor,e' issue after this one before vacation time at The Lucknow Sentinel. No papers will be published on August.12 and 19, The Sentinel office will close on Wednesday , Aug:ust••5th a't 6.p. m. and will reopen on Monday , August 24. Because of the .Civic Holiday Monday next week , and the fact .t-ha-t-sorn:e--Sent-i-nel sta f ..... . e`m a•. will be travelling a distance for their holidays, the deadline for the .Aug st 5th issue has been` advanced to Friday• of this week, Merchants wishing advertising Space for the Sepoy Days sidewalk sale should have, their copy in to The•Sentinc•1. at -.once and no later • than Friday morning cYf this week. This advertising.wi11 appear in the August 5 issue,, ., J r`