The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-07-22, Page 9LCM;ITEEI E.NGAGEMENT Starting TpuRsomr. -= ,M:atnee SATURDAY 2:00, p.m, WEDNESDAY, JULY 22nd, 1974 mt. 7 �� . "• (' .r ,'T�t i1r!1 �r.� `. !F t!A:{. n*- q'.'!:a!! ++T.�r+•R... af'._.. THE LUCKNO W SENTINEL, ,LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO psai NIN.. COMMUNITY. FORUM Noble'ILwi6b and:Nichols' Nolo' JULY 12TH.. . . Apparently.this.is a very spec- :ial day for many people. To judge' from accounts in the news - pager. and •on TV, the Orange, Order is not . as .near extinction as •sante would like it to be'. • The year was 1690, 280. years. ago w _ en 1 Ilam of Orange gained victory in battle because: the .leader of the opposing, forces :fled for his life. According to • the Encyclopaedia it was consid- ered a victory for the Protestant cause; With all the circumstan- ces of the .day it is not hard to, understand why the Protestants,. and' Catholics hated each. other.. Besides being°the •aftermath of a•n unpleasant religious situation it ' P $. • was also a political problem. ' . The Protestant orangemen were the conservatives and the Catho- lies were' the liberals. Looking • .back if you can forget ,the . • tragedy and stupidity for' a mom- ent it is an amusing point in hist. DRIVE•IN THEATRE HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 • PHONE 524.9981 :t "HEAVEN WITILA GUM `PANAVISION'and,• IFTROCOLO t,Adtilt - F.rtiert.aanment derrFronrBe*otrd the-Starg! Frog MGM. Q SATURDAY ONLY •JULY '3 Feature- Special___ DEAN . ' MARTIN--1 ANN-'.L 4.a' I. 'MARGRET' • 1 . - 'plus. AOUIM(NttRIAINM[NT KR I 0oa[G°a. TECfiNICOLQR .. and • 25 "'..."•."" SHE- , COULD OUTSHOOT GENERAL ANY MAN ' IN THE . WFST! FRONTiElt HELLCAT, Q196.7 W,,, TECNNICOLOR® :'If. • 1,1 I ' I. 1 A UNIVERSAL PICTURE In COLOR Starting roil, • Thetncteddile daythat shook the earth tortscorel WEDNESDAY, JULY 29 ROBERT E, PETERSEN Presents HOT ROB ACTION 't CFTC EAST OF JA ! N. ory. The Protestants break away from the rigid conservative Catho- lics and yet politically the Catho tics. are trying to break away from the rigid conservative .Protestants: One Hundred five years later the Orange 'order was founded and July 12 was claimed as their special day, just to remind the Catholic's that they had been soundly defeated and to maintain the Protestant cause, Even • , though, resistance to Catholicism seetns-to be the main reason for the 'orders.existence it has: been ' said that ethical obligations .of tnembership is high. Assuming that the order• has undergone the` usual evolution' of such an organ- ization, what is its purpose or reason for existence today? An ' order .established on the basis of suspicion and hatred cannot be ethical. in any sense of the term. And. yet it is not inconceivable that the order has taken on' some valid and useful meaning for its _members today. For ,urely.in. _ this the 20th century'Protestants do not hate and suspect Catholics, that much ,: unless of course you happen to be_ani Irishman..-- PP• The suspicion is that the prob-. leryears ago - s no more relig-. g- . . F• ious-than-ir-rs-notnr e•xc'eppt;that some have chosen the -religious banner around which to'orga,nize. • '! their campaign. Mr...lap Paisley is not, Christian and in his camp aign` h.is only resembiance to Icing liuitian seems to be his _physic al_s ape.. kris,.phUosophy; so closely parallels,'that of Hitler*, thatall you .have to do with some _2f_his:-:speeches ,. ista susbstitute the word Jew where Paisley says Catholic and it could: easily have been, one of .Hitler's speeches. In the final analysis, war seemed •• the•only: solution to the proplem : of Hitler and history seems to be. epe�tin'g.: itselfi It rs;tow.ihe -:-- Orangeworders credit:that •Paisley:. did not consider .it militant ' enough. One of the- sad::commentaries'' of :history is that some Consider :. that they 'have to support ,the Protest -an -t -..c -a -use -or th'e-C th-o ic-- cause of '1690 .or• any other date This of course is only evidence • that 'some are ,not 'capable of liv- ing at peace and in the present = elan-is-the-only'atri-Ma in-&x-isr- - ence crazy enough to keep a: feud alive long after evenits original Causes have ceased to be neva nt . 'Let's hope that the, Orange parades of this year have some thing ,more ''sig.nificant to. say to the world'than that somea're•sti1l .concerned about maintaining the -Protestant cause. OUVET Mrs..: Melvin Colling'spent a Hoflanders Visit Van Osch Family KINGSBRIDGE: NEWS Mr. and. Mrs. Peter Van Ras ' and their son Rev., Father John Ras, of Holland , are visiting Mrs." Yam Ras's sister'and husband, Mr. 'and Mrs.,'Jack Van•Osch. • . Stephen Penieh' of. Bothwell is. visiting with -Mr. and •Mrs. John Howard and family. ' . Jimmy van Osch ,: ten •year old 'son of'Mr.- and Mrs': 'Bill Van ' ` Oschwas admitted' to the Wingham and. District Hospital an Saturday. . ' • N'olda Miltenburg is visiting with,Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mari - man and family Of London.. • DESTROYED. BY FIRE A- barn 40' x 60' owned:by Jim Martin was completely.destroyed by. fire on Friday. The barn con- tained some hay and; a threshing. machine!, The Lucknow ' Fire Brigade were called to the; scene: Mrs,' Joe Garvey of Toronto: Was a weekend visitdr.at the'Gar. ve' residence,and attended the . y -Dak flTReunion-on-Sat-urday.'. Mr, and. Mrs. Mike .Garvey and boys of. Toronto, have 'been' ' holidaying here.. Mrs.. Blaise' Marin , Mr. and • Mrs. Clarence Dohert ' Mr Mrs. Jim'Martin and Miss•Agnes iK'ng of Hamilton ,,, attended the wedding of David King and Jean Hamilton inucknow on Sat: �'1 urd'ay A orecepfi rfollowed'-ar BROWNIE DRIVE -1N THEATRE cUNTON Sox oft. ; Opens, at. coo p.ax,. FIRST SHOW AT DISK WED. THURS. - FRI. SAT.:.- MON. -.TUES 'July 22-28 'DOUBLE FEATURE. Y—AWARD—WINNER "CACTUS FLOWER" Tiger Dunlop Inn.' Mrs. Peter: Boelandand •family Clarkson are holidaying for „this week at their summer home. Ted and Peter. Martin of .Hami- -lion-spent-Sunday with lvlrs: - Blaise' Martin,: Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frayne'were Alvin Frayne. of. Woodstock; Mr, and --1 few days in Coderich with David - Jack Gardner, Mrs. W. Gard- '. ner;.and Mrs. Potter of Goderich da y: with Mrs. Melvin Coiling. I Mrs and Mrs.. Bill. Bennett and n? faily. rerurneft't:o-t:he-ir-tiome-i1 - St. Cathar:ines.after spending two weeks ,vacation at 'their cottage here. • Nancy McGuire is spending. aweek . Wendy Hamilton is on holidays. this week in Toronto,, ,the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stacey and girls. . Sharon Coi,ii:ng, spent 'T`hursday. with her parents here , returning . to her work at ;Wasaga, Ueaeh on, Priday - '(ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) • Waiter Matthau Ingrid Bergman !'Goldie Hawn" In Color ' NQ • PASSES•, HONOURED "CARRY 'ON DOCTOR" (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) COrtpi n WED. - THURS. ,FRI. July 29-30-31 • DOUBLE FEATURE — ('WINNING" Paul Newman Joanne ' Woodward Robert Wagner • 1n Color 11 IIS, THE_WEST": p__._ Don .'Ketone - Barbara.Rhedos Color Cerrleon COMING NEXT :' "True : Grit" and "My Side Of The Mountain" Mrs7,--Doug-fira'yne:of Braritford-, Miss Helen Griffin of London'. Mrs. C. • W. Taylor of Windsor , Mr, ,and Mrs. Patrick Morrow, and children of Preston. • -EX-CLUSI V E DISTRICT SHOWINGS! EVENINGS at 8:30 p. • FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY YOU CAN SEE'HELLO.DOLLY!: - AT POPULAR .PRICES! I (IMF. AS 1` i 1 M;F' • FOR -THF C'IM .®f-YU1R':!i''E' at Orr • • •s3 • 001. coo•L ' • PARK GODERICH I►R��Sf this Enptement Only Ere»In f:..:.... 52.00 Metliee(Sth) .. . VI. 50 CklUreit ;. «.. , 51.00