The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-07-22, Page 6} 7141, PAGE, Six. 4r* THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO HALF-PRICE FILM PROCESSING • BLACK AND WHITE .. • Exposuro SS 'cants: 12 -115 cents, N $1.35: • --KODACOL-OR HIGH1 GAMES. M�nday,. 4ugusf 3rd at Dutton COMMENCING AT 10 A.M. MASSED BANDS 4.' PIPING. f. Exposurr $2.12: ' 12 $2.$$, 20> $4.50 By-pass "middleman store- keeper)" send DIRECT to pro- SOce ng plant and save up to Send film, . cash, .chque:. os. money order Tong With. this 'ad to: 'CLINTON PHOTO SERVICE CLINTON ONTARIO- Add- 5% tax and 15c :to ch.gU.s The Lucknow Sentinel July 22, :1970 • , , : DANCING • SPORTS EVENTS 4 CONCERT SUNDAY • EV'G., AUG. 2,:.8 P.M. Preliminary Report On Laky Drain int • it • • NNON: ' • Mi. and Mrs. Harvey Culbert • visited in Goderich on Sunday, • • .' with Mr'. and Mrs., •Ken. Ohm and ' Heather to celebrate .granddaugh- ter Heather's 1st birthday , July • 20th.. Other guests were Lynn Ciilbert:, Mr. and. r rarence Ohm Richard and. Rose Anne of •Kingston, Mr. Eldon Culbert, -Miss Bonnie Culbert and Clair Hodges all of Dungannon and Mr. and Mrs... LaVerne• Culbert , Doug- las ,. Barry and' Grant of Goderich. - Bob Burroughs, Steve and Tom Park and Vicki Park returned bonne on Saturday from Huron. . Church Camp Bayfield. • ,, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mcleod, ' Dungannon' and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Diehl, Goderieh., returned , home Saturday after spending a • Week at Devlin in Northern Ont- ario w..ith. Mr. and Mrs/ Art': Roulston., Donna, George and Silvia. The ladiesare sisters. SURGE DAIRY AL** ui The regular meeting of Huron Township Councilwas held on July 7th with•all members pres- ent. Minutes of last meeting were read,and confirmed. Council limited the amount; of money to be lent on Tile Drain - Debentures to $100 per acre. The tender of Bill Kempton and Wayne Lowry: was accepted for the construction of.'Gabions on the•Clark. Creek Drain. Council formed a •Court ofRe,- vision on Drainage and gave • third -reading -to -thea Me-biarn Drain ..Improvement. Township accounts of $14088.. Couple Married'. At Mildmay HODGINS CRONIN The marriage of Miss. Patricia Ann: Cronin, 555 Brimorton Drive:, Scarborough and. Donald James. Hodgins.of R. R. 1 Holyrood, Ont- ario was solemnized on Saturday , June 27th at 3 p.m. in Sacred. Heart 'Roman•:Catholic Church, Mildmay The bride is the daughter of Mr. and__Nlrs.. 4�[flhiam Cronin of- Mil may. The 'groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hodgins of R. R.• 1 Holyrood. The. bride , who was. given in, marriage by herfather., was atten- ded by Miss Annette'Cronin of Palmerston as maid of honor, and by Miss Joan Cronin of Mildmay and. Miss. Judy Dobbyn of Scarbor- ough as bridesmaids. 1• The best. man:was John Hodgins of R.- R,-1 -1 Holyrood and th -- ushers were Donald Wall a d- /- Athur Stanley of Holyro d.. Following the wedding a recep- tion was/held at the .Mildmay Community Centre at .8.30 with music supplied by the Rebels. • The newlyweds .left on a wed- ding trip to various spots in Ont-; ario. • They will take up residence in Guelph. • The groomis: a veter- inary student at the University. of alutse_,_La_g School•of Nursing; 'Guelph. Kairshea. Sponsors Collingwood Trip The Julymeeting of Kairshea - Women's Institute took the form of a bus trip to. Collingwood. Mrs.. Gib .Hamilton was hostess and Mrs. Gordon Wall and Mrs. 'George Young were directors. Sixteen members wenn on the. trip ,..and friends• from Felgrave, Langside., Lucknow, Ripley and: Purple Groveand the local. area enjoyed.the trip with the • Kairshea-ladies Although the'rain continued throughout the morning, the afternoon at Collingwood was very pleasant. Plans to eat out- doors at Eugenia Falls had to,be • changed , and lunch was eaten on the bus. The ladies in, charge , served tea.: coffee and cold drinks..' • Atthis time the business meet- ingshe_ Institute—was. held - r; short course •" Furniture Facts" will be held jointly on October 21 at Lucknow with Reid's Corners, St. Helen's and Luck- now. Plans for Fall Fair exhibits will be made at the next meet Eng .._ The-Queen-was=sung and : the group continued on their way. to Collingwood. ' • . The ladies:'were dividedinto., three: groups of.daisies, pansies, • and tulips.and rotated their tours =BT • . . • h WEDNESDAY, JULY 22nd, 1970 ELECTRIC HEATING. WIRING AND REPAIRS ELECTRICAL MODERNIZATION' FINANCING AVAILABLE ian China,. Rainbow Ceramics Kaufman House. The 'bus 'driver , Art Ernewein provided transportation back and forth to these places. Following 'this, the whole group went 'td .. ivanad-ian Art.. • . _ _ Sunset point where the Coiling - wood Insiitute oilingwood..Institute served' supper in a paviliion in the park. • ' The. ladiesenjoyed the scenery on the homeward trip.. along the 20, Municipal Drains ; $-35 ,-1.25: 56 and Road accounts of .$35f566. 80 were ordered paid. Three members of the. firm .of H. M. Gibson , O. L. S . of London, presented a preliminary report on the "Lake .Range. Drain"' near Point .Clark for Counci:l•s. co'nsid eration•:and council decided to consult the. Subdividers'and land owners. along with. the President, of Point.. Clark Beach Association to get their•feelings before 'furth- er studies will be done on it. Council adjournedto meet on ; July: 20 at '1.30 p.m. MILKING PARLOURS STANCHION PIPELII ES BUCIOT QRS . VACUUM PUMPS STpi SAVE BULK TANKS WATER ' ' CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT $eros In The:Yukon Sp�aksAtWJ::. OnPoIIution AMBERIEY NEWS Reids Corners Women's Institute held their July. meeting in the Sunday Schoolroom of Pine. River United Church on Tuesday evening of ''last week. • Mrs. Eldon Bradley opened -the -meeting w-rth' a poem- on "Being Friendly". After the opening Ode and Mary Stewart Collect., the roll call "A Misprint • in a newspaper" -was well respond - --ed-t-o-with-irranyhiinroroirs}stories . ST; 'H'ELENS NEWS • Mr. and' Mrs. Ross Gammie .rec. eived word that their son Dale • has been seriously ill in the Yuk- on. ' Dale underwent major surg- ery -list week-at•W-hitehorsc , . • Yukori. He was flown 360 rniles on a chartered flight in order to have the necessary surgery.•. On • the flight, •he was accompanied '. by his brother; Gary. OPEN HOUSE ,. During the business period a.... motion was passed to send $10-.00 -•to=the-new ba ding fund fora girl's school at Guelph. After'the treasurers report by'Mrs. •Cecil Humphrey the motto "Rural com- munities are the strength'of a nation", was prepared by Mrs. W. J. Courtney and read by Mrs.. TDonaid turtney.. • Mrs; . Oliver McCharles was guest. speaker for the meeting. eel of topic teas on pollution which is much in the news at -this time. 'A panel consisting of Mrs,. Eldon Braid hand , , Silo UUnloaders. - e Conveyers Bunker Feeder *** KEN MAR .� . ,. ... 3N44N KINCARDINE, Mrs:._ W m .LRintoul. enterta.iaed. .. friends and neighbours on Thurs- day afternoon and evening at • "Open House" in honour of her daughter Sharon, whose marriage. to Gordon Campbell.'took place on Saturday July 11th. , Laureen Barbour`of Bluevale and Randy Barbour of Listowel _spent a week', s-hoiida-ys--iw it -h -t -h it cousin , Dayle McDonald • On Tuesday Mrs. Laura McNeil and Elmer Woods entertained friends in honour of' several July birthdays. Those. celebrating birthd; y Mrs. Gertie Scholtz, Mis. Dort • Martin and, Mrs. McNeil. Cards. were enjoyed during the evening and a buffer lunch enjoyed aft the conclusion of the evening, Mr'. and''Mrs, Andrew Gaunt 'attended the Gaunt picnic at Londesboro on Saturday . with Mrs. McCarlli esirleader was most interesting. Industries are ' largely responsible for pollution. The possibrlities-of'sackMg-7- ' was also demonstrated by Mrs;' McCharles •as she exhibited- a picture ,. the foundation of which a -w s�-bra ri-taoki-ng -treate=d--w-it-h-w all paper paste and stretched over a frame. With a; spray of daisies painted on it , panelled .walls take on a new look. A flower arrangement also of . er A on sat kli tPf-1 = tt:. rl -f—' . Mrs; Don Courtney presented Mrs. McCharles with a gift in apprecia- tion of her work for the evening's prograrri, Mrs. Cecil Holland - reported on a lettei from a teach•- erin Africa., After the closing. ode and: grace a social time was enjoyed over the tea cups. *3 =1970 CHEV Impala, 2 and 4 door hardtops, V8, poWer steering and .brakes 3 .-1970 PONTIAC Parisiennes 2 and 4 door hardtops, V8, power . steering • and brakes OTHE MODELS . f. 6 - ,1969: MODELS' CHEVROLETS, PONTIACS, VARIOUS MODELS IN HARDTOPS . AND SEDANS 1969 BEAUMONT sellae, 6 cylinder 3_-_-11.969 CHEVROLET Impala -2 and.. 4 door h 1969 CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan 1969 CHEV Laurentian, 2 door hardtop 1968 PONTIAC ' PARISIENNES, in 2"and 4 door hardtops, fully equipped 1968 -FA, RD--Custom-5Q0' 1968 CAMEIIO' A number -of -1968- PONTIAC; CHEEVItO T -and --=FORD : sedans••-- Used cars from '65 to '68 in various models; . sedans, hardtops 'and 4 door .90% of,these cars areV8, powerr steering' and --all automatic• 1968. CHEVROLET stationwagon • USEa : TRUCK 1967 FORD 12 ft. stake. body 2 .-1967 CHEVROLET, 1 ton. stakes, .1 with duals and 1 single wheels • . 4 —1966 G.M.C. 15 ft and 12 ft. stake, with 327 engine, D.P. rear end 1967 DODGE Vi ton pickup' 2 -1967 CHEV 1 tons num ,• r . cono ' e an evy ' ane oat 6410 '67 Brussels Motors BP' Sorvico Station Phono,$$741173 t+�