The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-07-22, Page 5• WEDNESDAY, JULY 22nd, 1970 • . THE: LUCKNOW., '.SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAPE FIVE K. J MacKENZIE, O:D.. Optometrist NOW IN ;RIPLEY• EVERY WEDNESDAY :. Office Hours 10:00 a.m. to 5;30 p.m. Phone Roy MacKenzie Ripley 395-5154 • for appointment R. HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST NEXT TO LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM PHONE 357.1361 • JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME Modern and . Convenient Lucknow,Phone 528=3013 Day or Night Serving—All-Faiths According to Their Wishes Moderate Prices EstabliIhed 1894 FIRE,.WIND, CASUALTY. • AUTOMOBILE and LIFE• • To Protect: Your. Jack, Insure . With Jack Today.' J...A, McDONAGH. Lucknow, Phone •528-3423 R. W. ANDREW— Barrister NDSBarrister and • Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO. IN LUCKNOW ' Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon Office in: the Joynt Block Telephone: ' Lucknow 528-3116 AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION, SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE. of Household Effects and Antiques will be held 'for Mrs.. A. Alton. at Lucknow ,Arena on Saturday, Aug- ust 1,'• commencing at 1:30 p.m. McClary refrigerator; Westing- house •electric stove; Beatty Wash- ing machine; drop leaf kitchen table and chairs; extension .table and chairs; sewing ;machine; vic- trola organ and stool; hall tree; cupboard; antique rocker; . wicker -rocker; , •clothes ' -hamper; beds; dressers; wash stands; numerous small articles. Terms Of Sale, Cash. Brian Rintoul, Auctioneer, Whitechurch: AUCTION SALE AUCTION ,SALE TWILIGHT AUCTION SALE of dairy herd and industrial milk quota will, be held for the estate of the late Clayton McGregor, Lot 1, Con. 6, . Morris, Twp., 21/z' miles south of Belgrave on Friday, July 24 at,,7:00 p.m. Offering includes 14 Holstein cows, milking (some re- -.gistered ), 4 Jersey cows; 2 Holstein .heifers—springing;—7;—yearling— cattle, 3 young calves, Surge 2 unit milker complete with pump and line, 4• nili k cans. Terms Cash, Allan Mac- Intyre,, Auctioneer, Lucknow. DUNGANNON Mrs. Ivan Rivett and Mrs. Tom Young 'as 4-H .leaders were asked' to set up the 'exhibit , used at R BRAY Achievement. Day din the Spring • for the club "featuringfruit" at the' conference in Guelph on 'DOCTOR OF _ _ Thursday , _July 16th,vexie =Anne • CHIROPRACTIC . McWhinney gave the •commentary • at'both-the Achievement Day ' and the conference.. Mrs. Ivan Rivett *and Mrs. Hugh McWhinney went to Gueiplr for the day with Miss Catherine Hunt, 'Home gcconofnib-t=-for--H-arcnFeoi nty. 256 CENTRE ST.; WINGHAM, PHONE 357-1224 CAVILLER AND. COMPANY G. ENERAL. STORE , QUALITY TIRES AT LOWEST PRICES' Parmi-Truck • & Pass. Tires Prettoepit.. Wheel Balancing and Battery Service AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Household'' Effects and Antiques will; be held. for. - ,ADAM . McBURNEY ESTATE. at Lot 34, Concession 9, East Wawan- osh Township, 4 miles west of Bel- graye at Marnoch on SATURDAY, JULY 25 1:30 1969 Ford car, V8, • automatic, power •steering and brakes, ' like new; ' 1964 Meteor car,, V8 auto- matic; Fordtractor.; cultivator; trailer; weed sprayer; 2 ladders; steel posts; wire; wheel -barrow; 2 lawn mo'wers; . garden tiller; 1 small deep freeze; , refrigerator; washing machine.; .electric stove; wood stove; chairs;' small table; day bed; dressers; wash stands; iron bed; single bed and; mattress 3 radios; 'lamps; +T.V., 3 years old; Hi 'Fi set; small . desk, , new; book case; floor polisher; vacuum clean- er; leaner fan; clock; .rockers;. crocks; lanterns; trunks; fishing tackle;. 2 Johnson ' motors for, boats, 10 , - 51; coal ' and wood. Numerous' Anti- ques and small articles. TERMS CASH . Auctioneer BRIAN RINTOUL - AUCTION SALE. An Auction • Sale of. Furniture and -Household-Effects will e1eld`for Mrs 'A. ' C. 'Anderson, corner of Ann and Clinton St., Teeswater, rnianna■iaB■nna■NBBaea■an on Saturday, July 25, at 1:15 p:m. Offerings. • include: . HOBBY FARM' ■ `Crosley refrigerator; . Moffat gas ■ ▪ : • . • •stove; Viking floor polisher; Hoov ■ 100 acres of enjoyment, . with er Vacuum . Cleaner; . Viking 'ilec- s onl ► , e,youui_uric-Broor ; igidaire-,-15-..cu.—ftp ■ could rent thisout, balance bush■ deep freeze; mixmaster; electric i - for hoursof pleasure hunting..;` kettle;' Kelvinator automatic wash- ! Barn 48' .x 56' with loose Nous 2• "er; electric radio; kitchenchairs; ing. A well kept, '3 bedroom ' kitchen stool.; steel table; trash, ' ■ ho e. Excellent location. Listed ■ can; 'dishes and cooking utensils; • at only $13,500.00. ■ cabinet; cups • .and saucers; Blue • ■ ■ ■ Mountain pottery tea service; end. table and lamp; trilight .:lamp; 4 ■ CASH CROP .'FAR%. ■ 'section bookcase; walnut desk; ■ 100. acres — 80 workable acres; • desk. and mirror; dinner wagon; ■ b■ hall tree, radio cabinet, china cab- ■ balance, bush.. A'. creek_mean- ■ . • ■ Bering across this farm. Barn, inti and: buffet;occasional. chair;. • needs some repair. The i'/zi 2 card tables; hall seat,, hall table; ▪ storey;/ ;3 bedroom home has ■ piano .bench; ..2 walnut .beds; wal- nut vanity and. stool;. 2 single beds. by a .3. year old oil furnace.* and mattresses; . double bookcase • ■ Listed at $1T,900'.00. ■ bed and mattress and • springs; ■ is clothes • hamper; 'chest . of drawers;' !. bedding' and blankets; 2' . electric .■-RAISE-B.E.EF--CMTTLE blankets;—steel-eot- lawn -cot i -dry sink; 3 piece. toilet set; Wilton rug ■ On this,153` acre farm with 100■ g' x '12; Wilton, rug 9 x .12 2; 5' • workable acres, balance bush.0 trunks; 1961 Studebaker Lark car, •River flowing • through farm ; -■ low mileage; electric window' fan; ■ never failing water supply. Barn■ 'electric heater; stainless . steel � onto ning .loose_pens--in=gouda-ware;—brass—and—silverware; set- ■ 'condition. 11/2 storey, 5 bedroom ■ lamo sh dishes,' La cloche.; solid :home with a 4 pc: bath. Listed; walnut 'extention'table; Hi-Fi radio :_andecoriiombnation;--- garden table and , umbrella; screen, gar- den. tiller; wheelbarrow;• garden• tools; hand tools; carpenter tools; ladders; . cement blocks and tile. TERMS CASH. . ALLAN MacINTYRE, 'Auctioneer ROY A HAVENS PLUMBING .- HEATING WIRING Esso Heating: Equipment CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ;.WALKERTON Phone 881-3471 . IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS for prompt service; and quality products, Contact: GRANT Cul• OLM and Hoare Heat 'Service Dealer Lucknow = Phone 528=3012 CRAWFORD'. and MILL J. H. CRAWFOR.D,Q.C. ALAN R. MILL, B.A., L.L.B. W I N'GI4AM IN LUCKNOW EVERY WEDNESDAY 10 a .ren. to 12 noon ` reckles Block IN RIPLEY EVERY FRIDAY' • In—Ross Martyn Building Phone Wingham Office • 357.3630 — ,Res. 357.2330 - __. ,Phone Collect Dungannon . 529-7524 "Always Look To Imperial r For The Best" R. W. BELL • "That's our son;- Sammy, at„ the South- Pole!—_ •BBBBGNBGifABe•BBNSK" FORSALE TEESWATER RIVER — 100 acres, *rods river frontage, 6 acres frag- rant pinery, 6 acres. pine. and• maple. 85 acres workable..Barn *. x 50. Scenic rolling `land. Full. price> $16,000. Down payment $4,000. JUST $15,900, buys this modern brick veneer one storey home. AR the advantages of country living• plus the conveniences of a friendly village. Spacious acious two acre 1 t:- WeU g P q kept home with all conveniences. ° POINT. CLARKE ' -, new two bed- room cottage. Mahogany ' wood panelling. Bathroom with •plenty of good tap 'water. Spacious family room and kitchen with built-in c baardluprrce-ftI0000.- woes very anxious to sell. JUST $200. DOWN building lots in ' village ' of Kinlough, ',: acre, shade ° trees' and . perennials, dug well. Full price $1,000. : ■ at $23,000.00asking half down. ■ ■, ■ • HOMES;. PRICED . HIGH TO -DAY i Well invest in this low priced,. 2: storey, red brick school house:. ■ with, a coal •and wood_ furnace■ fid• renovate—to suit, yourself.:" ■ When you have finished,. you'll* • be pleased when you walk out-* Aside to_.r_eiax_and-enjoy-the rounding' Y2 .acre of land with: ■ lovely '•mature maple trees .and■ the peace and quiet of country: ■-truing.: A 14his=for—only OP.1`Otii—M 5l.' GaD"ERtcw `The Square • (Phone JAckson' 4.7661) • 4 WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES 'CEMETERY, LETTERING. .. REASONABLE PRICES' Buy Direct and Save • Bus. Ph. 357-1910 Res. Ph. 357.1015 ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ ■ SO IF YOU WANT TO BU..Y�._O.R_SEL•.- •---- •CONTACT US AT. E ■ ■. "i Dionlioist ■ i ■ REALTORS M. ■ . acKENZIE wINGH • t_.M.MO IA•I,`C i P'pr,,-..v........°-4, . .. Real Estate Ltd. 1. A. M.HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55 - 57 South Street, Goderich' ' Telephone 524-7562 FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted according: to your wishes at your Home, your Church, or at :our Mem- . . orial Chapel at . no additional charge: • Lucknow, Phone 528.3432 • Day or Night • i..... Rural Ontar• io Specialists -- ▪ For best results Photo list ■ your property' with Don, Halst ■ ▪ •■ ■ ■ ■ i BARRY McDONAGH = Rep: ■ ■ . Lucknow •528.3423 ■ n Res. 395.5326. w ■• ■ j4'R ET NA ;DAD/ ;3 #e * rMi tiY1► Wanted,,: DeaiLorAIive' Wanted. - dead, or disabled cows, 1,000 lbs. :or over .- $12.00 Dead or disabled horses $20:00 -each Small animals 500 to 1,000 lbs: $1,00 per hundred weight All :other animals, such as calves and pigs, picked up free of. charge: �M.e� a-'�. ,our Uri •�iir,•» p S Y f � aninalt� • . your farm.. , • 24HOUR SERVICE . * *. * CALL COLLECT 887-9334 BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES. R.R. 2 BRUSSELS PROPRIETOR, GORDON JOHNSON dikk 4160-r trial For These Properties Please Contact. ROSALIND NQnGINS 395-2337 or R.R. 2 Holyrood, Ont. NOW FEATURING NEW PHOTO -LISTING SERVICE • 11/2 STOREY . HOME, located on Willoughby. St., 3 bedrooms, 4, pc. bath. There is an extra lot: with this home: and , the owner is an- xious to" sell. Good terms are avail- able with immediate possession.. 200- GRE X58 -workable, barn suitable • for dairy and mixed farming, 'silo, and, unloader; • •4 bedroom. home .with all convenien- ces. Inspect this 'propert'y for fall possession with generous terms available. ' 100 ACRES, 70 acres,.workable, bal- ance -bush-',--large barn ,40 x 80; 6 bedroom brick' home. A spring creek borders the property. 4` liou' have a large family, 'see this well located, property . at a reasonable asking price of $16,500. • IDEAL_ RETIREMENT invest - from downtown, three self -contain: ed apartments all with forced air oil'heat and hot water, also built4n cupboards. This property is priced right. Make an appointment to see it. today. . a. GENERAL : STORE and service station on Highway 86, large lot; bright clean store, groceries, hard- ware and dry goods; modern 7 room house, immaculate condition, ..all _conveniences; well:landscaped Make an appointment to inspect this business at $25;000 plus stock. I•tere is an opportunity: to own your • . own business with tremendous pot-. ent-ialfor -expansion. For These Properties Please Contact, WARREN ZINN' • Phone 529-7350 Wilfred ' M Intee' & Co.,.Limited WALKERTON. Member of the Grey and Bruce Multiple Listings Service , List 1Vf.L S •. Over 60 Salesrnen Working For You ' siosisaiiinine■ssodeseeG