The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-07-22, Page 2of PAGE TWO THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL., LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY; JULY 22nd, 1f78 The LUCKNOW SENTINEL. LUCKNOW,...ONTARIO "Th. S.poy Town" r- On the Huron -Brugia, Boundary Second Class Mail Registration Number 0847 Established 1873 Published Each. Wednesday Afternoon. Mombar of fin C.W.N.A. and O.W.N.A. Subscription Rate; $500 a year in advance - to, the U.S.A.,, $7.00 Donald C Thompson, Publisher WEDNESDAY; JULY 22nd, 1970. ;'me.:µ •� ... ..... .. :•i :•. . a WHO PAYS TME BILL? The latest proposal in our welfare society is that there should be a basic guaranteed income for everyone. Not, mind you, for ,the .people who work like dogs and still can't get along brat for. everyone.. That includes the lazy and the greedy. There is no denying the fact that a society as .intelligent • and affluent as ours cannot permit the' less: fortunate among us to suffer actual want (although'' we are still doingso in too many instances). Ho wever, every one of the benefits we extend to the unfortunate must be paid for by those who, for onereason or another, have adequate. incomes. Many, perhaps the majority of 'those in need deserve our eon - sideration and assistance. We are thinking here of the sick, the widows with small children, the -pensioners who live on a' barely marginal in- come, Then, too, there are those members of oursociety for whomwe have -fa ed -to -provide -ed , s as our. • ' an pupa- laton,_T_heyiive a poverty_beca___ nsp they-ha.ve not -bad anything -like; 1.4 equal opportunity. When the balance sheet is completed, however, we find that the', avera _ e working man is not ,only paying for, the normal . services pro- vided by government but. is also supporting his ownwife and fainly and about six . other people as well. He contributes to family allowance even though his own children are .grown and gone; he, aids in all the welfare schemes such as old age security, the taxes which support 'homes for the aged, orphans, widows, etc. In Ontario' he pays for con- siderably more than half the cost of operating our hospitals, .over and above, the premiums to•OHSC: He donates pretty liberally td the can-' vaisers for heart, lung,: cancer, muscular dystrophy and a dozen 'other. voluntary health organizations. He coughs up vast amounts for edu- cation, whether he, has children in school ' or not. And more, more, more. Iris -not a question of whether or not the working man is being: fairly treated it is simply a Matter of how much he can continue to pay. A guaranteedannual income would be fine for those who •cannot do anything to help .themselves, but it . sounds like a pretty soft life for those Ike 'to,take' it 'easy. = Wingham Advance Times AMATEUR;SHOW • ' • CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 • accompanied the Erringtons on the piano as they rendered • ..___theiLvocal num-be-rs„--The Erring=- . tons' received second' prize ,and:. .$25.. All other entrants in the contest received consolation awards. 'Grant Chisholm, Lions Presid- ent was•masterof ceremonies for the talent contest Ot er.entrants were; Dianne 'Harrison on trumpet accompanied by Janette Barr on piano. Both, girls are' from the' Kinloss- area Doug Wall of Kinloss playing a saxaphone accompanied by • Mrs. Tom Pritchard of West • ,_Wa a -nosh . :. , . Marie Boyle:' of West Wawanosh playing :a piano solo. • The Kempton sisters of .Amber - .ley , Sandra , Diane and'Linda accompanied by Wendy Courtney fliort.ancl'Julie 4 Wawanosh, vocal duet with their own guitar accompaniment. The Lions .condticted bingo and gamesof chance. 1The Lucknow, , Agricultural -Society hada-success ful -bake-sale-a-ird-nnovely-penny • sale tables. • Dr. J. S. Hall;of'Port ,Colborne • ras the- w nrrer-of the patio sel raffled off.by the Lions Club. Dancing followed to the. music he Dixieland .Brass Local DeakrHas, Award Winners At Brookside. Public. School ' Better late.than•.never,is how we :might describe the above pic- ture of ic-tureof the 'award winners at the .Brookside 'Public School. Theawards were presented at. thegraduation banquet but a • previous commitment .preyented us froth accepting the,.irivitation • to be, ,present..` Some of the, young people went away on:holidays and it was' only last week that the picture was -completed. Shown , •'left to right , are mem- bers of the grade 8 class•, Loree. Gammie, 13 ,..daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gammie,: West - Wawanoshwho. was the valedictorian;. Douglas Miller, 14, West Wawa.,nosh, son of Mr. and •Mrs;. Allan Miller who won the est awanosh'science award; Jacqueline Collinson, 14, Ashfield, daughter of 'Mr.. and *Mrs:, Jack Collinson, winner of ' the Ashfield science award;' David Farrish , 13, Ashfield , son of Mr. and Mrs'. Duncan Farrish and win- der' of inner':of the ,general proficiency' aivard;' Sharon Tigert , 13, daugh- ter of Mr. .and'Mts•. Bill Ti•gert of Port Albert who won the penman ship award. B�rnFire At Port Albert Friday A 40 by -6O-barn on the. farm of Jim Martin of Port Albert was • destroyed by fire shortly after II „noon on Friday.. l-� The 'Martin farm •is 'located on Highway 21; • just north of the old Port Albert Airport on the west side -oche -road . ITop Five� ;�' • Canudian Wiflners Mr, aiid Mrs, John ac`enzte, of the Kintail area are the happy winners of 40 square yards of the carpet of their choice , plus the underpadding and installation. John recently •filled in a coin Va llatice �n at Jo instone 1 urniture ;in • Lucknow and was advised a short time, ago , through Bill Johnstone that he was one of the top five winners. across Canada in the Bigelow 'Carpet Contest. John and Terry visited'Johnstone's store last week and made their choice of carpeting: of Brussels , •'vocal duet with their' own guitaraccornpaniniert. Linda Lyons' and Mary Lyons .of Ha m ilton , both performing with baton numbers: The children are nieces of Mr. and Mrs. •Roy Em- herlin; of Lucknow . , Anne and Marie .'Boyle. of 'West • 4. LUCKNOW MAN NAMED' CONTINUED FROM PAGE• 1 '. for •Gateway Haven, Bruce County Home' for the Aged in Wiartorf. .He commenced his duties on July 1st. • The -appointment ' of-on-Assist----- ant ffa-ri-Asais--ant Administrator for Bruce Lea Haven, .Bruce County. Horne for the Aged . in Walkerton, is pend- ing at the present dine. Applica - ions are: being called in this ' week's' issue.. '. The barn, .well'to the west on the Martin farm, was a total loss by_the•:. Me•-fire-then-atr4ved Lucknow Fire Department gained access to the building by going west on the Haid Huron beach.road and through the fields. There was nothreat to any adjacent Cause .of the fire was not im- mediately known but it was der-- ermined that some, children from' •the beach had been playing`in. and around the barn. Lost was: a threshing machine and sorrrne hay, • 03,1ei SCHOOLS PUSH N-T.INU:EDTfR01vI school tax in support of Huron County Board, their public school • rate is '29.61 (12). Totals.are as follows: •Ripley. High supporters, 94 (82.5), corn - supporters ,__94 72-(82,,:5.).;,conarxier:. cal 95;.10; Kincardine High, sup- porters, 94.;72 (82.5), commerci al 95.10; Huron county element jLs lnnor is 10 • •(R2.5), co- mercial 109.59; • Wm. ,t. Kin -aha R.R. 2 Lucknow Phone Wingham 357.1987 SUN LIFE. ASSURANCE J: YVESiEEI STEEL GRANAIIES -�-+asom.saod=eusx�.=spa Lowry Barn Supply AMBERLEY PHONE' 3955286 .