The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-07-08, Page 19WEDNESDAY, JULY ath, 1970 0 .aLION rr'rtJ'^taFrQa;r':�'F�. T.H. E LUCKNOW SENTINEL,' LUCKNOW, ONTARIO RATHWELL SHOES PAGE SEVENTES ►r�r�nt► ,.*••♦*•••••• *11 ••••••••••••1•s.••••••S LOOKING BACKWARDS THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES WITH MARGARET: THOMPSON ~YEARS` AGo JUNE 1960 The . congregation of South Kin- loss Presbyterian Church becante 'a ,Part of the Lucknow and; Dungan- non charge, effective June 1st. . The Lucknow Public School • Board adopted .a'salafy schedule.. •lt was the firsttime a schedule had been ,adopted locally. Rev. Robert Macconne:llobser- ved his' 96th•birthday. He made his home at the':Greer. Nursing :Home,, Lucknow. Fire completely destroyed a barn,`on the•Dave MacKenzie farm , 'near the: Kintail.summer•' resort ' , • • • The ."Billy'O'Connor Show" ., • sponsored by 'the Lucknow and District Lions: Club proved high- ly'successful. The proceeds•of, around $300 went 'to the artificial fund. .Garnet Farrier commericed .construction'ofa 'new horne.a•t.. Whitechurch. Mr. and Mrs'. Thomas Burns of ' Lucknow observed their 63rd weddin�a.nnar�, �„ rte. '30:. YEARS1_G0. . JUNE •1940 • Announcernent was made .that -a-n-e-lemectt r'y-flying school und- er the cornmonwea'lth training scheme; was to, be established: at . Sky Harbor., Goderich , .Huron, • ;Coure's municipal airport. •Bob MacKenzie • of.Lucknpw completed his course as.a quali fied embalmer -at the Canadian School of Embalming in Toronto. Work of building an extension' ,to the local plant of Silverwood .. .• Dairies was commenced. The work was. expected to take about !two months. • • Peter Watson sold his 100 acre . farm in .West Wawanosh to" ylNrrk. ,Hunter and son Lloyd of Ashfield. Mr.. Watson purchased!.the Tay- ior-tronre and property in .Luck now , just east of,TreleaV•en'°s mill. • Charlie Chin., local restaurant' proprietor, opened a second ats ey. Local N.F.U.. Members Assist In Picketing. Plant • Picketing: for most farmers is something new;..National;.Farm.- ers' Union Members of Huron - Bruce Local 335 'spent Many. ..hours frcjrn June 25 to June 30th at .Borden's Ltd.. • Ingersoll plant: manning the picket Tine•.. The climax came at 12.30 p,, m, on to -e 3•Uth-wherr4 Ontario -Prov incial Police marched •to •within 1/2 block of the plant.to assure.. Company .officials that their 6u employees would enter:. the ,plant N,F.U.. members from Local 335 ainong'the approxi . tel 200'pi:ckets .atthis time w Bob McNa in ; ]Dave McDona Mrs. Allan McDonald, Miss Nolda Miltenbur.g .and. Mrs. John Austin:.. • • J,UNE.1921" • Robert Barbour son of Archie '[barber of Lucknow arrived in Luck- bow with. his. English bride. ;He was the -last Litc-know-soldi-ei-to. return from, overseas and :there ... was a.rnotisterd.crow'd accompanied'' by the band •at.the station•to give (him a welcome horne.. They fwere''presented .with •an address and, ;purse of•money,on behalf of the .` !people.of.LucknoW.•• Mt. •Barber shad the, misfortune to be totally ;bnded while in France He was a the last battle. of Mons a'.nd. just.; ne hour before 'fighting closed': . nd sixteen; hours before.Arrnrstkee• .as signed he -wasp wounded by a stray .bullet ..wh ch cut across both eyes. Walter•Miller•,, Vice Pres. of called a halt to picket- ing a fter,receiving.an injunction; the injunction Walter described • as "a; law to protect the rich' from, the poor" Borden's Ltd. ingersoll plant has stopped buying milk from. local farmers and imports '• whole•rrtilk powder called. " rrn rom Borden s plant in Ireland Members of the N. F. U. were able to prove that the milk powder is used by Federal. Def ence and•Department of Northern Affairs", although Mr. O15on., Fed' eral Minister df Agriculture., has denied any knowledge of importa- tion of milk powder for human' consumption. A boycott of Borden's products. . is now Province wide by N. F.0 members and local stores will be asked to co-operate. At time of writing, picketing at Borden's Belmont plant is takin place with Local 335 members participating.. 1%01.1.i 40.410, limmr 'Fhat first mortgage 011 i .cdTOj011rT;C i-dc11tial or Kirin property may. cot it. s than lou think at Victoria arid' Grey Trust. 11 it's tt good risk' property, don't let motley 'stand in your wa Just 'phone Victoria and Grey. VG 0 and Y TR,UST. COMPANY SINCE 1889 KINGSTON STREET • GODERICH