The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-07-08, Page 2• r4: • • 4 PAWN TWRtITY *1.4.,Irnm,..,almsr ow, amsiwAtMily•.,R443.741.1L;',r 1.11.1111W,„,,,„,:#7..r.:„.,... THE _‘uCKN.OW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • •,‘ • 44. . • I • •• .4 ADDED TO OUR CABINETS Offering you our customer a faster more convenient service. We have been assured is'y the Simplicity Office, that -this -Addition, now -makes. our -presentservice- equal to and letter than those offered in larger townsLisionr_aria.. _.,,,t4n.Akgst*O‘e*"481.'f44.-t.44) .913 -4 -ii -w iil PICK UP YOUR DitOP u, • _..* FALL FASHION. NEWS " 4 If '74#0.18'16-V.4:‘ LOOK OVER. OUR • NEW FALL CATALOGUE NG -- GREAT NEW LOOK IN "THE JUMPER" •-"TfIE PANT sun" "THE -MIDI!' "THE GAUCHO" AGNT IFORI KINCARDINE CLEANERS Free Pick-up and Pelivery'Tuesday and -Friday • Presentation To ": WEDNESDAY, JULY isis, 197 r YOUR "LOWEST.PRICES" FOODLAND 1 1 m. ump reys • Mr. and Mrs. William Humph- rey and Sandia of Lucknow were • , • • pleasantly_surprisecLiast_Thursda_y_ • " evening, when former St. Helen, •• •PEPPER - Wayne andCaroline Pepper (MatherS) of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan are happy to an- nounce the birth of their sbn On • Tuesday, June 23rdAtcity.....Sos-• ,_ pital in Saskatoon, a first grand- child for Mt: and•Mrs.• Pharis Matters R. Lucknow. neighbours and friends gathered • . at their home.* "The evening • . was spent playing cards.. • • Mrs. ben Pannabecker, , made • the presentation of a Kellwood Wool blanket, on behalf of those present; who also provided lunch kr_the occasion, ' •HERTZLER - At the Wingliarn and District Hospital,. on Saturday June 20, to Mr. and Mts. Albert Hertzier, R.. Holyrood ,a soti • ltrc- ravcw-in-nirs-art first anniversary sale of Lucknow Pro Hardware were Mrs.. T. ' Vandervelde ,' R. 3 Lucknow cannister set; Mrs, Sam ,Nesbit, 1:Lucknow ,, clothes hamper; Janice Londry. , .Lucknow, . vacuum cleaner; Mrs. George 'Webster, , R. 2 Lucknow , gallon paint. • • . THAT Mr. and Mrs. Doug Haldert by and family will move shortly to the home of Mrs. Alex• • Hamilton on. Walter Street. in • the .east end of the village. Doug recently purchased the Hamilton home. Flalden,hys • have been residing in the Milne. hc.IM.e:in the east end -of -town, THAT Murray Hunter,, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon,Itinter of lacknow', has accepted a histo teachin• ..sition at the .F. E. Madill Secondary School -Murray-has-been- attending University of Waterloo studying fortis. • Maireits' Degree-End:vitt attend summer school at Waterloo, . Following graduation from 'Waterloo withhis 'Bachelor:9f •Arts degree, he taught at ' Arthur District HighSchool for two years beforereturnirieto • • co lege this past year. During . •this time, Mrs. Hunter, .the • former. Patricia Thompsonof LiicknOw., has heel., teaching. • at the Arthur Public Schooi., THAT Gail Hackett,,daughterl. fMr7-andMrs7--A-IlariHat- eft of Ashfield-, 'returned toher • home OnSunday after spending iwelVe days in•War -Memorial Children's and Victoria Hospit- ffais-;-1.7anduti-folloWingte surgery-. . • , THAT an -error occurred Lucknow Women's Institute '• write up last week. It should • have read that .Institute pins Were presented to eight members ' whO have belonged to the Luck- • Ow...Innittite for twentyAi.ve . • ISE--1811-StilNE PRE=PRICED 4 , 89c range :Crystals4 Pkgs 19c ouR pRicE . LIBBY'S 14 OZ. Fruit :Cocktail SUPREME 15 OZ. "Fresh Poe" SAVE TO 15c 2 Tins 59c SAVE TO 15c afer Pickles 2 Jars 59c KRAFT JET PUFFED, 11 OZ. SAVE TO 11c WhittMarshrnall�2Pkgs.59c MITCHELL'S LARGE 28 OZ. , " SAVE TO 10c _ pleSane--2GLASS-JAR-ONLY-3 NEW SUNSPUN 11 OZ. offee Creamer SUNSPUN, LARGE n oz.. '1 • laiLD_ressing •coMPARE AT 89c ay Oniy 69c SAVE TO 0c Pay.7::00t4:30: et Your: Strawberries ALSO SUGAR, SEALERS, PERM • FREEZER BAGS - • . . , • • . . • , 1 1 • • rderYour . , • , • P�jli 01 .Ch�rries N.�w , • • ..r• • • V... tIO •••••• VIS.O.Vnt 0.16)•• 4101 • at . . / VALUES EFFECTIVE'.. JULY 2, 3 AND 4 PHONE 'LUCKNOW .•• 528-3420 • years or:more. The Lucknow Women's Institute picnic will be held on Thursday „July 2 instead of July 22 as reportechlast week. THAT Carol Webster , daughter of r..an s. eorge. ster o R. V. 1, Lucknow ,.has assed her Grade '5 piano with th Royai Conservatory of Toront with a !nark of 77 To; . She is a pupil of -ri-,--T-orn-Pr-i.totard--- of Lucknow. •• • T_HAT Mrs'. Ross Cumming'of • Lucknow entettained a few rela tives and friends of Mrs. Jean • Hamilton on Monday evening at a shower in honour of her apprqaching marriage.. Follow- ing a short program Mrs. Haini1.- Inr-il$1.2...presenteOtitirlia4 laneous gifts and •a social hour follOwed. , • THAT,a meeting in the Lucknow Town kali on Monday night tO Consider the future of the luck - now Fall Fait will be reported in detail in next week's issue Time does not permit the article 'to appear in this issue. e 11, . Father Dies James' E. Munro, age:88, of R. R. 3 Lambeth, died on Rine ° 24th at Victoria Hospital in Lon- don. • He was the husband of the late Jessie Gilchrist: He is survived by a son Clar- ence at home arida daughter, • MIS. Huntly (Marcia)Dawson of Kinioss Township; six grandchild,, ren and two great grandchildren. • Burialwas at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery , London. • 11 • Pmecrest Manor Nursing Home 1 1 1 • •' Professional Nursing Care 24 hours daily • Dining R '. Member:— Associated Nursing Homes Inc. Ontario oom and Tray Service Member.L— OAtailoAiosirital Association •'Municipally Licensed • lAcensed by Ontario Department of Health „ . MART R. NEWBOLD, REG f N., GEORGE A. NEWBOLD, ADMINisTRATps Drawer 220 . Phone 528-2186 . LUCKNOW, ONTARIO