The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-07-01, Page 19WEDNESDAY, JULY 1st MI THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE NINETEEN: Kingsbridge c o01 Ex.ceis .in'read .Meets • MA, Kingsbridge Separate School • athletes recently, competed in • two area field meets and :proved • thatthis school takes a .back skills are displayed. 'The Separate School Field .day for North•Huron was held at Sacral He -a -rt -School t"►-.. ngham on, June 17th.and the Kingsbridge , team won the trophy for. the school with the most points.. - •, •` At the . F.:,E. Madill Secondary . school invitational 'field •meet. 7 on June 19, Kingsbrid...g_e again' proved.`fops' in several •classes, '. Pictured, Left, to ;right.,, are, front row, Donna Frayne , junior girls runner. up;, •Eddie. Sinnett, int 'errnediate boys runner Up; Tom 'O'Keefe , junior boys winner; rr � a�i._epel.beek,�.luiiiar boys runner up. • Back row ,left to right , are Anita Doherty, junior girls winner; Mary Louise O'Neill, senior girls. winner; Mrs. Donna Hayden coach; Mary Ann Miltenburg, sen:= s.!]Joh intermediate, boys winner: Photo By Don Johnstone. LOGAL COUPLE CONTINUED• FROM PAGE 18' friendships.' . Victor Morrow from the Rural Learning. Association' and ,Mrs.• .Ron. Slade of .Kincardine: •'It was._ satis._ ngex eetiende. and well -'spent week -end. Local . participants were Bill and Gladys ,• Arnold• of. Ripley . LAUZON - MASON. r. and Mrs: Don' Mason of Kincardine•are pleased to announce the forthcoming .mar- riage'of their younger daughter. Brenda -Joan to Mr.' .Andy P. Lauzon•, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lauzon of Timmins; Ontario. The marriage will rake .place -on Jitly th at-3-o'cfock-�- at : St. Anne's Roman Catholic Church, Riveisdale.• ; ENGAGEMENTS RUDDER - HAMILTON The engagement is announced of Janet Anne Hamilton`, Baugh• ter of Mrs Alvin Hamilton and the late Mr.•, Harnilton of R. R. 5 Lucknow , to Mr. John Joseph Rudder, Soh of Mr. and .Mrs Joe Fludder of Ripley.; •The marriage will to ke glee on Saturday, .. August 1st .at two. o'clock in Olivet. United Church. LETTER TO THE EDITOR. Doesn.'t Agree With Decision About Hockey Who gave the Legion the riight` to say, in the Lucknow Sentinel.,' .that they'are,:going; to sponsor they 'local • Midget Hockey team?' •Last year the teams, Novice, Pee . Wee .,i.Bantam , -.Midget and Juvenile, were 411 run through the Recreation Councils with each given a budget to go by where sticks , etc were paid through the Municipal office in Lucknow. 'The financing Of these 'teams -was arranged through the municipalities of Ashfield Kinloss and Lucknow with cash donations, of equal amount from the Legion and Lions Club. This proved to be a good arrangement !with the_exception--of one. item'., `Why, were the people • who." paid 'the bill" not allowed _a fi'nanc'ial :statement .when the season was • overs. • • Last year there were no Juven- ,ile sweaters at all. Midget socks -were al o -p trase*1:^^Z`tre Novice sweaters are poor and the old LegionB.antam sweaters are .worse NW -if itis recognition the Legion wants :why not "donate" far BEST.VALI. E order your new sweaters to eitner rieas , _Novice ,Pee Wee ,._Bantaor. Midget but leave the structure of the financial•set up alone., Iat.wouid_happen; to_the whoig hockey setup if another organiza- tion. were to suddenly claim the Juvenile team? • Last year every boy in the • Lucknow Area playing hoc:ke.y . w.as given the same encourage - menu, 'financial ncouragement','financial and verbal; • from everyone in the `area •. •,Is this not a good idea?' Until January the Minor Hock- ey. was run •by.a Managers and coachescommittee who. met several' times' and made •arrange- inel to to better the sport on 'which they spent so many hours. each year. . Early last season a•motion, was passeii that no parent,. as a. coach. or .:manager, oulti-be=ailed-me�upT ON -ALL :OUTSIDE`. HOUSE PAINT " Next to TRUTONE Baaoty, because CILUX House Paint offers yeti rich, lasting, colors —'in. an outstanding; Variety. Protection'— because CILUX House faint=can take=.the=worst--weather- Canada == • can offer, without fading, cracking or bib- . TRUTONE White contains the super . . tering, So, for beauty and protection, see us whitener TDB, never, yellows, blisters or. • to get the "house coat" that gives you both. cracks. Real protection and whitest•<white CILUX House Paint: It comes in any color, beauty for 'every hotne. fits, any size house. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CARP'ETINC..--' -y. WALLPAPER AND PAINTS -y DRAPERIES LUCKNOW any other white BROWN - 'HALDENBY • The engagement is ,announced of Brenda Carol ;Haldenby daugh' ter of Mrs.. Norman. E.. Hald,enby and the late Mr.' Haldenby of : ` R. R. 1, Holywood to Mr: Ken- Beth• Edward Brown, son of Mr, =and -Mrs. _Lorne 'Brow rrof`Mox:iisLL- - burg, Ontario.' The wedding will •take 'place on July 18 at 2.30. ' p;n<. in Church of Ascension,.. Kinlough; Ontario: g TON-ITY =� za ;'7 E :through the system following • his own boy, giving each player the benefit of as many, coaches :.,. • knowledge as possible. Now this motion, too, is, to' be, ignored by automatically dumping the' Midget ' ManaRpr 'of; the :past three years an., the coach acquir- ed only last year Who proved to be oneof the best ever seen in, Lucknow They were not aware of this idea of changing sponsors until the. Sentinel reported it to them • Mr, aril Mrs.. Robert' C. Mac- Kenzie of Lucknow -wish to. • announce the ,engagement, of their daughter Wendy Ruth, to Mr. -• PHONE 528.3434 William Charles Toney., son of • Mr.. and Mrs. W. Bernard Toney of Gull' Lake Saskatchewan. The marriage will take place at 'Knox, United Church Gull. Lake on August .1st at two o'clock. a•A FRASER - JOHNSTONE :-c 4 V ■.:. ® a.- a II 11.1118911 Parkhill, Ontario, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Donna Lynne to Mr, Frank Alexander Fraser , son. of Mr. and Mrs, Frank R. Fraser, eiham Centre ,. Ontario, The wedding will take place on Saturday., August, 8, 1970, at four.o'clock in St. Pau1'S United Church, Parkhill.' How can an.organization Mist• claim a 'team out• of. the entire Hockey setup? What i; the Recreation Council tor? Is this • being done in the name of sport? Why not let your son move up ., v th4he est ,' Dad ; . oi-a ou afraid he can't make it? I think he 'can... Why not give him TWINE. from your.. •."A CO° Lucknow # - Co_0p Phone 5282.125 he_ sarne_chasice_oi_proving himself that you give the other boys? •; •As a sports,minded'.Lucknow taxpayer appeaiing'to the parents "bf young athletes and to the area Recreation Council ,;1 want to -know why-asystern as good. is ours should be ruined by so few. f: r. ILY. A -HOCKEY FAN: I SWAPPED FOR IT THROUGH THE WANT ADS GLEN and FREEMAN. OLSON onsumn SAND, STONE AND, FILL r HATILAGE Dungannon, Ontario