The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-01-28, Page 161• .:PAGE "SIXTEEN: z-: By RUSTCRAFT AT • 1&? • FINLAY DECORATORS THE. LUCKNO..W .SENTINEL, LUCIhNOW, .ONTARIO: ''•�\`\ +`. �.\\ \ \\L LETTERS ;4 °EDITOR 'Dear • ID • .; • 4. • experts'- 1.°arti c • .::rat .3i a h N % •.ht1SineSSIl eii' 1 ; ,r; c� -i�A, 3„�" . • 0 `Sl13rt'�l:' tid �trc,by .: i i' 1 SEE• • FaC111 expert* OtT, •3: 1 � ,i: a. on Cl`NX T•V op St . x t ''j'• - tinei I:. o too r..: s•t�{ • thG° 11e 1, hiCli t ..air:.i s. . 1-2,..e ..7‘;:t....": •..•� subjected to, and' h a=.-n,,,;,;c,... • . Ztt 4. 'Pet. 1 Town&Count� Hold Scotch Nite The Lucknow Town and Country Club •held,, a very enjoyable Scotch Nite on Monday evening ::January 26th, with seven;y; five in 'attendance. Piping' by. Frank ;11acI<enzie an •atrn ly an. 'lfred Ian -was very much enjoyed. Other 'enjoyable numbers on,, the program included' a, dance'', . -• number -by EI-ei hor I�1aCKe�t ie , ' solo number§ by Frank N.lacKen= • zie-and Walter Dexter , piano • solo by Mrs.Ross CumMing, , 'Scotah readings ;by Nits. James AicNa aghtou and Mrs. Gilbert :' Frayne. with, for .ye:ars..- c;t :'z east of production , Will cuttiN! th co>t.'4` tion;pav the propose.; c:4 ea,; Education Tax:. the ,riot. premiums' the increased. bank Interest'. , • The' a'n.s er of eCtIU se priceless hit of of. - a, t Ike businessmen. . We have. a r' -(J» t ,!. e to sell. Sell the ,product to` p , . .. •• ,` .N make 'a. profit over cost.of•prodtt tion. 'It's the only way "to•scay in business' Farfi ers h.ave.an obligation, not orilt• to themselves •aitd their..: YOUR "LoWES• •WEDNESDAY, JANUARY' 28th rui .PRICES" FOODLANDr' Or cam um: Pimp PRICES families h:ut to t•hc community.,, •• and country as a whole It has 13een"proven. that'; for every.er farm families who leave the farm, one loeal business goes as Let .us keep our,.cotntry in ' the hands ,of •Family. Farms, •W. . : e are'.alh • • Plan... `•�;;_ YOUR OWN CHOICE S'HN>El SAVE 28c Chicken SLICED Chickenor Luncheon Meat PKGS 89c BURN'S SAVE 39c Wieners IN C LLO ' 2 Pounds 99c Bologna SAVE ,+t. � Pounds 79c TIIAT .-. • ,I Wawarlo�lt'.. f. -Blyth 'were by o .who attended a ,_ convention in:St ..! January 19 arida ? attended the evem :at HEINZ '11; OZ Tomato.' Ketchup. ENTERTAINMENT SATURDAY. N. °E., 1(Ted) E-Ta•ldenby of. Culross: Township: passed away in 'W%ngham and District Hospital on 'N'ignday , January 20th in his • 69th year. Funeral service will. be eonduct-- ed at NlacKenz e Nietnoral Chapel, ' Lucknow on Thursday': January 29th .at 2' p .tai . Tenipor- •ary entombment will he .at°South :Kinloss Niausoleum, , . there THAT 'IV!r'.•.-and \'lrs. :Oriiar-Brooks: of. Lucknow and`Nlr.,anet George'' XieCutcheon• of Brussels left' by motor last week-eud fora' winter vacation in. Fort , Lauderdale , .Florida, ' TFIAT Bette \ta.cL.cod ; fortii.erly of Ripley gradttated '1 eeetnber. 31 with Grade 12 Commercial •froni'the adult education centre in 'Lond'on.. She 'is temporarily employed in tite offfce. of Husband Transport in London,; tr�.'ll ;fit•, • WINGHAM FEATURING Russ: and DrOthy Card Winners i.Theri• were three tablet of card players; :the -Maple i",rove card part' •at 'Zion .on. ' onday. Mrs :.•Lorne,Coi`+k:was hili point whiner.fbr the ladies with Toni Culbert :•winnint for the:o,•eltts:' Mrs Peter Coo'kdliad the ladies low core : witti Charles \}'ilkitts • log, for the ilL'u.; The;c %.i11 lc; :: oihe:: card irty in two t�tel.c IpA;cerca- a:do TO 1:09: asses In, Hospital i? .�c y- .r'i of YN tSt. I. 1v ,a 3 Tisa .ct itc)•r ital o,� hi: Featuring `Mugs and Jugs'? .THAT;.,\'.1r.,: and ,Mrs... Orville 'Jones. of•Lucan formerly of Lucl:now', are, presentl> on `•a `. vacation t'ri1' to. Phcacnix .1 ri•zona 1 hey plait on ,pend _ i�ng two 'months :there 'THAT \ir and Nrrs...N1a* Bushell 'of6Nolyrood have rented d• Ernest: htttto'rl`'s house.; oiitire hichwati°'.: iii mediat1e . north of"Lucknow • THAT Glen \;•irt'in e1de.t .Ou of and Mrs'. c'•o.rdon N;artin of~ col c Ssion six 1 hiroil Town ship. as'rccetitiv promoted ..to. ps;i..•.. in the orltiiienta1 111Sia,.it1ee c o;i:rat ''1n I1.i; liltOri • i ?'A AT . E i. 'cr ::?each Pharmacy L.as donated a 'iir'.st - lice kif ., tc c' if; tlrx',tt' "c o 'tIIL lot. - 3I arena:; agcy Peas •SURRErEt4Z Peaflut Butter KADANA 100 COUNT Tea'. Bags Spee: "HIGHLAND keh 'Ciiffee SAVE' • 13c: Bottles :.45c SAVE 27c' Jins. SAVE 1.9c,' Jars. 79c' GET 20 SAGS EXTRA:- FREE PAY ONLY •PRICE ADVANCING! - • SPECIALPOUND: 79c:• Ontario Spy.. Apple; By The Bushel •VALU.ES 'EFFECTI'VE, JANUARY 29, '30,, 3! • ST HELENS PHONE 'LUCKNOW 528-3420 i! • Mrs:. George MacDonaldis President Ripley And District• Horticultural Society, . The ann�tteetin�, of t'114 \iacl;ean Riplev'and District 11ortic.ultura ' Society wa:s •hc ld.,�on J.anu�ir'� 'moi• it .: t� 1' rii at the home u.( • 1'ipliirlt \frs _Jack Verlittlst \Irs Finlay 1\;acLcod' °The ipeetitt; was. opened ." with thr .s•itti;ing: of the Nla,ple -L4 tf Forev r and the rcpeatin oLf the -Lord'; Prayer„, The flower -of -the month is the: N1r ., Lot Culbertave the to; carnation. with the birthstone /• and she•spok•c.on hobhieS SIR hexing the garnet The roll.rcal,l w'a� :fricw''-�ttcl-}>�e-v��.�_ touched ptirticular.ily. ot'.tiaturc ctnd .:`•and, nature""appr c1T ti :ri'-g ht a:rottnd horde and- on, trip. '• and what guides 'to use to • learn the tl)ost froth what. is around one . Dir:coors of 11,T71- •NIrs, Pa ',Cutimg• and Wrapping — Sausage, Making —, Fast ..Freezing HOGS AND CATTLE ON MO'NDAYS 'With -Two Big Coolers. We Are Able To Hang Your Beef 'From ALL 'MEATS ARE.GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION ' CHAS. HOOISNiA 'PROP. ABArtt111,Kt‘,zsoe, STORE ..3§5.2961 • :.:Mrs :Norval Stewa'rt,'.Mrs Fa.1 • Lohrje ', Mrs. Bert 13reckcarid:.t. . The cotiimittecs.reporttd 'corgi thcir.'car'•s worlti: • • `Officers for 1,1''t. art:: President \'iOe President,, Fran Elphick and presented wit:. 'The 10'7u programOtavF • The meeting closed with tht. served by the hcstess and her" lunch tonirnittee. • •