The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-01-28, Page 60 Winte imp alive frjair ,TIME LU CKNOW SENTINEL,LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, �. NOTICE OF...'.MEET1NG TAKE. NOTICE THAT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF PRODUCER MEMBERS 'OF THE HURON COUNTY HOG :PRODUCERS1 ASSOCIATK.1N •WILL' BE ONVENED At the hour f 1:00. p.m, E.S.T. On February •• ,10 1970 ,AT THE: LEGION. HALL IN THE TOWN • OF CLINTON: For thepurpose' of the proper business of the annual sheeting,. the elections of officers, the election of voting representatives. George R. Campbell, Pres. Lloyd: E. Stewart, Sec. 1 Applicationsfor. the position of Bruce County, Weed Inspector will be received up to February 6th, 1970. Applicants to state ;education, age and: experience. . REPLY TO: • • I. ALTON,'Treasurer COUNTY OF BR. UCE !C.. INSPECTOR COUNTY OF BRUCE ..„ Two Girls Enrolled Twp N.e�v �wee� es 1st LU.CKNOW PACK B JQANNE RITCHIE • We opened with fairy ring, Therewere two new'tweenies , Beverly Wilkins and Tartimy MacDonald. Everyone played a game. Two brownies'got enrolled Beverly Behan ;,on ne. . Nelson, • Brenda Arnold passed her Toymakers Badge.. ' Packie read•some stories:' Tawny Owl talked to the.,. tweenies. Brown Owi'talked to• some of the brownies;. Grey , Owl talked' to the younger' brownies. Packie taught sema- phore. • • We :closed with pow. -wow , and: two •passengers in the :car at die tittle of the accident.; On Monday,. December 15,-19e9 Provincial Constable Whitelaw investigated •an.accident in Luck naw involving Donald Fa a:& Robeit Campbell. No• t?:=e as injured in themishap -caused .about $300.00 da Provincial constable Fo'"3 `investigated an accident or December 19 .1969 involving William Tessier and•Dugald KINCARDINE Early. Thursday morning, Nov - • :ember 27 ; 1969 , , Provincial Consta .le ,Ken. R. u ver inves- • tigated a. single ,car .accident. on. the. seventh. Concession of Kincar- dine Township about.l.5.,rniles east• of .Arrow . Driver' of.the • 'car, ' J oha es C - uw'of nn Po , R. R 5 Kincardine.. w.as .homew and bound:when.a pig owned by • Douglas Campbell :of. R. R. • 5 Kincardine 'ran out :in front of the Pouw vehicle . • The pig was killed arid .there was about $300 damage to the vehicle .Mr.' GOOD '. SALESMAN THE NUSBANAWHO CONONCESN/S' W/fe, -SHEIL--BETOO-FAT IN MINKCOAT.... • Pouw did not suffer„any.inju'ries. ; :On Sunday:. November 30. , 1969 Provincial Constable Jim 'Poland .investi • ated a''sin • le car accident' on #•21..Hightiray;'.2 miles, north of Underwood. Ronald, Tout of.Kincard'ine lost control' of his vehicle on the snow cover-, ed roadway •and• entered the ditch and struck a fence. .N .00ne' was injured in the mishap., which caused an estimated $500.0'0 damage. S . . Provincia,k Constable Larry' .• Whitelaw investigated 'a two car collisionon.#21 Highway at the junction, of the 1Oth Concession •'a Kincardine Townsliip:on Monday. Deee-.mber.1. ,:1969 _ ,The_d-r : ers_:. irtvoh ed/i�were'\iaryYoung,of R,. R: '2•Tiverton and Ronald . .1 e injured. Damage .was estimated at $450_:00. to, the vehic'les.' On Tuesday , De„ernber •9 ,: 1 Provincial Constable Larry White-.. 1aw'investigated' a two caraccid eiit'on>=f+ Highway at \,tillartot, Peter Arkell of R. IR. 1 Teeswa:ter -Fra--M—oti cy o f R. R: Kincardine were the driver involved.- ” o one 'was 'irijured in the 'mishap which caused about.• 09, Smith of Kincardine. Dama'ge, Was slight.and-no one was hurt-. Provincial Constable Poland •. alsq investigated another accident in Lucknow' on the same;date . - Robert MacDonald' of R. R. 1 Holyrood struck. a• telephone pole and was uninjured ... • . On December 20, 1969 .•f?roviti- cial Constable Poland was Called. t -o=a-two-car_accade:nt.:onahe;_._____� Boiler. Beach Road. .Raymond ,Buehlow of Kincardine, R. R. 1 and Glen. Haynes of'Kincard.ine .sustained' minor injuries as a.. result of:the rcollision of their far with a parked truck on,the, 'side of the road .On Monday, December 27, 1969 Provincial .Constable '• Wiwczaryk investigated ,a two • truck accid'ent in the Village :of T3nderwoocV. Me. °Robert' With - of Kincardine and Mr • Joh)_• - Dunlop 'of Port irlgin'w.ere the two _drivers involved, John Dunlop and Ken Dunlop suffered • minor injuries as a iesult"of the' Collision. , On Saturday, December 27, 1969, 'ProvincialConstable Culver investigated a single car accident in Underwood which' occurred -sometime earlier on • Friday, December•. 26 1969 . The 8.river•:, Mr. Ronald Clou:thier.: of Tiverton suffered minor ti • 'abrasions ,. n a urday,-January 3,.19'i0, -Provincial Constable Whitelaw investigated a car accident at • Barrie, .Ontario in which Phinney• Talbot of 'Downsview , Ontario `ti wac the uninjured dr -i -ver.•, John MacDonald of R. R.. # '1 Ripley. Ont rolled 'his car ,over on the •seond ,eonce'ssion :of litroi hownhsip. east of. Highway . • The accident which occurred on'' LUCotow PHONE Std t'3. ' ed by Pravi,nial.Cor table Andv Burgess.„ac,nald dd not stiffer any Lr�4i;.ter alt a result of the yLLC • C - ri:ishao . ' f'xw R+e L'1.. i a '• . ,m .-u�-'�•,�•,-�:��°'�:.fir=-=- . . Whitelaw investii:at,ed a single car accident' on'-”' County Road° on Sunday, beeember 14,. 1 _ The car was operated by Helen Pollock of i<incardine :,tinor injuries, were sustained,by herself WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2$th,; 1l70: 7. 'THE PAINT MAKERtS Torieeraft .Paints Timited ,is the largest Canadian. owned paint Comphny in Canada since' 1912 -0N SALE,. ... 'Tonecraft Perma-Tone exterior gloss,'wide' range of colours and $2.90 per quart; $8..80 .per gallon Regular prices $3.95 per gtiart and .$12.90 per gallon N0 RED.UCTION : IN QUALITY - white RIPLEY, (HEMICALS Concession 12, Huron Township, 2= miles east of Highway 21. Phone Plalty=395-2614 Residence -395-2615 WE DELIVER' PHONE ORDERS, . ' ..— BUY CANADIAN' • • 1. Mr,- William Artiss of •Port Elgin did not suffer any injuries .• although his car was damagedto the extent of approximately $25u.u-u. On Friday , •January 16 1970, ". Provincial Constable Wiwczaryk' investigated a•two car collisic u ' on the fourth concession of Bruce . Township, 5 .utiles east :of #21''` Highway Mr..Harold • CassidN and Mr. G'eor,ge Vance of •R. C Ti}'erton," Ontario were the two uninjured drivers ;'.o N•ed,.. Total damage was es ir.,ared at' about $350,00. O:•Sat•urday, 7anuar.y 17,:11370, tevi c:ial'Constable Wiwcza,ryk was called to another accident•,: ,. thisone was on the...t h Sideroad. -about-one-half mile •off.; 9 HighNlav .: The only driver was -John Walden of R. •R 4 , Ripley , Ontario•. . ..His •car ' suffered about :700:. C C dollars damage: as a result of the. miishap -K. R. CULVERT Provincial :Constable , ODER-ICH #21 Highway , John .Glazier ,' 220 Britannia Road East ,.'Goderich • and Wesley Burr•rdughs , Dungannon were•involved Ina, two car: accid- ent resulting in minor damage • tb. both vehicles ... G.. S. FE'RRIS,. , 'Provincial Constable • HeaI.thMerger Huron Still • looms BY SHIRLEY1, • KELLER •The possibility of arnalgama.= tion between the Health. Unit• in ' Huron and: the Health:Unit in.. Perth'looms larger after the .January session'.of.Nuron County Council A.corrimittee-wilt be establish ed.to:study further the amalgama- • tion of the tw.o units. , This-. • .committee will be of equal' , representation from both Units and, consist, of five'members. of, t•he Board of Health' plus 'the Medical Officer of Health'and. the secretary treasurer . .' • • On Sunday"November 30, 1969 ;on #21 Highway south 'of Goderic.h ; Gerald Eggleston; R:. R. • 1;Dungan- non was involved':in a: single car accident resulting. in $1.„00.0..00 get-theehie.1. -he wa's driving. On Wednesday December 3, •1969 on.9th and 10th Sideroad , Ashfield Township, north of Junction #21 Highway , Eugene Frayrie, R: R., 3 Goderich was :involved in a• single ti:.uck accid- ent ccid-ent resulting in $500.00 damage to the Vehicle -he was driving... .On' Friday;.� January 9,, 1970 on #1 County Road ;•at Junction 4-5 Concession, West Wawanosfr• ' To nslu_p :Wlll f m oLton - - Tairnay R. R # .1 Port Albert ,. and Arthur .Young Dungannon' were -involved in a car-trlic k. accident resulting in daritae t� •both vehicles. • '•On Sunday , January 4 097,0 .• Pros'ncial Constable Culver investigated an, accident at.Inver- "1ie o►ilV�cac Tiiiialved driven by Allan Cormier • of Woodland. Court was darnati;cd • to about $4,- i,o . • Provincial Constable McPhail in't;stikated an accident on th• t cone sslo l o hincar Int• • Township . A •car dri'ven by •K•en• nreth ?�:ac tasters.of R.'R #u. Ki•ttcarti n€ and a bus drivch bey x t.:er�tin PollarO•of Kincardine '' tItTgaT it, , ft dol'lars.dah e `.;- • :ac 1astt'.ts suffei±ed Minor head Injuries. ' On January lr , 1 t'",'. Provincial Constable Poland .ii vest' atcd' • • Gn--Saturday , Ja-n aaFy 10 :1970 on #1:County Road south of Lucknow , Norma'McDonagh , Lucknow and E'iendrik': Veldhorst ., #7: Lrrcknow' were involved • in a. two car accidentdesultifi if in minor damage' to ihe vehicles. Ott- unday,, January 11„1970 .at C F:I3.: Clinton a.n Unknown :vehicle strue�l< ri :pa rked t liirlc registered to Donald 'Gordon McGuire , I. R; 3 Gocicrich result- ing in minor' damage,. to the McGuire vehicle A letter has beep sent to the. Minister of Health with a copy going; to Hon . C.: 'S ..M,acNa ugh. - top indicating Huron; willingness to negotiate with .Perth in Ale ''' r(tatter of amalgamation but•that any 'satisfactory -,agreement: would . . . ,involve equal representation from both Huron and Perth Countles Board has asked. for sixThe` membersPerth .with lurorChaving • only five members.: There also' has, been .indications that Perth would like to see the offices located •in Stratford f i won -County. favors :locating • the office in a more;'•centrai; location to both counties. Sea- forth has been mentioned' ori.• s e v _et a _1-o c ca -s > ro a s,. A hearing. -was held.Januaty '13 in Toronto establishing the Canadiati Union of Public Employ-. ecs as hargaihing.agents for all •'' staff of •the Intron County Healthh ltiti`t with die ,exception.•of the »The cotiity is.attertptin.g: to. have the director of nurses and the chief public health inspector s -o -ex elli-pted from the • contract. Aswell, the: • county would ltke.to have two nnion'cpntracts proposed one for -theu rsi n r-sta-f f-4lid--o'tie--fo ra 1-1 ._.�_• otlirr•einployces oldie unit'. Donnelly and Murphy are • Lott lolutlf ot; Glac c oiitlty' in the union liegotis tions • . 1't was learned that the„.public health nurses at Clinton afe 'now- gi•ta rtered in'a liousc adjacent to i is nurse res%d"circ` t'1---- '•' annual rental of $2,400 pins telephone and caretakitig; The Wingharti unit works 'out of •the former %nurses''•tfaining school and refit there,is $155 pot month plus telephone. , (a single car accident on # 1 Bruce Ct~lur:ty Road. sauth'of le.inloss: 1 "; a lttil'...'44•Ili. t•Vri Ni.•tli. nr�.ai. � , '1.1 .i., 1 ;4th Concession West Wawanosh !A... Township east of .1,county Road ,'Sharon Pearl pearsotr , R, R. 1 Dungannon struck a parked. ,Lorne Rivett ; Dungannon reshlt - ing in 'Minor damage to the Rivett veharle , On Thursday, January;22, l970. on #25 County Road eat.o.f