The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-01-28, Page 4PAGE'.FOU.R` •�M taw +N.' }.1m-- 0"!NiN'� NDY 1•'-Siw,•nrPIM 0.Clet ST : pw twitMN •, rENCCFS a-1 Dy • l CKNOW S£ YO/-1c.1MWrN Y t M4.. 4 -.ra *vent" 710 N,cpucn 1109 �{�1 laa - ry.. 10 rim N7s CU or7to p, }a �MY-paMo! Ms: A loran !n PELIA.7Y Y. its• C !M�1ralMan Yw.c. : ,ti,.i.-.^+'t.. ley ab\ I CASKS ,. i?.t_X'T Tli14EL� "I,:tA•CKNO;W, ONTARLO .; 4.gtW •.Ml., 1111 1111-1111.. .71Nk+w Crum. Pr.''�iS` Orn,. a t FORA i' \1i . RR •k n. F • WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2$t108711: Y EAVESTROUG RING on . house or 'COMET WELDERS t USO and WO barn. Metal flashings, • Roof re- amp.) compressions,grinders, fer- pairs. ' CHIMNEYS built,. Free es- ! tilizer augers, power bit},, cleaners, timates Morrison Bros,, 528.2546:. rod's and accessories:'. George. Mes- senger,arearepresentative, R.R. 1 STABLE' CLEANING - moving Ripley, Phone 395-2815. Smith manure piles and loading manure, Roles Ltd:, London, Saskatoon Try phone Symes . Bros. at Lucknow Comet • before you. buy. 528-5203 , • FOR SALE - Snowmobile Trailers . • with 122 inch wheels, tilt and swivel . tongue. Contact , Bumstead ' Metal Fabricating, Wingbam 357-2272. FOR SALE - used 21" Finlay gas range with clock and timer. Has glass door • and is in excellent con- ditiom• Priced to. clear. Greer T.V. and Electric; phone 528-3112. .' CIJSTOMI SLAUGHTERING Every .Tuesday and Thursday Pigs. and. Cattle, Tuesday Cattle only, Thursday inby1p.m. BILL'S MEAT MARKET FOR . SALE •- reconditioned. 30" Viking' range with timer and light. Ha"s perma-view' oven door, and, is . priced for, . • quick sale. Greer T.V. and Electric, phone 528-3112. VACUUM.CLEANERS Sales and Service ;for all makes. • R. ' K. • Peck. Varna, Phone 162- ' 5748. • FOR SALE ' ° a •.ski -hoose for a ` ski-doo, like ,new .condition. Phone 528-6296. DEAD•STOCK Fresh `dead .: cows Over .1;000 pounds, .$12.00. eaeh; dead horses, $20.00 each; over. 500 pounds .ac cordingto size LORENZ REMOVAL DURHAM.. Call Collect 369-2410 • Stop In, At. The _ LUCKNOW DISTRICT ''CO-OP For Your • 'SNOWMOBILE .OIL Priced At, 99c` a quart • • BUY . DRIVEWAY MARKERS :And save towing. charges. ' 'Available at your LUCKNCW DISTRICT CO-OP THE TEESVWATER NEWS ' - ' is availableat The Lucknow .Sentinel, 1Oc per copy. If . you are interested in, the news. of Teeswater and Dis- trict, pick up, a copy.. ,.. YARN CLEARANCES Spinrite 'Yarns & 'Dyers. Ltd... FACTORY :AND• SALES STORE IN LISTOWEL, ONTARIO 2914951 Contact, Lloyd Johnston, R.R. 3 Holyrood, phone ..395-5390: SLE HOMES THINKING: OF A.MOBILE : HOME OR,. RECREATIONAL :VEHICLE? Many metes, and models to. choose from, For a better deal, `drop us a • line or ;telephone • : RUSTON.: , MOBILE . ` HOMES. LTD. 547 PLAINS -RD.; EAST BURLINGTON ' Tel: '(Code 416) 632.8400 •SINGER SERVICE-: Repairs to all makes ' and models Sales and Service on new • products; Singer Co of Canada, phone'357-3730 after 6 p.m. . • BRIAN RINTOUL•r LICENSED AUCTIONEER , ' SEPTIC TANKS -CLEANED WHITECHURCH PHONE 357-2349 • Vacuum cleaning and' pumping :of Septic tanks, Ronald Forster • - Lucknow, phone 528-2346,'m Manu- facturer of. -cement septic tanks • HOUSE FOR.RENT- large brick and ell' tile. , house: on loth concession Kinloss, • in good • condition.. furnace and FOR SALE ' - dropped calves, • bathroom: For information contact .- -- - -==Here€ord-and-° HoIstein.• :ole' -Far - _,- rish: R.R. 7 L'uckta�• ,phone 929- Far -td Foss = R R = -1 Hoiy�irod; .phone '3926068. • SILO AND R-00-•-E-XT E_Tto4 FOR • RENT heated. apartment f1N Sin Riffs - rt . `know; availabi Anyone. wishing to have exxterr February 1st, Contact Albert Gain - gobs ora their silos or roofs:' please m e, Lucknow 528.3104: Call or write. This can be done now. a_ hu. .Phones, Residence 324-73'02 or Shop [( 32 : ..,III The FOR RENT 'L t, 6:210V, S \T1 EL - is. f r ^,_:e a` Mei. Stanley's Suprerte�-t. • txr Lacks . P-ck e:p an e a.copy `nth D TMo•A wr .LU.MINUM •; 'SALES ZND Shiro i.0 . wwiniit}ws dtxrz, s`d�.,.,.,_, F.,r free 1.111 :ccs dearer' WANT ADS 'Our sincere thanks to ,all for. its flo4 ers. cards and enquiries,. '. �a� a-patterCt�n �F3g= h:�rr' and:D t-*ict .Hospital.. All was i+ vpSY. ,apereciated. ' The Chisholm Family PLAYING CARDS Pia• d q¢. .c. eoa '_ ming e �e t decks • p }, y+ .�.i,•}• the r_ •}.� $: 17 up • as wee Gu Cct.Jule decks • Yte f ri.niti of late Mrs. 1 jJom- azd etIc�'e' decks • allc:'%f c i'i5 • as u.stii wish to ex's • rens their .ap- Sentinel. BARS EQI.' P fE v1 ' z6 i automatic Cable Clear.ers. uabeaven for hog b � cram • ers hog_ equipment, fans. bulk 'tanks, Hawkey e Cast irdn hog 'feeder and heated cattle $vatrers ; F" esteel-RosCo Steel Granaries,. Al- so have complete 1i: a or clay •Plsshbtittoc Farm Equip dent. LJ'"cn -Lowry A ber:e , phlce 1,4,1,0 wicce;YA•v6. �s+WllMAr[-R, i rare ENTS WANTED NEW CASH B6-6 HELP 'WANTED fullor part Legion • Hall, Lucknovr, Thurs- time .help, for work in the conces- day, 8:45 p.m.. 15 regular. games, ; sion booth at Lucknow Arena. AP - 510.00 each. 4 . Share' The Wealth ply to George Newbold, Luckno. W, games with jackpot included • in 528-2136. • each game. Jackpot this week $85. WANTED - a high school age boy on 57 calls.• wanting a job of shovelling ' snow CARD- PARTY The Lucknow Ranger '. Co. will sponsor a Card Party on Saturday, February 7th in the Lucknow Town Hall at 8:00 p.m, Admission 75c per person and lunch will be served. • MEET.ING • The annual meeting of the. County L.O.L.. will be held. on Tuesday, February Ord at 8 p.m. at Kinloss. ANNUAL MEETING AND BANQUET' . • The Annual Meeting and Banquet ,of The Children's:. .Aid' Society of Huron .County is 4 being',.held' 'in Knox Presbyterian Church, . Goder ich, Wednesday, February .11, 1970 at • 6:30 p.m. Guest speaker - is• Nor- man ' ' utivDirec-: tor, Children's Aid : Society ' of. Erie County, Buffalo; New York. Tickets $3.00, are available 'from Staff or Board • Members . and • must be purchased by February -9 -1970:-- Publie. cordially' invited to attend. , BRUCE. COUNTY HOG PRODUCERS' ASSOCIATION N- TAEE NOTICE that the annual meeting of the Bruce County Hog Producers' Association will be con- vened at 1:15 p.m. on - Thursday,, February 12th, 1970 at the Formosa Community Centre," Formosa, for the purpose of the proper business. of the annual meeting, the :election. of votinrepresentatives..At 12:00 noon a camplimentary lunch will be provided for all ,'producers in attendance., and other odd jobs. Phone 528-2027. HELP WANTED married • man wanted for steady employment for mixed farming, principally poultry Apply to Bqx M ,% The Lucknow Sentinel.. _ _• SALES' HELP WANTED MEN WANTED good opening. Sell 'Rawleigh• Products: Year round, steady work. • t ood profits. Write. Rawleigh Co. • . Ltd,: Dept;. ABC - 271 137, 4005 Richelieu St., Montreal 207, Que. WORK`• WANTED ah' kinds, of carpenter work, kitchen cupboards, tile ceilings. and 'wall panelling, free. estimates. Roy Schneiler•, Kinlough, phoneRipley, 395-2221. NOTICE 1 HILRAY FARMS LTD: ABATTOIR, 141OLYROO-D The best in Home Grown, Dry' Fed,' Drug Free . Beef. Try our Fresh Home Made Sausage.. Phone 528-2132 • OWNED. AND OPERATED BY RAYNARD AND ERNEST J. ACKERT ' ,NOTICE All Legion Ladies • Auxiliary members -are -requested- to _ttend- the regularmeeting on Tuesday, February.3rd. ,TNS is an important meeting so let's make it a perfect a MORE -MONEY! I: need a 'full'or part time man to help meet the demand. for .a much needed -'service :for_matorists. Plea- sant, dignified, good. paying -work. - No experience. necessary :but a• car is. For fullinformation contact Andrew Goulding, 939 Princess St., Kincardine, :phone 396-2404.. • • FEMALE'•HELP WANTED - BROKE AFTER CHRISTMAS - ?' Then earn extra $ - in your spare time - selling . ,` AVON COSMETICS to eager customers in your locality. -1111 CALL NOW' • COLLECT 376=8368 MRS. • B., HOUWELI"NG OR WRITE BOX 51,1 OWEN SOUND • HELP ,WANTED =' MALE „ UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Large Canadian company in agri-' cultural '' field urgently requires representative in this area for Crop Service . ' Department..: Applicant must.have recent agricultural back -- ,ground an be well-regarded :in area. Position is full-time, or can' be handled at first along'. -with• your. ent-fartaiing-.operation ,Sueces_, sful applicant can. expect above average earnings,- with excellent opportunity, for early -advancement WANT VAN EYL BROS. Fewer Child Cases.1nBruce ' Bruce Children's Aid Society "- would up 1969 with .a surplus of about $10 ,000. Increases'in , boarding rates clothing and spending allowances were' more than offset by a 'decrease in the , number of children in care, ' During •the ,year the ,society. opened or reopened 97 protective cases involving 256 children. •. The total number of families - served last year was 226 and these involved 626 -children . The •society took 41 children into care and returned, 33 fp: their own parents. A total of 68:childretn were discharged Seven children reached :mat•uritx during 19"6.9; one. was,committed to`training 'school, two were Married and. 28 were legally adopted. • At r1le elyd of th'cycar=th'e-r-e we're_•94 ctiilds_enincare, a decrease -from 'the. 121 at the 'first' of the, .year: The society 'completed 54 • :adoptions before the county judge.;, 25 were Bruce society. wards, 13 were from other . societies. and 16 °w -ere• private adoptions, Disposition of the' 9.4 children at the end .of the :year was, group homes, 2; . paid :institutions, 7; • Ontario Hosp-ital"; .3; .own.hoine , 1;. free borne , 1; adoption probation - 1.7 and coster'hdmes, 63:: AGN INSURANCE AGEN:Y, - ESTABLISHED'- 1909 HOWARD AGNEW .' . -MARE 'AGNEW Lucknow, Ontario HAVE -LOGIC -STREET OFFICE PHONE 5284942 r ' WRITE TO' ' ' E. V.' PALMER, CANADIAN SALES MGR., NA-CHURS PLANT 'F:OOD CO.' (C.AN`A`DA f: L`TDr' BOX 847 . LONDON12, ONTARIO Have ''many specials for January and: - February •Ceigithccrs fer their acts of kind yrs and expression of sympathy =.Hag their recent bereavement A spial tha r kc to Rev. Robert . Zs -for s• 4 w r of n=- -solatlo ales of South] v'W.MS for . their liil�tilleSs.. COON ,,PLAN'T 5 onn ,eere. , row _ . 44,'496 • I`` RRN,ATIO'k; PLANTERS' 4 row models 45..46, 48 .A, ... .'D.RAT JC...-WHEEL-� -DISCS • 32; __ .;: ..--36,746-,--43 . 16 - 18'` plates PLOWS ---'Hydraulic Trip Beam --`Cultivators - Harrows -Seed Drills 111'1. and many big, rea1.•good second hand tractors from 40 to .i l•iorse. power. o'e Bert Alton- wishes , to .express thanks for the, man;- csrds received while he was 'a, patient in. Victoria Hospital, Undid and for the *1714 va'.hy cards at the ti&e of the,death of his sister. Y�Rrn:134. AM.4 O:byN ixX14:.N iai��+ 0,. ,k9+e., .�l • Wanted ea - or Alive' Wanted- dead. or :•disabled ' cows,. 1,000. lbs. or ..over - $12,00'. �_. Dead Or disabled horses $20.00 each ' Small animals 500 to• 1,000 $1.00 per hundred weight sc All oth .animals, such as calves -anicked•-up-free-=of.-charge. We pay you for your animal at your farm., '24 HOUR' SERVICE r, SCA : Q Cr 187":9334 BRUSSELS PET F -SUPPLIES R.R'2IRUSSELS. PROPRIETORr GORDON JOHNSON ac 1