The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-01-21, Page 12SAGE TWELVE I • imirow THE 13,190 OW SEKTINEL 1 UCKNAW, ONTARIO. N\E ST Guaranteed Investment Certificates are now pay - , :ping; a record •interest. of .9°o per annum, payable half . yearly,. For further •in.formati,on write or telephone.col lect STANDARD. TRUST 214 Bay :Street, Toronto,: • 363-5477. area'code 416 fort/ie name of,your nearest agent. MEM' BER CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE .COR:PORATI.ON IcDona.g Lucknow, Representative. g Youn ,. Teeswater •Mother Of 3Di�s Age38 After Lone Period 'Of Illness MRS. CLAYTON THOMPSON The Teeswater coinrnunity waswater their home. Mrs • 'saddened•on•Thursday of'last...- Thompson was a graduate: of St. After theroll call "Why does - week Januar 15th't to learn of Diary's. Hospital School of Nursing Canada attract 'peoplefrom.Other, the death of 'Mrs:. Clayton' Thornp- in 'Kitchener'., She practiced countries;.` , Mit Cecil Holland, son of.Teeswater... Mrs,:Thoinp- her nursing profession. at the :read the correspondence son, . who a as 3S *.ears of aize , Wingham and District ,Hospital 'The guest speaker Ted . . ' had cot ageous•1.• fought a long , where she becarrie hnuw. • . • '.Row-e-li'ffe , Ecktor-af-the-Kinear'•; 'illness until death claimed her'in.. wide circle .of friends throughout dine'.News., cgave an. interesting« tssrinhan and District Hospital the area% address on the different views last Week. \,lrs Thompson was active of 'different' ,people .of our. 'wgenera • tion. M',lany•'people are inclined the :Teeswater district. .She cave 7 -:to judge others perhaps by'their appearance and mannerisms', only tofind out they are ;qu;ite outstanding in high, er' education. s WEDNESDAY,: IANUARY !>f •' >F Otit at in.t ti c L= t : S.:: ce '1rs.$Gordon c atilav'•ice: filled' in for-Mrs;:�`l fp." • k. and M.rs..•C ril 5:0.c. of L.yo,..oti has taught for Mrs•,..4=erald Ted R�wcliffe,.Is Reid's Corners' W.I. Guest Speaker t MBERLEY NEWS Reids Corners Women's Institute ..held, their .January meeting in Pine River United,`Church Sunday School room'on Thursday., Jan%r'ar fifteenth: There was an attendance"of twenty-two. :After the. opening ode and • Mary Stewart Colhe9, Mrs Eldon Bradley..opened the.'meeting.with a reading ,8r "A new thought New ',Year's•resolutions . • —She w s.the'forrne E ran Ernest, daau,hter of John'. Ernest of Winzha;n an,d the,late • Ernest:. She was born in Win liarn on Aust On June c•, ' s ;. she r,aried Clayton ThornpsoF. of Teeswater. The �.ou le lave.•.: ,ade :Tees.- • ;1 PIE REASON. � E MVPS R ��- r#/AN1/CTJON; l : BECAUSE y•' WE HEAR LE. LUCX.NOW PHONE 528.3430 worker' in'omr.unitvaffairs in sez� ice, to the Teeswater • Brownies fora period of time. She was a Veryactive member of Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church:inTeesw'at.er and served on the Catholic • 'vorren r`•L ague I ,• „„,„ ,' Besides her husband; •, she is "`, .lurvived',:b\ a '.oung farnily, i lc;iard Willia a•:e 1S; i ;:arc Diane . a,e 14 and., ':,'!arae, a_e nine . ont •�s all' at hone • • Her father resides in Win,harn and a, brother C ant in Kitchener ''She 'was. predeceaed.k lie r.other in l:,_y and a brother Jack in 1. ; „ .e 'god rested at the sr,:aeFher- , ' 1 , o~ e in Teeswater---- 1 'fTi Sats s ,. Januar s,1 at 1,...---- d W e ` - CRO.IC,E: HOME KILLED BEEF AND PORK S f PICKLED, ROLL,, BOLOGNA RIN 3c lb., Jac FRESH CHICKEN' LEGS OR BREASTS' ' 59c 'lb. F�RES.H PICNIG. SHOULDERS _ . ` ' :.: 57c ib. PORK CHOPS WE DELIVER. ,r,�"•�-•�'►�" s'-.�' .�`�i'�s`h'�-ice,►-7`.�';..' •'�-:.,'-,►`"►�»:"y�"•. . . . '•«• ..: . SUPPORT. YOUR `. ..;.. BANTAM HOCKEY : TEAM. 93c lb' WHEN 'THEY TRAVEL..TO'PORT HURON, MICHIGAN JANUARY 29th a BUS. TICKETS AVAILABLE HERE LUCKNOW / PHONE 528-3009, 'lvlr. Rowcliffe•:also save it,forn tion on photography and. other •points of Newspaper work „Nits... ,Eldon Bra . ley t .ah ed Mr'. ; Row • clffe and'. presented him with a gift :: ' • " The motto "Let the In"stitut•e . • enrich our' lives but not/wear us out" ,was prepared by Mrs. ln/illiam Courtney -and read by. Mrs .: Eldon Bradley. • : • • A sold •:" Whispering Hope":. by Mrs: Leroy Walden was accm. .panied by Mrs: •William Courtney: Mrs.. Cecil Holland read -an " . interestingr1etter from Mitt Kath Cow.broiz h. a' former. Home Economist from this area• who is ,bo'w••teaching in a Board r ing School in:A ftica • • • 'After the closing .ode and. grace.: a•dainty lunch was serV.ed by . the. hostesses Mrs.. 'Murt•ay Walden,. Mrs : John Elliott and. Mrs.. Donald:McTavish.' A social trine followed • • IRI GUIDE NEWS • The Kingsbridge. Girl Guides held their' regular meeting on Thursday .evening.. it: Caesar opened with .a relay game, followed by roll call. The, Girls then went to to Corners to disc'u.ss History on Guiding:. New members are tc '• be. tested oft. Tender.. oot 'next •week'. . ' Capt Tigert, and Lts put: 'des through Whistle: and Hand • signals., This .will also be;. • tested next`week : • Captain Tigert 'also 'e,xplained, about' Carousel Canada 197u.. ,Carniifire was held -by Orioles . With skits jokes and songs'. The. rrie:eting closed'wrt.h:•prayer and Taps.. We are offering • •1 i.uCC e h.ih,:ass :tr. as ^el at ca ';:.Heart Ch tCh, RCy of idiated lied �y. th 'e C` a; 1 t e da'u hte.' ' '%a hne ot. A r.de:son tars Eczar, Teess.ater; e I .,zer Kitche.-er; J.oe'5ros..ti rli'nt a ow r 1 _t y� x . , Do �1::. 'Dc.:a1dsor: , � i cesYrate•� T.e. ary e: to ::-- :e;;t was at pct ;�rx.• C c4e: .3`ia Wit!: rest C��. Sac:OC a c ao,-.art Cat, t� .�L4.t•�. Ce:� C4G: •^C. Drop ON ALL STOCK THE STORE n now while this offer tasty ' fir virmixi:eriet