The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-01-14, Page 1f,1 $5.00 A Year In Advance X2.00 Extra To • U.S.A. Train Blocked For Nine Hours Sough Of Kincardine As 1Mind Whips Up Drifts LUCKNOW,ONTARIO Six passengers left Kincardine Thursda_},-..thozning.of last week aboard a Canadian National • Railways dayliner bound for Toronto and ended up spending almost nine hours: stuck in a • snowdrift three miles south of ' • • the town, • The dayliner , which had left Kincardine at 7;,05 a.m., became bogged down in „snowdriftsfrom six CO eight 'feet high, The drifts had • been .whipped up overnight by strong winds' and ,heavy snow, A. snowplow sent from • Palrlierston- to clear the tracks broke down at Ripley. and another engine had_' to be dispatched from Palmerston: • , • • Conductor.Thomas Ferguson fought his way through 'waist deep,snow, to Highway 21, where he flagged :down a passing motor- ist in an effort to obtain help,. A car stopped, to pick hr n.„ p but it :promptly ,Sta'11ed,with`a frozen -soh -soli -n -• CNR station. agent :W lliarn Laverack also raved the snow , ESE/CPECIIN UR7' Two Couples Were In CNR Accident At Weston Mr .arid '.Mrs : Torn' Salkeld of, • Lucknow ;and Mr. and \lrs : Dirk' Lieverdink and Timrny"of,Grand •Rapids, Michigari.'•forruerly of Luc kiroww ere on the Toronto Sarnia. CNR train which ,was,. derailed on•Wednes•ay o • last • week w.hen'i.t jumped the tracks in. Weston .4 just.out of Toronto',. Several: people were quite ser-•iously iriju:re ::iu_the accident. A Port Elgin gira:was'amo.ng.those most seriously hurt..• • N'either,•,of the tucknow;,area. couples was injured although they. sustained a severe shaking up,, • The, -lady, in the 'seat 'behind r. Salkelds received a.'broken • • .: shoulder: • Mr.: and Mrs Salkeld. were returning from a Christmas vacation•with their ./ ,daughter Helen ` in. the .Ottawa •. area , Mr and Mrs Lieverdink • were returning from Toronto to'• Port, Huron where t .• . had left their car, walking over a mile aiong.the tracks to bring food and coffee to the stranded'travellers . The,track w.asfinally cleared • around 4 p.m. amrd the dayliner continued on its way, to 'Toronto. Exactly one year ago, the same train became stuck near'tte'same site,'following. one .of'' the worst' storms, in 1969 TWO SISTERS;IN HOSPITAL. ONE, SERIOUSLY. HURT Women Visiting In Holland Injured ; In Auto Accident Vaii'Eyl,who resides just north. of town and'her sister. Mrs . N Brouwer 'of. H'il•lshurg., whoflew to.l•1o11and on Decemher rth ,for -a visit were, injured in an auto accident between :Utrecht day . •January 7 They'were'travellin•g with another sisterand a niece from r -o. seriously injured:an'd the ladies are both•patients in .a:hospital Veenendaal • They were to have returned home on Friday January 9th, at • Died In Hospital Elmer 13. Alton of.Ashfield passed away •in Wingham• and.• District. Hospital on Thursday Ja nu y -84i --=-lie �r as 75 Funeral service was. held at MacKenzie Memorial Chapel; Lticknow on Saturday , January 10th - -`r emf orar ento�ni-h•merx-w-as-•at p . South',Kinloss Mausoleum. T-hevass+ ngets�w-dre teitipota.r. , ily taken to the cafeteria, of the • ..Facelle nianufacturing plant.;.• where the accident happened before being transported to catch, rheni.ght.._train our„of Toronto -,which conies to Lucknowand. which ran several hours late Broken_ Kfl!eP In. Car Mishap � Mrs LorneIvers.Of. Dungannon wasadmitted to- the. W--i-ngh- am__: and District .,l lospital. Vec,ently following a motor' vehicle accident on 'County Road 27 south. iof Lucknow... Shewas•a passenger in a car driven by '.her husband , which • went out ofan control and struck a parked vehicle ' Mr.. Ivers Was not ,injured. 'Examination at the hospital disclosed that Mrs .,-Ivers. su-f fered' a .factured le"fre , ,' bruises to her face and shock: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY, 14th;: 1970 Single Copy 15c 16. Wages The Problems of a Western Ontario . Winter' 'Our perfect winter weather:, which we .had,exaerienced up to last week. suddenly ended when several inches, of'snow fell in a • ' very short period;. • This picture doesn'tclearly indicate.whether Terry Rathwell'of Luck,now was .shovelling his way in to the Animal Receiving Area as posted' on the. sign, or .whether'he.was 'heeding..the; No Parking'-•. sign and shovelling hisway out in • any .case , Terry hada lot of snow to shovel as did .most, local residents. In•fairn'ess to'Terry, the:: No Parking sign was erected ;:wf(-f en Dr : T . B. Cleland had the• former Silverwood building on - main -street rented from •rdoii, •Montgomery He is' no lon. er. located there arid the building• is PHOTO NBA`' D. JOHNSTb E • • HURON COUNC.I-LMIN'U.T'ES • 'The inaugural meeting of r-oi -T--ow-nsia p; -Council --was• held in the Ripley Legion Hall. on January: 5th with all member's Arent.: ;Rev.. John. Hill conduct ed devotional services and the.. Council"took their declarations of office •from the Clerk: The • new• Reeve , Russell Staple) welcomed the council and espec• �ially thve new member ,.'Bert'"'• ' Ehliott and asked for -the ued co4operation and support.of. • council in the' new year . a' Council decided to cha.ng"e the hour of meeting to 11 a .m and hold two meetings each month -•--•on he-first7a-nd-t-h-i-rd Merida-y-s- and starrin n'the April meeting at 7.30' p. ni in. the evening during the summer and'" until Decemberw1ien meetings. 4w.il b a_g- n 'n 'the mornin_s: First meetings of July August • KINL(S cpuN IL MINUTES: ", Kinloss Council met for their Inaugural meeting on`January 5th. + fter Reeve Orville 'Elliott' and Councillors Leo Murray , Duncan Camp . bell Barr` JYJ Johnston a and Grant Eckenswiller signed the declaration of office ., the following Business was dealt w* nitt The inntes of becetrtber 15th were adopteda's read, • Court of 'Revision%was held on. the Carrick lviunicipal drain and. as there were no appeals, the Court of Revision was: Clased ''- Court of'Revision was held on the V ir►derl ook drain andas • there were no appeals the Court a. of, Revision closed, Wallace Conn was suggested` as .representative on the Wingharr t airman andSeptember will be the day • following the holiday. Council gave third. "'reading • o th'e apitai Bortowi'ng-By-Law for tile=Draina. a allown; :u to Hospital' Board to represent the Township of Kinloss,, West Wawa- nosh and ;the Village of Lueknow , Duncan Campbell was appoint- ed representative -on ' the-Saugeen, Valley Conservation Authority for a three, year' terrine By-LaW, 1-1970 was passed appointing officials and setting CONTINUED ON PAGE g, g g p $360,000 to be borrowed for WsTrpTo Rome In Italy Mr, . :and. Nlrs . Gordon_ Montgom` ery of Lucknow will leave'•Toronto by air 'on January 10th for a 'week's trip to kome.;:Italy. The trip is one which Gordon has been awarded through: sales at Montgomery Motors Tractor Division.-.•Gord and Ruth will be away ai week:• Receive -license • Wallace Houston youngest son 'of Mr. •and Mrs Harvey Houston Holyrood , recently received his Aircraft:MaintenancerEri irjeerg- - license ' Category A from the Department of Transport at Tor onto. •The three year. course• was. be urr .at_th e.�Lbnircui..1Erli ri C1ukl; _ transferring to' the SurVair Limited, Ottawa in 1968', Three month periods were spent in Guyana South Arnerica and 'Trinidad , West l -rill -es.;. kie simmer four .month field 'trip in 1969. *took the ompany to northern Saskatchewan' °and North West Territories. Wallace has been at .the Cotnpany headquarter in Ottawa since iin returning ...... September. . - ;Drain Debentures . The annual By -Laws were ., ;-passed including the. Borrowing of -up , to2$270 ; 000 : from: -the .... , :. Royal Bank for current expenses.. as required, Township accounts of .$1,"218 .34; Municipal Drain payments of $12,555., and, road accounts. of $1,.520.:09 were ordered .paid.' .. Council adjourned until:January 19 .at 11 a.. m , at the Legion Hall,. • ' . EA RL. T OUT , CLERK /TWO WEEKEND, THEFTS n 'At-BBreakiwud ikimiItonDepo Loses Ta -,. e : Player A weekend breakin at the W • A": "Bus.' Harm ton ritesi Petroleum agent depot at -the east end` of the village netted the thieves cigarettes 'and .other articles iron the- office:011ns is the second such breakin in the past six. weeks. • The theft Occurred early Sunday morning.. 'Entrance 'was. dMli ''breakin the: lass in the front door Goderich Ontario Provincial. Police investigated . Finger and prints were taken nd .evid_eace.discovered that could lead to charges being laid Gerald Pr.iestap of Luckno,w: had car. e a' e n night , his th s m g while parked on the G. and E. Sales and Service lot, A , stereo tape player was stolen