The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-11-26, Page 7WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 190' THE LUCKNOW .SENTINEL, LUCKNOW; ONTARIO PAGE SEVE.N. of•• 11, ,. to es-• the' ,ers.: ;try peg of brio 6A; 62 EA may this yof,.. sale., rec- Wit::. the and • not .able', der. . er-. ation.... )ther That'. De- s, or .. -es: • both 'large ;Mast: Are you interestscoking s ter the needs of the customers 'where the late Mr. Pederson had. travelled, for 12 years. THIS SPLENDID .OPPORTUNITY WILL ;NOT BE AVAILABLE LONG. WRITE Surprise Pai 15:thJflniversary / • ►ept, ER,. 40057..Richelieu St , Montreal 207, P.Q. REAL ESTATE SALESMEN WANTED EXPERIENCED OR• UNEXPERIENCED:• Ideal career for :ambitious man. We offer above average earnings ' . . for our Salesmen:: G. HOGG I LIMITED REAL ESTATE: BROKEi B4OX 39, FL' ESHERTON ONT, OFFICE - PHONE 924.2200 HOME 924.-1418 ornin eetmg-Of-.The-Municipal-E WN$HIP the County of :Bruce shall take place in the 1CHURCH-14WS' On Saturday evening November 22. relatives of Mr. and Mrs;. Clay- ton Scholtz gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs.: Garnet Farrier and Mrs. Gibson Gillespieto surprise them on their. 15th;' wedding anniversary, ,.. Relatives. present were Mr: and Mrs. -Cam- eron Simnions and •Lopnie .. Mr. and ivMrs:.; Howard Long "of Londo Mr. ti and Mts .. Elroy j aidlaw , Joann, Jane and'' Paul, "Mr ..and.. Mrs. Jack 'Gillespie and family Sarnia ,,Mr., and. Mrs. Don Bushell and. family., Mr. and Mrs'. Don Gillespie•and family of •Kinlough Mrs, Ezra Scholtz; Mrs .Charles 'Machan of Blyth sand Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Scholtz and family. of Goderich. • " The evening was:spent enjoying music and cards . The surprise gathering served : lunch including a wedding cake . . . Cameron Simmons addressed. Mi. and Mrs...Clayton Scholtz and Don -Bushell on-behaf of: the rela_ tines; presented .them, with' a Hall Clayton and Laura -thanked their relatives-for-theirkindness yin remembering'them with the family_ get together, lunch: and • their Home for the week -end with. their parents, were 'Donald. Gaunt • of :Toronto , Wayne. Martin of • London Conn of Guelph, Joann Laidlaw of London,; . Mary' Purdon. of Kitchener and Phyllis •. Sle.ightholm of Kitchener.': Mr • and Mrs.. Pack Gillespie, Barry. and Lorraine of Sarnia were S OF KINLOSS Being-a-Candiditte_for wouldappreciate your. support,at thepollsand if elected•.can promise: you good, govern- : ' ment.: Yours: -Sincerely,. . • BILL EYANS . a . KINLOSS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN; SNIP For the past five Years, it has been my privilege toserve Kinloss Township in the capacity of Councillor. During that time I, have. tried .to carry out; my duties to• the best interestsof the taxpayers. Having decided respect to contest• the .office of Reeve, I• polls frilly solicit :your support' at the � lls on.. Monday, December 1, Sincerely ORVILL- E, ELLIOTr Gibson Gillespie .and Mr. and • Mrs•.-, Garnet ,Farrier. Mrs 'Gordon :Elliott Of Wingham accompanied Mr and Mrs. Wal ter Elliott to Brussels ofl Monday to atte_ndd the funeral .of `the. late •John Campbell. . • Mr and Mrs. Wolfegang Boelke of Fergus visited on Sunday with.', Mr. and Mrs'.,RoyDawson'and: Mr,, and Mrs Norman.Stewart Susan and Mark of Lambeth and. Bill Forster visited on Sunday with Mr'. and Mrs. Walter Elliott to^ celebrate Ruth .Elliott's- and Susan Stewart`s birthday. and `Nlis„ Carl Weber and family on Saturday, evening held' a surprise party for:: Mr..and 'Mrs: George" • Weber of Kitchener who •.; are leaving for. Florida in a few r were.,Mr::" and Mrs, Robert Chani'-' bers Harriston, Mr: and Mrs.. ., Harry. Lindenschrnidt of Mildmay.. " On Sunday. Mr. and Mrs:. Carl .. Weber visited With 'Mr.. and Mrs'. Jim Ketchum, of'.:Palmerston•, who are not enjoying good•hea1th, Mr 'and Mrs Bi11•Parker of , Exeter• were Wednesday visitors with Mr` and Mrs . 'Ben McCle•nag- Congratulations from the com • munity'to the newly Weds Mr. ,and Mrs. Tom. Edwards , who .were married'on Saturday at Wingham Presbyterian,Church with:dinner and: reception' being held at the Legion Hall , ' W ingharn Township Hall, Ripley friday, November 28, 1969 AT THE HOUR OF ` ONE O'CLOCK' IN THE AFTERNOON, For the nomination of Candidates for the office of Reeve, Deputy: 'Reeve` and, Counc`ors' In The Said :Township. of : Huron For The Year 1970 (one year term) When if more than the required num .er o an' rites. For Respective Offices Are Nominated THE .ELECTION BY ,:BALLOT'. Will 'Be Held In The Several Polling • Places Hereinafter, Mentioned` M�nd�y, December • 8th; 1 O IRMENCING. AT` O-O'CL K; IN TB 'ORENOO'N CLOSING AT 8: O'CLOCK 1N .THE EVENING LIST 'OF POLLINfs_. PJ.AS:E:S ., • Subdivision. Subdivision Subdivision Subdivision Subdivision No. 1,— Bob Rutledge House. . Lets .l to 80; Con: 1: Lots' 1 to 40;' Con. 2,. 3 & 4; No. 2 Township. Hall. •Lots 1 to 40; Con 5 Lots .1 to 37; Con. 6,:.7 & 8 No. , 3 Gordon Fry House. / Lots 1 to 37; Coni9, 10, 11 &' 12: No. 4 & 5 Lloyd White. House, Lots 1 to 10; Con: A. No. 6 & 7 Verner' Brbwn House. Lots 11 to 30; Con.,. A:. u • vision o. 8'o '31 to 67., amerA ' ouse.. Lots Dated at Ripley This 13th' Day of November, 1969 EARL TOT, CLERK. Mrs. Leroy Ri.ntoul , Carol and Kimberley arrived on Satur'day• to. visit with her, parents Mr. and • Mrs. Stanley Black of Belgrave: and with 'Mr.. and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul and .family ,On..Saturday she will leave for Toronto .where. she will join Mrs..'Donaldson., the bosses wife , and they wily lSroceed to'the Chicago show.. • Leroy and .others left with the,cattle: on Mon- day for Chicago. • E ELECTORS AND TEPAYERS OF KINLOSS TOWNSHIP GREETINGS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: Since:I have served the past 5 years as Councillor on the Kinloss Township Board, I have decided if t were nominated for e,:I-acouId accept anc seek that position' on: the Board. I humbly and sincerely iiilrert your ; suppof at the. po-I1s Erect o`i► Day - December 'iso • If elected I will serve : you to the best of my ability: I take this opportunity ofrequesting of all Electors and Ratepayers, if they have any problems relating to the Municipality, bring your problemsto the Council Meeting 'whereyou are always. within your..legal rights_..to attend, either as an_observer or for_ business.. reasons. Thanking You All: VCM. E. HALDENBY BE'SURE AND'VOTE MONDAY;,DECEMBER 1st I LDENBY to AN ELECTION .FOR THE OFFICE OF REEVE OF THE • TOWNSHIP WILL TAKE. PLACE; ON ;. .. Froin 9:00 a.m. to 6 :00 p:ai at the; following polling places: Polling Subdivision 'No. 1 Ford Cunningham's comprising, Highway 86 at Huron ,boundary east to 20th sideroad and north including both sides 8th, concession. Polling Subdivision No 2 Whitechurch Community Hall — all . that portion east of 20th sideroad .. to Turnberry boundary and north inclu ding both sides 8th cbn cession. . Polling Subdivision bdivision No. 3 — ,Kinlough Orange 'Hall"— everything north of 8th concession: FRASER .11MacKINNON, ' Returning Officer • •.111+:: ' •