The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-11-19, Page 6PAGE'. SIX' TH.E. tUCKNON, •SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19th, 1969+ LES HELP g , ,. needs of Are you interested m loolnn after the the; customers where the mite Mr. Pederson' had THIS SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE LONG., WRITE RAWI.EIGH CO. LTD., D. , 4005Richelieu Dept. ERSt Montreal 207, P.Q. REAL ESTATE SALESMEN WANTED EXPERIENCED OR .UNEXPERIENCED Ideal career' for ambitious man.; We' offer above average: earnin • • for our Salesmen... 'ON . G HOGG 'LI'MITED REAL ESTATE BROKERS BOX' 39, FLESHERTON, ONT. OFFICE"— PHONE..: 924.2200. ' 1 ec urc old Family WHITECHURCH NEWS •.Whitechurch—Woi` en s Firs-titure- held their family night and Pot Luck Supper with the community,'; as guests when 109 werepresent • for the occasion. After the supper Mrs. Victor, Emerson president presided.,. A' thank you note was received from Mr and 'Mrs . Don'.Ross ;for dorla tion received.. The leaders Mrs: Fred Tiffin and ,Mr'. Ezra Schnitz •and. all who assisted with 'the 'Old . .extended thanks The roll .tail* as: answered' by the husbands of the members • tellin " What I do 'when I do as I' g please".. A collection, of over w-as--rt�Ee-i�ieil=-W-Yrfclt- ail expenses of the evening • John•iGibb contributed 'musicagl numbers.: Mrs. Ezra Scholtz with the violin., Paul'•Laidlaw"with electric . guitar and Mrs.. Garnet. Farrier ; pianist gave: two numbers and` encloses; Miss Merle Wilson gave a piano instrumental; Mrs' McGuire gave a reading' ",Why: .w.ear.'a P.opp..:" . Two minutes: silence was Observed for those. fallen heron: As it :was.`Ivlr. and Mrs Russell Chapmans 36th ariniversary; they• were asked to stand and were wished best wishes and years of health, and happ:rness,,after .which. AGENCY ESTABLIBil}ED -" 1* ' HOWARD `AGNEW. . • ' MARG AGNEW . •T'�OMOBILE . _ "IREr .� . LIABILITY INVESTMENTS 81/96 r: GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES COURT CLERK ELEVENTH DIVISION COURT COUNTY OF BRUCE Lucknow; Ontario• HAVELOCK STREET OFFICE: — PHONE 528-2942. q . Remem ray Lucknow, Branch of the Royal Canadian•-LL-egion; 410:409-, held. , he4-r a-nnual_Rexnembranc 'banquet and dance at the Legion Hall on Saturday evening, About 100 attended.. . Chairman for 'the evening was H. D. "Bud Thompson, Follow ing Grace by Clarence; Greer, a toast to the Queen•was proposed by Harold Ritchie. • A welcome was extended the lath ng by- InetBed presick ent of Branch 309,., Head table guests were introd- uced bar Mr Eedy and a few words. Spoken by George. Joynt,. Reeve of the Village of Lucknow:, Ross Whicher, , M. p. for Bruce, Riding and Murray 'Gaunt, M.P P 'for: Huron -Bruce, A toast'to the fallen comrades, was proposed ,by..Art Ernewein .. 'A toast to. the lady guests was proposed' by Bruce' Wams`ley and, responded to by. Mrs Clare John- stone.. R. My Banque ,Harold Ritchie expressed appre:c• ;iatioi U A..;n e-glica - a a • _ who ,catered; for the banquet and this was responded to. by Mrs. . Cliff Roulston. Mr,. and. Mrs. Gordon Montgorn eryshowed, slides of their recent trip to Canadian war graves in ,Holland. Gordon's brother,, • Rob ert,. who, was killed during the, Second. world war; is. buried. in j iol�land : ' Th_e were introduced by Bud • rThompson a<nd:th anked':by Robert McIntosh . • Music for dancing followed by the: Narthern Gentlemen, Mrs. Rona1d:.Forster was_the winner' of a. prize draw , A union` official was in hospital and received a card stating: "Local 123 wishes- you a, speedy. recovery by a vote of 118' to: 56:, man, high"gent Alex .Sproal On the draws "Larry McGuire was the winner for gents and' Mrs.. Dan Tiffin for' the ladies. In the lost heir, Miss Mary Hehn. had high score and Mrs, Elgin Johnston -low score. Mrs Frank Ross was the winner of the, draw. On the draw, for the birthday. nearest November 11, Johnston; Conn was winner with birthday •. November 13 Jolly Good Fellows. • The ,Queen was -sung after which progressive euchre ,and:1ost heir was enjo ed.. Prizes were won for euchre:: 1}'igh`'1ady.Mrs. ;Gary Chap - Georgian . College of Applied Arts And Technology BARRIE, ONTARIO APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED FOR POSITION OF KE WIt EE-RESPONSIBLE--FOR--THE'-CONTINUING' EDUCATION PROGRAM,OF GEORGIAN COLLEGE IN SIMCOE .AND. DUFFERIN' COUNTIES His qualcations will include the ability to relate to community;; educational needs, • develop . programs ' to meet these needs, assist in recruiting of suitable instructional staff, and. implement The applicant should have. a backgrounds and . understanding of adult education, .experience in business or industry at a management. , post -secondary educaal iusti level,ones. be agraduate of a DUTIES TO COMMENCE AS„SOON AS POSSIBLE 1.. • THE 'DIRECTOR', GEORGIAN COLLEGE 401 DUCKWORTN STI BARRIE, ONTARIO CONTINUING EDUCATION DIVISION, OF APPLIED ARTS & TECHNOL.,OGY, EET' By: Nancy.O Keefe KINDERGARTEN Colleen Foran has.a., new : baby brother, There ,is. a new boy in Kindergarten. • His name is; Kevin Lindsay. Rose Marie O'Keefe is in the hospital having her tonsils removed. By. Margaret 'Prayne. • 'GRADE D&,2 •We:have'rockets'in our •room:. We also have'rbbits ins our room_ We welcome Karin Lindsay: and •Gerard Howard to our room. :,• By -.De to te-s4ie--ves GRADE 2:'& 3' The Doherty's brou'ght. a. Canada Goose'to school We watched the "blast-off '. on TV with grade one and two , By Margaret Fratk,en,; . GRADE .4 & 5 Anita `Doherty, brought.het Can wada--Goose-t-o-school--Her • father shot the goose and 'her uncle Joe:stuffed it We are writing. -po m . • • By Margaret Austin. •GRADE 5. & 6 We are doing a Religionpitoject 'on "Christian Life” We had a' test in Math, , 'Literature and Science,' • By Marianne Frayne., ,. GRADE 7&g` The Iolleybah tournament will 'start soon, The report card's ill' be ha'hded out toanorrow The grade seven and eight boys went to seethe' Goderich.Vikings and the 'Wingha.m Mustangs play football in Goderich,'' By Charles Crawford', • ron inloss Munici� elephone Sys EXCHANGE) sos#a =.of-operetion.-'rice:-#fid=�it necessary to .apply for a rate increase. - — Application., has been made, to the Ontario Tele, phone.: Service Coauiniss„ion for authority.to make the ,following'charges for telephone service at the Ripley E>xcianS-effective-Jamsa--•1-,--1970. EXCHANGE RATES (per month) INDIVIDUAL LINE TWO-PARTY LINE. MULTI-PARTY. RATE Business —; 8,00 Residence — 4.15 Bbsiness '6.30' Residence 3.25' Business 4.50, Residence 3,05. PBX TRUNK The above rates for individual ': and two-party line service will apply: only within the Base Rate Area which is defined as that area within the-iniftdeipal li is ofth iltage- of-Riptey and the presently established Base Rate Area for the Hamlet of Bervie (as per map in System office.) If individual or two- party line' service is required beyond the above Innits there will be an additional charge for extra mileage of 45c a month~ for each 1 mile: or fraction thereof for an individual line, and 25c a month for each i/4 mile or fraction thereof for eachparty on a .' two=party line. Rates for supplementary service such as extension tele-. phones ',and bells, . connection and moving telephones, • etc:, re- main unchanged • .' .' 'this application. will be heard before,the Commission. at KS next regular meeting in Toronto..Any representations to be made.. to' the Caonnsion. 'With 'respect° to this a catld, be •submitted on or before Nov 251969, addressed to the Chairm cem therefore, .. an, Ontario Tel.. . Service . mission, Department of' Agriculture • Food, Parliament Buildings, Toronto:2, 'Ontario. , IF. YOU DESIRE • ANY' FURTHER INFORMATION IN REFERENCE TO FOR. INCREASING THE TELEPHONE- RATES, YOU MAY: APPLY TO THE UNDER- SIGNED' EITHER. PERSONALLY, BY• TELEPHONE OR BY., LETTER. • Mrs. Irene Liddle, Secretary HURON and KINLOSS MUNICIPAL TELEPI4ONE SYSTEM.` Ripley, Ontario