The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-11-12, Page 44. ?.1 1 CK$OW-SENTIN01 :UCKNOW.; ONTARIO 1 WEDNESDAY, .NOVEMBER 12th,' X969. 'QiG • .1 1,w ' 1lost w e nA 11,4 l p spoiy IA I ; ewywf1. !t a!!MG POirer C11EcKEE: NI/W Ct K; ,L• mit; Int CtulcAts ACPot. - _ 1 CG.,$70 BSI io►ri fN MGR ""Nets f 0 i oC hua Gfraa it W d t. t , p11 (.l I4 1P £PM f.W fern .w a.' P .y.. ,1 • EAVESTROUGHING 'on house or • barn. Metal . flashings. Roof re - pars, CHIMNEYS built: Free . es- timates. Morrison.. Bros., 528-2546. BERG. STABLE : 'EQUIPMENT Contact Lloyd Johnston'' R.R. 3 Ilolyrood, 'phone 395-5390. FOR SALE ;-- 20 used 18"• x 6" stove, pipes, also an elbow. Bill Bolt, phone .528-3619., 1GIBO PLAYING CARDS available from the Lucknow Sent- inel at $1.19 ' Per • deck.- If, .poor. eyesight preventsyou from enjoy- ing a card game, these cards with. Large numbers and illustrations maybe 'just what you need . FOR SALE -.:'vacant building cull Ross Street, Lucknow . one . block south of Arena: 'Contact . Mrs. • El- mmeQr Jobnston,,Lucknow,,phone 528 FOR SALE DEAD • ELMS 'are dangerous r Let us remove them • and other trees safely. Also tree pruning and: cus- tom sawing.Call .Roy's Tree Ser- vice at Teeswater 392-6069. SAVINGS ON YARN CLEARANCES,. AND OVER -RUNS Spinrite Yarns and • Dyers Ltd. FACTORY AND SALES STORE • Main St. Listowel, Ont. 2914-3951' • COMET.': WELDERS (180 and . 300 amp.) compressions, grinders, fer tilizer' augers, power bin, cleaners, rods awl accessories. George Mes- senger, area representative; R.R. 1 Ripley, •Phone , 395-2815. Smith Roles Ltd., London, Saskatoon, Try Comet before you buy.. FOR SALE CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Every Tuesday ''.and . Thursday Pigs and Cattle,Tluesday Cattle only, . Thursday in by 1. p.rn. ' BILL'S MEAT 'MARKET FOR SALE 1966 International. ton Fteetside :Pick-up. Contact Doug .Marten; phone. 3.95-534&3- DEAD.•STOCK" .:Fresh dead cows over• 1,000 • pounds, $12 00 each . dead horses, Ord.* :to sire. LORENZ REMOVAL. DURHAM •�,. Call Collect 969-2410. ADDING MACHINES • In* stock are : two models; hand operated' Victor 'with add and sub- tract and" other` features, $100;, .el- ectrically operated Commodore withall features, $135., See them •. both at The Larcknow • Sentinel, phone. SZ -3134. ' ./.. FOR SATE Heavy 2 wheel • tra- er for :stock and grain, with `shute; •. ng . machine. pump and pipe . #or--$ws-sob ;Reid=-Lti now 528-3822. • RUST CRAFT, boxed' ,. Christmas• c::rds are now on •display at Ma- lay Decorators, Lucknow, 'VACUUM • CLEANERS.: •..Sales and: Service, for "all mates, R. ' :K. Pec-, .Varna, , Phone 262 'GLENN'S ALUMINUM PHONE:SM-3723, "LU•CKNOW Vindo , Shutters ' Siding, •' 1A , Grills and Railings RS - $50 INST-ALLED Buy Locally • 8 Years Experience MOBILE HOMES THINKING OF :A• MOBILE' HOME OR. RECREATIONAL . VEHICLE?. Many':makes and models to choose from. •For. •a better deal, drop us . a line' or telephone RUSTON • MOBILE. HOMES LTD. SO PLAINS RD., EAST BURLINGTON • Tel. (Code 416). L3244$L Cts • 'FO? SALE • t they, S Linder: automatic, radio; :four, Oft • FOR, .SALE •RCA 21"' TV•. 15 hog creep feeders; 2 heated water troughs; ,10 water •bowls;, 10 stable brooms, new, • cheap :to clear; .:1 milker, and• pump, ' only; 'used '18 months. 'Phone 528-2528... FOR SALE "used' frig, McClary; good. condition. For. Rent, • garage space for storage. • Mrs.. Dorothy MacLeod, Lucknow 528-2123: FOR SAE ' = , Al Zenith: .wringer washer, 2 years old, copper . col- our. Allan . Gamble,, Ripley _395- 5126. - , TRACTOR TIRE SPECIALS ". •:FRONT — 1 pair 500 x 15 - 4 ,ply; 1 only 600 x 19 - 4 ply;' REAR = I only '116 6 / 12 - 24 .fits 12". rim; 1 Only 124 7' 28 fits :11'' :Mm -• - LUCKNOW . DISTRICT COOP FOR •SALE .— 6 sows due about December 1st, or ' will put' out on shares. Contact • Orville • Elliott, Lueknow 528-3409. • PAINT .SALE BRIGHTEN UP YOUR ROOM .. WITH ' Glidden. X , Pert • PolyurethaneVarnish BUY. A GALLON AND. GET. A. PAINT ;BRUSH. FREE. ' POLLOCK .. ELECTRIC FOR RENT :HOUSE: FOR; RENT -- on , Stauffer 'Street, Lucknow_... Contact. Ernest Button; 'Myth, phone • 523-4551 Or 523.9431.. • FOR' RENT 85 acres of Stubble. Jack McGuire, _ILK.' 5 • Lucicnow, NOTICE HILRAY FARMS LTD. B TIOIR; NOL -ROOD The best in Home Grown, Dry Fed, Drug : Free Beef. • .Try' our Fresh,. Home' Made: Sausage: OT4CE As of ,November 1st, 1969 1 we. will no longer he doing, Custom Slaughtering Phone . 528-2132 OWNEIL9;ND PE ;ATED BY RAYNARD AND•' : ERNEST • J. •ACKERT 'BRIAN RINTOUL new tires. 's . 4 e ! t i1i . 3i i - Y s -' Call.,' Dave Todd.: Ambei:leyt '395- WITECH. URCPHONE 3572349•' -*E$. SPECIALS = buy a Bic '49c ns • FREE; buy a: ' Paper Mate $1. pen :al,n. get ;a •Tempo,•nylon tip marking pen, value :59c, FREE; s The : Luce n w Sentinel, •Phone 528- • SEPTIC ' TANKS .CLE.A$ED ,, vacuum :cleating and- pumping.. of Septic tanks, Ronald Forster,. : tape compbed with Section; 9 of ' • X28 23441 rn•r�stu-. •• 1�t7c'kncr�/, • phone. .. .... ,.. A: REAL 'DEAL. •.. tT#ee ..•Voters'. Act..•.: and that . I•. fac�turer. of •cement. ° seot)c tanks • BIC .PENS are' fast capturing. • • the 'Canadiat' i:• market, after being bav'e: posted •up at my office in• Kin and.. web tiles. � � � . � :: ; : � • introduced. in Canada a short tirnelrss, on :the 1(►th 'day of November; SAL — ' 1969, 'the list of ail . persons ;entit- coved r,a - es, xtkn 'lip. Soa�t * ;good ffer. • DUMONT`'ALUMINUM • :SALES .and .SERVICE, "'windows, II- r awnia.. • sidin ';: For free estimate gall' , Roy.. Ember ' your local dealer.. COMING EVENTS COMING EVENTS. N, E _.-W CASH -BINGO . ',Legion Hall, Lucknow, 'Thurs- day, , " 8:45 p.m.' 15 'regular games, $10.00 each,:. 4 Share The Wealth games '•with:. jackpot included in each game. ' Jackpot this' week 180 on 56 calls. COMMENCEMENT 'EXCERCI.SES' The :Ripley District High School Commencement Excercises will be held Friday,. November... 21st: at. 8' p.m.; Formal Proceedings,' Re-' • ception, Dance.'All'welcome. • RECEPTION AND DANCE. A Reception and Dance, id hon- our of Mr.' and Mrs. Don McNeil (Doreen .Culbert), will be held on Friday,..November 14th in Dungan non Agricultural. .Hall, - Scott's, -or-- chestra. Lunch will .be :provided.,, Everyone' welcome. - ZION.'ANNUAL BAZAAR BUSINESSMEN'S MEETING -- A meeting of • the Lucknow. Busin. essmen's Association.has . been rata led for Friday, ,November • 14th at Lucknow Town , Hall at '. 8 - p. r • .A full ,attendance ''::is ' requested,: WINE AND CHEESE TASTING PARTY• - Friday, November 21st frotn 7:30 p.m tb 11 pm.. in the Luck! dow Legion. Halla Sponsored . by' Lucknow and District Lions Club. See details 'in . -next week's paper, OPEN ,HOUSE THURSDAY NOVEMBER ,. ;12, 1961 Iiuron-Perth ' Tubercul - _osis" and . Respiratory ,Disease Association • Zion' 'United Church Women are holding ' a sale of Baking, Sewing and a Tea on Saturday,. November 22nd• at Lucknow Legion ' 'Hall. • BRING YOUR 'CHILDREN AND. 121 Welliingtor Street;. •, /1 Stratford, 'Ont: • Doors ,open at 2:15 p.m.. BAKE SALE A : Bake , ;Sale, >, sponsored by Blake's U:C.W., .will be 'held • on Wednesday,•• November ' 19th at: 2 p.m. in,the former Johnston Rest aurant, Lucknow. ATTENTION ALL The .beautiful 'colour' movie "i?e FRIENDS' Stem --Van -Het -W tet'=--along-with- the movie "TbCanadians Are Coming" ''(This movie was Heade in . memory' of .the many Canadian soldiers' :who 'paid with ' their lives for our freedom), will be shown • in the .:Lucknow Chriitian Reformed. Church, Thursday, November 13 at 8:15 p.m. Admission' Adults $1.00,' ;children 50c. . Everyone', wel- come, but please note the text is in the Holland language. . LQST :LbST 42 yearling .Hereford steers, from.' lots .:5 • •and 6, Conces• sion 12," . Ashfield Vest ' Division, Reward..RobL: ` McIntosh,. R.R..3 LucknoWphone 395-5230. •: BUS TO ROYAL ' WINTER FAIR HORSE SHOW Montgomery Motors will operate: 1 a bus to '. the " Winter• Fair 'Horse CLOVER AND GRASS SEED. CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIR$1., • We are now buying Clover and POSTING OF VOTER'S LIST • Grass Seed Bring:in `-a sample for. Voters'. Lest. `.1969, Townshipof . 'price otatio r e ... A: K ieil'ess; • County ; of Bruce LU�CKN01N CO-OP, . Notice hereby'`� . .. o is given that. I Hereford and. Uclstein, Alex. Far- for at y`• btzs nassman or •anvoie, a to vete at m*r1 •u.. risk,'. R. ,.. d Lucknecr. phone .5 ' •wrio es a zl her :r f .pens. Fluy .1 municipal elet�taons' and that such 'dozensic' 45t pens at the regular list rema7ns 'there- for; inspection,, • • S?LO AND ROOF! EXTENSIONS - • • : .Anyone wishing -to haVe`-erten-: ;Doris on their silos or rloofs, please call or: write, This can be dc, a now. . George' Wraith, Bali: • <5, Goderi h. Phones Residence :524.77;2 or :Shop 524=0511. THE LLrCKNOW — for sale at' Mel' Stanley's S pertest in. Lucknow."Pik: up an extra copy from Mel, ' Pit04"E' SYMES BROS.frr crush - t. • ! x . ra've.l, top soil and fill. 528-5203. • P'LAYING CARDS, ' Plastic coat'e'd 'single decks from $ L 19 u up as, well as , double decks and euchre . des .:end cards Dro0 in The Lucknow SendneL price 'and 'get vv.*. ,dozen . Bic -19c - And b. cam-tipon-ail-vo voter - .. to take immediate roceedings to pe 50: value ''for A P .&w .:, L rl vw : Sentinel, pot t have an . omissions or errors car- a7B•'3� 34 rected accord to .law;. the .'last .. • ' ; day for appca . being the 24th day. ;BARN ! ti EQt` ME\'T Acorn , of ' ovember; `1:965: • . .. se ri}-aratooatic Cable . •Clearers, I Dated this'.lOth day. of Noaveirnber, unbeaten far ` ho—r barns; chain 1969 . LOST) -- " `Mari • with : whiile incl steer; approximately iM lbs froir Lot 40, Con: 1, • Kinloss Townsb , Contact• : Mel : Morrison,. phone 51. 6291. STRAYED 'from Lot 3 Conces sion 11 Ashfield ' Township, 'kis p, on� Hereford. 'steer about '• 800 lbs. :Can be ' identified: , Reward. Alex Fan risk; . R:R,17':Lucknow,, :'.phone' 59 7305. Shnws on Novembrl$tti_an_d•.'22ud_; Headline for: 18th 'show, . Nova .15th; 220 show, by Nov. 20th. Leaving' 8 a.m., plwne 528-3007 or 395,5341 after .6' . in.. t REMEMBRANCE BANQUET AND DANCE. A banquet and 'dance for. veter- ans and their' wives '. and ` Ladies -Auxiliary and their husbands, • will be.: held Saturday, November 15 at 7-00 pm. • at the Lucknow Legion Hall. Admission, $2.50.. per person.. 'Gordon' Montgomery, will show slides;, of a trip to the Canadian' War .Graves in.' Holland. Dancing to musk by the. Northern Gentle- men., • / DANCE IN. LUCKNOW • A dance will .be held in •, the' Luck- now Legion Hall. • Sattirday. Nov - 1_, BFFBRE THEY START ly ..i • , ' ti'i: t11 1 dear husband Charles Tiffin, who passed away November 1 & 1968. •God knows how much:ale rniss:him . Never- shall• his memory fade. Loving thought's shall •ever• wander To the spot where he is laid. /Sadly missed by his wife 'Gertie. TWW'r'IN — 'In 'toying rnemory�. of a dear brother ;Reuben: Charles Tif, fin, , who> 'passed aKwav one yeal ago, .'IVovetnber .18, 1968, • ' . i There's a gift in life you cannot buy. That's very rare:. and It's. the gift. of ''a wonderful brother Like the one we had in s'ou. The 'many things. had 'did tor. us • by In: yob l;dzi"itrng-'ay` You gave us 'years -of happiness No one: can take awa�v: .i✓yer-remembereddd anza m sed • by ,brother. Fred .and siter:•itr lay - Elizabeth. - . __. '"'T'he, Twylite's." Admission '' 81.25 per • person. Admittance restricted tars--to-persons :1- and=over Spon re •cleaner.bitnk feeders, ,si1c+ unload- ' Fraser' MacKinnon; ers, berg• prnent, fans, 'bulk 'Clerk of • rsop. of Kinloss tanks- Haw'ke3'e cast iron . bog R.R, 5. Ltacknow. Ontario fee.der and 'heated cattle -caterers; Westeel R Steel .Granaries*,'Al so a complete line ' of clay ' -Matron _Farm . Ecuipthent. L :. ► f ' :_. Lowry; 'AA.molberle a ' Phone. Ripley 'SINGER SERVICE -Repairs to all makes and model's; Sales and rads'",Service on . he*"pradcicts Singer .: . Co. of Canada, phone 357.3730 after l . 6 .p.m. 1. by Royal Canadian ' Legion Branch • :ATTENTION LADIES. ' Any ladies interested in "Acres socias for the. Hom -e„ :.... or. ►.spon sored b3, the Lucknow Women's Institute, are asked to 'get'; in touch as soon as possible , with Mrs. Jim Mc- Naughton phone 528-3040' after 5.30' p.m week days or.,'Mrs. T. J. Salkeld .528-2476. Rolf up •your sleeve to` .sav'e. o bfe `E• A BLOOD DONOR `! ufFIN -- `In ;,loving mernory of. dear: brother 'Reuben .Charles Tif fin; 'who passed' away ore year November 18.' 1968 • Our ;hearts still ache with sadness And tears still flow What it meant., to lose, ism, No one 'will gPben aresad ver know wed and lonely .'. And .everything .goes Wroag. ,seem to hear him whisper` t. beer up and cam', oil, Each time we look at his picture 41e seems to smile and say, Ilona cry, I'm only sleeping,. • We'll meet • again some day, Lovingly :reinetnber d by , Valetta, brothers - .law Yictot'' E mon and Russel Ritchie.