The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-11-05, Page 15I, rk. in re. e'. en's. 'rt 'er • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER Sth, 1969..'.• THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,LUCKNOW, ONTARIO TAKECQMPLAINT TO:MUNLCIPAI AFFAIRS, MINISTER .■•_ PAGE FIFTEEN �6ruCe II,. AflI.ITActio •i: �'1;��;�:;.shy+ }, BEFORE YOU BUY w:...TIREs SES: O ew .Executive Ttactionline • 1.444+444444 TIRES A TOP VALUE .TIRE AT REGULAR PRICE. This tire has proved to be Much. superior in performance than most comparable tires.: Bill. Hunter, • .Lucknow Phone .528-3424 Erect Pole.' Barn On , Elphick Farm LOCHALSH' NEWS. • David Elphick is building•a • pole barn on the former .Ensign;. puce. The W. M. S of Ashfield , f -Presbyter areChuurch-were hosts to the North Maitland,Presbyterial on: 1 WedneSda.y, '• The store at Lochalsh was closed during'the%past week while Mr.. and ;Mrs. MacLennan enjoyed a few holidays. • The buildings on the .Bob 'McIn tosh .farm have" been newly painted ;.and present,;a'; pleasing sight in the community.' Many from•the area attended the •Christmas County Fair at Carlow on Wednesday and. Satur- ayo last week Mrs. Ross MacKenzie w s host - ess to a. Beeline Fashion Party on , Thursday evening.' :Spooks and Goblins were plenty ful on. Hallowe'en and everyone in the community ;had •their .share, of Visitors. Hallowe'en ' is for, the: children and'it is!•nice tosee t • being,used for. their enjoyment: Donald Simpson .peril Tuesday in Toronto . . • A : Hallowe4en'party-Eras-held .at- North Ashfield school on Friday afternoon •The Teachers conduc- ted. a parade from.whi:ch'prize winners were chosen Several -from the' area .attended the Holstein' or'Milk, Producers banquet'at Reid •Corners .1-Jal Th-t-tsday e-vening;----. Walter Brown of Amberley is, quite ill in hospital in Kincardine. LOOKING BACKWARI THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES Bruce county council -is soured on its treatment by the Ontario_ Municipal Board and Thursday. authorized. a delegation be named to take its, latest beef directly to the minister of municipal affairs, The• establishment of assessment -re a.'oirs- reacts -this -cote : 'rea#nienf nidpafir we get it in the end," he said, Reeve J. P. Johnstoner...,. Jr. of St. Edmunds township urged his., fellow niembers to action. . "If you want something with the province you must: go after it. We sit and talk; away with ourselves o-10ch =1e want -to-do sar-n thing; do it.. And take a member of. the'. pressalong too, The government will then listen:" The big problem will be :for the Staff, retiring county assessment commissioner Howard French: said. The present Bruce. staff knows the area, andif left to work out of a sub office there could be a real advantage... If not there couldbe. real hardships, he,. said. LEERYOF 'PROPOSALS ,Cot ncillors. *said .that govern- ment actions have made rnunicip- alities•ieery of other provincial proposals for area rule Bruce council set up'a committee as rec HELP -YO. suffer a substantial financial' loss , Three years ago. new office .accorlt modation was.built for the county assessrrrent '.unit at Walkerton; and Bruce still'has 19 .years•.of•the 20- year lease .remaining on :office: space in Wiarton., • :Both offices were newly •equip ped fora assessment and it is not known' how much of this cost. Will go down tee drain with. the office of the new region for Bruce and Grey counties and'Oweh Sound being set up in .Owen: Sound. More vital may; be the effect on the 27 ,Bruce' assessment employ- ees who, council was told, are at a level of tainingmuch above that in 'Grey. • Bruce had hoped that an area office -would -remain -here -but council was. told: Thursday that' this' is not to be ;This is the main.. . complaint that the delegation will convey to the minister...... •Council said that this treatment will 'make Brucequestion any fur: ther permissive legislation • sproposed by Queen's Park. •Bruce . .was one of the :firt counties in Ontario to go for the recomrnende county assessment System and Grey was forced • in,,at the last; •/ omrnended. by the province but ithe interest shown by council' ax -the=- un ;session has changed to. await and.- Isee attit .de . •• Paisley,reeve George Grant ;• an ,early advocate of.amalgarnation, aid 'the •n Truster of municipal affairs has. said that regional gov rnxnent will not be forced. "'But how can we believe him? Reeve: J. P. Johnstone Jr.. said St: Edmunds Township will have the population required' for a dep. !sty reeve by 1970 and asked that +instead of adding, another person .to council that the reeve be given a double vote. Mr. Johnstone was told that regulations prohibit • FIRST TO. AGREE • Amabel township 'Re.eve Manley Forbes surnmed up council's feelings "There' is no use in thinking or *acting •progressive .' •When we do NADI LEGIO .ucknow; ' Branch 309 o POPPY•..• • Wear a Poppy Proud of our veterans? Grateful to :these: who died for freedom? Show your.gratitude and pride .by helping the living_..: suphe _ Poppy 'Program... 'CANVASS OF, THE VILLAGE WILL' BE HELD • NOVEMBER ' 7 1 beef production leadership in nutrition ed cps: . WITH 'MARGARET THOMPSON 1•4•1,..•••••••••••••••••••• •.••.. •••. *.i••• , ARS iQG OCTOBER .1949k, The Lucknow. Scouttroop was . reorganized.and a Cub:pack was. • newly established under ection of Rev. A E. Tavener, ' The Cub •ack,.leader Was Elmer Umbach with Willard T :and Wilfred, Black as as The Soout_trno asun !er the. leadership of Stuart Col - - `�ro�l .lezlc'rs end seconds were: Wolf Patrol - .Jack •MdKirn , Donald'McNay;'Fox Patrol - Geo- . ge Anderson. Bill Mathers;' Buff alo Patrol -'Donald Thompson;,. • Allan Johnston;, Beaver Patrol Clayton Hodgins, Art Baker. ' Lucknow Municipal Council • unanimously supported a motion requesting Bruce County Council' to establish a new "High School 40'YEAR$'..GO etas. 'OCTOBER 1929' -£ Mark .Cassels sold his. goer . business in 'Lucknow to E1mer:; the dir lohnsto•n;, who had been. with'the : Lucknow. Table' Company for a Torentaxa-s ars..-�vt•G.,rJohnstan-w•as-asp. • . . hompson isted''in the. stare by P'ocher.Mac sstants, Charles. Mt. Cassels went to �a*sa-les-rn-fo`r�wift. l yer . 'Pat Company A school report for the senior class in Room 1, :Lucknow Public ' School, .named the following Pupils:, Florence Drennan , Donald ' district to include all of this .mun - icipality, Special forms were filCoued Out,in ncil 1 to appy itioning'County approve of such a district which in turn had to,•be accepted by the Department of . Education, Finlayson, Isabel Nicholson , Muriel. Paterson, Jim Webster; Dorothy Irwin ; 'John K. Mac Kenzie , Marion Traplin,' Mary Fisher,. Gordon Steward ,'Helen 'MacDonald; Helen Harr-0ton Louise Greer, Jack, Leith , Jane Hornell. Jean Havens ,Elva Twam• ley., M 4rvin Solomon, Margaret. Salkeld•, jean Ward, Donald Johnston, Jack Henderson . Evelyn Taylor.,_ Jack_: Drennan • Elia Whitley, Sam McOuillin: 'reacher ,- Isabel lvl;urdie, to continuous research • management skills • growing animal health service SHUR-GAIN.FEEDLOT STARTER'1 MEDICATED' --"THE SUCCESS • 'FEED:.THAT WO.N TH'E• WEST'':: Literally thousands of cattlemen have found Shur -Gain Feedlot . Starter an important factor in safely getting feeder cattle quickly started on full feed, Close confinement of cattle in a feedlot brings new problemsStress from digestive upset and, of course, gorging. Combat these problems, as •1 • • ee •, e• ie - :1 ..Feedlot Starter Medicated full fed for the —.first four --days, then sw ng-gradua4y-into" Shur -Gain Beef Finishing l;atior--oer,the- • next 12 days. hur-Gain Feedlot Starter Medicated can . help:.you get your feeders on full feed sooner and: reduce losses usually associated with feeding changeover: See us about a bulk load of feedlot 'starter. nderson Rax acts Limited :IOW PHOIV� 5284026