The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-11-05, Page 644 -,,X7717 -10r, 4rIVTi THE LUCKNOW'•SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW,, ONTARIO (working Machine Operators . . {. APPLY OW—WOOD=PRODUCTS=� �. Lucknow.. REAL ESTATE SALESMEN. WANTED, EXPERIENCED OR UNEXPERIENCED. Ideal career for ambitious man. We offer above average earnings for our Salesmen ITTCPN G. _NOGG LIi,..IJTED '. REAL ESTATE BROKERS • • BOX .39, FLESHERTON, ONT.: OFFICE — PHONE 924.2200' HOME 924-2418 HARRIS STUDIO, KINCARDINE AN. MALCOMSON — PHONE 196.2191.. LUCKNO W PLUMBING HEATING.. ELECTRIC W.IRII4G ;rt HE �' t OLD MILL Annual FACTORY OUTLET , . SALE ; •:, � ,�l��i+fix' OCTOBER 28 THROUGH T0' DE ER '31 .The same: spectswlal Value3 Ypu Have Come To Lxo of Of Us BLYTH, ONTARIO SPECIAL HOURS 9 tilt. to '6 p:m: Daily lay : and Saturday till 9:30 p.m. DAIRY EQUIPMENT xx* STANCHION` PIPELINES BUCKET MILKERS VACUUM, PUMPS STEP SAVERS: BULK TANKS . WATER CONDITIONING • . EQUIPMENT �.iger' . . • silo unloaders Silage :Conveyers Bunker Feeders KEN MARTIN 3%-240$ KINCARDINE EPOR•7 KINCARDINE. WSDNESDAY', NOVEMBER. Sth,. 1969 CHOICE:=VES' RUN GRA CEMENT GRAVEL CRUSHED GRAVEL AND, . STONE AND FILL HAULAGE . . _ • From 12,01.a m: October 26 ,, 1969 to 12:00'midnight.,- November: 1, 1969 Provirxcial'Constable Harry Wiwczaryk investigated a'car- cattlebeast:accident:on #9 High- way, '2:.1/2 miles east of Bervie, `. on Sunday, October 26. ;A • catatlebeast' owned.. by Wayne Bush ell cof R R,•4!, 'Was:struck by a.. vehicle operated by Keith .Hedley of R:. R , 2 Kincardine The beast was not killed On .October 26. Provincial Con- stable .L L. Whitelaw investigated a two car collision on 486 High.- way.,. '' m:iles.'east of 42`1-luron: County Road. The drivers nvolv._. ed. were Darlene Rilett, of London., Ontario and Allen Colwell of R R.4 Kincardine, . ,No one was': • injured in the mishap.: •• Provincial Constable Andy Burgess investigated a two car collision on,# 21.High.w.ay,at the. Junction .of the North Durham.; Road, on Wednesday,' October 29,. The drivers involved were George Hartwick of R, R. 2'Kincardine • and�Oerald Cole .of R•. R 3 Tiver- ton. Darnage was estimated at '. $70,6.;:00,•. No one was:injured. A two car collision. on the lOth. Concession of .Kincardine .Town- ship on Friday October :3.1 was investigated by Provincial Con 'stable Larry Whitelaw: 'No one was, injured in the mishap which caused an estimated $400 00 damage'to the vehicles. The drivers were John McLean of Port .1gin and John Reid Of IL R. 1, •• Tiverton Dungannon, ntario George Gordon of. Kincardine and Roy Morris of Douglas Point , : Dam age was estimated at $450,00. No one was injured. On Sunday; Novernber 2, Provin- cial Constable.' Larry Whitelaw in: vestigated a- two car accident on #21 'H ighway at the Junction of the 4th Concession of Hurcyn Township. The drivers involved were Arthur McCormick of Kincardine and Hans, Doerge of Waterloo, Ontario.. A . passenger in. the Doerge vehicle , :Ge.rta Merge—also ot• Waterloo • wastaken to the Kincardine. Hospit• al by ambulance with possible headinjuries.. Darrmage to; -the -- v ifele wasestimated at $1,200.... Provincial Constable Larry Whitelaw investigated a two car :accident on'#21• Highway at.'the,, Junction, Of the 1.2th Concession ;of Bruce -Township' on. Sunday`, • November 2. The 'drivers were, Wellington Avis'of Kincardine and John Verostick of Dearborn Mich- igan, ichigan, U : S„A Damage .was.estim `ated at $1, 500:00 . No one • was Injured On Saturday, November 1,'a .two car collision ora the 2nd Con.- cession of Brute Tc nship was in vestigated! by. Provincial Constable Larry Whitelaw • The drivers "were Provincial Constable. `YOUR`.RED .CROSS IS: TODAY. READY FOR TOMORROW ra. French fOr Part Of:. Bruce Eleven of- the • 27 Grade 7 classes.. in Bruce public schools•'and two the 24 grade •8 classes are receiv- ing oral French instruction this term. If adequate staff can be. obtained, the subject will be exten- ded to .all Grades 7 and 8 in the county in the next two years....' John..Snowde•n•is county super= ' visor ofFiench instruction; At present he has. three teachers working with him. • Mvlrs.'Josette Friar was already', on the.staff eof Paisley Central. school •and. she teaches Grades and 8..there in addition to her . regular classroom"dutie.s . E.arl'I3arry, a graduate of'the department's course at .Compton, Que.., teaches at. schools in Walkerton', Mildmatand Chesley. .Laurent Richards who teaches ' French at Kincardine district high. school also teaches Grades'7,and 8.01 •Kincardine 'public school:`' At.. the beginning -.level. of the course is a -set ..:of bask`-.srructurFc which•, are: first presented in si r p•1e • conversational exchanges.- The\. are imitated meniorized ;. mann - ulated .through'pattern•`drills and. then; reintroduced. in developed '. sitca'tiondaLogu e s Each class•receivei 20. •minutf, of French instruction 'per day Twenty -:six'. per cent of the court Grade 7 arid 8 pupils arenow in-' volved CHOICE` HOME KILLED BEEF AND PORI - BOLOGNA LEAN STORE :SLICED•BACON SWEET PICKLED ROLL PORK CHOPS, Lean LBS. FOR $1.00. 83c1.13: 73c LB. 89c• LB. LEAN. MEATY ; NECK BONES 4 LBS. $1:00 :FRESH` SAUERKRAUT FRESH MINCE MEAT .._. 39c• LB. FRESH CAPONS, 8 to .10 lbs. "••s•••••••••' • Sausage •