The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-11-05, Page 1!Rh, 1949 1 $5.00-A Year In Advance — $2.00 Extra To. U.S.A.. • • LUCKNOW, •ONTARIO. '•WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5th,: `1!N' Work Commences On Lucknow Arena Addition � Group 1OOEfl. iotkd In: .._ ,Rock ,..._._ Area JlIglIi,.Stbool Ruth and. Rose ,Rock, daughters; Principal William. Turvill of ... the- l ipley_isuict igh Schno1 T has .announced _that 100 arearesid- ents are enrollectin seven different classes at the Ripley and District Night'School, ^ x' 80 of those enrolled are from Ripley and district, •14'from Luck now• and .d. strict and 6 frc m Kin cardine,and .area ..•• •. 'The teachers, and, the number in each class are; Sewing, 13, Mrs,' Francis Gemmell, Ripley;.' Needlework , 15 , Mrs. Donald Blue, Ripley; 'Upholstery, 15', Mrs Jim. O'Donnell, _Lucknow French of Mr;: and Mrs'. Oraen 'Rock of Ripley, entertained at the Lucknow r. Masonic Banquet with. accordian numbers which were well received. • • We are 'sure the -girls will see,- the joke, as We did;: when. a Luck - ,now lady quite seriously asked a Ripley gentleman. as the .girls were about.to play; "Are those the Stories? " • "No" replied , the 'gent' who was acquainted with the girls, "They're the Rocks' :111111111111011111111111111110111111111111141111111111101111 Property Sales in Town, Townships Elino.Pritchard: of. Vigst ;Wawari-, osh recently purchased the home of the late Mr:, and. Mrs: Sid _1Sr� pibwright oLLu,c_knos'4.. Mr. and. Mrs, Pritchard and sons Carl and Wayne moved' to :Lucknow on Fri day of last week:. The house is on the 'corner 'of Outram, and *Rose'. / 110c {` Streets in. the village. 'Elmo's house and:a small -:parcel •of land . on the 12th of West Wawa - nosh.. -has been sold to his son Tom Pritchard• of-Lucknow, Mr. and • E• •l Oc.;: : 'Mrs; Pritchard, Stephen: and David will-. move 'there•shortl The land., on :the farm and the ' barn 'has been sold to•a neighbour`, Donald Gaunt , .Elmo still has' another farm to,the south: of the property ; • still to be sold. ''Tom Pritchard's home, on Al- ben' Street in Lucknow , north .of „. Lucknow Wood Products ; has been sold to Mr•... ;and Mrs ' :Gordon Barger of Ashfield Mr: and Mrs.: • Barger will obtain possession the', first of'neext` month, and will move to' Lucknow. • The Pritchardsale a .. c � et-- w s ompl ,t ed b` BarryMcDona h local , agent f r Do g , o n Holst'�Real Estate.. Gordon Bar er, who resides on ,g. • the'12th of Ashfield, his sold his' house, barn .an t i ty acres Q land to' Clifford Hartman of Port Credit., He: had earlier sold''10; acres to Donnie Farrish of Ashfield Conversation, 16, Mrs. Katherine Collins,. Ripley, Physical. Fitness (women)-,-13.,.--Miss-Margaret_ Machan, Wingharn Art, 15, Mrs. Ross Shiells, Lucknow; Liquid ._ E.mbroidet_y_,_1 .__Mrs William Gamble ; T-eeswater .' The . classes meet .Thursdays at 8' p.m. and a' few more could still be included. 120 hich r N- eoVboard >n'NOV-, t` agen e..Board • H. D. Thompson RetiresAs Head Of 97th Battery .Majbi James Abbott has ;assumed, command of the, 97t1i FieldA'rtil- levy Battery at ,Walkerton. He suc ceeds Major H. D. "Bud" Thomp- son, who has held the, post since March ,:1965 seThe, incoming officer has been cond in command of the unit He lives in - Palmerston where he is on the staff of the • Norwell district secondary school. Formerly he • taught at Walkerton district Second- ary school:/ On retiring, Mayor Thompson completes 27 years service with the;RoY al Canadian -Artillery. Dur- ing- the Second World. War he serv- ed in Europe with . the 19th A rtil='. lery Regiment. Since//; the war' he has.. served in-vaniims"capacities h .he 1s it-.�:���-�atsRe�me-Bt-of which the • 97th Battery' is part.- , Budlives in Lucknow• •, andis ad ministrator of Brucelea Haven in Walkerton. Sk I -Copy 715c T �P This picture , ,taken last Friday; shows the start of the new addition 'which is being. built at the west:. end of the Lucknow:arena Gen- eral contractor eneral<contractor is Murray McDoug- all .Construction of Wingham. The work air. of reand.stren th nin P g g the, interior of the arena , also the contract; of . Mr : McDougall , is nearly completed. P malting will not be started until the !addition has progressed to the point where it can .be, .tied, into the west end wall of the arena. Some of this work will have'to" be done from -the -interior' of the arena ,building: g BY SHIRLEY J'. KELLgR • Robert. Irvin, a garage owner at 'Dungannon: continued his fight Friday at County Council to have a problem corrected athis garage following construction of a 'new:. hi hw a: throu g h Dungannon three ar`-a,. Mr'.: Irvin told council his bus- iness has been cut back, because: access to his place'of business is cumbersome and unhandy.. He stated that the road commit- tee and°the county engineer 'James. Brintnell have been "fully ;aware • of the, problem" since the time of the road construction.. He .claimed the road had been lowered, excess- iv.&1• nd nneeceasarily ld in - CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 ' Four Lucknow area young men were recently awarded bursaries from the'Alexander MacKenzie • Education .Endow-rite-nt Fund a= • : unique fund left for education by, Y the late'Alex MacKenzie,.of Kin- loss-Township. inloss- -ownship. The total amount of the award was $1216 which was divided am-: on '... -. _. • .e. g thef our boys according Co. the articular standing' course they andou s th y were in. . The fund was designated for for. the use of boys only, Mr.' MacKenzie, a bachelor himself, apparently feeling that ,the place for the woman was sin the home. the interest will be 'used,' there has been an.accumulation of funds • through the yearsand the board •adxi unit r-ingthe-fund-recently - adopted the idea of cash bursar ies which are being awarded to -deserving snide -ills Murray Morrison, son,of Mr. and Mrs: Gordon, Morrison of West Wawanosh , who placed second ,in -the-grade- 1 standing7. He'qs- at ending University •of Guelph. . 'Richard' Frook,' son: -of Mr, and', 'Mrs. Joh1rFrook:Tolyrood , who topped the Lucknow area students in grade 12 in the four year busin- ess and commerce course. He is training at the.: Electrical Comput- er Programing Institute in London.. Terry Taylor, son of Mr, and Mrs; Norman -Taylor. of Lucknow, placed first from the Lucknow area in grade 12 in the four year Scie,e,. Technology and Trades Course. Terry is, training' as 'an ehitectura-1=tet 'With the+ closing of the Lucknow District. High School. and the mov- ing of.students to Wingham, the fund is still being administered. by a local board 'and the fund will still be used forthose male students in the former Lucknow District High School area: No one else is eligible for the MacKenzie loans or bursaries.. Winners. of the, bursaries ,are; • ' Donald -Nine i to Interest• .free. loans to students have been issued for many years to those young men front the Luck - now' uck-now' District High School wishing' _to_further.'their--education: As the fund stipulates that only >' and Mrs. Donald. MacKinnon of Lucknow .'who was the top student in grade 13 from the former Luck now High School area He is presently; -attending Western Univ- ersity. . ' • . *shawe College in London. • Factors other than academic excellence are also considered in the awards, The boys all atten- -tied the P;' E,., ladill Secondary • School •%n .Winghanmlast year'. ontinuars Service .otk Box Lobby Postmaster Kenneth. Cameron of Lucknow has announced. that, the Post Office Department • - • p t has select edc " Lu know Post Office as one of those s to. b -used•. :tin• rt�:o��darc E an he experiment on t 'feasibility -of p h • keeping lockbox lobbies open continua lly , .-24•-hours--a day -r-7 dayva week: • If the experiment is successful, `- the• additional hours of service will permit many boxholders, who may- now a Y now'find difficulty in getting' to the Post' Office during the present hours, the opportunity of picking • up mail at their convenience This does not Mean however, ,that mail will be sorted to 'the boxes : more often. It will'contin o he sorted dur ng -the --normal operating hours when staff is on. • ,itit at the office fo .... yfor that purpose.. The new lobby hours have begun on a trial'basis only and theircon- tinuance will depend' on' the res- ults of•this experiment. elcame New: sociate-Rastc KINGSBRIDGE NEWS • We. welcome .our Associate Pastor.` Reverend Father William Bonnici S S', P . to the commun= ity , : Father Bonnici was. ordained a Priest in Malta in March 1967.. Before arriving in Kingsbridge 'ast week; he had spent a year in Australia n:neW snow °;BUsins A new business in the `'commun- ity, ommun-ity, the H &;' B. Discount Store 'will open next Monday in the form' ar James Duncan .building on Lucknow's: Main 'Street. Harold and: Barb Londa rormer- y ly of Newmarket, ;wills operate erate the P business which will specialize in cosmeti: atentedicine os- P tobacco, greeting cards-. • - • g $.:and sun.,. ,.. dries The Londrys have three • children. h n , Danny age 8 ; 7anlce age • 6 and Mark. age 2. Harold'.was a machine shop foreman in .;• Newmarket and both -he and his • ,'wife, are keenly interested in. sports. Mrs. Londry.played ladies' softball in Newmarket and Harold as si to s st d' w nth hockey in, that tom- munity. They purchased the building from J ames Duncan which had been e mpty since Fred Riley his billiard business there ' closed in the spring-." They have exten sively remodelled' and modernized the downstairs portion Where the business will be located..._. They: are living inthe upstairs apartment in the building..' •