The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-10-29, Page 17CI 196,.9, WEDNESDAY. OCTOEERX1Il, 1 Sl .... 'HIE'.. CUCKNOW.$ENTIN.EL, .4UCKN0! ONTARIO,, .PAGE .SEVENTEEN- . CRAWFORD MOTORS CRVSLER - DODGE - PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO TRUCKS. 8 CORONET 500, ;2 dor hardtop, mole -bucket -seat , _ . 64 DODGE D500, chassis an cab 69- DODGE 4 door, 8' automatic, Power Steering and power brakes,. demonstrator 69 CHRYSLER New/Port :. Convert- ible, power equipped and radio 69 " CHRYSLER,• 4 ,door sedan, power steering,, power brakes acid radio. 69 BUICK Wildcat, 2 'door hardtop, power equipped. and, :radio equipped :. CORONET,. 4 door, '-6 automatic. with radio • 67 DODGE stationwagon, 8: .cylinder automatic and .radio 65..DODGE, 2 door hardtop, ;s. auto matic and' radio .64 PLYMOUTH,• 6 automatic 63 FORD, 4 door sedan, 6 standard C..NIJ..IVIE For sound counsel and a Ia>lr price` on � numeflt correctly-designed-from-quality--material,-re1-y� SKELTON MEMORIALS Pat O'Hagan, Prop. Established. Over Sixty Years: WALKERTON - ' . PHONE 881-0234: ONTARIO Y NANCY. O' KEEFE • St. Helens' Young People were also invited•.• ' Penalties were imposed or' those not..coming, in costume. An entertaining evening was well, planned with all the spooks ' and' a .horror house an added feature. Mr and Mrs. Peter Cook visit-• ed: Mr. and•'Mrs'. Bruce Holland' of Clinton on Friday. ouple arried AtS.t..,'Catharines COMFORT;- BURDEN' • Dr..Wilson B rid:ge.officiated in ' a. candlelight.cerembny in Welland Avenue United: Church,'.. i1.1 :'St, C atharines for.the marriage of Edith Lucille ; Burden and ,Ennis Blake 'Comfort:on. Friday ,° October' rttr Aire, ger'. eor,• the ues :PORT FRO BY•••MURRAY GAUNT. M.P.P. HU,RON.; RULE New. rules ,opening the Cabinet .to greater ;questioning by the ;opp osition shortening 'the daily Bess ions and setting a cline limit 'for debate on -e•sti mates', will boirre into effect in the. Legislature .on ,October 27. If they. prove, satisfactory, the Legislature will probably introduce next session .the remaind er of the' rules reforms contained in the, re:port.of a select commit- tee on procedure which sat last, • sUmtf'er. •• TTh- ho ges-eansrit.ute=t major revision' of House !rules in' 30 years.. The Provincial Governmentint- roduced legislation this 'Week to require cabinet approval of any:. 'sale of shares' that wouldgive'a company more than 50% of the .•:• shares of a gas •transmission.d:ist ributioh, o.r storage', company 17th at 7 p'..m:. The bride is the daughter of the. late Di. and .Mrs. 'Freda Burden of Moncton; New Brunsw ick••and the g room:is'the.sop of,.Mr, and. Mrs.,`. B.,F: Comfort; St. Catharines. •The bridewas given in marriage. by her brother; W. '.H,. • Burden of Moncton New Brunswick Mrs'. 1N H..•` Burden was matron •of • honour. Mr. •G1e.n H. Campbell was -best- man- arid the users' were • Dr.M.•C. Parks' and. Ivir. A.1•Page. • • A reception followed'at Centen nial Tow e-rs'.Lounge A"i'ter their honeymoon in Flor- ida Mr. and Mrs'; Comfort will rest a in St Catharines,,• Pre -wedding partiesh ;•for te bride-elect :w,ere.given by'Mrs.'3 F.,Oakle and:Mrs, E. M. Y Walwin, Mrs. Robert 'Kin . •.and g,. Mrs,. Glen. H.. ,Canipbell;.Mr.' and.'. Mrs.' E.• R. Clemis•, Vineland; Ivir's ; Harr •Y Maclvor .and Mrs Os node Darte; Mrs M. C Parks,; Mrs Al Page and -Mrs ..;G.E. , Keher On. Thursday evening following the wedding rehearsal • eri:terta1ned. ZION Contirnured-progress , in., Frank Ritchie's condition is' reported,.•. He was able to be' up, walking:on Sunday .. He is still a patient in. Victoria hospital, ,London. Mr. and Mrs.. Jim • Hunter were in .London .on Sunday where .they visited'Mrs. Frank Ritchie. and •.. Mr: and• Mrs. ,'Herb .Hunter/and, their new•'baby son Trevor. H;erb.' is on the teaching staff of board' of education in, London 3ylr_ and' Mrs:. m S. -Saturday guests .with Mr. and Mrs .• Peter Cook, and Mrs.' S'. Reid were Mt.. and Mrs. Chester'Nich- olson of` Goderich. and Jim 'Reid of Goa e'rich • • . • Mr. and Mrs. Peter Steer of . London: spent • the week -end with her 'parents here. • Mrs; .Wm ' Humphrey;of St. • Helens', visited on Sunday with Mr. a•nd:Mrs. Peter Cook and Mrs. Sani Reid. 'and'.Bill,of Molesworth visited Mrs. and Mrs, Eldon Ritchie and family on Sunday. M,r. and'Mrs. Bill; Hunter visited on Sunday evening ;with Mr': and . Mr -s: t4 Ahrens o -f Indianapolis at. the home of Misses Ada. and Hazel Webster :' _ Mrs. 'Ahrens is: re.cove:r= ing from.a..seriousl,Y. fractured foot, which occurred some;six months ago : it is good to.see her able ..i' get about again• after spending many months bed. fast;: Mr.•. and Mrs. William Irwin of Kinloss were: Sunday visitors 'with Mr• and Mrs'. Charles ., Trinity Youth Group held 'a "Mr and Mrs.. Steven•: Elliott', Bill and Barbara of. Oshawa were• week -end visitors with .S'a'ndy vvIacDonaid :• f Mrs Charles Hatherton of L lrn ira, spent Sunday with .her mother ,Mrs.MacMurchy. The October meetirig;'of the W:;'M S.,:was held in Lucknow'.at the: home. of`Miss Sadie Johnston,., with Mrs••.' E.• IvlacLean m char e, SHFI@L • KINDERGARTEN:' • Today, we•had the, first.snow. fall of this year. The snow looks white like• feathers or leaves fall.- ing.down. •The snow feels cold, wet, icy and soft:. By Margaret: Frayne GRADE 1 &2_ ..We' made snowrnen on .Wednes day...At the party for Fr. Galea we are going to sing. Frances. Van Rooy got poison ivy and she is at home By Delores Nevis ., 4 ^ .GRADE .2 & 3 Billy Foran is. back of school: :We -are making booklets. for Social:- Studies. ocial:-Studies. We. were making snow balls, outside'. Paul Franken : • • broughta'white:,black and'.brown guinea pig •.to .school We, were reading over the tape -recorder.' .By Margaret Franken., a GRADE4 &:5 Everyone is glad that the snow as come ;:In Religion we made a;' rLsholpan• the-gro-wth-of tt�e Kingdom of God By Margaret Austin. 'HALLOWE'EN PARTY • ' • Mrs. A llan•'MacDonald and Mrs-. Jack Collinson., leaders of the Explorers held`, a Hallowe'•en, ;art P• Y for. the pupils in the Church School' Monday,night. :Mr:: 'and Mrs .:Geo:. Leadbetter" Halib-We-en .party at • ar ars of7TOron o. were week en v s Wiikin's home on Monday evening with Mrs. 'Colin Mac'Gre.gor li • • • • G RA D.E 5 & g We are making,lposters in • science . -.There are two 'new .child ren in our room. Their narnes are. Ron and• Sue Laframboise.. We are • learning folk •songs because We .are 'going:•to;have a 'folk mass By Marianne :Frayne • GRADE• 7 &. 8 . Pather;'Galea: is leaving g us and going ;to Malta We, bought: him a. :present and we are, goin� to g. Mils--1.114w.a pa ty By'Char'les Crawford., .The 'legislation is .expected,to . •... apply 'to the proposed takeover of Uni.; Gas'Co. of Canada Ltd by++~^�rrsum:er's Gas Co, of Toronto: the biggest..rnerger of two all Can adian Companies .for many years:: ,agriculture Minister Stewart charged this week; that retailers who urged last summer's beefboycott have failed to match' price 'reductions''th.at the boycott caused at the producer and whole sale levels: This matter has: been under • study recently by the Ontario Eood C'ouncil.. The Council stated beef prices at the producer and whole- sale levels have dropped :76:6/6 of last spring's increase. However, retail beef prices have dropped Only 57 oio, uring , reta.i ersc arge an average. of 170 'per pound above; ',;:.),the wholesale level'. They ate' •. charging.. an average' of la, do. • ,per pourid above the price they pay 'for beef according to the report... ' CANADIAN EDITION IEE • ri 41 �•? is now et at the 100 'KINGSTON ST. . ... _ r:...,•: GOE ERIGH, • .1