The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-10-29, Page 12t.
In England, the legal. definition:
-of a :Witch is "a :person--who-=hath--. -
conference with the Devil, to con-
snit with him" or fo do some act ..
When we look at the "records of the
mediaeval witches, we are dealing.
with .the remains: of a pagan relig-
ion which • survived, in England at
least„ till the 18th century, 1200
years,, after the introduction of • ,
Christianity. In the 16th and 17th
centuries, there was • a wholesale
slaughter ' of witches; • many were
brought to . trial and when they
=-:—+confessed-under torture--to-.b.:�.
' witch, they, were publicly burned al
• the. stake.
The devil 'was supposed to come
to the: witches disguised as an an-
. imal • or dressed : in black. There
were sacred • dances,, feasts and
chants in honour of the devil. Most
of the ceremonies , and; liturgical.
rituals were fertility' rites to ensure
good' crops 'and, many children.
Witchcraft was practiced by almost
all of the pagan people of . Europe
before Christianity, and even after
the Christian church was establish--
' ed, People' clung`"to the beliefs of
their ancestors, and in many cases.
'the priests in the church were only
outwardly Christian and carried; on.
the ; ancient rites of, witchcraft and
devil worship :arid sometimes.. even
ttie Bishops took part: But . as civ-
ivilization • progressed ' and •Christian-
ity became more firmly rooted, the.
old- religion, . retreated -to: the less..., _.
frequented parts of the, country and.
was practiced by the . more, ignor-
ant members of the , cotninunity.
But until . the ;1700's witch. trials
were held, :in. England and America. .
Four times a year, ,the witches
held a "Sabbath'" They., took place
on Feb; '2,. May, lst, Aug. 1st and
All Hallow: Even (e'en), or Oct.
31st. The: celebration: began in the •, .
evening and lasted all. 'night , until
dawn. There was much feasting
singing and dancing. There were
• weekly or ; irregular, meetings cal- •
led Covens, for, the principal wit-
_ ekes, -Thirteen of : them made up a A
;..Witches often had "familiars",
which were • animals such as cats
and . toads who • were. consultedin
order' :to predict the future Witches
knew, special: spells and chants •
which would bring good' or bad
luck. One-of-the-oldest=spells, coin
���11> ,>. ►111 , ��11 (�t
After Christianity came -to Ea r
opef the old pagan . beliefswent
underground and survived in .pop-
ular .belief as demons or evil
spirits. Demons, were nameless . and.
shifty of ' movement,:.apperaing in
forests and dark places by night.
They often took the bodily form 'of
an animal. Others were wraiths, or
ghosts- and specters. Many believed
than the souls of tte dead often
returned by night or in wind and.
storm; to torment the living. They
were called night -riders • or night
mares, who rode: on animals, sway-
ed in trees or saton your chest to
suffocate you in your sleep. Ill
ness_or insanity, was the result of
being possessed by a devil. These
demons are supposed : to be fright-
ened of fire and light. That is why
the ` Chinese light -many bon fires
and:: use torches and .fire -crackers
to scare away .the demons on New
Year's Day. '
The cathas long played a role
in religion and : witchcraft. It ' fig-
ured prominently in the religions
of ancient Egypt;: the:. Norse
countries : and parts r of the Orient.
The Egyptians had .:a •cat -headed
goddess. Thousands: of cikt mum
mies, have been discovered in
Egypt and , thereare even mouse
• mummies, . presumably to . provide.
food for :the.. cat _mummy....
More, often; however, the cat .$ as
been associated" with sorcery and
witchcraft and the superstitions re-
garding cats, commonto all
countries are innumerable:: Super-'
stitions: often took : extrennely vic-
ious . forms . and throughout the
ages, the cathas• n more cruel-
ruelly mistreated.. than anyother ani-
mal. Black
nimal:Black cats in particular have
long been regarded as having Oc-
cult powers.
ing from Egypt; was . to make a
wax doll of an enemy and :gradu-
ally destroy it. This was ;done over
1000 years before ' Christ ' Witches.
were also supposed to be ablerto
transform themselves into animals`
at wilt. by putting on the skin . of an
animal and saying ,the magic :spell: .
Hallowe'en takes ' its name from
All ` Halloviis .Eve (orevening) on
October 31st, the night before :All.
Saints Day on . November 1st ha,
the. old Anglo-Saxon religion before
• Christianity ; ' was introduced to
-Britain, Oct.. 31st Was the eve.., Of .::.
the new year; a one of . the ancient
fire -fest valstItwas. connected with
the return of herds from : pasture;.
and ' the rekindling . of fire ?for the
coming year. Souls of the dead
were supposed to . visit their old: '
homes on this day. Since November . .
ushers in ' the darkest and most.
barren' half of the year, the autumn
festival came to have a sinister
▪ meaning, with: ghosts, witches, hob-
goblins, fairies, and demons of all
kinds roaming abroad.
Some of the ceremonial had to
do with harvest home A. the killing
of the corn spirit at the reaping of
the last sheaf. The .crops and the
herds -had evil
spirits who were abroad in strength
at this time of the year: Thus, there
were many bon -fires . to frighten
away evil spirits and people wore
masks and costumes to confuse the
evil spirits.
• In America, the Irishimmigrants
introduced, .Hallowe'en customs
that became popular in the late
19th century: Mischief making on
this occasion by boys and young
men took such forms as overturn-
ing sheds . and outhouses and break
perty . was sometimes severe;;; The, -
name jacko-lantern is probably de-
rived from the name for the night
watchman who carried a lantern,
but the idea of pumpkins being
hollowed out cane from. the U.S.A.
In ;Scotland, • they hollowed . out
It was thought that this was .a -
very.. lucky time to be "married,
seek a' cure for an illness, or to
,die. If you could pick an .:apple out.
of the water. using your teeth, you •
would have a lucky new Year-
Young women. had special spells.
'and charms by which they .could
See vision 0£ thew fL i ] us.•.-
• blind', '
When Glristianity-came-=to-Brit---
ain, the church made Nov. 1st. All.
Saint's Day to counteract,. all thia.
business; of witches and goblins ;but
this . didn't do much to stop. it.
Instead,, people came to be believe
that because .the next day was a
holy day, Oct.. 31st was a night
when witches and devils kicked up,
an extra rumpus since they had to
behave -themselves on ' All Saint's.
We, - continue ,many ' of the 'old'
superstitiouis ,practices to this day,
but we do it because it . was a trail-
• :ition in, our homes sand, towns' and -
few of us.treat Hallowe'en customs
seriously and. few of us know 'Why
or when the • customs ' originated.
Knowingabout the origin of cus-
toms won't change the way we cel-.•
ebrate a : favourite old holiday
(which incidentally • comes from
. holy day) but It's interesting isn't
it? • .
This. information was gathered
from Encyclopedias and ' many
other books and articles..
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