The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-10-29, Page 10• • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL., LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. Enteetain.Mothers The third meeting'of,the. Pine River •C G 1 T I was a 'very ••succ- essful pot -luck supper heldooa I • October 20 at which the mothers • were well entertained. There were 36 people in attendance. Guest speaker for the evening, was Rev., ,Rooney. of Knox Pres- I byterian'Church , Ripley. , Mrs. Delbert Wilson presented , • Judy Thorburn with .0.New Testa- ' merit. Judy Was the only girl to • graduate this year. She:is now • , one -of our leaders. •Our other. •leader, Shirley.Hunter , ifai•prei•- • •ented with a gift and .our best - • wishes on her forth coming wedd g.' • •• The,next meeting is to be on November 3. - Everyone participated in a live- ly recreation period, ancl the meet- ing closed with. taps. „.., . . • ' • . . • • . . . •.. • a argie,MacTayis. s • On October 20th the•C.G.1..T. gith of '•-• United Church held their lst meet- ing in the Sunday School Room: • • Leader, Mrs Rouse served hot. Choetilate. and cookies': • . • . Kim Farrell, Margie C011inmarid Mary-Anne-MacTivish held die • Worship service. Sherry Pollock read 'an interesting pipet. • clipping about disabled Children.. ; The business intluded the elec- tion • . lof officers : Pieitdent, Margie ' M'acTivish; Secretary : Margie Co]lins; ,Treasurer KinicFarreIt;, ' Preis,.ketiorter;.Maly Needhain.. We/are wrapping the Candies • for the bazaar on.Ftiday` the 24th., i at .7:00 at the• Church , • • On-NoVernber-As‘the4nemliers • , are having a cleanathon fol. Ripley. ' t residences. • • . • The next meeting is/on Novem- bee3rd. •We closed with, "taps". PIan For Bible , .',.$0$01y.COtivass. ' The executive of the Ripley • Brandi of the Canadian Bible, , eifl9AiJIOLY.1; The regular meeting for the ,Eveiting Auxiliary oldie LuCknOw, • Presbyterian Chureh was held.ork- Tuesday evening October 21,,at, • the home of Mrs. Stuart Jamieson With 17 ladies present.' , • MissMaudie Fisher, die presid'.• ent hi charge , opened the Meet- ing With 'a, Poem.,' Hymn 691 Was sung. • The Scripture •and Medita-. tiOn was taken by Mrs. Maude Sherwood. • • Mrs. POpald McCormick preset). - ted• most interesting topic:from the Study Book, called "Ways of Communicating with each Other". vOcattnusieil number by Gail, Kathy and Glenda Jamieson was:enjoyed, •Mrs.. James Little gave a reading, from the Glad . Tidings,• The Toll call was answer ,ed with'a verse from the Bible containing the wird ."Thanks" . The'Treastirer, Mrs. Bill Gibson gave her report, business and ,. correspondence: were discussed'. The meeting came to a close , with a' Hymn ,, follOWed with a .• •Prayer by Mrs; Austin. Loree ' Lunch was served by the comm ittee in charge: , s • . • • • . • , , • • 7 Canadian En fans Is U.C.VV. Topic The regular meeting of Dung& non United Church Womenwas held in the Sunday School room with eighteen members and two yisitors present. Mrs. T. C. Anderson' presided for the Worship service assisted by Mrs. Bill Wigg ins and"Mrs. C. Blake. Mrs. Len Reed was pianist. Mrs. Wilfred Pentland gave an aptitude test enjoyed by all present. • :4 • •The topic on Canadian Indians was. e ted b Anderson; Mrs. Jim prennan, Mrs. G. McNee andMrs. Wiggins: Rev:, and Mrs. McClenighan showed slides of:Indian families and told Society met in the Sunday:School. rooms, of Knox: Presbyterian Church in Vpley on October 23. • Cameron McAuley and BilI Arnold, were in charge of the meeting.' The corning campaign. Was. discussed; and .canvassers for the wereapporrited--.-- The date. Chosen to begin :the! • canvass Was'NOvember 3rd to'he completed, if possible , that week. • • .• Canyassers,ar,et. Mrs. Donald McTavish, Mrs Herb Clayton. Mrs. Norval Stewart, Mrs. Clar- ence Wylds , Mrs; Allan Irwin, Mrs, Robr, Osborne ,. Mrs. Geo. , Sutherland, Mrs. Jas. MacDonald, Mrs Gordon' Martin, Mrs: Allis.- • ter MacKay, Mrs. Dan A . • Mac-,. Donald, Mrs. Myrtle:McLean, Mrs 'Don Gillies'' Mrs.; Morford MapKay, • Mrs. Wayne•.Nixon, mrs. Don MacKay',Mri. Jack. • :Farrell,' Mrs:. •Robt: Fair, Mrs.. lariel Farrell.,... Mrs. Jim MacDon7 ald;• Mrs.; HOward: Hodge, Mrs.. Martha McIver, Mrs .DaVe, 'Murray; MissEva 'Culbertj Mrs. Ken MacDcinald, Mrs .'•• Russell • Brooks 'MacDonald, Mrs. Geo. Geo. •Mbiean; Mrs. Finlay: MacLeod ;: Mrs.' Walter:Culbert; Mrt.-. Walter , Mrs.' Bill , •trantertn., :Mrs. ° Stewart.$hiells, Mrs. Redvers'JOhtiston Mrs. Aus- tin ':. Misi..Don.CaMeron; Mrs. Gordon Stanley, 'Mrs.' EMS GOssellMrs Frank Fair , Mrs J9eScOtt 4 MI*. Nlopre.; Miss Florence-MacDOnald,-MrS4 .outerimidgi:.,Mri, Reuben Burnett. •:. - •• •,. • •: :......".• WEDNESDAY OCTOBER nth ifit• • •• • •••• Church Services „.ileak"-orMissionH At Kitimat, ' The: Fall Thankdffering of the Afternoon and Evening.AUxiliaries of the Women's:Missionary Society of LuCknow Presbyterian Church was'held in the church on Wednes- day evening Odtober 22. Mrs. James Smith ,• president of of the-afternoon-auxiliary-prended for the. meeting . Mrs,. James Little gave the'scripturg and med-. itation based:on-the Thanksgiving therne.. A reading by Mrs.,,Noble Johnston and musical -numbers by Jim , John and Ruth Henderson were Much appreciated. , • The guest, speakers' were Rev . and Mrs , Glen Noble who spoke. about their work at 'Kitimat ; Brit - ish Columbia. Mrs, Noble told of Some of the women's activities. in the church *andRev .1 G. Noble Showed' slides 'and .spolce.of the Work of.the Presbyterian Church 'on such a MisSion Held. • . Mrs. Morgan Henderson thanked. those taking part and a social hour followed. ••• .. • • LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A. ° Minister • NOVEMBER 2nd •• 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 0 a;n1; . • . • .* a , . •• wort •;UNICEF when the. children call' on Hallowe'en. . • LiKknois Presbyterian. church• . Rev..Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D. ifinister - • Huron School Board Endorse CS Bonds . BY: RICHM ND TKE Y Huron Connty. Board of Education, at last week's meeting in Central, IlitrOn Secondary 'School,. Clinton; endorsed in principle the concept: f payr011•deductions for employees' who 'Wish to purchase•Canada • :"7 ••• -" SaViOgS'1•130nds but;delegatedit bow they :live • on 'the Reserves. Mrs. Graham McNee :first vice!. presidentpresided for the - business. The•U.C•.W.'are cateringialhe ecision. regarding implementation Of the plan to the administrative staff. • •• • . •; R. B. Dunlop, business adniinis- tiator, , told•the Board he would like to delay implementatiOnIfor,one Ashfield Federation banquet on' .2 year on account of pressure-ofwork November 4 .at 7'p.m and are to in his. Office. . • : • ' • serve a wedding dinner on Novem- "I' ant against' the whole thing'. ber 29. A letter was read from (of payroll deductions), declared GbrdOn•,Moir,, Garde , • "I think people' should manage their•own savings plans." The Board, rejected a :request from the director of Royal Ontario. Useurn/, Toronto, for $219 to rec omperise the, Museum regarding Visits of Huron 'COUnty-,Students. to thelYI bit -arid dungMe-pi the Children's Aid and anyone wanting to send in a Christmas treat may:do so. ..The correspond- ence secretary Mrs. •Harvey Alton has .samples of Christrnas cards, everyday cardS, etc.fc.r those who Wish to order th'ern. Mcclenaghari closed the meeting with prayer andbht esses Mrs. Chester Finnigan, Mrs. W. Wiggins and Mrs'. Jim Drenn- • an„served a, lovelY'lunch.'' 4 'If the •students .pay their Own way in., • the answer :is no', said D. J'. Murphy., Goderich. '"If they do consider it," he felt,• . • • . With regard to night courses, onducted by the Board , the surn per hour is being p,aid.to night school teachers , regardless 'of. ualifications1 the Board was infor- med by J. W Coulter, Superinten, dent of schools F. E. Madill; ass istant superintendent, is in charge of these Classes.- • -"Trerfeir'elt-hromel students -are- • $10, for all the classes, except.. when schools slippy, the material when the fee is $15 for the ,season. The Ooard,decided to hold nithi• bership in provincial trustee Organ- izations, and .participate at the local,. regional and. provincial level. • : • Clarence McDonald , Exeter , insurance cornrnittee chairman, reported that Dominion Life contr- act for accident insurance had been completed , but that. the tenders for • general insurance ,Would not be in • 1 • it's the Lord Simcoe . . a friendly weir • , • Service ... fine •• lounges and restau- rants ... all at • sensible ,prices and for conven,ience the subway i right' at the door in the heart of downtown •• , Toronto, Next time you visit Toronto, • enjoy it more than • ever .. stay at the. Lord siencoe. •° Phone 528-2740 NOVEMBER 2;4. 10:00 a.ni:tmdity • 11:00 tyn. Morning •Serivice. . ' •, . ' . ANGLICAN :CHURCH LUCKNOW AREA PARISH •The Rev R. Odendahl • -• • 'Rector' • •:-:. SL• • SE 801 1.2: .1:1° 12 -•9:30a.m. Aiee4ideit10110eik 'St...Poet* Lucknow ...Ail° p.m... • ..Church•Sehotor=710:I5a,M.: . . Paula,. puegeenee too Ong Avith Chrlst Church, PortMert LUCKNOW CH RISTIAN • ft's the • • • i" tmce_e 1 I University and King Streets, Tel.. 362-1848 /REFORMED HURC W. `Van Stempvoort • Pastor • Umiak; • 10:00 a.m. (E • 2:90 p.m. (Dutch 2nd and .• 5th Sundays) VISITORS WELCOM Denonihudlonal Radio Broad- cast; "The Back To God.HOur", every Sunday: C,JCS (Stratford)* 2:00 P.m4 CFOS (Owen • Soun) 6:00. pan. left the burden falling to a .vice%• • Ititory. • Mrs. E. McLean, Seaforth, re -instated by the uoird-in bei former position ofcustodian at Seaforth.Distrit High ,School , at the former reMuneration of $1.60.. per hour tot' a 20 hour wek: tinti •cto r Mrs, Linda (Blake) Linfield, • Exeter, was appointed half-time teacher in Latin at'South Huron District Iligh School, Eeter, due • o overly large classes 'in the school. A business administrator • . • • •