The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-10-29, Page 7• WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29th, 1969.
Bob Johnstone, son of Mr. and
Mrs Harold Johnstone of Parkhill
former residents of the Lucknow
community, was recently ordained
into, The United Church of Canada.
He•and his bride have arrived
> " at their first charge in Saskatch-
.'ewan and a letter, penned 'to res-
ldents- af-t1 '. n ..kt. i� -e a—w b
.. ... .. L�c""r�ri-.crr� ��1...1�e
of ,interest to •many: here , '
The letter read;;.,
The Manse,
White Fox ; ..
September,17, 1969
Dear Friends,,
When., was'the' last time. you tray•
gilled through Northern Ontario?
What•a rugged and beautiful land
:.'of rocks and lakes and trees.:. Our.
trip was'too early for any signific—
ignific •
ant.colour in the trees;: however,
the birches. had already started to.
show some yellow.
•.In Winnipeg; we enjdyed a
home= cooked breakfast at the
home. of -Bill -and -Eileen -Moore-,
friends of many in Parkhill since
the days of their ministry at, the'
' Unit'ed Church " Then later .:'that •.
same day,. we' stopped in•Grand
view•; Manitoba, for.•a,brief visit
with Mrs. Harold Lawson, a sister
of Mrs. Clark Logan,of Parkhill,
On Friday ,. September 12; short-
hort-ly after lunch,, we ;arrived m
White Fox, a small village. of 400
nestled in. the :eilbow of highways
'° .35 and 55 which.border, the 'eastern
and northern 'village limits °respect=
vely: `-The;.manse: and•the United
Church in `White Fox are on adjac-
ent lots in the central part `of the
,:village: Both buildings are grey'
'stucco, "Empty cement block
flower boxesextend., across the
frontof the 'manse on either side
of the:: door.
White Fox. Pastoral Charge has.-
3 points; Garrick; 11 miles to the
west, and 'Pine Torch 10, miles
;north' of White Fox. Each church
is relatively anew', cheery and ,
rrg t y-. ecorate a A:pprox-
imately 100 people could be *seat-
ed in each of the churches Both
the church at Garrick and at •White
Fox have new .electric. organs', All
3 points are administered by. one
board which has representatives •
from all three churches..:
Timidly, as we paused in: our
car on Friday, we noticed a .few
sly glances from behind curtains'
along our street. Just then, a .
lady walked across the unpaved,
road and escorted '• us into our new
home; 'All the boxes'.and cartons
which, had. Seen,delivered- by. the .:
mover a week earlier Were stack=
the -front --of 2 bedrooms •.
,from wall to wall and:floor to
The hvingroom about 21' x 16'
in size ; is' carpeted in a cinnamon,
brown.. „Off this:rOorare 2 bed
rooms, the front one measures
8' x••12 , and thfe. other is 12'
square. • At the, back , the kitchen
also is 12' square,with.a long bath
room: off'it..; We have a new,,.ref-
rigerator and electric stove, and
a larger kitchen table'. and chair
set a dining maroon} suite, a hide-
away bed '2 bedream suites
•Not many people have telephon
es and -those -who do, -avet at
rareexperience:of making .all
phone -bails through a "central" •
whose office is in the front room
in the hone' across from us.'
Our unpacking has been 'great-
ly delayed br the frequent inter-
ruptions - friendly gestures of wel.-
.come usually, in the form of home
made bread., rolls , apple pies, • .
butter tarts , frozen straw berries
etc. Our clipboard,. on our arrival
was already stocked .with,some
e.` • oods e " s mar_
` ,and, vegetables.,'..
Sunday Was unbelievable! In
fact, had we known.what hat was
store for ,us','we would not have
had courage to even start. The
White Fax service 'was.'at 9:30'a.
and attended' by some 75 cur-
,•ious souls all eager to see (and
hear?) the new 'Preacher.' With
just enough timeto catch our
breath, we dashed off to Garrick
for :the 11..3.0 a.m. service.. Here
were gathered, about 50 people
who, at •the close•,of'the service
'presented us with several boxes
of vegetables, preserved 'fruit,,'
jams and honey. Thankfully. .:
we rushed home 'for ul nch (a
;peanut butter:sandwich) which
was. interrupted. by a parish-
oner whoaoppedby to make
arrangements'for her father's fun
eral to be held on the ,following
Wednesday'.. 'Still swallowingsa
last drop of coffee we left .for, the
Pine Torch service which started..'
at 2 p.m. About 45 people had:
gathered in this church justbuilt
'e' r
about 10 :After. y ,a s ago; the
service , . we descended to the
basement where we were showered;,
with 'floral "corsages, tea ;:•sand-
wiches' and. cookies, and another
several. boxes 'of beets ,':tomatoes.,
ca.! 'ages , carrots,.eggs,- , jams
`jellied Chicken relishes and:past....
At 4.30 p , m_ we dragged our
milk production
rle •
leadership in
--EocAocT .' •.
hen, feed the rest the best -i
iter-Cain--Datry--p rogram.
in '
en you recall that an average ,cow costs
you the price.: of 2 tons of hay and over 3.%
tons of cirri silage, per year, you know there
is no room in your' herd for; loafers that won't
produce �'or even potential producers that •
can't because of inadequate:. feed, intake.
Ship the loafers keep the producers—start 'a '
growing animal
health service
Shur -Gain feeding program.:
`Frigidaire "Flowing. Heat" dryer ,with an. ozone lamp
gives your clothes- that "out-of-doors` 'freshness:
• Electronic Dryness Control
' knows when -your -rash -is -dry
andautomatically shuts off •
Lint screen placed handily on
doors 100%. childproof .with •
Safety Start Button
I nA
" r
Phon028- . 3112;
selves--into-t-he kitchen,: -sorted-
• and . e.
put thgift's in the base
ment, 'By 5:45p.m.. we had
is.hed ; .and collaP sed, on''the bed`,
However;. our rest lasted . but 10 •
minutes:. The school'•pr.incipal
called forlis;.'(we.had earlier
agreed to be their• dinner .guests),
Not too. hungry, and inuch. more '
'tired,. we nibbled at the. meal
And..then Once dinner was 'over
our host suggested an orientation
ride around town. I.:.wondered .,
what could be seen:after dark,
butathat:see.rned unimportant;
They drove. u's directly to;the:
White.- Fox • Church where; were
gathered about 40 :of .the local.
`congregation.1/ We sang, :tried' out
wits at some'conte•sts'and why,'...
of .course ate• more sandwiches
and chocolate brownies and cake!.
Farming here .is':largely grain::
but th.ere, is also a .lot>:of,cattle
raised..Everyone has a garden
There is no rural mail delivery and
hence no mail •boxes to guide the
stranger.. "hto one gives directions;
interms of left and 'Fight , but: rath•
er•in terms of north,. south, :east'
and•west But :that is not too help-
ful when you hardly know the dir-
ection you're 'facing! •
Increase your returns from
your total.
investment in feed with a sound .gr`
ro am..
from Shur -Gain.
See 'us, about the most. suitable Shur -Gain
Dairy feeding, program to fit your particular
needs. •
PHONE 52 -tib
La. ck_fhe_weather was•=hritl.
in the low .80's but since then it
has changed andthe low tenperat-
u -ret -he 'past -couple .nights his been
30 'deg'rees F,
. And so for those of you who have.
wondered if we have arrived, we
have. Periodically 'We'll keepyou
inforrned., ' In the Meantime, we •
Must' get back to,the unpacking:
Marl ;
and Bob' Johnstone t .eight months each year •
iscuss tyre
year agreemen
In answer to 'a request from'.•,
Middlesex County Board of Ed=
ucation, the Huron County
Board of Education
passed :the following resolution:
"That the. Board endorses`.in
principle'.the' resolution submit-.'
ted by Middlesex. County Board
• of :Education,respecting- a three
year salary agreement with
teachers,, .but feels that .all the
ramifications anddifficulties of.
implement -ins -such a p 1-4-n
should be discussed at the trus-
tee organization.level at •region=
al meeting. in Stratford o�n'Oc-•
tober18•, before further action
is taken,�� •
,Vice—chairman R . M El-
l-liott,' Goderich'Township , fa-
vowed endorsing the original
resolution in principal but felt
that it should be discussed furth
er' atthe regional meeting.
D. J. Murphy Goderich, fa-
vored the ofiginal motion which
did, not include discussion at the.
regional level. He thought
-"three Years .:wou1d a a -goo'
deal" for the employer, the
school board. ;
Chairman John B. Lavis,
Clinton, said he had "mixed
feelings" on the matter:. •* The
Department of Education had
stated that costs must be pared;.
Gordon Moir; Gorrie, said
he had been advocating this pra-
cedure for some time•' to do
away with "haggling for six' to:,
J l4 *AH.
;< A certain •pat'akect• atnuvt
.with ' this simptc pronr)tlncernetn;.
' "I can talk. Let's see you -fly,"