The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-10-22, Page 30Il. PA giX • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL.. ; Car Care SuppWheat WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER: ,Ethel, 1NIP cls of Map eveal azards 31H • ,WINNIPEG 2Rf' The S Department oft - Commerce reports that corro- sion loss in the United States' is estimated at $10 -billion an- nuaIly and, ..perhaps.; --50, perK cent of this loss is in the auto- motive 'field. It' appearsthis figure is 'on the rise. • One of the contributing fac- tors is current vehicle body de- sign. This, along with Indus- trial fallout and air pollution, moist, and- salty' coastal air, road chemicals, ' heated ga rages, .. snow and just plain .water —. the' principal causes of . rust and corrosion — points toward continuing rust prob- lems for car and truck owners. throughout the U.S. , - --= Although auto- companies spend millions of dollars each ,year . on rust preventives, an. estimated 30 per cent of, all -buyers-still-get additional af-termarket rust protection for their cars and. trucks;`• Rust Begins Inside ° In the• past few years, the manufacturers have stepped .up their use of rust -inhibiting. primers either with a spray application or -dip. 'Use of gal- - al- vanized -steel, zinc andalumi- num coatings 'have'. also in- creased. But, body design, in itself, an ever-changing, ne- • cessity aggravates the,: prob- lem, as certain•'design.:features' are conducive to -corrosion. Often those .curving•lines at- ' tractive to the eye -lead to con- fined, poorly ventilated areas •BISMARCK '1, MINNEAPOLIS -4R ." s' MILWAUKEE 4R ETROI :4 • SALT LAKE CITY • L. N FRANCISCO.2"C; SAN, DIEGO: 1C, d , KEY 40R-04T0_44134,140R-04T0_44134,1ROCHESTER 41R / ` ,;,>•y• ..t3UFFALO` 41R .,, �" CHICAGO 41RH Na ,\ ST LOUIS 31H avN .\_1,14 L VELAN AKRON 4 R WASHINGTON; D. ., TON. 3CR' NEW YORK CITY 3CIR DELPHIA 31H NORFOLK 4CH CHARLESTON, ,4CH 1) No problem: 2).. mild to average;' 3) badto severe: 4)'most severe; • C) moist coastal air;' 1) industrial fallout;, '.:R) road chemicals: H) humidity: : - There are few areas in the United States or Canada that are immune from corrosion.. .Areas 'depicted "in dark gret.have the most severe problem§•:Lighter shades of 'grey have trouble of progressively less' .HOUSTON: 4CIH CORPUS CHRISTI 4CH MOBILE 4CIH NEW ORLEANS 4CH KEY WEST 4CH CAPE.KENNED.Y` 4CH... MIAMI 4CH severity. White areas are relatively corrosion -free. Polluted or salt air take -a heavy toll of car bodies as do salt and other types of chemicals' ori. winter roads. (Map is courtesy of the Ziebart Co.)', in which moisture and •dirt -can-accumulate. And,..it;is now an accepted fact that most rust begins frontthe inside, rather than from . the outside as had been the popularly ac- cepted theory c_cepted:theory *:Salt, either from the air in coastal regions ,or :from deicing chemicals, has often been felt • to be the principal:, culprit in' speeding up rust destruction. However,, recent' studies,'; such as those' conducted . by. the Ontario Highway Department, • are specifically reporting that "atmosphere pollution rather than salt is shaping- up as the real villain • in the rusting, of automobiles.'"• • I. Over New York ' Cit ` alone almost' 600,000 • tons` f' sulfur dioxide is in the -air arid. a ple 'rain.' contributes to form dilute; acid 'which accelerates the natural , tendency of steel to . rust. 'In fact, pure water. itself has. been found. to. be . more corrosive ;than 'Certain salt - solutions. Heated garages, where solid- ice.' or snow on a.:vehicle .•is. turned into a' liquid; state in :. the, 'melting .process, also 'are rust. inducing. . Now SafetyProblen Besides the obvious :liability, to a- vehicle4s_•looks.:.and resale value, auto rust also is'. be- coming',an• increasing' safety eck '+ i ition Forestall: Service Sto Motorists who' look' 'for the end 'of hard starting,: trouble during, warm spells may be in foran unpleasant : -surprise. For the:ravag'es of winter, driv- ' ing may hi'ta critical area,' the wiring . system As .a result; starting may be difficult: and driving perform • • ance.erratic. AllthisMay stem' m;salty--slush=spra=yed- the engine .compartment or extremely.; cold temperature '•that makes wiring. brittle. And less; driving during .winter _an .. 0, ice stations where'. potential trou- ble may be spotted.. , Inspection of ignition Wir- ing along ;with, .other'' normal services at tune -uptime is in dispensable to -good motoring: Spotting -signs .of wear•. may catch ;present performance' 'trouble : as,, well as. preventing future. trouble Cracks in .Wiring insulation or 'corroded terminals can at: - feet engine performance . or even , cause complete break downs:. There' are several: ThitE747114D-171 In 10,000 miles'of driving, the following • hap- pens in your car's engine.. Is there any .wonder maintenance is vital? Typical :8 Cylinder Spark Plitgs 'Fire ; .' . 15;000,000' tirhe ' 1'i•►ints, Open and •Close .120,000,000 t:,inies • Coil Delivers •... 120,000,000' volt Each Spark Plug Cable 1)4l i i,er, a -Total of ., 225,,000,000,000 volt: ('arbur.'tor 41i.rris : . 2,880,000,000 cu. ft.: of air .With 666' gallons .of gas Distributor Shaf • r • aiid,Rotor !'urn . mi ion rpm. Poet Pump 15 m illi on•time' Each I `a Wei 0,pens °" (1,1r1 '(`loss t .'. ;S pecdnrn4 ; r'ret*ahb Rotates .Y, I.r ntlllaf►n tilt e5 10 %till: on tithe; causes for the cracks and cor- rosion especially in. older .cars. . Excessive oil, grease or ; at- mospheric ''conditions can. Cause wiring insulation to 'bei- come brittle . and to crack. Water anddust can enter these cracks ,and partially ground the high-tension voltage. As a result; . ; not enough current; reaches the 'spark plugs. het cause ,off vvirin'gi - terioration' is corona.:. Corona is a' magnetic field surround- ing the wiring and, is caused by high-tension current surg- 1 , ....iring. This magnetic field . is so:' strong that it breaks- down the problem. The Society; of Auto- mobile Engineers (SAE) has stated that salt spray rapidly deteriorates brake lines and steering 'apparatus, and some fleets report that 40 per cent > of their brake lines . are rust surrounding .oxygen, convert ing it into. ozone. , ' Ozone attacks the .insulation ,and, after a period of .time de stroys 'the; wiring's usefulness.- Even sefulness. Even a slight interruption of full power can cut engine pow-, er greatly. The ignition system •builds,an original 12 volts pow- . er into a possible 25,000 volts. So a leakage of . one volta7r air --^- .early ignition stage can cost. up to 2,500 volts by the time `-'7111e spark'pluga are -reach - To get maximum • effective- - ness from ignition wiring, keep ,it free5from dirt, oil: and grease. 'All.terminals should 'be . ' in-, spected periodically for.'corro- sion and for proper. connect .: tions.. WINTf rR HAZARDS GREATER Roads present more. hazards to, tires during winter months • 00 -. months. Foreign objects such as nails and glass are retained in the buildup of ice and snow. Por this reason, check winter. tires carefully .and frequently' for cuts -or breaks; And be sure you have a spare tire in your car's trunk:, • damaged after two. years, of service Frequent car washes as Well _ as commercial • rust -proofing can fight ' deterioration and ,add value to a car at trade-in time ' • ECK: LI for trouble-free winter driving! Letus" check'. Over, `all of the items ot1 this "list •.: toput-your car in top shape ; for` winter .. ,' 0 : ENGINE TUNE-UP—your best protection against Winter"'won't 'starts."' Our ergine, tune-up includes' a ,new set. of Champion spark plugs and 'the checking or -points, condenser; rotor, distr.ibu tor. cap, wiring and electrical connections, coil, and air filter: f full :Power. Make (,l BATTERY •we `check or . po r. , sure terminals and cables' are tight`'and clean. ' [' VOLTAGE REGULATOR -.check adjustment... Over or, undercharging can'ruin the .battery. : TARTER AND :ALTERNATOR" OR GENERA - .TOR • s . TOR , .remove any . Corrosion, and check. brushes a CUT IAT!'C-CflOkE`�check=idile-adi'--stment.. . 10 e nd if -' CARBURETOR '—check r move aclean necessary L FAN ANQ`"OOL�LEYTBEL"TS = #ie-e'k`"srdrt �st--- -f- .menta If badly worn they should be replaced 0 COOLING.SYSTEM - check antifreeze and radiator. hoses. �. O▪ I'L— change dirty oil ori summer weight oil —now. for easier cold weather: starting O LIGHTS . AND • WIPERS winter is 'the dark, • wet season. We'll make sure that headlights, park=' • img.'lights, taillights, . stop lightsand der ectionais , • area . wor . ing properlq:" We'`ihatlso�check-wiper- . 'operation and see `that • the blades wipe clean 1 without.strealsing,• fillwindshield washer, tank with ;antifreeze cleaning solutions a TIRES .., carefully examine tread depth.' Worn , tires 'are especially dangerous on ;ice and snow. 0 BRAKES— check *for proper adjustment 'be cause' : ei,en a slight pull to one side an throw your car:,into a dangerous slide LUCKNOW PHONE 528-3430