The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-10-22, Page 23WAREHOUSE SALE 169 •• Teiii.: ' . R WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, •1969 dormer Ashfield Couple Honour� eir 5.Oth ,Weddiflg Aflni r THE LUCKNOW . SENTINEL, LUCKHOW, ONTARIO a k - ,id cc ks:• Mr::and •Mrs. Gordon Jamieson of Goderich. celebrated • their 5,Oth' • wedding anniversay with an open house: for friends and, neighbours ,_.• October. 4 • Tea was pared by Mrs .. Mariori Harris, Mrs;; C., E. Wilson and Mrs:. Leslie. Towle: The•guests.were served by the granddaughters of `Mr. " and Mrs Jamieson:.. . 'Following the...open house, they Were honoured by. their son and 'daughter.at:the Mait:la'nd.•Golf and 'Country Club ; ,Goderich where • I25 relatives attende ' -a s orgas •bord dinner • A. program••followed with>Alex Butler, 'Toronto as master,of•cerem • onies. (Attie late Mr... and Mrs '•Daniel Mclnne's.of Langside ini1919.. They farmed in Ashfield Townshipuntil. 'moving to Goderich in 1942. • , The Jamieson have one daughter, Mrs ' J .. (Isabelle) .Splan: of ,Wood. stock ,' and. one son., Stuart of Luck-, now. There are eight grandchild- ' ren randchild-''renandone great grandchild . Guests attended the anniversary., celebration 'from:North' Dakota.. . • Adrian,` Mich , Saskatoon , Ottawa Toronto ,t Barrie ,. London,,. Wood- • stock , ' Kitchener ,.. Winghani ; sr ng-vxTl--,7"Vatkerton,; Cuckno'W Whitechurch, Teeswater and. G'oderich , ". Stewart 'Splan of London •proposed, a toast to his grandparents on be-' half of the grandchildren Entertainment by, Gail; Cathy and :Glenda Jainieson.'of Lucknaw dies At Huronview REPORT FROM QUEEN'SPAR.K BY-MURRAY fiAU14T M.P. P HHURON-BRUCE The special'subsidies to Cbunty .School Boards to hold,down educat- ional tax increases this year will cost the ,Province ;about .$48,4 ma - lion, Education Minister Win', Davis said this week. These payments w 111, mean. a '7.2 per .cent increase in the $616 mil- lion that the Department has' alloc- ate • .for legislative grarts=ta S_ohoal Boards`in. the-1969-70''fiscal year. This year schoohta'xes'soarei in .communities; which for years had. enjoyed low taxes under the `local board system. Some rural town- ships reported tax increases -of 150• per cent or more. In some areas, home: owners found d themselves facing, overnight increases of $100 to $200. mainly becauseof the. switch to the.County School. Board: system. ' Still' to be calculated is the cost of special grants to French • language Secondary schools, Since the current session began .11 .months ago, the Legislaturespent about 220 hours debating-- - the estimates of 14 out: of 25 Departments. Last session 'the House -covered the -estimates -of all the Government;'s expenditures in. 268 • hours of debate, • In order to clear the ;log jam, the party leaders reached. tentative agreement to send three Depart :-.• 'bents out tothe standing committ ees'.and place the remainder on a debating timetable . • The. Governrrent has also agreed.' to introduce an "open" question • period,; w1ere .questions' are asked, of'Cabinet Ministers . without • advance notice.' The Honourable George Kerr PAGE TWENTY-THREE. Minister . Department of Energy `' and Resources Management announ ced this week that the Government has approved a '.program, to 'assist •small'municipalities,,with high cost pro jeets related to sewage and water works • The program' will provide.' Pr incial assistance -sufficient tc will •cost,an estimated. $3 million^.: rising to $12 million; in 1971-72. will .decrease. after: that. I am certain that .the .progra • will be welcomed -by .many mun oma. ipalities which up until now have it not been able to copew•ih. the heavy costs associated with '• water and sewage installations.: • ensure that :the 'cost;of a sewage.,___ ., works in a municipality will not exceed in ,average home charge of. $120',.• per year. 'In water servic- ing , ervic-ing, when costs .rise above $100 per' average dome per year)for a cornni- unity, the Province will:grant assis- tance, The• rrovincia'l assistance progran, will ensure every: nunicip•t ality-ii* Ontario will be able to have .essential 'water and sewage winks 'regardless of 'size. In. the year 1970-7'1; the program MRS. ADAM CUMI•NG: was enjoyed. Mrs: Adam Curring of Blyth: 4,, poem, composed by1\�Irs. pasSed away at Huronv.iew Clinton Marion Ha•rris..of 'Holyrood ; was, •" ori Friday, October. loth • Her read by Janet. Splan: of Woodstock husband predece:a'sed her. in 1018 Mrs. Stuart Jamieson, Mrs'. Arthur Short and Gail. Jamieson..sang• as' a 'Mrs: Curring is survived by one:. trio: Be t Spettigue•.of:Lo'nd`on son, Hugh, Gurriing of London , 'proposed a toast to 'the •celebrating ,formerly of hucknow , one daughterl' couple...: •• Mrs G,:; 0 (Lsabel) Bradley. of Meaford, f;vegtaridchi-12remand The couple received ,messages of one brother; Robert Somers of. congratulations , many floral trib Myth: utes and gifts. Mr. Jamieson, the sdn•of the late; Funeral service was held at the. ' r: -and Irs: John fatmeson�of `- a�keHVIerrlo'ri 1`CYI" 1 or, Lucknow:, married the former on Monday, October 13th': Inter- Sidney nter Sidney Belle 'McInnes, daughter'. meat was in Blyth Union. Cemetery ! Mass. PubIi.c RaiIy �n: Oct.: 28 o Prevent, Cancer in Women "One of the most :important • • 'headed by Dr. Kenneth I campaigns' to' be waged against Mustard, Dunnville, medical ad- ' cancer at this 'time." , That isv1s, or to ,the Ontario Division of haw Mrs �--Joseph M+cCoi,rie11, " ;t'he'C di "C n sb i t Seaforth, education chairman will . give ' : talks and•; answer for the Huron Unit of the .Can- questions from the' audience.. 'adian Cancer Society,. described. Other • anel members are Maur- , . oman o v omen ' ee w is ice J. Grimes, executive 'direct- . is beingobserved by a mom- , • or ' of the • Ontario ' .Division; moth rally at •the recreation Sister St. William, London, 'co centre, CFB Clinton 'on Tues- • ordinator •of education of the day evening, October .28. begin-' ' Ontario Division,and Dr. G P. ning at eight o'clock. A. Evans, HuronCounty's Medi- The •: objective • isto reach Cal Officer ' of Health. Panel every , woman in the county, moderator will be Don Gray, , 'r with pamphlets of vital interest educational TV, London board ,. about cancer 'of the breast' and' • of Education. , cervix, the greatest causes of The evening will not be all ' •�• women's s deaths in Ontario. , Cancer' talk. For entertainment "And yet these types of can- the Sisters of St. Joseph Con a cer can be beaten," said Mrs; cert Band of London, will pro- •' McConnell,, "through -early de- vide orchestral and band music, ',: tection." ' , and also Vocal entertainment -. ':- a •` . ice ��' �Il�'On•--�1�;t .:.. Th�ESI�' ... . have issued a special invitation McConnell stressed that there to husbands and :men to attend •would be no admission chargee this rally, so, they too can •be or collection at this information• educated in the prevention and : and en, e October' evening on p n' g cure of cancer the at, A panelof cancer experts _._ CFB LLClinton. Reg. $9.95 Value i• Acrilan 'Beige ' Reg. $1L95 Creslan Acrylic Hardtwist` • y Reg' $11...95 Creslan Acrylic, Carved, Plush sq.. yd. sq. yd. • 11: Reg. $7.95 :Leisure - • Turf - Indoor - Outdoor. Plush Pile' • All :FIRST QUALITY Gc Reg $9.95 Herculon Stahproof. Kitchen Carpet. 4s sq yd. Reg. $995 value Acrylic r Random Shear LightGreen • sq. yd. Barbados 'Heiculon• Stainproof ' Gold 5.95', .sq. yd. ARPETIN Reg. $13,95' Luxurious Dream River Mulh,Colour Deep' Velvet Plush 12445 sq..yd. UNIROYAL PORE -SPONGE 'RUBBER. UNDERPAD Reg. $1.79 and $2.49 NOW ONLY. • 1.50 an per sq. yd. YOUR COMPLETE HOME DECORATING CENTRE',-DRA• PER jir 'LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO WALLPAPER AND PAINTS PHONE 528=3434 • •1, a