The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-10-22, Page 14PAGE FURTiEN THE 'LlICKSIOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 1969 111 Zippy Zionettes . The Zippy Zionettes opened their. fifth meeting with the 4-H pledge. Barbara Wilkinsread the minutes and called the Roll Call - "Piacerthe-Flyand-Roman-Sti— . could be used" , This meeting was held on October 17 at ,Mrs., Ritchie's home. ,'The next meeting is to be at Mrs; Harvey Ritchie's home October,24 at 4:00 p.m. • Discussion Uses of Fly and • • *. Roman stitch., The Achievement Day is to be held at Lucknow Dec- ember 6 at the Public 8chool. Demonstration The members were taught the crewel stitch and how to assemble article we are doing for "Learning stitches article'. Group Work: The leaders Mrs. • Kirklandiand Mrs. Ritchie helped the girls fill in the uses of Fly and Roman Stitch.. • '• • %The' Inqting• closed with QUeen. • • ' • • Ili Super Sewyps WHITECHORCH .NEWS • • Whitechurch Super Sewups, held their eighth meeting on Saturday : October 18 at 9,30 in:White- -CU-Mt Community, Menkg14-041 with leaders Mrs, Walter Elliott and Mrs. Elmer Sleighthol6 and eleven. members In attendance , *. , . •. , • . , • .• • The president Joyce. Tiffin open- ed the meeting, with. the 4-.H. Pledge in unison. The minutes Were read by Brenda King; On Saturday November 1st a work • t meeting will be held in White, • church Hall at 9. po a.m. A • review' test was held for the group.. A design for the Book Covers was. • decided upon; Discussion centred on Achieveinent Day. the Exhibit.' All then worked,,embroidering on„-their-fre,e choice article, The.. meeting closed. with the 4-H Creed repeated in unis9n. 2 • • MON., OCT. 20 TO SAT., OCT. 25 • ni3ERToV05 SHAS000,'71/2 oz., suggested list $1.29 ..„99c 44,;BERT07,7705 --CONDITION11‘16-,,critliz-RINSK Lemon or Dryi.suggested.list $1 29 • '99e ANIIPEILOGISTINE RUB A535, 2 oz., suggested list $1 39 .7. 99c A.S.A: 5 gr. 300's . 49c BAN R01.1,7014 DEODORANT.'1 oz., suggested 'list $t 05 770 . . ----BAN`SUper -DrYIL-ANTIPERSFIRAbit_4:oz-S!R: ' Suggested list $1.29 , • • 88c BOW "Cassette" BATHROOM SCALE, Suggested list, $6.99 , • $5.88 Set of 4 COVERED BOWLS for Mixing,•Serving, or Set Storing 11/2, 21/2, 4 and 5 quart capacity, $1.77 cHAPprIcK, Suggested list 59c , 44c DEQUADIN LOZENGES 20's, suggested list $1.13 . . 88c . , -4' "Dove" DISHWASHING DETERGENT, 24 oz. bottle . .Suggested list 89e 596 cjWH'LBVLB, "Canadian Made" 60 watt or , 100 Watt,2 BULBWTO-A-15KG7'29c • • • No. 1015 TRANSISTQR BATTERY "A" Type - 11/4 .volti Penlight Size, 4 on a card, 81:20 value for 99c card • Happy :fitanfiktOftees... The fifth. meeting Of the St. Helens' Happy Handicrafters was held in the St Helens' hall on October 16 at 7:00:: • • The meeting opened with the 4-H Pledge, Vera MacDonald read the Minutes of the last •Meeting. - Roll call; Places the Lazy Daisy and Chain stitches could be used :was-answered_by_twenty_girls. Discussion - The next meeting .• is October 21 at 7:00 in the hall. boils Rintoul is going to design, the cover of our book • • . Group work Some girls have finished their runners and have ' started their "Free Choice" article . The meeting closed with the 4-H Creed WHITECHURCH 'Charles Falconer, Mary and • John of Glamis were Sunday visit- ors With Mrs. Art Cronin and Jim - Falconer of ,Wingha.m. .Visitors at the week end with Mr; and Mrs, Elgin Johnston and family were Mr. and Mrs.. Almer Hicks • and Mr. .and Mrs. Eilborn Hawking • .of Killarney Manitoba. On Sun- day Mrs Lilian LaMb,',Wingham and Mr. and Mrs.. Howard Wylie of Wroxeter visited at the same home,. ri--.-At-ET--Pnicton-irspendint,--- this.Week with her sisters Misses Bertha and Agnes McKay of London. Mrs. Cecil Falconer and Mts. • Wesley Tiffin went to Strathroy on. Tuesday to be with the'family,of Mr. and MrS.Hector Piketon,. ',while they attend the funeral of her brother 'who passed away very Stitch'n Time suddenly: , , . • . Mrs. Mary Weaning of, Wroxeter, Miss Helen Gibson- and Miss ' „Dorothy Boyle. of Toronto were ,Thursday visors with Mr.:and - Mrs. Elgin Johnston 'and family. Wesley Tiffin on Monday took the Wingham. District High School ' Soccer -team to play „at Listowel • and 'visited with•Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Proudly of that town: Mrs. Leola Chadwick of London 'spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson and on Sunday all visited with Miss Lila Mrs,'Cecil•Falconet and Mrs': A, Putdon.visited on Sunday with -Mt:--and-Mrs„.--ROss-,Hoggart-,, •and Mrs: •Elgin WellwOod„. accompanied Mr. and Mrs . Jack Cronin of Orangeville toxisit on • • :Sunday with Mrs; Art Cronin and Jim •Falconer of:Wingharn, „ . Theseventh meeting of "Stitch 'n Time"commence .with the . • . • repeating of the.Pled e• • 'The min ' Cburcb Orws 1utei Of the'list::ineetin re read ' by dail ,PritchardThe ro all: "Why 'I those my „free choieeartic le and the colour scheme" was answered by six girls .Carol and Sharon Campbell were absent., We discussed the use of the crewel -stitch -and -alio .the -stitches_:::: to beusedon our' Free Choice • Article Mrs Arnold. showed us how to assemble and finish our . free choice article; We filled in the .uses to the .;•• • . crewel stitch on our sample sheets and worked on our runners and free choice article.. The meeting closed With the Creed, • • • .•• ••• No. 216 TRANSISTOR BAT'kbatY, Mini Max 'I'ype, • 9 volt, 2 on a card, $1.78 value for $1.40 .... Card of 2 $1.27 "Exquisite" Ladies 'PAN'Il-HOSE, Beige Tone only . . . 88c Gillette Foamy "Surf Spray" SHAVE CREAM, 11 oz• aerosol, suggested list $1.25 . ... 99e • . f HERSHEY Old Fa.shiiined "BROKEN BULK CHOCOLATE" .Approximately I/2 pound each .. 95c . . • Johnson & Johnson WATERPROOF .TAPE, 1/4" x 5 yards,* Suggested list 53c33c iitR:rStottYPOP§*-Cello-Bagi-iugg estecilist-69c=-63e-7 , . LADIES HAIR BRUSH, Sugg4sted lisi $1.00 ...,...,:: . . . 57e ea. • • . • ' or 2 for $1 09 . • . , •LTSTERINE ANTISEPTIC 14 oZ, Suggested list $1.39 . .. 97c PHISOHEX '5 oz. refillable squeeze bottle, Suggested•li.se 0.98 , • $1.67 Wilkinson Sword CHROME STEEL BLADES, 5's SuggeSted llst, 75c . . ..... . . . . .. .. .. . ..... 0.0_ 59c OLD SPICE ROLL ON DEODORANT, Reg. $1.00 ' • 59c . . FOIL. WRAP, 18" • ' • 61c „GARBAGE BAGS, 10's . . .. ... 33c PLASTIC WRAP; 12" 2/c mer m ach Pha mac PHONE 528.3084 Cosmetics Free Film Plan Animal Health Learning tassiet. The sixth meeting of 0:1e. coho- hostr:Lieinririg-Litstm-4*ied • • • • . Blakei•U C • The October Meeting for Blakes United Church Women washeld at, the home of Mrs. G. Anderson on Tuesday the 14th at 2 p.m. with ten Members, one life member and one. visitor attending, „ . • . • , The,-program„watii. W. Andrew.. The' theme was, "Thanksgiving”. Hymn 578 was .. sung "Sing to the Lord of Harvest"... Mrs. M. Berger read :the scripture.. Readings..Were taken in parts by all the. members present. Mrs. L. ' Menary also gave.a reading -"How an Idea Grew".• PIates:hav,e been ordered With. the engraving of Blaices United Church. • A donation' was sent to the Bible Society. • „.' themeeting closed with a hymn. rew"and Mrs. G Anderson. • •,„ • with the4-1-1 Pledge.. • • . . , Roll call Places the 'Fly and Roman stitches Can be used Answer Fly stitches are used to' make grass •and for a filler., Roman stitches. are used for leaf lines and •as.a Joanne" Hendriks'read* the minutes of the fifth Meeting. Butiness-, Our next meeting will he 'he.leriOri the 25th of October at -2;00-at-tvi1sSZintgs7hOrne. • • Discussion -WC discussed the uses of the Fly and Roman stitches aril the plans for Achievement Day 4.0 Mrs Riegling looked' at our ,recorci boOics.. Demonstration -Mrs.. Riegling demonstrated .how to do the crewel stitch and how to assemble our articles now fully embrbidered; . • , Gratip Work - We filled in the • answer of the ,Fly and Roman • stitches on our illustration sheet and put it in our record book. We cut out our last sample and worked the creweistitch on making anicy as indicated in 'instruction for • chosen article. We are to get our free choice article Or to buy a pattern • • : • - We closed the meeting with The' Oueen, ' derator WiH Speak At Walkirton '•The Moderator of the United • Church of Canada will address a public meeting sponsored by •Bruce. Presbytery. The Meeting w•ill be held hi -the Walkerton -District Secondary School Auditorium On October 29th, • • • ' • Dr. McClure, a 'pioneer'', „ ;in, medical, work, now pioneeri.in • another field. . He is the .firsi.lay - „ man to be. elected Moderator •of The, thiited„ Church of Canada In earlier. days e was an enthusiastic , • • .• and daring Motor cyclist and hOldinghiS•piiot's licence.; now he dramatically challenges the', theta to even greater efforts orT-• • • refugeesbehalfofthe worlds hungry and Dr .McClure counts himself, • - bOrn .a . refugee: in 1934. theonly medical Missionaryin all inland China with radium for .cancer treat-,, merit: in the...Second•veliicle to go over the Burma Road, „often met Chow .En• -,Lai and Mao Tse-tungi built up a wide reputation as a, surgeon and pioneer. in 'public health, and birth ,Control•progranis in Ratlam .Central In.dia perfOrfil. ed himself more. than one thousand -operationt-anutta-lly-r4nd1na_ag= ea the •first oral pOliCrVacination project in India,: • . •• $t. Helens W ST. HELENS NEWS The October Meeting of the 'St: • Helen's United Church Women was held at' the home of Mrs: Tom Todd with an attendance of 15 ladies and 2 children, • „ • The Call to WOrship.v.fai*given by • Isobel •Miller. The roll call was answerediv-a-thartlesgiVing-verS0-L . and Mrs. Tom Todd read "Let us GiveThanks' • . • Psalm 9b was readlyM-tstJo Cameron With Mrs. Don Cameron giving the meditations Mrs. Ross Errington read "The First Thanksgiv ing Day" „. Mrs. Frank MCQUillin.and Isobel Miller took the tonic on "Thanks-, giving". The Worship service was closed With, a Thanksgiving prayer. Mrs. Tom Todd conducted the , business.. The 'Thankoffering.meet- ing planned for October has been cancelled indefinitely because of the sickness of the guest speaker. The St. Helen's U.C.V.• are invit- , ed to the [tally at Wroxeter on Octobet 22nd. Plans were also fiztkdd fortbigitafirmal Bake Sale and Tea ten November 8th at the Legion Hall., All committees are to ,be. '• In 1968Dr. 'Bob! was e-iected Moderator ,by The , General Council of The United Church. , • PlatfOrm:Guetts at the ,meeting ,will include Rev Vic Wilkinson of Kincardine, Chairman of Bruce presbytery; Rev. Jackson,Strapp, 1 Minister of St Paul's Walkerton and 19cal,Convenor; Dr. Robinson, Classmate of Dr . McClure and The Moderator ..4ecial. Music Will be presented by the "Young Folle. of : Walltert the same as last year. The, meeting closed with pr.ayet and lunch was served by Niiss W. D, Rutherford and -Mrs, 44-tv. top, • ••