The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-10-22, Page 11190. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 196' oad' wen .o1. ice Clure ditor-, 29th 1flht'CI) I)t'tiit; Trini THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,ONTARIO Unit Mrs. Donald, Hackett was host- ess for the. October meeting of . Unit 2 of Trinity' United Church Women on:October 16th with 13 ..:members, 1 visitor and 2 children present. Mrs, Blake Alton opened! the ley And Olivetetiviice ;----9Li ET' NFWS Olivet United Church Women heard two good speakers this'week. On Tuesday evening they were •guests 'ofj St, Andrews. Church Women of Ripley when i irs::•Franc- is Boyle spoke of a Couples Club conference she and Mr,!Boyle ,att ended this fall at Bolton,.: On Thursday•evening the Ripley,..• meetrn w.in h .. ivverse Tladies-visited_-Ol teeL t Bear--mr-s-.-.�— a Thank5g� A hymn was.fo1lowed• by. the Thank- sgivin'g Prayer. • .Mrs. Donald Hacketthad charge of the devotions which' included a reading "Gratitude is the language of Grace", assisted by Mrs. Allan. . , Hackett, Mrs . Ralph•.Caineron and Mrs.. Bert Alton, also. the Scripture, and a prayer. Comments on the Observer were given by Mrs,Blake Alton,. • , • Mrs..Donald Hackett read .' What ;' we should 'know about U . C . What, is•the' U.,C. W and what it, • ,should mean to our,community". 'and presented'.questions to the '. ladies and a discussion. followed, Mrs Kenneth Alton had the Study Book. The topic: was :" Is the church a help or'hindrance Our society today Mrs., George T enry had tWonnum • g bers on the programme, 'a reading "Parade :on Soap". and a contest • "What do you know about cooking", The roll call was answered. With a' •verse 'having Thanksgiving in it ioobert Nichollsof'Lucknow who opened'' her program by.remarking on the loss, of a sense of identity in to -day's youth . .• She played,, on the tape -recorder, 'three modern. songs and explained how the songs illustrated; this search for identity„ The songs were; Who Am I? by Petula Clark, Who Will Answer? by* Ed Ames:'and The Gir me God. Blues:' from a musical revue by Helen Kromer. • , Mrs:' Nicholls explained why the. modern generation' has: more of a ' ` problem with: a sense of identity than olderg 'enerations Did . She. concluded her program using posters, to.. ive a. Christian's' answer.,_ I' Am A Child Of God! Mimeographed copies of the songs were presented • to the ladies. • , •.. ' Mrs: dally PQflock of Ripley sang, The 'Prodigal Son, accompan- ied by. Mrs. Sandy MacCharles at,:• the org an, • • • ...� • November 18th` is the pot luck , • y -• ,the sick. The, meetin :'closed with an t o re enc s. • Gives Traveloaue A.nfli'versar.' KinIourgI Anniversary Services .were held in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday with Rev, Knox of Paisley guest minister, Mrs:. (Rev:) T J.. McKinney was.organist and special numbers were given by the, choir': Mr's. . jack Barr and Jannette favour- with. a duet in the morning and the-e_v-enin. a quartette Mrs,. - Homer Devitt,: Mrs., Cliff Johnston, Mrs. Jack Barr and,Jeannette also, sang •a number. • $unda' Chalmers WM5 WHITECHURCH NEWS Chalmers 'W M .S . held their . October meeting.' on Wednesday , October 15 at the .home, of Mrs. W:,. R. Purdon, . The meeting, opened 'with the president ` Mrs.. Wallace Conn giving the Call to; Worship, a prayer and a poem,. The scripture was read. - by Mrs. ; Bob Ross. Mrs.. Wesley Tiffin gave. the meditation.' .A. "Thanksgiving Thoug hts" was poem g ,S 8 given .by. Mrs; Cecil Falconer. The roll call was answered with a' Verse ,with word Thanks: The topic, Thanksgiving; was given by.Mrs. Witham- Rintoul who stressed we.: 'Should 'be thankfulfor our security; •safety, a work'to do.and strength. "to do it A poem ','Nature's"Ways" was iven b Mrs. A; •McQuillan;, g , ' Bill Evans led :;• m ._ prayer er for Mrs'. .supper at: the, church.: The.bazaar On T ' and" prayer by•Mrs!:. Conn.. is November 30th. It was voted �e Ho 1• l • • .to send $20 to the Children's Aid :• MBERLEY' NEW$ Y to the hospital and homes were .reportted on and enett sent. The closing prayer Was.given. b . ,Mrs Blake Alton. ' ' Lunch'was served 'by the hostess. arid Mrs. . Blake. A lton . •Societ a in Goderich ,.The visits • • A joint meetin1g•of the afternoon and eveninggP rou s•of Pine River` was: held -in the .church on • WednesdaY evening October, fifteen th .. • • • 'Kincardine • and Bethel members of the U , C . W`:•.:were invited and"':` there was.,an•.attendance o.f,:seventy five. .. • irch B.I7 moor -vice ile. U.C.W.Vote . $25 To Assist Children's Nile United' Church Women met in the church, ;Wednesday October • 8 cat 2 p.m. with Mrs.`'.Clifford. .McPhee at the piano. Mrs,. Allan • Dickson presided for/the worship• ervice; .the -theme •b' `- tanks giving"r This included a' Prayer of Thanksgiving, reading on ; .: Gratitude, and singing a hymn. invnrp�esi a • A.•reading "A WalkWith A-utnrnn•- was given: by Mrs.Eldon Bradley . The 'Pine ~River, trio - Mrs.' Robt Courtney Mrs . Ernie .Gibson and . Mrs. Perrin Lowry accompanied by Mrs. Lynn• Lowry sang two fine. numbers •which were enjoyed ' • Mrs.Delbert Wilson introduced ,the guest speaker, Miss Clare • McGowan of Goderich; .'`Miss McGowan, who had visited:the • Mrs .•Delbert • Wilson 'opened the meeting with' a •Thanksgiving tried itation which was followed With. ; a hymn Mrs Wilson thanked, Mrs. 'Lynn Lowry and Mrs.; Ernie Gibson. for their fine musical preludes on organ and piano,respectively, prior, to the , meeting . Mrs Ernest Thompson was, convener for• the Thankoffering meeting. Mrs .Mervyn. Hooey, convener for Stewardship,, gave, the • 'call to worship' w.i a � yi• mn iiTh was followed with the scripture reading and meditations by Mrs,::. Margaret Snobelen. Mrs'. Harcy� d s1 for ; the business part of the meeting: The roll 'call was answered by a "Cure for the 'Blues and was' answe red by 14 ladies. Correspondence ' included an invitation from •Auburn, U.C.W. to attend their meeting . . Wednesday October 22 at 8:15 p.m; The Sectional meeting will be held in Benmiller Friday October :.24, •registration'at•9:15 a m.•' • dinner $1.25. A11 are urged.to„,i • 'Holy Land, 'showed films of her'' The Ladies .Aid•: meeting was then held: .Since •there was,'no bits.; iness..the Collection -was received and the Lord's Prayer closed this. meeting •Grace was .'sung and the: hostess'. served lunch .. • • Mrs .. Johnston: Conn gave the • courtesy remarks. '' • • An appeal' from the Children•' Aid Society for assistance ,at Christ- maswas discussed and $25 voted to this worthy cause. The ,new .Miss ion and Service Fund of 'the Church to replace: the M and. M and Unifie Budget Fund was explained in a letter read by the Secretary: Mrs. Allan Dickson discussedplans for. the Tupperware demonstration to be held in the church. It was dec- trip which `were most interesting.;. She gave a vivid description of many places mentioned in the Bible After the films .she .modeled costumes -which. She ,brought .froth the•Holy Land and,which,were fashioned from beautiful material. Many dolls and spoons from differ- ; ent countries were also, displayed.•. Mrs.. Ernest Thomson graciously . thanked Miss 'McGowan' and present- : id•ed to continue helping the Sunday' ed her with a gift. A. dericious. School with pins and bars . . •.I lunch was. served by the evening The meeting closed with a ••' unit in the Sunday School room.• d -Pr e y 44”----,z, 11116.0/ II II • Nits. Len Brindley and Mrs. Rata ins ti . C .'IN: gave the courtesy' McPhee servedtea arida social remarks' for their group and Mrs. • hotir enjoyed . Mrs.. W. H. Talmay Ray Walden expressed the apprecia • .distributed Bible Society "kits" for tion of•the Bethel group, the annual'canvass to be held this A social tirne was"en'oyed over month the tea cups, • __. ��..�..,m5•`�•"S„•8..^ •N.�?A�M'S�.;7i',.'..:.%• VrA.O.6..xx` 7-3. 2 .: x,g.' bry WEDDING PH�T�GRAPHY PAGE ELEVEN ;•si^s • CONTACT p HA�RrS� STUDIO KINCARDINE IAN MALCQ'MSQN IFHQNtE 396-27..9.,1. i j . WHITECHURCf NEWS . . Calvin -Brick United Church. Women;held' their October meeting on WednesdaY October. 15 at the home of Mrs. Alex Robertson. . The theme,of.the meeting was Thanks- .giving.. hanks-.giving.. Mrs, Ken Mason gaVe :a 'Thanks'giving Meditation. A. poem 'Unto the, Least" was read by': • Mrs. Lawrence Taylor. Mrs: Ken Mason presided 'for the business.. A thank. •you note was • read from the family of the late . Mrs. George Coultes. Delegates. appointed•to attend the 'Regional Rally at Wroxeter are Mrs. 'Norman Coultes., Mrs. •Mason Robinson, • Mrs. Alex Robertson , MO: Harry Cook, Mrs. RoyDawson. •Mrs.. • Ken 'Mason read a letter from Mrs. Doig, to be prepared to.answer: the 'roll call. with =, an idea shared and • to give',the courtesy'remarks, j Another letter concerning the quarterly allocation was -read: The arranging' for' a congregational social' was left to' the Executive..' Mrs. : McBurney,' had charge of the Study - Reconciliation in�a 'Broken.World , explaining the,, meaning and the need for Reconcil- cation and• how• we are. involved also some of frustratlon'and strain ing points in. the Indian Eskimo ' situation • Mrs: Richard Moore gave .a `read ing ',Reaching, for -the Top' and Mrs j Roy P.atti'songave a reading The, Indians Mrs. John`Jamieson had charge_• ► - -• iiwth• leadership in nutrition • continuous research management skills growing animal health service Messengers ,'WHITECHURCH NEWS Whitechurch -United Church 'Messengers held. their October meet: ing on,Sunday in the Sunday "school .. room of the church during church , service, • The president Ronald Soloman gave the Call to Worship. The scripture was read by Earl Thorrp.- •.The theme of the meeting was • Friendliness. Prayer was given by: Michael Albert. Richard Moore ,. received;the offering, Th,e offer - mg Prayer was i ,y .g.iven -b. Diane Albert,' The •.minutes. were 'read by - the secretary Clare Weber. :He lso-called-the roll which w.as answered by 11.. The juniors were given'their story' by ' Mrs. Clifford Laidlaw. ry Mrs: Dave 'Gibb read the story• for the seniors and closed the meeting'' 'withprayer, . ' Unicef boxes were handed' out to.• each memberto collect moneyat' Hallowe'en, of the Worship service the topic being Raci tirttward.a full comm unity , followed by Prayer. The meeting: Closed with';:prayyer by Mrs. Jariiieson. • The:•birthday tea Was .then'enjoyed by an attend- , ante of .14•.. •' milk production ita 'HE LIFERSF:IR The meed the rest the, best a Shur -Gain Dairy program. When you recall that an average cow costs you the price of 2 tons of hay and over 3% tons of corn silage' per year, you know there is no room in your herd •for 'loafers that won't produce or , even potential producers that 4 can'tbecause of inadequate adequate feed'ntake , ShiptheJ'oafers-= keepLthe producer -s start -a Shur -Gain feeding' program. . -Increase your--retirns froi investment in feed with a sound program s' from Shur -Gain.•, See us' about the most suitable'3hur-Gain feedingg program to fit your particular • r i c .TIC OTW 'PHONE 528-2026 •