The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-10-22, Page 10P' THELUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO spa 11 +6. ►afI EIected ;resident LANG'SIDE NEWS The new: officers of the,Langside • Young People-$-Society=`were.-e-lect=. ed at their first meeting President •is •Doug • Wall, secretary Carolyn MacGillivray and treasurer Donald.` Scott. ° . On Sunday evening October 19 N . the. Langside Y.P.S. met at the home of Mr • and Mrs.. Peter deBoer with 16 presents: The programme• Was prepared by Robert Bregman and Ken Scott. Doug Wall presided' and opened the meeting. • "Blowin' in the Wind'. was sung. The, scripture was read by John deBoer with prayer by, Helen Wiersma. The roll: call, brought a good response of written questions about the, Presbyterian Church. ' • • The next meeting was planned • for November 9 at Mr , and Mrs. Dave-vioffats. The offering -was ;. received py Keith Bregman and prayer was given •by Bobby Mace l- livray • Gordon; Wall then. led a discussion and answered the quest-' ions:from. the roll call, concerning :the Presbyterian :faith: •`A hymn was.sung• and the Mizpah, Benedict-, ion was repeated in unison. Mrs deBoer and Nancy served lunch. '. Murray. Moffat moved a vote of ` thanks to deBoer's and Gordon Wall{ rt sr 11 t• t ril KINLOUGH NEWS;' labs-Wrliiam-Cox and: Mrs. Jack Scott were .hostesses for :the, meeting of the Anglican Church Women on •Thursday afternoon Mrs: 'Gertrude' Walsh Presided and • welcomed the ladies from Lurgan, ' who also took 'part in .the meeting. ee in as • The theme•for the - m t g w - ;Thanksgiving The opening hymn was• followed by the prayers .: and the Scripture. by Mrs. Ronald 'Thacker, Over thirty ladies answer. e roll call. with the word y St. Marys. C.W.L. Fr. Galea led in prayer to open the St. Mary's C .W . L:, meeting, Mrs, Peter MacDonald. who had attended, the Deanery .meeting in Seaforth , gave a detailed 'report Of 111-tday's activiti • Social action or practicing the art of human kindnes§ as urged• WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 1969 Olivet. Messenger's OLIVET NEWS, The Olivet Messengers held their meeting ,onrSund-ay'. The; -new -•pr -es ident,. Wendy Hamilton, opened 'the.meeting with a Thanksgiving; • poem. followed' by the hymn, Father We Thank,Thee . Scripture was read by Joyce ,Black,, and -a• poem by Joycer Osborne , Nancy McGuire read the story. A Bible.. story and quiz were conducted by the leader, Mrs. Jack McGuire, and the meeting closed "with the ' ASI-ipah be e[> dict' 1;1 by Fr. Hennessey our -spiritual director, ".On'l he who shares his Mrs. Andrew Gaunt bread can come to"the Lord's Table' 5 esker• IsW.MS. or "Am I a Christian or am I a phoney"was a. thought; for reflection He concluded :bi reminding all of the :old Indian prayer "0, Lord, let me not criticize my fellow man until I have walked a mile in his footsteps." Galea conducted a question and answer period. regarding up- • dating of the ':church, ;Prayer in • ' • unison closed the meeting. ergo_WAuleY: -Re=sl Of Bible Society • •The'Riple•Y `Branch of the Canad- ian Bible:Society meta in Knox `Pres- byterian •Church;,on October 15th•, with Rev. Mr. Rooney in .charge Following a devotional period,'', Rev. Cowan; representative from •.• the Bible Society, ,gave sone high- lights of the work of the Society and then showed. an 'excellent fila called'The Pathways of.Penzotti;:'" , Penzotti had been an early.. col rteur of'Bibles in South :A mer -- P° ,ica. •: He 'hid walked and ;led a 'Mule loaded with Bibles • The film showed Scriptures being distributed to-day,in market places, to homes alongthe rivers, in the hi mountains, the mines: and • •e • ived and worked' wherever. eo 1 h• P P by all sorts of modern means of trans rtation, ,"What' was so:- noticeable o - not' eable was the'.eagerness of,' ,people . to receive .the Scriptures. •. Local people are learning to, read ;•' and help their' neighbours.. Many,' can only pay in .produce ' and ; sortie :can only pay, abqut•one third Of cost of translating and pririting; .: Thus we help by contributing'to Business and Correspondence incl canvasses., The scriptures are ` tided `an, iivitation;:from the Kin'- printed in.1400 languages and lou€h W -`1"4-s.- to attend' their dialects, When people learn to , • Tina-nkoffer setup--on-October za .: s; teFtarit+ that:xhe_y '15th • An announcement• was made! Christian literature to read. of the fall Meeting of the ,South • 'communism, spends..$400' to every ,• KINLOUGH NEWS The • Presbyterian W.M.S.Aut- umn Thankoffering meeting was held on Wednesday afternoon at the church. Mrs. .Frank Maulden greeted ladies from'Lucknow , Langside and. Teeswater Women's Mission. arySocieties eties and Kinlough Anglic- an nglican Church Women, Mrs. Jack ' Barr_played while the ladies were being seated. . •.The president Mrs.' Donald Bushell was in charge and after giving g the': C'al`lWorshi read a S .P poem•' on T•hanksgi g ed'the visitors. ' Following a •hymn • the president. offered' prayer; The' roll cali.was answered with the word "Thanks" .. Mrs . Jack • • Kingsbridge C.W.L. On October 14 the St. Joseph's' C.W.L.held their meeting in the school -•gym Pather.Galea.--openedm with League prayer. Eighteen members were present with Mrs. John Austin presiding. The follow- ing reports were given by the ' convenors g guides, s,sr membership spitual, correspond- ence d ence and: recording §ecretary; Due to mailing errors, some'ntembers, aren't receiving their league magaz ine. To the November meeting, brin our views on poverty - what. does it mean? ow can we -setter- the programmes thataid., the poor in all parts or Canada? This year 46 diel Guides and; 4 leaders are enrolled in• Kings- bridge' Troop which are sponsored', by. die "Kingsbridge C W.L. Clean used clothing canbe; leftat•the• back of the church for Comberrnere Mission. It will be packed to be sent on November 15th in: ;time for• Christmas. On November 4, there is to bea Parent-Teacher .mmeeting at iSt . Jos;- ephs's choo1 in which all interested people are asked to.attend. Sister Judith will outline the religion • course' that is being taught in the school.• ., • Mrs. Carl Riegling read an' inter- esting letter from our family in.' India Save your p'enniies•:: and--br-ing- vin and, welcom them to. the • next meeting -for our India family,. Mrs. Mark Dalton will write to the•,family'this month: Father :Galea stressed'• more atten _ .. dance at meetings. -Everyone :must ive of herself to make.`the•lea ue : '• g g 'Barr played: "The' Lord's My: Sheph-• erd" ;Miss: Don Bushell gave the offertory prayer•, Mrs:.Stewart " 'MacDonald took the devotions. from'. psalm. 10 0 . .. • Readings on Thanksgiving were given•by.Mrs., GlenHaldenby, Mrs. Frank Maulden:and Mrs..Gertrude Walsh A. duet; by Mrs.. George Goodfellow and ,Mrs..Currie'Moffat was accompanied by, Mrs. T J McKinney ,'• • M. Don.Roberrsbn'thenintrod• - ucied'the' guest speaker Mrs • Andrew Gaunt who first' expressed, her ' ' pleasure' in having a part in the meeting ,' Mrs Gaunt based her • thoughts'frorn Jeremiah ':the harv- . est is ,pan, the summer is over,and We are not saved ' The people in that day had.fallen away •frotn.,God as in our present day:; He":had tried land prayed but the people had .for; ;gotten' God... 'We see it today all I around us and it` makes 'us` `wonder how'•long before God's judgement • will cone upon :us. 'Look at the • tit n ooi ality ; it.vorces ; =delfriquenc. and lawlessness: It: should be •the deep concern of each one of pi: Church Services L0:CKNOW ;CHRJSTI N REFORMED. CHURCH' J. W. Van Stempvoort. Pastor S.rvlces: 10:00 am. ` (English) 2:30 p.m. (Dutch 2nd .and'. 5th . -Sundays)._,- VISITQRS WELCOME. Denominational ' Radio` Broad- cast, "The Back TO God Hour", every Sunday . CICS (Stratford) ' • 2.,00 . p.m. ; COS (Owen Sound)' 6:00 p.m. and meetings more interesting To the Ncvernber meeting bring a . member with you. ' -If you' know' of anycharter mem- ber. please let Mrs. John 'Austin , • know ; A bake' sale and parish pot duck Supper were, discussed 'with no • definite •plans,: Father closed. meeting with prayer T lie mistery gift Was won by Mrs.:.Antone Vans., :Osch . . Mrs : • Carl •Riegling gave an inter.:. esting:'and complete report on' the Deanery; meeting in Seaforth: on ember -29, w-ith-118-present : Reports were heard from, all 'conven- ors: Father Hennessey said to pract ice+and, live these'3.rules. 1. Do L.love m nei�hbour'enou h tocare' y g . g about him and his -problems, .2: Am I'humble enough? 3:. Be careful of crinsizitlg others .who don't accept , m� views. What: is your:. Christian attitude? Remember., you are the church so we must shire. in Christ's Mission .. Get involved bye• helping e ' • 'thin . LUCKNOW, UNITED C .. ..H' U RC:H Rev. Robert' Nicholls, B.A. • Minister OCTOBER 26th: • 10:00 am, Sunday, School Morning Plan to hear Df. 'Boob McClure at. 'the Moderator's. Rally in Walkerton' llgh School auditor- ium, , Wednesday,: October 29th at 11' ;p.m: .ST. PETER'S -- .the• CHURCH Rev, ` R. T. F. Odendahl Rector OCTOBER '26th •Trieity41 10:15. Church School 11:30 Morning Prayer know 0 Presb erten: Church with not o y.; carlessness In parents .- ' but o 50 trent of our ' youth .' '.. n1 yo attend church. The hand that rocks the 'cradle 'still rules the world„ The mother in the 'home has such 'an lfluence. ': Do we take time. to read God's word? :The funds 17 million, copies of Good >' salvation of our children is; the News .for •Modern Man h ave been; important thing: ' Some feel that sold in the last three years'. '•' the' moon landing was one of the. • Saugeen Deanery at Kincardine on ..$7 spent on literature by Christians October. 2Lst at, 2 o' clock of whichThe' Bible. Society could double °'dis •• we are now: a part : Mrs . George _;,' tributton ' if it had the necessary Graham gave ,the 'Meditation., on . • Giving' Thanks"- . , • At this time Rev. R.' Odeiidahl showed a number of'inrerestmg pictures which were taken in his for et •arish. 'He' also••s• •ke on• the indiaifs•,'their way of li�-zg and many other rhe ngs aboin them yirc. S "nrr favonred th .a out of the league it is bec • use 'we didn't ,put. •anything. into it. The meetingwas concauded• with. ,lunch . Rev. 'Glean. Noble, B A:,. 13.1X:. • � . llinestec Phone 528-2740 greatest discoveries'; but My.,' Following thefilm presentation. fil+ question is "'where are We going to Cameron MaoAuley took charge,of spend •Ete niry? The harvest is 7e-bi s`part aof re4t ee ---past thea er-is-aver and -h ing. Waiter Walden' gave a finan-. • many sheaves have we for the dial report. This .area' raises arounct Nflaster?"• -vu eac. rear w ,i exce•ptiuu,. •, : r . .•:_, Y Jaek. Barr thanked the • lovely solo''''He Wipes the rear' iron every eye" accompanied tm Mis. 3'ohn Er- lemon • Mrs. 3e use' Walsh read, .from •the L• ivurt' • l ,lessage on -Thanksgiving'' • Mrs RR. Gooney, prestdei t o" me Mac.Atiev was returned ' as' Lurgan group expressed 'thanks ffo.'Chairman. Bill Arnold w a elect,- being lec -being invited to this meeting am td as secreta'. - :ensure: { Others rhe hostesses and � � thanked � a�v�tm�dy c the � �utix�e ' 'Mrs. Howard. j e ar: c were Rev. .. t�•.00ney in the progrann: rev, .J, Tames Rev. L , Ba:D . Waite:: Walden; closed" the,r'aeeting,with prayer. rias or l'ac nnar . k' alter .-.:. ._ ,„1,, --M , o -d r',:;7-2,7.701, and 1 h n p}.�,�} , � ' . Herb Er. S LOL . 'Ty'ltl�. ,inn Vti'ul.: served cd b� Mrs, , .colt assiete.� . ��- • loin. of•'Cenrent+ia1 Tear when there was is:> ker and :resented h6.7 -with a �, .. pea P , gift. Mrs, Phillip Stewart and,' +. Mrs.'Austin three favoured With .a dtnet. +accompanied by' Miss Margar- et Malcolm Mrs., Eldon Walsh gave' a reading ""Jesus is• the'Way" Following: a hymn. the Meeting closed 'with The Lord's prayer. All were invited to the Sunday School room where delicious ref_. reshmentc were served. Miss. May Boy a expressed thanks ora'. 'behalf of the Anglican ladies . Mrs . 1.4cKin 4 Mrs,` Gerald Rhodr and 1:A s.,: Fri i , „i e w'. Mee'. or October :3rd and, . net' on behalf of Teeswater ladies,. Scott The November hostess will I :lake Mrther plant rot the annual Mrs. stewart McGillivray for the, tkT \ naford `h.a f . and w�ii. t►e '. cam'asc Langside lathes and Mrs. Noble rtic trnTua etin�t sill bale pack- Rc 1.' B used ire Freer;- isrhnston 'spoke for the Lucknow to with prayer • ,. . • . �rbu' 'added Sk from the Community . , service. , Elections 'followed and Cameron, OCTOBER 2tk 10:00 a:m:, Sunday" :S,chool 11:00 .a.m.. Morning Service, ELENSUNJTEDCHURCI N' CI Sutid�y,1ktober 26, 1'�b ANNWERSARY 'MINISTER REV. J. E. HUMMEI.; B.A. Minister. of St. Helens United Church MORNING SERVLCEE -'1'i A.M. Sermon -- "What Mean These Stones ----E�ENi-1�iG-S•E-RaI-IC--E---=-=;�-P=Mr---.- -�, �-_ SPecial Mme' EVERYONE WELCOME