The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-10-15, Page 16;tea i '.r�•+5!!h +� lu�!!�'Row. {� fir. �T•a^.rT+r �r eul; � • f" pp A�, THE LU,.CKNOW: SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW,; ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER, 13th,, 1469 • ndlethi coats, parkas and; snowsuits for the, play 'set are the • SEE•... ty The. Sentinel WASHABLE 18 24 MONTH. PINK, TURQUOISE, YELLOW 2. PC, .WASHABLE 2 3x ' YELLOW AND TURQUOISE DRESS COATS, (-8-•!14) , In rich looking assorted :colours • SHAGGY, BEIGE ORLON :'COATS LEATHER TRIM (6/ :6x) •. JACKETS With hoods f4 - 6x)' (8 14). in ply and multi colour patterned Laminated Juinp "Suits . 4 Pants 4 6x and. 8 NYLO.N.:.SK1 TACK 5,4 cI'il�w THAT George Beaton of.Lucknow was.the'winner .in the Thanksgiv ing turkey draw at Lucknow 'Pro Hardware. • THAT-Jack.Henderson of Lucknow and Don. McTavish of ,Huron Town• ship, attended a district lawn bowl- • ing ,meeting' at Cltnton'on Thursd - ay; They representedlthe Lucknow lawn bowling club. THAT the'.Bruce Board Of Education has accepted the tender of .Irrlpe.r Oil to. supply No. 2' fuel oil :. to.schools. in Bruce.Gounty for one .yea,r at a' price, of 14,-90 per • gallon . THAT ,the; fine Fall weather we ' have -beep experiencing-is-emph- • .asized ,by the fact that Mrs. Will - '' red Drennan of Lucknow picked. a branch of nice raspberries and • . black berries/on Thanksgiving day, THAT George Saunders ;of Lucknow info ms• usof a garter snake which. ...was.potted Monday on the .door= steof his son Gordon in Ashfield' Township.'' George::tells:us that n is rare to see a 'snake thislate. in the season. • THAT i,uc:knaw - Post Office renova - tion proceeding and 'when com- pleted; the lock box area will,be open. 24 hours a day: However, • in the meantime, untilrenovation is complete, ,the post .office sched= ule wilLoperate.•as before , THAT'the lastcall for Lucknow Minor Hockey registration .has ' been :issued with registration at • the Lucknow Town Office this • Saturday./October. 18th 'from .1 ,to 6 `p m. ' If you have not regis - •tered, or your child has not reg- istered, eg-istered, better 'attend to it this Saturday': .. .11 Sic ins 49c HEINZ 10 OZ Vegetable: •Sou HIGHLAND PRIDE Fresh Coffee SUPREME: RICH Fruit Cake 2•LBS . SAVE • 1:3c ins 49c EXCLUSIVE!' Pound ' a Only . : 79c MacLAREN'S 15 OZ., '—REG.. 49c. Peanut Butter REPEAT) CHRISTIES NEW. Mini ,Chips SAVE 19c tars. '''79c STOCK UPI • Ofl!y. 39c 0 0 0.0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00.0 0 0 •'.0 •, O O O0 0 0 0 o TRY MAYFAIR 75% . f Butter Spread' ►,IC. 117e VALUE. Pens r COMPARE I' cid /69c .GOOD. FLAVOUR POUND 59c r. •y PENS FREE • SAVE 38c All For l 49c .VALUES EFFECTIVE•."• OCTOBER 16, 17, la ' PHONE'• LUCKNOW'''528.3420. Ladies' and Men's Wear.' AGENT' FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS [. ree Pick-up and Delivery Tuesday and Friday' KINDERGARTEN.'. • Mrs.. Durnin went'on•.a field trip with ther two kindergarten .Classes ,on • September '29th' to ••Bellview. Fruit; EErms..ar Bayfield. 'This.was a• • follow up on,'theit•studieson fruits.. The pupils 'toured both the apple' and peach orchards All were treated to apple jluice by.1`ic. Bell They returned:to sc;hoo'1 and had their lunch and a rest:- • • ' In the•afternoon they visited the' Holnlesville animal ,Sanctuary:.and •crooy'ed feeding the. ducks and DON'T` MISS. FINLAY DECORATORS BROADLOOM C'ARPET geese on the pond , as well as the ' deer in the field. , With many backward glances the class bearded the buses for '• Brookside again. ,On. Friday, ,October 10• Room 12 presented a Thanksgiving program • !: ,Three--Thanksgmurrhymn, sung byfthe pupils of Room 12. ,A prayer of thankfulness, composed by Valerii`Shackl on, was read . by Janice .Gaunt The ;pupils: bf Room. 5 .presented a poem called Signs, of•Thanksgiving: This' wa's followed by a ',song "Thank's'giving" sung by the pupils . ofroom 4. Lynda .Lyons acted as chairrna n for the. program On Wednesday, October8 'we had a holiday because the teachers attended a Gonferende in' Wingham,; • • .r WAREHOUSE SALF, `.* *•* SEE THE AD ON PAGE 15 tY. 0 ►S� �plllg5 8=16 'FLANNEL REG $2.66 • Ladies' Pullover Sweateis. REG. $5:95 — FULL FASHIONED, x :