The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-10-15, Page 7WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER '1S#h, it r THE L.,UCKNOW $ENTIMRL..'I UCKNOW, ONTARIO • cin Birthday Tea Held. for 87th Birthday THE APPOINTMENT OF MRS. GRACE EER LUKNOW1 ONTARIQ ��bort�� �zs-szoa 'AS. OUR FOR THE SALE OF oweii n theme as, a. she hades filbert • e bride' to the.. ras.`. )1y -and . lerich ,' iecor' anlets.; a `fitted. r Fee , '.:..._ of . d`silve.r =essbr kern' ?tints ' travel fortrei ink • ,rich. een- Lrs rather- rrs were Lie, ,codon.,. Donald,' t, rigs n of. •toll vis' fir.. arid ,istowel es; xl• d on the s, Frank with • NESBITT, ThOMSON: SECURITIES �LINIITED 305 KING STREET WEST, SUITE 505, K[TCk1ENER PHONE 7/7•5238 P,upilsSe� Adm On Fire'Safety KINDERGARTEN We have been practising our fire. :drill: This is fire prevention week. We-have-six'new-tables-and `•four new chairs in our room. By Margaret Frayne.'. GRADE 1&2, Sister Irene has;•been :teaching us Religion. Brian. Smith has his .band- ageoff his face.. • Eddie hasbeen; '. borne for..a longtime By Delores Neves: GRADE 2 & 3 Sister Irene, was: in our room on Friday. We had a holiday on: Wed nesday:because .the'fea'chers .had to; go-to=a .meeting. By: Margaret''Franken GRADE 4 &;5' . • • The Huron County Bookmobile came on Thursday. ' We 'changed the: old books.and got some new: ones, . Anne Boyle is better after being'hit bye ear,. • , By Margaret Austui. GRADE S.& 6 On Tuesday October5th three firer 'en from the Luckiow Fire peprtment. visited .the school. They showed us two films onfire • safety. After the films,were over they talked to us: about,fire safety and answered questions.. We.also • aw a film' on ;water. We are, busy. • Making our fire safety posters . ' . . By •Marianne Frayne • GRADE 7' The'soccer tournament is well,.• under: Way.' Constable Ferris came•- and told us. about 'traffic safety` By'Charles Crawford KINLOUGH NEWS Mrs. Margare IyicPherson was honoured'at an 87th birthday party in the Holyrood hall on Saturday afternoon. The hall was most • attractive ,with .mums.inthe rich.. autumn shades. The tea table was, lovely, .with,.a white linen, tablecloth tall .,lighted tapers and, silver ' container .'withan arrangement. of yellow and bronze mums. "The two. silver: tea services and' prettily dec-' orated birthday cake made a most; attractive : table. .. Murray 'w elcorned everyone and read An Original add- ress of .good; wishes to the .guest of honour, Mrs ' Don McCosh read two poems "A Smile" and'"Grow= WHITECHURCH: ing Old" . Mrs, Jack: Hewitt favour-. • Dave MacD onald', on construct 0. P...SIGN.NI uckno ER . SA,I..Ea Accorn tion for 400 PHONE RIPI EY' 3ss..S2>t `OR LUCKNOW .*.P I3 AUCTIONEERS Lmile MacLennan , ; •' ` • lit MncIDtyre ed with a solo "Beautiful Dreamer." and May"Boyle. read a hurnorous Favouring with piano'solos were. Ronnie McPherson playing "In the Sweet Bye and;Bye" and "Alley Cat" .and Betty. May. McPherson played "Country Gardens" Both' are_grandchildren.: Mrs. Victor Emerson read two poems "Company' and When Grandma was agirl" . Rev: T. J. McKinney spoke brie fly . ;Mrs.. Jack Scott read,:"ATPrayer:.. Mrs. Murra•y . thanked everyone for making. such a pleasant da'y, for Mrs. 1vlcPherson; whothen person-. ally thanked everyone for corning and for the lovely table ,full of gifts which she received The birthday cake. was cut, and all joined in`" Happy. Birthday" Pictures were taken by. several present and delicious refreshments' were served, b:y. members .of the HolyroodWomen's Institute; The birthday cake was passed by Mrs guests siSned the Guest Book. Con gratulation of the community are extended to Mrs, McPherson' at time.. ion.work in Northern: Ontario, spent` the holiday week end at his •home'. here , • , Mr. and. Mrs. Bob Burchill and family, andMr.. and -Mrs... Archie •Purdon attended the , Grand Ole Oprey on the week end: .Cathy, ,Kendra and Lori spent the• week. end with Mr.-arid,;Mrs,. Gordon-Rintoul, while their parents were ori.the trip: .to the States. . B e g ernad tte__Kin .oLIeesancaterancI .P tricia Kingof f'T ionto';s pe nt the . . week end with Mr.. and. Mrs. • 'Walter Arscott Rickey ''Hand and Murray, •Hickey on Saturday .accompanied Mr.. and e� Mrs . Bob. A llison of Palmerston t0 visit ,here with Earl Thompson Mrs. George Fisher,' and Sandra and Mrs. Carruthers attended th i shower at Reids,;Corners on Satur day for .Shirley Hunter bride to be • Mr. and ,Mrs .• JimrHenderson and Linda Patterie of Brantford , Mr and: Mrs. W . R Purdon • and Mary visited. Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs Wesley 'Tiffin Mr.. and: Mrs.. Victor EmerSonr: .and-Mrs—Tom Jamieson -on -Mond y took Jack-A-itchison-to Huronview Clinton. Mrs.' Jamieson visited with her mother Mrs'. .Mabel Stapleton, a'resident there., . ONUMENTS For. Sound Counsel and a, .'fair price • on. a' monument! Correctly : designed from quality'' material, -rely on �•SKELTON•MEMOR1ALS WMAU: C RTON .P_att #n, Established'Hatg . Over Sixty Years PHONE 881.0234 ONTARIO master, mo. • e� resse �l 011101T-10- OS D EVERY ONE OF YOUR FAMILY! • o. 11th,. • v►a Share ut4t . J a can. Zo e�ety��.v savingst so w Ulos dab ineea leSe ,, . at yOV loot See wec9 bea ''nea at lie ;evi •;. oxt► Ws. K . •tticeting vw'wow. Ind ' we earned } Lvcknow P ko re 528-3432 .k r