The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-10-15, Page 6, r„ , ,4,W1010.11,1iriltk,I.R4W4-7 PrZTA*,,, 4r4f?" THE LUCKNOW. SENTINEL LOCKNOW ONTARIO • RIP Noll • ' . Nr HISE DEALER. FOR AL.CAN UNIVERSAL HOMES ANNOUNCES APPOINTMENT OF. • N.�tke .To CreditOrs NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' In_ThEstat ISABELLA MacDONALD --Deceased All persons having claims again- st the Estate of Isabella. MacDon- ald, late of the. Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, Widow,' de- ceased, who died on, or about the 19th day of September, 1969, .are hereby notified to send full, partic ulars of their .claims to .the under- signedSolicitor for. the Estate on or before the 20th day of October, 1969 after which date the Estate' ute --aznongs ose entitled thereto having regard only! to the claims of awhick•the Exe- cutors. shall then have notice. Dated at Listowel, Ontario, this 30th day of Septeinber 1969. ' R.W ANDREW • Listowel, Ontario • Solicitor for the Executors , • AS, •THEIR LOCALItE.PRESENTATIVE.7•" • .•'„ • . I. • CONTACT HIM AT • 'BUSINESS, 5244662•GODERICH, ONTARIO HOME S211-3723,. BOX 274, LUCKNOW • The A nglican •Service _will be • withdrawn next Sunday in favour . of the Presbyterian AnnIversary. s• • Visitors with Mr; and Mrs. Bert • • , .. Nicholson were Mr. and Mrs: Terry • Collison Lois and Allan Nicholson. af Georgetown. • • • • t • - Barbara -Stott -o -f -concession -4 , . ••• • Huron visited with her grandparents 7 • • • • Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. and Mrs: Jack Barr arid fain- , ily'viiited on Sunday with' her par- . ents Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hamilton Mr. and M.S. Walter Breckles • and Arthur, are enjoying•a trip. through Northern Ontario. "•Anniversary S'..:rvices will be held next Sunday October 19th in the • Presbyterian Church. Rev. Knox • of Paisley will be the guest speaker at 11 a.m. and 8 pm. • . ' • ed a Thankoffering meeting "at • ' * Teeswater. • • . • Misses Edna and, May Boyle. enter- tained relatives and ,friends over' •1 •P• . op the Thanksgiving week -end •We Wish irnproVed health to Mrs. James ,Hodgins Sr. who is a'. EQUIPME *** mama PARLOURS' STANCHION PIPELINES •BUCKW MILKERS VACUUM MAO'S STEP SAVERS BULK' TANKS WATER CONDITIONING, EQUEPMENT , * *-214k4 /- Silo. Unloaders ' • • • paiient in the Wingham and District Hospital. • , • . , Mr; and Mrs Howard Bennett of' Toronto spent the 1,4eelilend with • , • , Mr. and Mrs. Art Haldenby. Cliff Robb is a patient in Vittoria Hospital; London. We wish him improved health. Ms r. WilliamCox; Mr. and I JaCkiScsitt .14 ere' Sunday dinner *, : • Silage Conveyers Bunker Feeders * 44: * *MAR 396-1408 KINCARDINE • NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ' RUBY ELIZABETH PLOWRIGHT Deceased• • ALL persons having claims; a- gainst.the Estate of Ruby Elizabeth Plowright, late' of the. Village of • Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, Widow, deceased, who died or about the 14th day of July 1969, are hereby notified to send full particulars- of -their- claims to the undersigned Solicitor for the Exe- cutors of the Estate, on or before, the 29th day of October 1969, after -which-date-the-Estate be-dia-- tributed --amongst those entitled •. thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Exetutors shall then have notice. ' _Dated at Listowel, Ontario, this 30th day of September 1969. . R. W. ANDREW, Listowel, Ontario Si4icifor for the Executers • NOTICE TO' CREDITORS the Estate of WIY4/41FRED NIXON Deceased , • All persons having claims again - the _Estate of Winnifred Nixon, late of .the Village of Lizeknoii; iii the County of Bruce,. Widow, de - Married In Dun WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER. 1Sth, .1969 (inn° it hurch Photo by McDowell, : • McNEIL 7 • CtILBERT • ' . . • Dunginnon-United-Clureh decorated With -lighted candelabra— ' and varied shades of pink and white carnations, was the'setting for the marriage of Velma Doreen Culbert and. Donald Forbes McNeil on, Saturday, September, 20th. • 'Rev. R.. C. McClenaghan of . • Dungannon United Church officiat ed at the double ring ceremony. Organist was Mrs. Gerald Dustow train of-rasehel lace4ell-from-the--- :shoulderS:-.-Her. headpiece was:a Matching Miniature bow and she carried a nosegay of varied of pink carnations.. ••, • • Bridesmaids were Carol Culbert, n• and Bonnie Culbert, bdth.Of' • , Dungannon and cousins of the bride: They were dressed, identical to the • Matron ofhonour. • • • • ••• . Bill Crozierof Goderich was • The bride is a daughter of Mr . . groomsman, ushers were Bob and and Mrs Nelson Culbert of R. , R. : Glen McNeil of R. R 6 Godericb,•:, 2 rs--€1.1f. f°rd:Mellsec'int:-::'- ---'A-recelition-followed_in,_the__,_., of R. R.•`6 GOderich. Ayburn. The groom is the, , . : brothers of the, groom • .. . ' ' chiirch parlours, which was decor-. cegtsed;' who died on or about.. the. Given in marriage by her •father, 23rd, day • of September. 1969, are the bride chose a floor length gown _ hereby' notified to send full psirtic- of white peal, de broche styled on ulars of their Claims to the under-' princess lines. The sounded neck - signed :Solitor, for the ' Executor . 'of the-Estatcieron or before-the-2weict .,..clionheancneOsibli;JdW!!lliecnaglth'.Fsrl;ne day. of ,October :1969, /after' French .werei date the Estate Will .be .distributed guipure lace A 'full length irain, amongst those entitled thereto hay- Ofsasehel lace cascaded from the• • • ing regard only .-to .the . claims of shoulders. The three tier bouffant • I which the Executor shall then have ,veil was held in place by.a single • . Dated 'at Listowel, . Ontario; this ,organza rose' She carried a white ' '7,iii•day, of • October,: 1969... . . . R. W, ANDREW, • . • , Listowel,:Ontario. , Solicitor far this Executor ' 1 notice • • ' • guests with ls4r'. •and Mrs. Bill Scott: , week -end at her borne here .. 1.r.n and Mrs.. Karl Boyle of . • ., Mr: and Mrs. Roy •McGregor,`Stisan • London visited on. Saturday, with ,and Steven 'of, Scarborough , Mrs,' , relatives here: . ' : n', ,,. Albert Trafford of iiatiover. ...: • r-.-4rid-Mis::-,Deabert Hedle. , • Mr an. • rs • en a 'en Gary, Cathy, Paddy, and Beverley 'n i 9i visited Srinday at William nattendecia 25th wedding annivers-I,Camonlls. ary party for N1r..and Mrs. Mervin 4 . , . ' Hedley at Walkerton ori • Friday ' Mr. and Mrs.:Jack•JohnstOn, . ' evening. Friends from here extend'. David ncl. Donna of St, Marys . . . congratulations• to this honoured n. visited on Monday with Mi. And , • • . , • • couple ,.. n :, n. . ,,Mrs., Glen -'Halcienby and family, Donald Barr of Waterloo was .: . Mrs. Torn MacDonald and her . . • hothe over the holidaynweekTend. . mother MrS. Joseph •Gest 'visited `Nliss N. McDonald of Toronto ,' with Mrs'. Andy McTavish at ' NOTICE' -TO CREDITORS'. • --z-nd-B-albeta . • unday'-v44144rWitb4tr,-arid, oyer the week -end with • . ;Walkerton. • . • 97'77 7771c11704-1191irlyngtO1777,- • , In the' Eitat Of • •• • • Deceased . • All persons having claims against the Estate of John Bernard Einer- • son, late of the Village of Lucknow, e County_of_Bnice,....Betired Farmer, whodied on or about the • 8th day of September, 1969, are • ter,eby notified to , send full partic- ulars of their clauns to the under. - signed Solicitor for the Administra- trill of the Estate, on or before the 25th day of October 1969, after • which date the Estate will di.strib- uted amongst those entitled. there- , to, having regard only to the claims of whith the Administra- trur shall then, have notice. Dated Bible crested with pink Carnations • and dainty white Streamers ed birniniatnre lovers bovis. ;' • Mrs: Glen Huston of Ripley,. . • sister of the' -bride,• was matron of • • honoui. She wore a gown of blue IieThroctie;stly similar to she brides, A, full length aged with pink and white strearnets.; ,pink and, white carnations and candelabra . - • The brideYs mother chose a :fift'41. _dress oftikontoise 'whipped crepe, navy accessories and corsageof. .white.carnations. The groorrii' M•other wore.a light 'bine and sflvef brocade 'dresa, matching accessor ies and corsage Of pink rotes. ' • For a wedding trip to Northern ' Ontario..Niagara Falls and point's west, .the bride chose as her travel- ling .eostuthe a powder blue fortrel., Suit, .navy accessories and pink • orahid'corsage: •• • • , • The--couple-Will-re.Ade74n'Lal... groorres farm, R.' R. 6 Gaderiqh. : INLOSS •• Mr,: apd• Mrs. Fred Gilchrist. Were.honOureNd.on their. fortieth' • wedding. anniversary at a social I • evening held in Kairshea Hall , .Saturday night. , POSITION IN EDMONTON • " Jerry.MOwbray visited recently. With Mi. And Mrs. John Mowbray prior to. leaving for'a new Position'. at Listowel, Ontario this 3rd day in Edmdnton. ; • ' \Sudbury, Capt and Mrt.. C: wTdoowdN, nsidn.asn.daJnudlmanrn.eaonfdmrerser1.- Rdn, Chapelle.; Cheryl: arid, Carber- . • ine'of Whitby,. Other visitors were , Mri.:GraCe MacIver, Rosalie, Cattell and jean Barlou of London, Mr..' and Mrs. W. .F. MacDonald.' of Lueknow, Margaret MacDonald of Sarnia , Marian Still of St, Thomas and 'Christine Thdniron of Oshawa. • .• Wilfred HOuston of PihkertOn visa tlerds-!S111111;4r:ery-aHltothui-stOlifnn. : Nliss Winni re ercy. • • y si • s Joan Percy of Brantford spent the Mrs • Tom McDonald were Mr, and , • • IC W. ANDREW,. • or guests at the Bester-Nappe'r ' Listowel, Ontario. wedding at Cargill on Friday. even- RIPLEY ABATT011i . • Custom Butchering —.Curing and Smoking . Cutting and Wrapping --. Sausage Making --,Fast freezing HOGS AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS • CATTLE ONLY ON WEDNESDAYS 'thC-Administratrix ,- •Mrs. Annie ,Kennedy of Listowel. visited ,the first of the-Weelwith— Mr,..and Mts. Wm MacKenzie and , Catherine of 'Toronto visited on the week -end with Mr...and Mrs, rrink MacKenzie and farnily'and with Tom MacKenzie and Bruce., With Two Big Cookers,Wee Are Able To Hang Your Beef Froth 1 To 3 Weeks — Whatever Your Requirements' Are For Home Freezers We Sell Choice ,Home Billed Beef, Pork and_Lamh in Any_quantity_A.Ltmeest.._Marke!ing Prices ALL MEATS'.ARE .GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR, .YOUR • • •• •• PROTECTION CHAS. •HOOISMA, MOP. ABATTOIR__ STORE 396-2861 • • • • Mrs. RonaldYoung and. farnily ; Kenneth MacDonald and friend land Elma Mae MacDonald of Ware loo, Mr. and Mts. glare Bustiell and ,family of' Greenock , Mr. and. Mrs: 'Bert Thortipion and family of .Teeswater. • • • •Bella MacDonald , 'Harold Wilki !son and Robert of Galt visited on ...-LMonda.. _With Mr.. and .Mrs.. Tom MatDonald. • nr r• Mr and Mrs. :ROy Machines of Toronto were guests at 'the home , of Mr. and Mrs.. Leonard Maannes On the ‘geek -end, • Tho'se home for the Thanksgiving holiday included: Connie and ',Ian • MacKenzie of Toronto, Bruce MacKenzie of London, :Betty Harn, Mon Of Niagara Falls; Eileen and Donna Burt of London; Grace Mat-, ,Brominie. News • 2nd BRovNIE PACK by Patti -Lou Irwin Dougall Of.Brampton, Wallace The .brow flies •opened the .nieetial non and Douglas Dickie from Guelph. ,• Prank Currie and girls of Waterloo Week -end guests at the home o visited over the week -end with Mrs, mr,.ancl Mrs. Ira' Dickie were: ;Gertrude Walsh,2 • Mr., and- M—Wrn-..-Townson of,. 1114Fit1rfairy ring_ • paiti-Lou-li-wn_ was fairy queen. We had pow wow Brown Owl read a story and we Played a game. We also learned our sernaphore. The,Meeting closed with