The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-10-15, Page 4:117,7711,014,„..: tin THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, kU,Cl4NOW, ONTA,,10 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15th, 1969 •KA• -Mg pr'i-3IA UW USA` n • yauf C(gl of Nt00:.O700 wk Oa.nH •K'1t�f_A NtY.77SE.e7 PeNFP g!T�. "AGENCIESi ")open d.S!tdv' Sugrame ag.uC, iu W..AT o(V MAN IECE1VIN^ C1.7 AJIYER afLt. wgnlase fno5 �W. tgl��" ' . GMareMerrul Ae.nn. r7f A 111,• .(`rake Af.;acv.. No's*" CIV ENG*Et GOANS 10 17M. San darY •r IKU. tog o• fee PI Ire Today, I+AUKLN Agency. W 41 CLEAN dumbine A. Menne sully .et o mp_A.rftentpy,_ C{II.Q, 6ttekl' xJv,,0I3,JgI. IlaAdie 1119f LETJ gape Orel. iter) 0 A9e_C/ 500}510 �� (LERIf—_, E AGENCY, _C e d ell(-.tp MN Y C v nednod -: N' Wile A,ertcrn 1101 ppjfl(Ef/�ER••MM:NN.Ls_11n�1�wrN gMKs NILRPR MFG' 0 $ PECIALTYAG�NCY IISW a7 RM 7d( MOM. .encu E t M104 on /0000, I 10116 31 Nm 1 geff. ONIACT'"AttnCv' IA E "alM�1_, 5,1 CASH(ER•CHECKER CLERK.}y•lel. lode, ,7S N0NN_A,een E44$T tit- ife .7rlli'ST 41 1' Rr A 01 RW Rti I CLKL T.I.6, ex•. A LO 7JJ71,.' ss res 110 9061 (tR LY' C9FCEE SN :MGRS 1175 EF, w/rIo-IIy dse9 Yn/<.gu 7 gM �' D 'SW�F 0. ENCY 509 Y CLERiCAlS AGCTG 570 85 I llo o S 6• lig. Wetl Agency I1 19..!2 ' gi9 ool Gr i10r. 309 A e ^ DR�fT?fAAN SIM(CTURA MSP a11e.pi •Id: AireA hgla",ugi l re 11Hd!. oISY1AT, Man IWInow11. • S90 lone:,Aernrr. IS, 47 tnL/, V00 ,6,14...••••1 GOR • ' 1 ""1 1.174011 p15nlsMne" y —• 7a 0y 4/114 F -S6• rain, gm, ala 31. 41e9u1StARE.. r, l'.I. ,SW.n P. 17i S.r I,n AgMI. Sln . IT41 mIt JI Ar L1K/Assl 'M /V AGE tletls. GrifIOM1 G ANReIt FOR SALE EAVESTROUGHING on house or barn,--Metal—fleshings. Roofs re- pairs. CHIMNEYS built. • 'Freie es- timates. Morrison Bros., .528-2546. BERG STABLE. EQUIPMENT Contact- Lloyd Johnston,. 'R.R.• 3 Holyrood, phone 395-5390. FOR. SALE —' gravel • fill as well as • fine sand', ' '2 miles from • Kin- loss, phone Art Radice, 395-2757 after 6, p.m. JUMBO PLAYING CARDS available from the Lucknow Sent- , inel • at $1.19 per deck. If poor eyesight' prevents you from enjoy- ing a card game, these cards with large numbers and illustrations May be just what vou need. CUSTOM 'SLAUGHTERING very ties ay,. an urs .Pigs and -Cattle, Tuesday • • Cattle only, ThursdaY, • • e. BILL'S MEAT MARKET, FOR SALE Thirty cow stanch - „ions, two units Surge milker And three hundred feet of litter car,rier track' and bucket. , Carl Hooey, phone 395-2881. DEAD STOCK , Fresh dead cows Over 1,000 Pounds, $12.00 each; dead horses,. 120.00 eac.h; over 500 pounds ac- cording to size. : LORENZ REMOVAL • 'DURHAM Call Collect 369-2410 In stOck are tWo models; land -operated Victor with add and' sUb-: .. tract, and other featurea, $100; 'el - FOR • SALE ,,1960 ..Chev 'sect”' from. For &better deal, drop OS a WY fair, tires line. or telePhOne gOodt .10 -cu. ft. Gilson Frig, 6 years MOBILE. HOMES, 547 'PLAINS RO., EAST, ' BURLINGTON FOR SALE CQMINGEVENTS, FOR SALE • • _ 1966 Ford Galaxie' 500, -'door-hardtop; Motor., 4- speed transmission in Al condition: 'Phone 528-3430 or •drop; into Mel's. Supertest. PHONE SYMES. BROS for crush- ed gravel, cement gravel,' pit -run gravel, top soil. and fill. 528-5203.• SAVINGS ON YARN .• CLEARANCES AND OVER -RUNS Spinrite Yarns and .Dyers Ltd: FACTORY..: AND SALES STORE' Main St. Listowel, Ont. �. •. 291-3951`. COMET WELDERS ,(180 and 300 amp.) compressions,. grinders, fer- tilizer augers, power bin, cleaners, rods- awl accessories:- George Mes- senger, area representative, 11.R. 1. Ripley, Phone 395-2815. Smith Roles Ltd. London, Saskatoon. Try Comet 'bilore you buy. RUST CRAFT boxed Christmas dards are now on display at Fin- lay Decorators, LucknOw. ' VACUUM CLEAN'RS Sales and Service for all makes, R. K. Peck, Varna, Phone 262 - PHONE 528-3723 LUCKNOW Windows, Shutters, Siding, Awnings Grills and Railings THINKING•OF A MOBILE HOME 'OR RECREATIONAL.; VEHICLE? NEW CASH BINGO e rn-Ha11� e 1 Thurs-. day, 8;45 p.m. 45 regular gaffies,; $10:.00 each: 4' Share • The .Wealth games with jackpot,;. included ' in each:.game Jackpot this week .$96 on 58` 'calls. ` • BAKE SALE AND TEA Bake Sale; Tea and Variety Sale will be held at St. Augustine Hall on Saturday, October 18th at2 p.m. A ,candy 'table and fishpond will also, be set up, so bring the child- ren! There will be a good selection. of bake goods arid a. large • variety: of other goods: fo'r sale. Proceeds towards C.W.L. projects. GOLDEN :WEDDING ANNIVERSARY.' . . Mr. and Mrs. Wm... F. MacDon, ;ald,of Luckno_w will be at home to. their friends on Saturday, October 18 from 2 'p.m. to 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. to '9 p.m. on the. occasi $n of their' Golden Wedding--A'nniversary: Gifts gratefully declined., ' RECEPTI.ON: AT DUNGANNON 'A Reception for.. Mr.and Mrs:. Roy/ Hardy (Ruth Rock), ' . newly- weds, will be held at. Dungannon Agricultural: Hall, on Friday, Oct- ober 17th. ,Music. by 'Sheldon Mann's Orchestra,, everyone 'welcome. HOT TURKEY SUPPER Will be held ' ; at ' Lucknow United Church, • ' :Tuesday, October, 21st, from : 5:30 to 8' m. 'Sponsored by U.C.W. Admission Adults' $1.75, Public ' School Children : $1:00, Pre- Sehoolers ; Free. veryone--we come. 'FOR SALE — 26 pigs, eight to nine . weeks old. Lloyd MacDoUgall, R. 5 Luclmow, phone 395-5135. • FOR SALE —.cement mixer with electric motor; rubber tired wheel-' barrow; "Leo Beauchamp, Luck now,- evenings After 6 p.m. Tel. (Code 416) 632-8400 • BRIAN 'RINTOUL. ' -LICENSED: .AUCTIONEER FREE; "buy a Paper Mate $1.95. DUMONT ALUMINUM , pen get a: Tempo nylon Alp ;SALES and. SERVICE, windows, Marking -pen; 'value 59c, FREE; doors; awnings,,sidings; For free . RECEPTION AT RIPLEY A reception for ,.Mr. -and Mrs. Terry Paquette (June Maclntyre), newlyweds, will' be. held at the 'newish* Hall, Ripley on Frida Everyone• welcome. HALLOWEEN DANCE Everyone is welcome to the Hal - ion Hall on Friday, October 31St,. sponsored by. the direct ' members to Ontario Federation of Agricul- ture. Dancing 9 to 1 to the music of' The:-Chaparels, Costumes option- ali prizes, lunch' will be served: Admittance restricted tO persons, 21. years of age and over.. FOR RENT WANTED FOR RENT 100° :acres, of land at WORK WANTED — full time job Kintail 30 acres sod .�4,nd; 70' stubble. wanted. • Apply .Ed' Blackwell, phone --52.8-704 Apply Dave7- ac �. enzie; .. , E� - worth, Ave., 1 London,,phone 433-2172,, HOUSE FOR RENT on -Stauffer .Street, Luckriow . Contact _Ernest Button, Blyth, phone. 523-4551 ' or 523-9431. • FOR RENT — newly remodelled 3 bedroom house with 45 acres, in Kinloss Twp. Will rent house sep- arately, phone 392-6197. NOTICE CUSTOM CORN COMBINING 4 row. ' corn:. head PHONE MAX RIEGLING Dungannon' 529=7427 CHILD HEALTH CLINIC Note Change Of Date The child health clinic of the Bruce County Health Unit for pre- REAL ESTATE SALESMAN- , Sincere and capable .-salesma'n for the Sarnia and Lambton County area. High .earnings for the right person. 'Experience is, helpful,' but not necessary. For. a. confidential meeting, call S. H. BOERSMA, REAL ESTATE BROKER (Bernie) at 344-2433. Our office is located -at 643 Murphy Road, Sarnia.. • school children and infants will be held in the 'Legion Rooms, Luck - now on Tuesday, October 28th, .NOTICE . The Horticultural meeting will be Monday, October 20 at 8 p:rn: in Legion Hall. Jim Henderson will show pictures of ' trip to British Isles and Europe. Auction Sale of bulbs and miscellaneous articles.' 1969 INTERNAIIONAL PLOWING MATCH In Paris, Ontario . FUN FILLED DAY FOR EVERYONE Bus Will Leave On Saturday, . $3.00 Per PersOn • HIGHEST PREVAILING PRICES PAID FRESH DEAD OR DISABLED COWS AND HORSES . • PHONE COLLECT WALKERTON 881-3459 WALKERTCiN IF INTERESTED CALL' MONTOO,MERi :BUS LINES. ' 3284007: OR HARVEST FESTIVAL A Harvest Festival will 'be held in the Ripley United Church Hall,. sponsored /by the, U.C.W., on Sat - invited for tea and there will be A sale 'of handrnade articlei and bak- SEPTIC TANKS 'CLEANED. Nacuum cleating and pumping Septic tanks, 'Ronald. Forst Lucknow, 'phone 528,2346, ma lecturer. cenient septic ta and Well tile. er, nu- ' Mondays to Fridays ''resh cider, Apple. Butter anit_ • :Custom, work by appointment ' 'WANTED TO BUY • CLOVER AND GRASS SEED We Are now buying Clover and Grass Seed. Bring in a sample for price qUotation. LUCKNOW CO-OP A REAL DEAL BIC PENS -- are fast • capturing the Canadian market' after' being introduced in Canada a short time ago. The Sentinel has a 'good offer for any bUsinessnlen cr anyone dozen Bic 49c pens at the regular price:land get two '.'dozen Bic 19c $5.88, The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528-3134. ' Phone 267-2671 • ' SILO AND ROOF EXTENSIONS Anyone wishing to have 'exten- sions on their silos or reefs, please call or write. This Can be done. now. George Wraithi. Box 95, Goderith. Phones Residence 524-7002 or Shop 5244511, THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL is for sale, at Mel Stanley's Supertest in LucknoW. Pick up an extra copy •from Mel. Plastic coated 'single decks from $1.19 Up, as welt as double, decks . and etichre decks (euchre cards only). Drop in. The 'Lucknow 'RECEPTION . A Reception Will be held on, Fri- day, October 24th in Dungannon Agricultural Hall; in honour of Mr. •and Mrs. Ken Taylor. Scott's Or7 chestra. Lunch will be served. Everyone welcome. MARLATT BROTHERS REMOVAL We pay up 6.915 for fresh, 'dead, OF:. TliAlqKS .disabled cows and .horses accord - PHONE BRUSSELS 1,33,COLLECT CARD Mrs: J. E. Hummel wishes to take this opportunity to thank all those who remembered her with visits, carda and gifts while she. was in the hospital. To all those who helped to make and vis.its, I would like to say a sincere thank you. • ' .Mrs, D. L. MacKinnon eards, -gifts and ' received while I was a patient in Winghani Hospital. Thanks to Drs.'. McKim and Corrin and nurses. • • E ORIAM We wish to express our sincere thanks 'and appreciation to our rel- atiVes, friends and• neighbours for the expressions ' sympathy "and kindnesses Shown us at the time of the Passing of our itnothee We wish to thank Dr. Corrin and Mahn -and the-nurses-en-the7second-floor at Wingham Hospital. , Una and Bruce McLeod and family. Bryce and Merle Elliott and,,faiiiily . I wish. to thank my friends for the many cards, visits and'get well wishes received while in St. ,Jos- eph's Hospital, London and after returning home: Sincere .apprec- iation is extended to those who have helped at home. Fred McQuillin BARN EQUIPMENT ••• .Acorn semi-autOmatic ' Cable Cleaners; unbeaten for hog barns; chain cleaner, bunk feeders, silo 'unload - gm, hog equipment, fanS, bulk tanks; 1. HaWkeye cast iron hog feeder and heated cattle waterers; WeSted-Ro.sco Steel GranarieS; Al- so handle Complete line of chi), Pushbutton' Farm Equipthent. Lynn Lowry, Amberley; phone Ripley 395-5288 SINGER SERVICE'.— Repairs to all makes and MOdels; Sales and Settrice. On new products; Singer Co. of Canada, Phone .357-3730 after FRANK'S ROOFING AND' SHEET 'METAL EAVESTROUGHING AND SIDING ,Specializing in flat bulid-up . roofs with asphalt . '106 KING ST., CLINTON FREE EnnvigrEs WORK GUARAN'I'EED I SWAPPED FOR WANT ADS GIB§ON — In loving memory of . Susan Gibson who passed away one year agp, October' 18, 1968.. Two'. tired eyes are sleeping, Tv,ro willing hands 'are 'still; For One who suffered far tbo,much, Is resting in God's will. Ever remembered' bY Kathleen,• Harvey and Barbara, • LOST* LOST — froni. grass farm between ford. !Wee weighing around -7'7007' pOnnds. Anyone. seeing ,this. heifer or cattle tracks cOntect Frank Al - ten; AK' 7 Luelsnow Phone 529- •. 7218. TENDERS WANTED ' TOWNSHIP' OF KINLOSS TENDERS .FOR 'SNOWFLOWIN0 Tenders' will be . received for anoWiplowiliing in the Township ,of • Kinless until November 1st', 6- p.m. --gtandintiline-at--tbe-rate---ef $5.00' i?er day when not plowing. Tender forins to be secured at the office of 'the Road Superintendent, ' Holyrood •