The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-10-08, Page 14PAGE FOURTEEN .,_„,,m,••111!?•••=1_ ..10K111.10111:1‘1.111.1114,7t#100111W.T.411mifi:,... THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 1 Please tell us now, efoTe we print -the new-- irecto ember Look up YOUr. listing in the current Directory.' If you wish to have it changed, dial "0", (zero) and 4slt For Business Office BelFCanaiii . Built, managed and owned by Canadians. Members For :Dungcmncn hUrch DUNGANNON .• New members joining Dungannon United Church on .suroay were Mr, • and Mrs.' Barry Bogie , Mr. and Wall, .George and Joyce of LucknoW,spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Arthur Wall. Tommy and • Mrs. Melvin Dickson, Donald' ' Tracey and helped to celebrate' ' • Dickson, 'Arthur Dickson, Mr .*and ' ,Arthtir's 22nd birthday. '• Mrs.' Wayne Snyder Mrs. R. C Anniversary seoiices will be held McClenaghan•and Mr. and Mrs inErskine Presbyterian Church Kenneth ca.mpi?en._ An joined by October 19th at,11-a.m.• The certificate: . . speaker will be the new minister .• Mr. and Mr Bill DeLong and Rev, Glenn Noble." This Stmday. • so Gerorgeofilits-Springs-Island-r- 1-3-iarn------Gommunion-Igill-be.._.•• • British,Columbia, Mr. Fred served at Erskine. WHITKHURCH Little Hilda deBoer, danghter of Mr. and Mrs. Pete deBoer, wen-I16- -St;Tosephs hospital on Wedmida Iasi, on Thursday had surgery and on Monday had more .surgeryto remove thecataract on one eye. This community wishes i-ilda Very speedy recovery. Mr,. and Mrs. Victor Emerson.* and Mrs. Dave Eddie of Tornberry were at Lakelet on Thursday pven.-• ing where the ladies. attended. Lake let Wotnens-InstimrOrmetinFand=-; assiisted With the discussion'on Tweedsmuir Books, qualifications ofa brincWqratoriher duties-,. usesof History Books and why have a History. ! Mrs, Ezra $ cholti and Mr. Allan McGill of Wingham were at Blyth Womens institute on Thursday evening where they assisted with the, programme.. Mr". and Mrs. Russel Gaunt visit ed on, Tuesday With Mr. and Mrs. bon Dirstein and Richard Of Ajax., .Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson were SundayOallrs at. the hOmeof Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown of Luck - now and with Miss Lila Emerson W. WawanOsh. ,.° • Mr...and Mrs. Tom Morrison, on the week -end, went on a. tour up* liorthern7OntatiO-authcalled-on Mr --- and Mrs: Charles Moore at Sudbury ,and cialled at Little Current, and Gore Bay on Manitoulin They took :the boatporn'South • Baymouth'to 'I'Obermory and 'return- ed:home through.Brice County', Layerne'DoWlingmanaged the service ttation in"their absence,. :Mr. and Mrs., Jim 1)Obie.of.,Paris Were.:Wednesday'• callers at the: • • Moersch Sr. And, Mr. Fred Moersch LEAVES COMMUNITY Jr . of Guelph visited with Mr. and: A social time was enjoyed on • Mrs. Jim Rivett and family Wednesdacnon when several •, recently. / ladies gathered at the home of • ns o Mr. and mrs. Bert Wiggins .f ., Mrs. George Rivett t� honor Miss Brantfordvisited with relatives in Flora Durnin on,her departure. from, the area on'the weekend • Miss Vicki Park spent the 'week- , end with her friend Miss Lori Noble at St. A4gustine.•••• . , • ' • • • emr. and Mrs. Wesley AltOn.of., London and Mr. and Mrs Wrn . Irvin of Ashfield visited on Sunday wh it Mr' and MRobt *Irvin ' • • • Mrs ' ,; • . • •Ivers .on the weekendwere 'Mr. Jim Million and sop Peter of Stratford, r d--Mrr--"Maurice Young -of • • `. • Pontiac; Mich,.! and Mrs Viola ' Buchanan of Harnilton. „ Mr. and Mrs. /Thomas Emerson ' of Queensville, Miss Lois Emerson _ 'of Toronto; Mr, and Mts. Harry inidst.: Miss Durnin was•preS- ented •with 'a lovely pearl' necklace and earring set and .a.,leather.bOUnd photograph 41bunrv.,' VisitqrlortSunclay with Mr. :and Mrs. Irvine Eedy and 'family vere Mr,.' and. Mrs Jatnes. 131a ir and *Mr. nrid. Mrs,. Jack VanHOrn all of , es. isters-o Mrs, Eedy; • . 41 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8th,i969, t• '117%1.111.4! a • • aannins • Our professional counSel can quickly put your affairs in good order. s, • There is no obligationto investigate this prompt, confidential•service with us. STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION • ,111.111. . ' 7-4-1tRONT-0-3-72:-Bay-„Btieet . BARRIE .35 Dunlop:'$treet , 9FOLLIA . --, 73 Mississaga StrOt,'Eati Member Canada • Deposit Insurance' coiperal.ion. • visited on. Sunday with Mr, and • Mrs Wesley Tiffin. • • • After a few weeks visit with Mr and Mrs. gni, McIntyre and family " home of Mr and Mrs. Carl. • • of RidgetOwn,',Mr, and Mrs Ben McClenaghan. • McClenaghan returned to theit • Mr.. and Mrs -Torn Jamieson and-Mr•-;--and-Mrs:.-Rob1/4•Montgom..-__:, ery, of Wingham were Sunday vitit-' ors with Mr• and 'Mrt• John Jarniet- on and family of E. Wawanosh.. Mr and Mrs Paul Geiger and , Kimberley of Waterloo were week- ond visitors with Mr. and Mrs; . . Carl McClenaghan. • Mrs. Gordon RintOul and Gayle, were at BelgraVe on Saturday with her *mother Mrs. Robt.'Putdon; Mr, and :Mrs: Floyd Bott of Bellwood arrived. and all. enjoyed a visfl Mr and Mrs. Bott also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Purdon.and family and other relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Laz Bauer and family of Kitchener 'were Sunday. • visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Ronald. 'Jamieson-4-nd family -of -East Wawanosh. . • •• , Mr. and' Mrs. Jack Fowler, ,Gran Be-nd-and-Mr-r-and-Mrs-,----Maurid 'young of Pontiac, Mich. calied oirMis. 'Gordon COngram and brother Maurice Ivers. Mr. and Mrs. Fowlet also visited with his brother Charles and his wife. Chalniers Presbyterian W .M. S. members are rerninded•thar they , have been invitedttO attend Wing - ham W.M.S. Thankoffering in St. Andrews church on Tuesday,.Oct:. ober .14 at 2. . Guest speaker will 6e Mrs. John Bell of Walker ton who'has been on a tour to the:. Holy Land. • . Mr and Mrs. Murray Coultei of 'Toronto spent the week end with his parents Mr. ..and•Mris. Ronald Coultes. , Communion Services were held at . Ca lvin---Briok-on-Sunda.y*which- dine Marilyn Robertson and'Lorna d Masombecame• members ' . • .• home on Sunday with Mrs, McInt- yre,: Heather, and. Allan, Mr. and. Mrs. Cart:MCCIenaghan visited 'on Thursday with' Rev. and, Mrs Clarence MOC,lenaghan Of:. • Dungannon... •: . : FOR PORTRAIT CONTACT HARRIS STUDIQjr IAN IVIALCONISON INCARDINE PHONE 396-2791 • 1 CO-OP 36% ,DARI-FLO. SUPPLEMENT, BEEF CO OP 36% AND 48% BEEF GAINER SUPPLEMENT BOOK YOUR FALL NEEDS NOW were Thursday evening visitors , with ivir, and Mrs. Bill BrOwn of LucknoW„ 'Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Groskorth , spent the week end in Toronto where.he attended a business. Meet- ing.and visited with Mk. and Mrs. Paul Grpskorth and family•and'. other relativ.es. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas COnley. • and Jasbn of Wingham yisited on • Sunda with-Mr.-arid-MIS—Herb jHunter of Clinton; • Mr... and Mrs. Jim •Ross' of Kitchen er spent the week endshere and. visited with Mr. and Mrs.. Ken Ross • Mr. and MrsHugh McMillan, 1Gregory, Paul; and, David 'of Sarnia on all CO OP dairy and/beef supplements N't stAckulg-- ,