The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-10-08, Page 8PAGE EIGHT , THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,, 4.UCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8th, 1969 NOTICE RE to be :held at the, MUNICIPAL OFFICE Lucknow� IncluslV• "During`Regular Office Hours 9:00 a.in. , to 5:;00. p.m. NOT OPEN ON ,SATURDAY,. OCTOBER, lath: • FLEES Registration Fee $3.00. NOVICE; , Registration Fee $300 PEE WEES .. Registration Fee. $3.00' BANTAMS Registration Fee $5.00; 'MIDGET '..Registration Fee $5.00, JUVENILE `• Registration' Fee $5:00 EliId� de Boer HdsEyeSurger • , . ® rt Ijilda•deBoer is a patient in St. Josephs Hospital where she is, undergoing surgery on her eye. Mr. and Mrs.. Cornelis Nell of Stayner were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs ,'Bob•Bregmanand family. oung.of Paincourt spent e • the week=end with his•parentsTtif7' and. Mrs :.CRhfford. Young and fain-,. Rev Horace. Braden wasa dinner guest, onSuriday with Mr and Mrs. Gordon Wall, and family. Mrs.. Allen •Miller was hostess • to friends and neighbours on Thursday,evening for a Tupperware party at their farrn home.: David, Doug and Brian Wall visited on Saturday with Mr. and. Mrs. George Needham and family at Pinkerton. . The Langside Y. P. S. ,held its, .. first meeting of the season: on Sunday evening at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Bob Bregrnan.: The next meeting will be atMr. and Mrs ., Peter. deBoer.'s ; '. Brown ie News.. ist.LUCKNOW PACK., •. • Th;e 1st Lucknow Brownie Pack • opened their:meeting with Fairy;. Ring. Gail. Hackett was Fair Queen Then'we had pow Wow: We went outside and played bill. Susan Thompson," Helen.Wisser and .Jill Murray passed their ball •game. We. closed our meeting; • with: squeee and the chimes: . Mr. and.Mrs.. Allister lvlctsay, OUVET ON' WESTERN ;TRIP; . .Combining business'with pleas' ure are Mr:. and'Mrs, ..Garnet McNall,.on a trip to'the Prairie Provinces, where they hope to `. purchase cattle., and 'Gordon Roulston,' who.:witli friends•'are Northern Ontario with the purchase of. cattle, in mind. -Mrs. Annie Maclntyre,:.Mrs. .Williarn_Buck ngha r aad_Mr arid:_ -Mrs. W. T. Roulston of Lucknow visited on Satu>;`day;with Mrs.: Will Hamilton. A number froi<nhere attended the reception for Mi.', and Mrs'. Bill McTavishon Friday•night.in Ripley . • Congratulations are'.exte•nded:to• Mr. and Mrs Terry Paquette mho' were ,married .recently. :,MargareI McKay, •daughter of ST s�. "was .organist in Olivet ,United Church when'the Worad-Wide Communion service was celebrated, • Men's. 7 p: George Stanley took high single, ,for the evening with,226 and Ron. 'Stanley had high triple of 621. .Team points: Owls 5, Cardinals 7, Vultures 4, Hawks 0. '- Team standings •Awls 9 Cardin als !2, Vultures 4, Hawks 3. for SaFeJy i Sake /1/! (/s, MIT .. • 1 W ' When was the Iasi time you had:: your oil. ,.changed? - Before 'damage is. 'dome to the engine, bring your car to us After an .oil change, .an ,oil filter can :help.. YOUR Prevent Engtn'e Wear DEALER Men'sQ p m. Group Start Bowling, The nine.'•o'clock. men's league' started another.season of bowling on Tuesday , 'September 30th. Clarence Greer rolled the high single of 252 flat and Bill Stewart was high triplebowler with 666 flat: Points.seored: B•i11'Stewart s Old smobiles 5 points Buster Whitby's Fords 2"points, Walter Arnold's Mustangs 7 points, Clarence Greer's' Dodges 0 points, Bill Hunter's Buicks; 5. points','' Bill Button's Poritiacs 2:.points . Games-223and-over &lerenee--- 'Greer 252, Donald MacKinnon 238, Howard Agnew. 233, John Rutherford 225',. Bilk Hunter 230, Harold Ritchie 236, Bill Stewart 237, Buster Whitby'234, Jack . • 'Caesar 243: Team Standings: Mustangs 7 ,,:, Oldsmobiles 5•, 'Buicks 5,: •Fords'2: • •Pontia'cs 2, Dodges 0': • ' • Ladies .6.30 p Trudy,- Foran :bowled thehigh single game of 258 and Jean. Phillips, the high triple of 610 Garnes'of 200 and over; Trudy. Foran 258, Anna Mae Hunter 201•, Jean Phillips 240,' Hazel'Webster 232, Marion MacKinnon 218,_Grace Rllioti-2-03 . Team Points:. Trudy'°Foran's Pansies 7, Catherine Andrew's' Asters 0, Hazel Webster's Roses 7•, • Isobel Miller's Violets 0; ;Grace : • Elliott's Daisies 4, Marion Camp- bell's :Lilacs 3 • Team Standings:••Pansies, 22, Roses 21,' Violets 18,' Daisies•18; Lilacs 17•, :Asters" 9.. • Exclusive LIMITED ENGAGEMENT!; District STARTING = OCT: 1.6th: JSh��n_gs� ..'.THURS.�.._ _._._ MATINEE, SATURDAY 2P..M. WINNER 6 ACADEMY AWARDS! . COMM PICIVIES pools sk R(MdUIUS PROOUCTIC t1 LIONEL BART'S s +w'JOHN MWOOLF Li.icww CAROL REED , ® PANAV1S10N' TONICOIOR' 0 GODERICH 30 THE SQUARE PIIONE 524.7811, AIRCONDITIONED Ladies 9 p.r Kathy Gibson claimed high single with a score of '243 and Trudie .Nelson thehighple with a score of624. Games played- lire-W�lsen Oranges 2, Carol Atkinson's peach- es 5; Mary Lou Ba.rger's Grapes 0, • Be•i/ Thoiiipson's Apples. 7;. Barb7. Helm's Bananas 6, Marg Hackett's Strawberries/ l'., Games' 200 and' over: Kathy Gibson.243, Wilma Chisholm 237,• 205, 'Dorothy Errington 214, Joanne :Searle 202;. Joy' Dennis' 229 t .Trudie Nelson ..202,,, 231. Team. Standing Apples 19; • Peaches 18; Oranges 18, Bananas 13 Grapes 13, '.Strawberries ;3'.' ew,'Bui@ingslrr mberley Area AM:BERLEY NEWS Jack Campbell of Amberiey is, building a•fine swine barn.' • Other`. buildings' being erected :are on the.' ' farms of: Messengers'• and Carrick Coiling Leonard Irwin., -wha'has been 1 hospitalized fora few weeks in Kincardine and''District Hospital, w a, s' able to return home last •seek . Flowers placed `ins Pine River rote••c urc ' :on. un • ay .were I memory of Mrs Percilla Lavender, dau liter of the late .Mr, and Mrs. Alex McDonald'of the second con- cession'of Huron. Sympathy is ' extended to the relatives of Mrs. i.Lavender. - Communion service was held. at Pine Sliver •United Church on Sunday`; SURPRISE VISIT A r►umber of relatives from this 'community attended the .Irwin- • Stoci wedding in Oakville on. , Saturday; October Fourth. A pleas, t Mixed League Marts Season October 1st and 2nd finds the Lucknow-Dungannon League rather• 'slack in the news. The single :was taken by Iv'lary is er with. a 245 and. M Tion .• • MacKinnon • walked away with a 578' triple. Marion MacKinnon rolled a 233 game and Barb Londry a 225.'. Clarence Greer bowled a nice 703 triple and'Walter Arnold: a 260 single. • The tearrms are now in 'this order:`, Beavers 10, ;Gophers 10, 'Chipmunks :9, Coons '8; Zebras 7', Squirrels Cubs 7; Lions 7, Wolverines 7,. Kangaroos 6; Pole,Cats 4,• Tiger§ *Let's put "a tiger in 'Our' tanks',. and rnove.out front!, • • 4 .a senr;xaa;1110,n.Vz11 rer:A,r,w..a ROM, Dennis Irwin of Cornwall s,. I Nova Scotia, brother of the groom', who,was due to leave for.' Vancouver., but was given pertniss:- ',.,:ort_to-attend--his-•brothe.r,' welfdirig before going on to Vancouver, . GODERICH 30. THE SQUARE: PHONE 524-7811 AIRCONDITIONED ' I • I�l1.1 L W r, I .1 ' THIORS.,FRI., SAT. AT. ACADEMY AWARDWINNER-Cb9OE1R1TSON ' Best Actor of the Year • ' (Adult. Entertainment). ; Showing Thursday at 8:00 pm Only . Showing. Friday, and, Saturday at 7:30 and 9:10 p.m. • ;In Technicolor SATO v AT m. ,M/Eir.LIwjRikacia 111:01.1.. ' A: N. TUES.,.WED. -Oct.: 121 This Eiji* the beginning MIFURE unusual robbery! 5 stuiluatoutsattEfpeasfr i 11HELL ‘..1111111E ."sasIRPcuAEspnNirARA111p1gt1nt MOMS In knocanion NINA MON FICTURIIIIENINIONLIC sombidivls ONE SHOW EACH NIGHT 04•0110 .1011,11111011.111).. ~ STARTING 'AT 8:00 O'CLOCK (Adult Entertainment • - ta-rt nrg Thurs. Ott;-:16'.for-2137Days ; °- -"OLIVER!" 4