The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-10-08, Page 3WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER. eth, 1919, THE L,UCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO' PAGE,' THREE' EEliE■ENE.■I EEEEEEE111•E„E/ E ■E0E■■EuEEEEEE■■■■■■■ ■■1t■■■1111/■■1■■■ 1111 N■EIM■■■■■■■■■■■■■N■■■E■■■E■■■■■INNINN■■■■E■■■■■■E ■ 111 ■;- GJ ®► ® • ` ._.. 111 D%P#►11.ee � 7111 lk • i ■ ■ ■ 3t es, but to id readers; ; aged texts m, the. ' l ms, 4a iany CN1B oyed by this iv'e •to the' ,you: help granirne. 11 lie call } he librafY be ICE •aha rn , on )0 a.t )r ,' Untat iar\• Jane widow of ' ie-«;-elt est C,ra.hanr •' pix. ■ nzic'of1�.. '. N:'. 5ss lcicter ■ dehie the late us•; J'oln; nrahatn. was. held >w •Allan` `Kinloss 3th at Kinloss • in ■ , ■ ■ N ▪ • HZALTB & ,BEAUTY Ams! ■ REG. 75c!. GIANT TUBE ■' CREST TOOTHPASTE. • 59c •• REG 51.79}. 3,7 OZ. FAMILY' SIZE ■ HEAD Cv SHOULDERS- 1.49 • REG. St O5I 3.o8,: AEROSOL C 1.oz. ROLL.ON • SECRET, Deodorant •79c • ■ • REG, 89c! '' &OZ. BOTTLE'.• SCOPE. MOUTH, WASH .,.... 69c ■ REG.89cI• ' BUFFERIN - 48's 69c ■ .•• • •• • ■ i ▪ • ■ ■ ■ : •■ C • ■ 'i • is ■ • ■.• • ,■ ■ ■ ; rx, le Pay 5.for.G.oOi Iaskets.aDdare. In BEST BUY! - Save 22c! - Parchment. Coloured '1-1b.. pkgs., Rase 1 Cheap 6 Quart Need • ■ ' • ■.▪ • ■ • BEST BUY! --. Save'13c1 LIBB•Y'S FANCY PkF PHONE '.528=3001... 28oz; tins j R C • NE■■■EAE■■■t■R■EEN■E11ErNEE�E■■■■!r■E■■EEEH■11EE■■■■■E■■EE■11■■■■111111E■■■■■r■■■E■■■■■■E■■R■■■■■■■EER■■■■■■■E11■■■■E■■■■■1B�■■■■■EN . ' gent•of or • . Y. 31nada, • Mr. and Mrs.: DentiisPurdy 'and Y Kirk. andMrs. s. A1brt Purdy .of In ersolal•• Mr nd trsrB r11.: Bar ger and family.of Mildmay were. . ' , Sunday visitors with Mi. and Mrs. Gordon Barger. Sr of Ashfield.: . Mr and Mrs Ernest Weaver of League City , Texas. and' Fred MacGregor of'•Goderich were recent: guests of their. cousin's Miss'Cather- ine MacGregorrsand Mrs: George g Stuart. • Mr. and.Mrs, Pete MacDonald_ .'• of Luai<now and Mr. ,and Mrs. Andre . 'h:tield-spent • last week -end'in 'Leamington. with Mrs:: Jack MacDonald.' They also'. visited.in;A'rkona w thMr: and Mrs. Allan McCharles.• ITS e your. would. held' rNG - ,Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Gibson have moved to' their hew'horne in Liuelint s-itti-ate"d7tlion Siree •u t,.w e- � s st'.of S•tauffer .. T•heir daug. h.- ter Mrs.`Geor e Mad e of.:Waterlooo g g ; spent •last'week :with them'. nc „County Council for Huron learn- ' -ed in -regular session at Goder•ch :that financialexpenditures e xpenditures in the . • ou nt a-ren1in e�itrlie-bir is set for: the current ear : with. the enera1 acc.o., untmcludrn including hi 'hwa s expenditures showing a net surplus ! of :•$•42; 30.2 • .Cler.k. ` ohn • err `e -. J B. clot ,d the wa�s.d'e ar e. Y g . . � y p tm, nt•was :showng•a• I: deficit of $30,101•at'June 30••when the 'financial statementas w P.P..:• aced ,. but he advised this was;not anus al beeause 'work' has been coin• pieted for which no xnc ney. had 7oe;Conley of LucknoW returned •. e last eek from Loreburn nom .w , Saskatchewan where:'he hadP.. s ent a Month with his daughter 'Ron MLlland c e r, �, e elland M.ML and family, He. made the trip by • plane :. • we've been• under the estimates, ' 1•$36:3;070;97. countengineer y, J1m. Britneli comm "tinted We're looking • forward to a surp • He suggested'•the. road •committee mi ht: e ' c'•' ,g w 11 ansider the purchase of some new' equipment on this year's•.budget which would other wise, have to be taken into consider ation next year at budget: time: ' Britnell a t.,� 11 lsp told, council. road budgets were not ••being, cut by the Ontario department' of highways but that the standards are being lowered.,, He, said for some ti .: e �:. Robert W.,•:J. Lyons, ;chairman of: the conzmittee"of niana enient of...• surplus.- • s. Ruronview got' approval for his•. , committee's recommendation that a. per diem rate be, e:t'at:$216•per month and $:7:10 per day for:any part of, the .month,,. retroactive to April 1; 1969:.' •He 'also reported that Dr. Doorly•,. • Goderich, is the ,new home physic ia.n at:Huronview . �-' Harvey Johnston, former admin- istrator at Huronview introduced Received into .Lucknow United Ch inch on Sunday by.ttansfer of membership were Mrs. R. G. Nicholls from. Norwood United,, Church; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon" Cayley, from Appleby United' Church; ilurlington; Mr, and Mrs.. az xe:zs—o-rrrLLzr -Mr ..and Mrs. Bob Thompson, spent last week=end with his mother. Mrs . R. H..: Thom son.' ' . P They were accompanied •to. • LucknoW byMiss Lorna .Cam bell who had visited the past month in w p m Leamington ands Windsor: peen receive. to t at date. "This revenue will increase •. • duringa latter th latt r art of. the year '. 'reported Berry and at the same time th,e expenses begin to decrea- se; ecrea - se;: 'There is certainly no roblem Y P. as far as a balanced budget •in the .highways department." In his report", Elmer, Hayter, reeve of Stanley' and'. chairman of. the.'Huron County Road Committee submitted a report. showi1ig six jobs, all completed' or nearly com,- pleted;' which had been' accompli- shed'for e d less rrioneytha'n the origin _, a.l:`estirnates .now, .roads have been given. rime. • •adrninistratorawho com rtenced his consideration: by the government, 'duties September 1. .. ` : '• John, Rdbert and' Anne of Windsor p but that recentl:'he YEstitrrated it-r}►e .health ., •-b�u'd$et-i A T AK D II_ Pack. Power Church. Otto Petersen returned hoytle last Saturday frorn Victoria Hospita. ond:on .:Wh•ere-he,-„w-as a -•=pat sent 'two -weeks following•surgery.. • - 1 • 1t -, tion' are corning in for extra •funds ." unit was $22'7:511 while actual "And perhaprightly so," said " expenditures Lo June 30 of this yea rBritnell. He claimed 1-iuron ;totalled $1(i2,185..98'. y Librar: s County has a tine road'stem : ' ' •y expenses have' totalled 6.4 The county engineer reported to lune 307,.• Budget estirnatcs•,'for 'some of. the work proposed for this the year are $145',000; year had been deferred uhtil'1970L The children's Aid Society is •including the concrete deck on the operating. within its budget too.; •" Benmiller Bridge. Actual. 'costs have; been • He said the:fine we.ather.this $108,56'7.7t0oa a budget for summer allowed work, to proceed . • $215,366. 'At one job on County ROad joust south of Dashwood , the origin al estimate was for $175,000 for 2..5, miles. Actually 3.75 miles rwe're-co-mlrl-eted-fOr$185-, 0`U u , • ' 'lt is the first year in 18 years easily and without interruption a. dist ® cum a ion of a $15 , 000 to $20,QO6 surplus "great concern when one 'realizes mentioned for this year in the road the prime borrowing rate •at the department,. • ' , ' present time is :s 1/2 percent Clerk Berry, spoke briefly on the atter o interest•r:ates which is of • At •Hurt nvie' where the;estirnat- , At, the present lime ,'the 'county -015tidget was $746,, Eat>`f:5f 0(3 , • actual expenses until inn,e 30 were • , CO.N.T1NUED.ON PAC1•`, r,