The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-10-01, Page 12PAGE =TWELVE : THE, LUCKNOW 'SENTINEL ' .LUCKNOWi ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER lst, • ti. • tP • ii YY +WHY `YOU a SHOULD CONVERT YOUR PRESENT EQUIPMENT TO SAFE, ECONOMICAL OIL MEAT It's, easy to convert to oil. We have a complete line of top quality Esso Heating Equipment to choose from Esc buraer-=$1:85,-a month Complete Esso oil furnace 'unit --$4.95* fi month. And now, with Esso heating equipment, we can arrange for you to get Esso Home Heat .Service at no cost. ' Your• best guarantee foe continued home heating comfort. *installed ayour existing,a1C8 IMO ROY HAVENS Plumbing ' and Heating — Phone``. 528-3012 Lucknow ESSO •.OIL BURNER, SALES : and SERVICE HOME . HEAT SERVICE North Ashfield' Trip Enjoy '''`LOCHALSH: NEWS Pupils; and teachers froth North. Ashfield, enjoyed a bus trip to ' Douglas Point and'Sauble Beach Mr'. and M. 'Wilmer Robb '. • are home` on •Monda after. a: nv. d y, trip to ,W estern- Canada , Mrs: Jim West, Mrs'. Allan 'MacDonald" and .'Mrs. Henry • Fall Rall Mac'Ken4ie attended the_y on Thursda :aat the Presbyterian Y. Y Church in Paisley. • Visitors 'with Mr. and Mrs.., Gordon Finlayson were <i.2od .Finla son of Sarnia, Mr.' and Mrs. Mac non' an LKe Fin Iayson of Family Pinner On ;• h Bi�thdpy KINLOSS• • NEWS Mrs. D.' L. MacKinnon was `' uest of"honour at a family. dinner-in-the— Log Cabin restaurant, Sunday evening, on,the occasion of her eightieth birthday Mrs Lloyd MacDotigah'accomp- anied cousins Mr. and Mrs.:. Frank Dosdall of Whitewood:, Sask. on a motor trip:'to visit relatives in St Catharines on •Wednesda .• Toni Miltenburg loses finger In Farm Accident KINGSBRIDGE' NEWS Tony Miltenburg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reis Miltenburg, was injured:1n a farm:accident: last Wednesday evening, when the fingers of his right, hand became;, -81ghkfl-eta;n-efOf—unloading: wagon, causing him,: to lose his middle fingerr, above, the knuckle: H'e`was admitted to. the Wingliam and District—Hospital and_returned _.:... home. on Sunday- '_, 'Patti O'Connor, daughter of.' :,Norman.O'Connor, is taking, a` : two year course in Child Gare at Fanshawe. College, London. -Mrs. Bill Silcock, and Lisa of • Kitchener' were. weekend visitors.• With Mr and, Mrs. Walter. Clare and daughter., • Anne Marie. Howard , daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. •Bob ,Howard:, was admitted to the Goderich. Hospital' last. Thursday. •• The community x ends their ' • sympathy to Mr. and; Mrs. Jerry ' . .Vogt and•;family,on the passing of,; their daughter, Ursula Anne at • • Victoria, Hospital, London last Tuesday. ` Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and.'Mrs:. '.Ormond 'Heffernan were Mr. and Mrs. .Eddie Heffernan and, family, of Toronto , Catherine , Danny, Philip and Joseph;. Heffernan .of -Arthur,, Miss Blanche 'Bilodeau. of 'Guelph, Jerry Heffernan of Strat-• . ford,' Albert Heffernan'andDouglas, and 'Ray -Heffernan all 'of Wallace- burg, Mr..and Mrs .Antone Van- Osch and family and Mr. , and Mrs. John. Sheardown. of •Godericl.: M and Mrs. Art.Bowler, Mr' and .Mrs; Dane Wilson and son Dan' Jr: of Toronto• visited with Mr.„,,, and Mrs 'Fred V assella on the weekend'. Mrs: •John Austin, 'Mrs. john : Howard , Mrs %Fran• I. egling , •Rev . Fr,: H Galea of Kingsbridge and Mrs.. Pete MacDonald, of. Lucknow: attended the, Stratford Deanery meeting held in Seaforth last -Wednesday. • :Y ' Mr '• andMrs: Jim; Martin. and familyvisited,Mr.• and Mrs. Bill 1vleDonald and. girls•and .Mr. and.: 'lvirs..'Norman Murphy andfamilY ,- all of, ' ' Landon. :�Mr;and Mrs'. Ted Dodds and baby of London visited with•relati v:- es in the :area::on' Sunday ! y ogan r gisieread iri� t Visitors with Mr.: and Mrs. *Clair;, I: ear A ricultur'e Course at Rid e- . MacDou all of Markdale cit- Sunday �Y g g' g. ;Agriculture C lie eon Mon- . o d NiacDou , da • . 11 M and Mrs Allan Mac Dott... : Y inecresI,Manor NUrsing Ho Professional Nursing Care 24 hours daily . . Dining. Room and Tray Service Member;-- Associated Nursing Homes. Inc. Ontario Associate Member;--- Ontario Hospital: Association. . Municipally Licensed • Licensed; by Ontario Department , of Health MARY R. NEWBOLD, REG. N. RGE A. NEWBOLD ADMINISTRATOR Drawer 220 Phone i28-2186 ' LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • L BY HELEN ALLEN `Totbnto`Tel gram eSyndicace ion . w shyly:. watchful when` thephotographer saw ., . .� r b .as• . , ,, . :. ,ass :he is AVMs most ' strangers. But' this :two-year-old . soon 'becomes :happy, and laughing.: This .little. boy; bas 'big brown eyes; 'auburn halt and fair'. skin :that :tans wel1:.He Is developing at an average rate; though:he was a slow starter: ' "He says quite a few words :and, loves 'to, provoke laughter by q , comical : antie,s.: He is a good-natured, : cheerful: child =unless frustrated:;in :his' main desire - to be 'outdoors. If' he :must" stay in he reconciles` himself • by playing. with his toy monkey, which he calls ki-ki,. He:• needs affectionate, active. parents `" who Wil a ,boy, a: sunny-tetnpered-little a inquire about adopting :John please` write to Today's'. Child, Department of. •Social and . FamiIy Services; Parliament Buildings; Toronto 182; .For general` information about adoption . ask your. Child. • Leo Ivioerbec:k was admitted to ren's Aid Society , ' ,'twon�• of g , ' Were:; Mr..and ,Mrs. Ll. y g ;'all, r - ! the Goderieh Hospital 'last Week. nd' .;.. 0 Toronto... Duncan A Ilan 'returned' horde from. a''trip 'to Western Canada. a ,: an eat eI r., Ors. 'Mr. and Mrs.. Grant Fairish a family and Mr. and Mrs., George.. Moncrief.- • . Mr; •and Mrs: Gordon Johnston of Scarl,crrough •and Bruce Beach spent Monday evening.•at the home of Mr, and Mrs..:Ira, Dickie.; Betty. -Ann Simpson: of Toronto spent the weekend .with; her parentsl Mr. and ,Mrs: Donald Simpson. :Flotence MacLennan is now ern - ployed at the. Furniture Factory in tnati� .• First Kinloss Scouts were at the Recent visitors With.A:r. and, Mrs ' Camporee at can -1p _Martin over' cr :the' week' -end . Edna• and Eliza Cook;of Sound , Mr: and` Mrs . S .-• - Mae'Kenzie of Ripley.. . Visiting Mrs.' Annie McMtirchy' oil Sunday Were•'Mr. .' •and Mrs, Charlie. Hatherton of Elmira... • The Ashfield Township Fed'era- tion. of Agricultural Diteetors met' at the'•horne of Mr a ' Qwen 1v r , and Mrs .: Harvey Houston Gerrard of were in'Kitchener do Friday and also vi ited Mr..and Mrs. 3. 3 Houston in Guelph. his.,:Gordon.MacKitinon of St. Petersburg, Fla. , was'a.guest last week -end with Mr.: "and Mrs: Douglas Graharri, Mrs. 'Lorne Sparks, NA ha has ba patient for severar"wee'ks an arid Mrs. St Jbse h's Hos iial Londo w•as Oliver. McThar.les. on Thursdayeven, p.' P p " able to • return home last week, .frig. Plans were made to attend Wallace Houston who was on the County meeting onOttober 2nd ,vacation .'this •past week spent .the in Clinton and plans „were also w"week end at home with his' to be held , . made for a Laiiquet, parents,: ter. and' Mrs.•Harvey earl in November. y H'otiston and brother', Kenneth,. Visitors ,in. the community during ' hits. Allan MacDougall and the week were Mr.' and lvi'rs. fin Mrs. Ira Dickie from South MacRae 'of Toronto. • 1• „ Kinloss,. W.M.$,. attended the kir, and Mrs; Dou,g'Martyn' 0 ,'Pres6yteria1 Kafly and 'Wor°kshop tnjoyed a. trip''to NOrthern Ontario held in Paisley Presbyterian recently . church on Thursday f traveller... it's the Lord Simcoe .� . a Iriendl .wel- ' .come'...•superb service..:Mine • lounges and restau= ran s..,a.tat sensibie.prices i . . and .for convenience the subway is right. at'the doer.. ,in thee:: 'heart of :downtown,. • Toronto. Next ,time you visit Toronto, enjoy it -more than ever ... stay at the 'Lord Simcoe.. D�� C�tIlLCO•�C: Le, 11"niversity and King StreetsIel 36 :1848'