The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-10-01, Page 2HIM ...TWO • The LUCKNOW 'SENTINEL„ ,LUCKNOW, ,ONTARIO LUCKNOW, SENTINEL LUCKNOW,' ONTARIO "T rSopo YT.vnn" Owthe Hursprucs S.undaryr -Cleats-Mailliegistration-Number70647 .IIIRIIi•►I►■IIi.III■u.0 jIIi■I I■III/III.IIIt Established WO, -- Published. Nach.'Wednesd8Y' Afternoon . Manlier of the C.W.N.A. and O.W.N.A, Stibacription Rate, X5.00. • a year in advance 'to• the, U S.A , $7.00 iL Donald .C. Thompson, Publisher WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 196? NEW HOMES IN THE VILLAGE .:' • It is pleasing to note theerection of 'several new homes in Luck- ' now within the past few months and to hear of plans for a few others which are in the making. Most'residents of the village will tell, you that Lucknow is a good - place to live: If ,you: enjoy small town living, and there • seems to be; a new movement in this directionin recent years, 'then. you can do no better' than deciding on .The. Sepoy Town; THE COST,STAND.' STAKES ARE HIGH! • Reports out of Ottawa, indicate that here' is a movement cir- culating to increase•, the salaries of our members' of parliament. • Many of the' less fortunate citizens of Canada believe that they, are well paid as it presently stands.: There •are others who feel that a member of 'parliament holds ''a job of high honour ,and service , to his country and that he or` she should be more: suitably rewardedfor public, service' rendered:' The stakes . of being an M.P. are high. It: takes many years, many sacrifices and many dollars to get into parliament and . the position cif - • fers no. certainty,•of staying thereas, many have found out , We believe that : a member of : parliament's salary tis very ' ade= • quate.for a normal job, very,.. very adequate But we also• do not/ feel that. their :jobs ' can be considered as •norrnal.: Many. ,financial.: demands are -made on : these -men -and -Women. They have • heavy • maaintau ng' two residences, one in Ottawa and' one in their home riding: They have heavy travel expenses, whether it be to attend : a . Fail Fair or the official 'opening of some building at the other end .of their ding..'If they attend all the 'functions they are expected to lit - tend,. et -tend, it costs them- many' dollars,, If ,they stay 'home, they are .'con- sidered not interested and their: future at the polls becomes doubtful • Memhers oLDa&anlent a ect_ed_to donate_to eeery_w_ The holo is usually' associated with things of the past, reminiscen ces'of depression days when bands, 'of them, .roamed the countryside in search of a handout and a place tol''. sleep . . But the hobo .has again made appearances, in the area in recent months, not singularly but in gangs„ and one of them is'reported, to w -Selo -a lar b $�elu • The appearances ;have. been;. all in good 'fun, :and: for a purpose, ;Ladies ,of ,the area have been; cond.'-„, noting liobo teas. The "come as ,, you are teas" take ,small ' 'groups. of ladies. on, the spur, of the, moment.,. to a friend's home. The host is • , required to put up a small lunch , :for the gang, while the hobgs themselves kick in a. small amount' of money which is used. for charit- able work in'the,community, • III�tII III�III III III III UlIlll IIIEII(FILL/il, .pies At Pinecres't William' M. 'Buckingham died at' Pinecrest Manor •Nursing Home in • Lucknow on Monday* Mr,:,,;I3uching ham, a •former Belfast area resid= ent, v as within a day of his 77th: birthday , ' • . The funeral service, will be held at the MacKenzie Memorial' Chapel in Lucknow today, Wednes- day, October 1st with burial in South Kinloss Cetnetery.;- charitable function; n the riding. Most of them do. •.All the things which we have mentioned hold true for our Provin- cial members as well as Federal::. With the cast of ', living steadily rising in- a rapid manner, mem- •bers of parliament • should not be. expected to hold' their salaries at a level comparable to several years 'ago:` Unfortunately, there are many citizens of our country, who have 'not seentheir income .climbin relation to the costs. They,/.'naturaily, might resent a parliamentary' wage 'increase at .this • time:' : But the fact remains,. unless we. want to attract only the idle; rich to be public serv.antsy then we have:;to pay for the services rendered Being air M.P.. at. OneTtime tool; a few weeks'of ttie :year. TIt's now a full time job and a job which includes a good deal of self sac- 'rifice and .gamble for' the -man or woman : who: gooses, to serve' the people.: ` E at Brucelea , .• :She was 78 . years, of �Ies At Bruceiec age ' • . 'The funeral service was• Mrs: Wellington':` Nixon, a resad - ` conducted' on Thursday at the ru ent of :Bcelea• Haven in Walkerton MacKenzie: Memorial Chapel, in and a former:Lircknow resident',': • 'Lucknow with•.burial in Greenhill . died on Tuesday; Septerrlber 23rd : Cemetery ; • • Illness hasplagued the Gibson dome in tucknow for the past month with all three children .of' Mr. and Mrs•. Bill Gibson•ill'with pneumonia at the same .time ;� Billie, age.? was.. ill at home. on a a ,.,age • spent • ten . ays Wingham Hospital and 'Greg,, age 6 was hospitalized sixteen days'. The• three are well again and returned,` to schoo'this "week.:' JCJHNSTON .- too Donald''and Carolyn (Forster) 'Johnston d; -Clarl son; "inz r-afal espft. Oakville ,on' Wednesday, Septem- bet• 24th a daughtera sister for• '.::,. Upon his retirement atthis time, Mr. : John Mc- Murchy, a CIAO. Insurance representative since 1951, wishes to express his appreciation for the pleasant association and business he has enjoyed in helping people in the Ripley"• area with their .in- surance needs.,. AND 6t4E ASKS THAT.HIS MANY FRIENDS AND ACQUAINT.• ANCES NOW CONTACT MRS: JEAN ,WHITBY OF 'LUCKNOW • PHONE 528.3$13 OR MR. WILL' TAYLOR OF, KINCARDINE PHONE alb -791m Fok FURTER ASSISTANCE AND ADVICE ON INSURANCE. ;MATTERS.•"• CIAG INSURANCE ('CA44v0+'IA71./,'. ()1 c., • WEDNESDAY; OCTOBER 1st; .1l Forty ` Three Entrees For - In Three Classe A t. Lt k.fl ►rw Fall Fair Baby Sho Clinton' Belanger, 4 -month-old son o.f r, an , r . -rtlWelang- er of Luclenow.,' was the first, prize •winner in the under • six months .• clasi at the. Lucknow- Fall .Fair baby. shove . There 'were eleven entries in tii-is c�rntor is sho.wn'wi� his morn and chose a bad 'inner to stick 'out, his tongue at The .Se,tati'n carneiaiva'n... • Mark. NURSING .AWARD :: CONTINUED,FROM PAGE, I,, School' : Greetings :to the class were•exten- dad by •G'eorge. Bukator M P ••:.P , . , Mayor Franklin.J . Miller of Niag- . .ara 'Palls, Reeve E. Weightman for . the county., of Welland and Deputy Reeve Douglas,Mann of Chippawa .' An unexpected pleasure was the • appe-aranee Eter Resources. Minister, J .` J. Green,, M.P.. 'for the Niagara Riding • The speaker for the evening ,was A lbert W : Wedgery •, Registered Nurse , and associate director pf ,the College of Nurses of°Ontario• The theme of his address was • •+ `Graduation is just the beginning 'of being a'• nurse . not the last step ?' on the road" , He advised the class ,of '69 that ":Knowledge, which'is new to'you as nurses and as iridivid.- • uals will continue to 'unfold through': out your .lives" janet Margaret, .daughter,' of •Mr. , and Mrs.. Stewart Lane of: R. R. 1 ilolyrood., was the winner in the • six to twelve month-c:1hss at the, show She is •he'id, by her .irioter: There' were sixteen entries 'in this class . 6spitai administrator P . R. Carruthers 'presented the graduates with their diplomas. Miss E, �7av , diector of 'the school ,' and � Miss D . Doyle, , assistant director, presented the pins The valedictory' address was Mrs: Ken Ackworth, the former Kathleen Blackett of Lucknow holds her.16 -month -old son' David Charles Who was the 'first prize given' by kiss Twi1a Sider of ' Stevensville ; Ontario, followed by the presentation of the, "senior awards„ l<iant wa :the .recipient of the Cullimore-Kiernele Memorial' , !winner in the .12 to 1E rnor::r:`" rias. This division also.'had sIi.:c c'" entries. Mr, and Mrs Az vv, :t reside in Lopd on . . award in public health., i,r3E h . the Nigata District heat` = is 6urrently attending ..iu`,! Windsor tit iversitv, ha' F: ti '''''' e• a 'rovincia ur'sar4 .` ' ""`-.` publics health .field' . •