The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-09-24, Page 15t. 24th, 1969, GARI.o Finla WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th,. '1.969. IM1111117. !Alla! THE LUCKNOW :SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,, ONTARIO: PAGE FIFTEEN y4hr�En.1.iiei._InFaIt. Baby Show This Year The :Baby Show prgved_•very; popular again, this year at, the Lucknow Fail Fair: There were 43 entries inthe three classes, The' Judges.; Mrs. ,K,•E "Wood of Wing,- harn.and Mrs, Wm, Loree; of .011 :it:w.- y aa� _ �xsted_,1�,: ;C : McKim :and lvlrs : J . •E ' MacDon• ald of Lucknow and. Mrs Lloyd. , MacDougall of Kinloss. r ..Wm'. A . 'Schmid of Lucknow .` • donated prizes for:the first:•.two . ., classes. and the Agriculturai'Society . donated the prizes for the third Class. •The first class included babies under 6•months. There were: only 11 entries in this "class ,; much • • smaller than,other"years. The . first prize winner was Clinton, ' 'son of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur: Belan- ger of Lucknow Second was • Jacqueline', daughter of. Mr,..and Mrs. James Corrigan: of Lucknow: and Murray, son an_dlvlrs: Grant Curran of R.:.R..1 Dungannon was third'. 'Conso.lation prizes.. went 'to Derrell,..son of'Mr.. and Mrs:.. Ron Dui nin.;of Goderich: and Jeffery, son of Mr . • and 'Mrs -Murray-Wined' of :R R:.1•Ripley...ptherentries.` in.th•is:class'were: Jamie., son of t ' 'Mr.. and, Mrs. Jim•Hurnphrey, Luck- • now; .•Nancy, da'leiter :of Mr, . and • Mrs. John Hunter, R.R.. 31Lucknow-; Barbara, daughter` of Mr,.•arid Mrs. '• Evan ..Srriyth:, R. R..1 Formosa; • Heather ,daughter of Mr and Mrg Stewart Curran; R:;R. 1 Dungarinon; • Scott son .of •Mr'.. and Mrs, ' Chester Hackett R, R, 7 Lucknow;, Heather, daughter of Mr: 'and Mrs. Ken Ohm.,--stratfer&•,— With, 16, entries in' the_six' to tw' ave month 1 class, ;Janet , lough ter of Mr and • Mrs..::Stewart Lane , of R. R. 1 HolY•. rood to. "ed the. ..PP class . Susan; daughter of Mr'. and. Mrs : 'Max Hanna of ;London_ was second :and Jullie daughter of Mr.. . . • and,; Mrs;. -RayStanley of'RS R., 4 R. • kincardine was: third . Consolation rizes e • w, nt to.Michae � ton p l,s of:;. Mr. and.,•Mrs . • Robert.:Bro6me of •Holyr•,.00 ,d and Midhaeli son of 1VIr:- and Mars. ,Wayne 'Wagner of Wood- •stock....Other• entries were:. Julia , daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Michael ,Ritchie, ‘Egrnond•ville; 'Norman, son of Mr: .and Mrs'..Angui MacLen:`. an,', .Lucknow; •`Mary, daughter of and-Mss—'Wilarcl Downey, R. R. 3 Holyrood; Rhonda,.dau'ghter.: of'`Mr.: and Mrs.. Ed'Burt, Lucknow•;.. • Tracey, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. • • Arthur Wall,. Dungannon; Lynda ,' • daugho—r of Mr. and• •rs.. atone. vanOsch ; R R:• 7 ,Lucknow; Christine, ;daughter of .Iver. 'and Mrs., Jinn Gibson, •R.:R. 5,.Luckriow; Bradley, son of Mr. and` Mrs. s • vl•cCharies and John :re week . Oliver OW.'. •40SS Igine all rnw•er uti ced heed hir`rd 1 Gerald Priestap, Lucknowi• .` David,son of Mr, and Mrs, .Gordon Patterson, R. R..3.. Ripley;. Dean, son of Mr. and• Mrs . Waite Lindsay; Lucknow; Karen, daughter, o • r . and 'Mrs.Delbert Hedley; R. R. 2 • The 'l2; OS 18 months class ; ' also with 16 entries', resulted as• follows. •Fir'st , David, son of Mr . and, Mrs. Ken: Ac'kwortl ; London; second, Donalda , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Thompson, Lucknow; third , Debora, daughter of Mr, 'and Mrs., , Roy Emberlin , Lucknow; fourth., Michelle;, daughter .of Mr. ,anti Mrs. Eugene,:Gardner, Lucknow; fifth, Steven., son•of Mr. and Mrs.. Ronald Austin, Goderich. Others' : entering in this class were: Tracy ; daughter of Mr:.and Mrs.. Clifford Livingston, Jf.,R., 1..Dungannon Stephen, son of Mr. • and 'Mrs . • James Corrigan; Lucknow;• Todd, .. son o€:.N1r...,ancLMrs_-B 1l Park Dungannon; Susan daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Curran, R.R.. • 1 Dungannon; Heather.;_.._daughter: of Mr. and Mrs. •Allan Maeintye,. ,. Lucknow Christina', daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ian. Morton , ;Stratford; Robbie,; son'of Mr . and Mts. Ron. Brooks, R. R: •3 , Lucknow, Darr1�1, son of Mr:- and Mrs: Bill Black , ,R:'' R. 1 Dungannon; Gordon, 'sone of Mr, and Mrs. AlexMacInnes.'R.R,• 1, .Belgrave; .Dianne, daughter of . Mr. and Mrs '•j im Wilson L:ucknow Steven, son -of Mr.. and Mrs::-•, "- Gerald Murray R, R. 1.Hoi rood ,.• y �• tertaln At Steakde m B r a becue DUNGANNON,.NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Ja'ck. Caesar, were host and hostess on Sunday.to the Dungannon .ball team members for a' steak. barbecue. ' In 'the• morning the .men travelled to Wingham to g• golf, afterwards..returning to the • Caesar home with their ,wives .arid families On. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Maur- ice Desjardins of Courtright visited with Mrs. Earl •Yule and' family., Mr. and Mrs, :Gordon Aid of Wirigharn called on Mr and Mrs.. Tom Park on :Saturtlay afternoon.' Congatula°t-ions-to Mr, acid Mrs 'Don McNeil (nee Doreen 'Culbert) "We've applied for our winter .1vheat insurance. What about you?" Dave Wright, Farm Operator, Val-Tere Farms, R.R. 2, Granton. • Are you going io take a: ,chance this year ? Are you. willing to gamble you'll have a good crop ? . What ifit's hit by winter -kill ? Or hail'? Or: wind ? . 'Yields .could' be down so low it could mean financial disaster. Are you able .to• take' the risk? Youdon't have. to. `•Protect 'yourself with ,low-cost' crop . insurance. And don't forget -= your crop •insurance. . :premiu.ms areincome tax deductible.:, • for' full information talk to your local agent. listed below.' Or write us today: He's NOTE You must apply for crop insurance by October 1st or 10 days after seeding — whichever' • comes first.. ;ROP INSURANCE COMMISSION OF: ONTARIO Parliament Buildings, Toronto -'5, Ontario `rap Insurance detail's andapplication forms aval able.froni: �rr •Lucknow, Ontario c o n•a: Phone 5'28-3423.or 395-5326 Hurc.flhOoIBoard: Set Policy BY' RICHMOND. ATKE Statements of policy, as 'suggest ted by D. J. :Cochrane ,, director of,. education, were :approved at the last meeting•of Huron County Board of Education: .Previously„ draft policies h -ad -been -submitted. • All employees are responsible. to'the, Board through its : chief executive' officer, the director"'of .'. education, but feels' that lines ,ofs responsibility should be direct•and free . from. encumbrance,. Therefore, all personneI should refer, matters requiring' adrrrinistrat- • rive•action •to the administrative officer: iminediately in charge:of the area of responsibility concerned Adrn-inis rat -we officers sh-al= refe' regard to �stu ent accounts, . such ma.tters.to the' next sh'i her the. establishing • $ , final authority for stablishing who were married .•on"Saturda in '. authority•when necessary. s uch acc-uthe y. - , s , , o nts is. Principal's .' . All employees• have the right res onsibilit without reference to the United Church here . .responsibility , Harvest Home will be held this ofrappeal.to•the next higher'auth-� the Board lr:.f_unaS.;_rgs_ed:_by any The, centrale office administrative Staff is responsible. for over-all, system -wide., educational • leader ship. and for co-ordinating the educational programme within pal icy estabirshedTby _the Board . The •principa•1 of each• school is -the. as staff :advisor g being_ co --signer: ger :.. The Board,,will encourage and permit pupil participation in debate- ing•: public 'speaking, 'essay`,writing. and••dram"a"competitions; at. the dis.:- cretion'of'the director of -education. •!'The Board may accept donations 'responsible 'administrator in,the of funds; books, equipment; etc:' build•ing • !but all sushi donation will become Outdoor school:facilities should •. the•:p`r'operty of the••Board, always be used by individuals, •groups or considering;the intent of't a •donor teams frorn th_e comm unit -at The Board -will; diseont>nue an" times wher.rhere is no interference; .scholarships., ''awards or prizes, with.: the .regular or extra -curricular made on• a. recurringbasis: All programme of the. school Requests: scholarships now' in existence, " ,I for ,the use`•of such facilities acilities should except awarded bformer school' . be.channelled through the Prirc P_ „boaxds, mill apply to the, particular r • al However , ` the Board is not res- school, designated by the ' donor ponsible for supervision and does: notaccept responsibility for accid ents:•:occurring to pers,ons.•ortheir property ,while :the 'playground facilities' are• in use unsay, eptem�er28that 2 p.m; ori y• an t roug appropriate:succ- stud'eit••organization are to be dep.; in St. Paul's; Anglican Church,' • . ,,•I essive steps, to the 'Board 'Mr', s osited; as soon as possible in a chart; Dungannon. • Rev... G. Russel.•of • Cochrane was asked to..define this ., •:'ered, bank ;''sand all accounts are' to :, Goderich will bein charge of the i clause at the'.retluest'of'R. M,be paid by cheue' with the Rrincip- service: ,Elliott. al or a teacher delegated by hire• 4,11 of r omple.t _ echos a • wedding announcements • styled for the discrim. inating. `. ;'ask for : • Make sure it's here when it's ne�ded� FOR HIGHER CORN YIELDS,' NEXT`' YEAR a combination of plow down this fall and a band application at seeding time plus supplemental nitrogen has to be the best: answer. PLANT 'FOOD IS THERE WHEN NEEDED to assure.a good start for your crop and to provide continued' nutrients during ttie browina�, a __teatnn SPRING OPERATIONS ARE. SPEEDED UP by plowing down' part (l the required' fertilizer in the rate: Planting,a len, days,earfier can Plow down WEATHER AND SOIL CONDITIONS ARE GOOD. No travelling over wet fields with heavy.loads or added 'tra'nsportation'' costs due to toad' limi s • A . ? - .:.. orce. • CO.OP fertil�ize:r thin fall.. GET THE FACTS FROM YOUR COOPERATIVE. Ragged, bulk or. spread ... the CO.OP' fertilizer you require is in good supply •in the fall. Check at your,co•operative hen -to pl down and the •analysis you need. From i . ;:t research Plant food for the foods val. plant' 'Fietinteled Made M�;M