The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-09-24, Page 121 jR PAGE TWELVE R � 'THE LUCKNOW. LUCKNOW, 'ONTARIO URONMOW C.00NTY EECPUCikTJON Invites 'Applications For The Position Of Initially ' this will be tpart-tune' position in. 'Ki - J success :_. :applicant will be required to investigate attendance' problems on a. per Olt/ per mile: basis in all parts of the County, '• 'WRITTEN 'APPL-.ICATIONS 'SHOULD INCLUDE EDU CATIONAL. • BACKGROUND AND'. AVAILABILITY •'•FOR IN TERVIEW AND BE ADDRESSED' TO;, COCIRANE DIRECTOR:OF EDUCATION ' HURON.COUNTY . BOARD: OF EDUCATION . • P.O. BOX' $70,' CLINTON, ONTARIO • ' ." • lan.For--Htirori PI�v.'ifl A horse' shoe pitching contest is Math Huron County Plowman's Associa- tion, at a recent meeting ma • e plans for their. 1969 Plow,ing.match,,;. arid Farm Machinery. Demonstratio to be held on "Par -Avon"' the., farm of John R.odges on number 8 high. way ,- 3 miles east of Goderich on Saturday.:October 4',• 1969 '. The contest in Huron for the , Queen of the• furrow:, will be one of the highlights. The winner'of this contest will represent Huron at the International Plowing Match at' Burford , a so.p Anneun er t e.c airman - *ship of Courtland Herr'of' R. R' 'No. 3',; 'Goderich. ' There will be special. classes for, new:: farmers', municipal councillors and members of ;parliament.' ' Clinton Junior. Farmers are 'pann- ing; to have a refreshment booth', and 'to supply lunches for: the ,plow boys. ,Prize lists ate 'available from the Secretary R. T Bolton, R. R. 1; Seaforth . Zit*, Om *bid GfT/'OUkSECO/VG' C,R//cff.! SEVERAL TO CHOOSE FROM 1969 ;PLYMOUTH, 2 door hardtop 1969 METEOR, 4 door'sedan, V8 automati�,. pow.r; stiari ig 190 FORD Custom SM, •4 door,' VS auiSinatfc • 11ErPO701171; -ard; VS1 power 1967 FORD Custom 2 door, 6i cylinder automatic. 1467 FORD Custom 500, 4' door,` V8 automati+e -1967.--KE-B.ei-Air 4 door , 2' -.1967 PONTIAC 4 doors, V8 automatic, porwr spring and,. 'a standard 2...- 1967 'CHEV Biscaynes, 4 door, 6 cylinder automatic' :: '1967 PONTIAC', 4 door• stationwagon, V9 aubmatic 1967 DODGE Polar? S00, 2 door hardtop, 6 cylinder. 1966'PONTIAC Paris snne,..4:door hardtop, V$ automatic 1966 CHEV stationwagon' 19s._CHE_V IMPALA, door hardtop, V 1984 CHEV 4 'door, V$ automatic 1f-stat.onwagpst,�automa#le • • • 1064 VALIANT stationwagon 400-•MEYEOR-4-doot V3, standard .trani,mii 1063 PONTIAC, 4 door, # :automatic SEVERAL OLDER MODELS SEE THESE AND OTHERS KINLOUGH Mr . and; -Mrs. Harold .Haidenb.yr, visitedlast Sunday with Mr. and .. Mrs. George Haldenby and, other relatives here. Friends from here attended ;a • Tupper ware party at the home, of Mrs.,. Morley Bushell: at Wingham • on. Monday evening.' • Mr and Mrs. Hiram Pangburn; of Calgary visited during. the week with Mr. and. Mrs. Jack: Scott. 'and; Mrs,. William Cox, On Wednesday -evening -Mr an• �- Mrs ,Scott and Mr ..and Mrs. Pangburn: were•.guests•of Mr. and Mrs. itaynard• Ackert,, Mr`. -and Mrs.' Chris Shelton visit- ed. with, relatives at London on • Monday,. , •:Mrs. Jim Smith and Mrs. Dana., McInnes will be hostesses for the ` October meeting. `of the Holyrood Women's Institute on Thursday afternoon October. 2nd at the • Holyrood haIl.. •Roll call One o.f the first holidaysl I remember and.• the mode of transportation Topic = Travelogue Motto Adversity is• .the abrasive that gives a sharp'edge '. to .courage . .Demonstration:- 'How: to'' pack a suitcaseC retest - A '• Book •Mark . ' Directors- Mrs. Ray- nard Ackert, Mrd. Jack Scott. OBSERVED 86th BIRTHDAY • ,..Mr. and Mrs.; Bill Scott. and Mr. and 'Mrs .:Bob. Scott and their farm- ilies, ;Misses Edna and May Boyle ; were dinner guests with Mrs.' William`Cox, and 'Mr.: and Mrs:' Jack Scott. We extend best wishes. to' Mrs. Cox ori her 86th birthday, which was on' Saturday..: Mrs. J. Guest, of Teeswater visited during the week with Mr•. and .Mrs Tom MacDonald: .Mrs: William Eadie-of•Winghamn and: formerly of Holyrood Was a patient in the -Wingham _and.District Hospital`and was later moved to.' London.. , We wish •her improved health ' Mr. and Mrs. Elden Eckenswiller left thisweek on a •trip to the west where -they -will visit with relanves_ Mr and Mrs_. Wilbert: Haldenby of Toronto spent the week end. with. .. Mr, and Mrs. •Bert Nicholson and other friends.and.relauves. Mrs._ Jerry.Collinson, Allan and Lois Nicholson of 'Georgetown spent the.; week, end with Mr and Mrs Bert Nicholson;: .Sunday'. visitors tat, the same:home were Mr.' and f(f Mrs: Cliff Langford, Jamie and ••• Paul,of Woodstock, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th,; 1965 lvir and Mrs: .Howard Bennett. Of , Toronto visited on Saturday with ''' Mr., and Mrs Art Haldenby We-gate-sorry:'to report thit=Mi-s ,: . a i._not enoin .George Hald •nby is 1, y g , 5 the best :of:health•:: We wish: her a 'speedy recovery: • ' ' ' ; 'Donald Barr of . Waterloo •sent • P the week end:at his home here A number from here attended the1 hucknodw: Fall 'Fair .on..S.atirrday. Some :from here attended a rec eption 'which was held on Friday ';;:evening at Rversdale in honour; Of 2Mr. and Mrs. Bili Zettler • Mr,. and Mrs. Frank Fair and: Mrs.. Mary MacDonald of Ripley:.• v ited_on-Sunday-.e34enirig-iwith-Mr_:-i- Mts.>• William :Cox, Mr. and Mrs; •' . :Oscar-1-odg ns of Luck#row also':" �~ visited at the sante home We extend, sincere sympathy to { . Rev, and Mrs, R. ' Odendahl in the passing of.their sort 12oben'i Odendahl fr. ' The funeral was held on Friday of last week, Friends of 4�its. ,�im Smith extend sincere•sympa'thy in the passing of her brother Robert'. Donaldson. The funeral was: held. on 'Monday afternoon ' t : and 'Mrs, F.. J Fairhall and `tieir daughter lawn Marieof Glen O chatd,. Muskoka spent the week. end with Mr: and Nits,, Frank : '.aulden and ;Keith:, . EVENING CLASSES'FOR BEING, PLANNED TO BEGIN Il' OCTOBER. • IF THE ENROLMENT JUSTIFIES IT (AT LEAST 15) . •THE, FOLLOWING COURSES WILL .BE OFFERED:. Ef. Madill Secondary khool Wingham. Tel. 35Z-1800 ARTS AND CRAFTS : 1; .CONVERSATIONAL, FRENCH .• .2.. OIL PAINTING ,,(BEGINNERS)., --3.: Ott -FAINTING (ADVANCED)-, 4. .MILLINERY ...s? (BASI:) • �.. SEWING ,(ADVANCED);',.' 7; LADIES'' PHYSICAL .FITNESS *EN'S PHYSICAL FITNESS • ' • !.. UPHOLSTERING 10.a,..:INTERIOR - ` DECO.RATING - 11. BRIDGE COMMERCIAL i. :TYPING,' 2:. ,'BOOKKEEPING`. 3..: SENIOR TYPING AND 'BUSINESS MACHINES, ;TECHNICAL ' 1, AGRICULTURE (SEL' ECTED TOPICS) 3. ,AUTO .MECHANICS' 3. ' DRAFTING : FUNDAMEN.•. ' T►L-S-AND-BL OE PRIN.-T G. -READIN• 4.. ELECTRICITY.. S. ELECTRONICS ,WELDING WOODWORKING • ;ACADEMIC: 1, `'ENGLISH Xi' :2. HISTORY XIII 3. • MATHEMATICS :i1-7-00-11). '(PRE -REQUISITE MATH XI AN.,D XII'(NEW)) 4. ANY :OTHER -ACADEMIC ACADEMIC. COURSES' 'FOR 'WHICH'.. ,THERE..IS SUFFICIENT. DEMAND.. NOTE Where the; registration st:one school is not sufficient but the combined . enrolment at;. several centres justifies. it,. the sub= iect'will be offered at,.a central. location. 44• Classes 'will begin in.; week of . October 6th and run for. approximately. '22 .weets. 'The first term ends.' about .December; tii.the second tai ; commencing. -in January. Regstr Wednesday,- �ition wlll. tape place in the school on 8th, :1969 from 7 .-..`9 :m: Advance registration may be ' made either. by .'filling out, the�form below or .by 'telephoning the school: 'Suggestions .for. other 'courses, would, be welcomed. FEES •;10.00 . per course except when the. •,school supplies the materials, e g., .Welding Fee..for such' course' is $15.00 ort.:::::o. 111 aia:dl:n,. D. J. COCHRAN. Director. Of Education 11 :! J. R.LAVIS: Chairman' 41111 ..p r :�. _-iEsR nFF sNn Hrarfi CONCERNED. DO NOT MAIL TO THE BOARD OFFICE. PLEASE REGISTER ME IN THE FOLLOWING COURSE(s): ADDRESS PRO . -.