The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-09-24, Page 10iii Church Services PAGi' TEN • THE ..13/CKNOW ,SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO Reg. $459,00 NOW $300.0.0 FLOORCOVER.IN.G. 529.3013 a4fed:2647.... HOME FURNISHINGS MOFFAT APPLIANCES ST; HE Mrs. Frank Todd 'suffered a fractured hip last week and is 'a; • patient in a Kitchener Hospital, She Underwent surgery°.on Thursday Fred McQuillin suffered the mis •. 'fortune ofa tractor accident: on ; Saturday "•morning. , The rear. wheel passed over his foot fracturing • several bones . He it a patient in.,. St. Joseph) Hospital,: London • Mr: and' Mrs•.. Glen: McDoriald of. London were :week end visitors 'with I'1r and Mrs:' :Harold Gaunt Mr. and Mrs. Clayton McGregor rigderLwere_Sunday visitors_z with Mr, and •Mrs. John Cameron:: Sandy McQuillan spent last week" LENS •NEWS; endwith. his patents Mr and Mrs, Wilfred McQuillan. Sandy is .. teaching 'at West Lorne, • • Ftfictores.-, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th, Mr.' and -Mrs.. Arthur Branhill of •• Waterdown; Mr.: and Mrs...Charles Heck, and Mr , and .Mrs'.Wilfred • Heck of Bridgeport; 'Mr :: and: Mrs Mel'Binivir lvirs:r-Mabel- rdi Mr.I. and Mrs.. Michael' Shauen- white -of Kitchener and: Mr. and Mrs;: John Gardner were recent 'visitors. with Mr. • and Mrs. Lorne •. Wood's Mr and Mrs,_AJ1an,Crans,ton are on a three week trip to the Western Provinces; 4. • , Hacketts U.C.W = The September meeting of Hacketts United Church Women was held at the home of Mrs, Cliff- ord Menary on September 18th ,. with.14 memberfand 2: children present. . Mrs. Donald_•Hac1 ett opened the Chalmers W, Chalmers Presbyterian W. M ,S held their regular monthly .meet- ing .Wednesday , "September 17 at the• home.. of Mrs:. Albert McQuillan. The president Mrs. -Wallace Conn -presided-and..gave-t1ie call-ta meeting with.the Call to Worship'., Bless the Lord 0. My Soul, Forget not'a11 His benefits, • ' The Hymn" -Take 'up Thy °Crossx -the Saviour said". was sung, follow. - ed by the Lord's. Prayer. • Mrs'. Blake Alton .had' the devot- ions which included.the Scripture, meditation and prayer. , The roll call was answered with the word- "Home and the referen=. ces, and offering was received . Mrw. Kenneth Alton read and discussed a chapter "Making a go of it" taken from the Study Book "Man in 'Lifer' A chapter from "Japan. Profiles Wasread :by Mrs.; 'Reg..:Broome ' Two readings "Where would this. arorld--be' ;-and'Half-gast-four" ' were read.by.Mrs: AlexiT c.kett. • .The.ininutes of the last meeting were';read. by:Mrs. Clifford'Menary:: There were 9 hospital and:'honre calls during the month. ' The bazaar is .to `be held Satur day November'' 29th "0 Happy Day" was 'sting' follow .ed;b.y'prayer by Mrs . Donald. Hackett • Lunch was served. by the host- ess and Mrs . Kenneth Alton. (reg.ular valu.e $34:95 is only' $1"9:95 installed) to all Co op. Fuel Oil.custemers. Y.ou'iI save $15.00 and gi.ve•.your home'thelkind'• of healthful warmth thatmeans real comfort '. when'you .let your Co=operativesu pply,your fu.e!, oil needs'. • • Societies Entertained By • Evening-Auxilia worship. The scripture and, rnedit-- ation was given by Mrs., Elroy Laidlaw , ` When we':speak of hare, est we think of haying;,' harvesting of grain, corn , ;apples.. -God has .given an abu idant harvest. The 65th psalm was- Davids thanks to God' for gifts.. • • A 11 things work • together for good when a bountiful harvest is• given and it is through, God's Power it is Made so. Many find it'hard to have the real joy of harvest in their hearts, • Miss Lila Emerson, led in prayer.' • The minutes were read by the Secretary, Mrs. Russel Ross,,' Arrangements were made to,give • th- e: c-los-ing prayer -a '-the sectional.. meeting October 30 at Gorrie :'• The nominating committee WS.' -Wm—Rintoul; Mrs- D; Craig -and Mrs. Don.Ross are -to bxing`in a slate of officers for the November meeting . A thank you note. was ' read ,from::Mrs. 'W J Coulter, A.request for used clothing and material was read.; A bale valued at. $40' had already been ,sent in:. The offering was, received and ded icated by.Mrs. Johnston•Conn 'The reading'' God is Standing there with You was read by Mrs.'; Wesley Tiffin. Prayer was•given: by Mrs. Earl Caslick: '. Mrs Robert. Ross gave the topic_ The -fit -hi -op ofthe dozen men; chosen at ;random faced with grave.danger , obeyed the c- o me m and from J sus, Follow Me". The twelve chosen by Jesus: to share the hardships,' hear his teachings and receive -the -faith' were Matthew the taiecollector;' rea Residenfs,:Suffer. .The'Evening Auxiliary of the Lucknow Presbyterian Church, held their•anrival,Pot. Luck supper' in the Sunday Schoolrooms of the, church - on Tuesday Evening?, September le. The ladies of the Lucknow After- noon, South Kinloss and Dungannon; Women' s` Missionary Societies Were; guests at the supper:and. meeting. which 'followed Rev.... and Mrs.. Noble ere_atso=guests; • . KLUCKNOW INLTED °CHURCI Rev. Robert Nicholls,, B.A. Minister SEPTEMBER 28th, `1� -00,�„a�Morning-Service; . 10:00 atm, Sunday School Pouvr TO PONDER Fear knocked at . the doo Faith answered no :one w. there. . Lucknow Presbyterian •Chun �"Rev ,G►lenn �Noble;`B.A., , • • Minister SEP -•T -EMBER -28th--- 10:00 a:m ' • Su day' School 11:00 a.m.. Morning .Service • .44 °ST PETER'S ANGLICAN iCHURCH Rev. R. T. F. Odendahl '. Rector • • SEPTEMBER 28th Trinity • 17 10:15 Church School 11:30• Morning Prayer Andrew.,•- Simon. Peter . James , John Philip., .Bartholomew :Thadd- eus:: James., Simon, Thomas and '• Judas Iscariot: These. 12 had to give total and immediate •accept ance•to'Jesus•; :It•'meant forsaking houses', ,brethren , sisters., father ; mother wife ,:children • Qiie volunteer wanted to go,:hon e and • bidfarewell to all before, becoming a disci le but'Christ told,him no After a delicious supper and enjoyable 'social, time., the 'regular'.• !meeting of the Evening Auxiliary .. I was held.;' with. President Mrs. na; • ors r 1 t `e`-..`Shesen: Ped with a greeting toall present and,hymn 601 was sung. The scrip- tures and meditation was presented fib) Mts, ,Norman Taylor • Mrs. ' Robert. Gilchrist gave. a :most interesting topic •entitled "Slow Down". A reading`was - given by lvlrs. Stewart-Of.Dungann:, Ion. 'Roll call was'•answered with a•• Bible verse containing the word • 'man -having pia'' his hand to the plow and looking back is fit for :the, Kingdom of'God; • Why twelve? Jesus ,wanted 12 to e-prent-the-+2-t-vibes-•off their people. 'The 12 were toughened' by• outdoor life hence were able to sleep in caves or'sheltered. places' when they accompanied Jesus: over the Galilean: Country, Jesus .taught the 12 to be missionaries and that, men' would .revile them and. persecute them for His'sake. Thus one dozen 'men came to constitute the -living link between' Christ :and Christianity. This part of the meeting: close•:;wit t e . or.;s Prayer in unison.. The Ladies Aid Meeting, was , held . .Mrs Frank Coulter gave ' the •financial•statenient The collect- ion' was- received -Grace vas, sung,_ and Mrs. McQuillan served. lunch, Courtesty.rerrarks were given by Irs. Johnston Conn. Start the 'Cold weather season off warm Drop into your local .Co-operative now ,an fdiscuss ourheating services and products like"these Duornatic Furnaces, Air` King Humidifiers and Brock oil -fired water heaters. Miss DeanMcLeod gave an•inter i esting message' from the South ;, Kinloss group i' Words o,f thank -you (to the host- ess group) were expressed, and the - ._met ng w'as close -d• -with Arta -yet -4)y j. Mrs .. 'Noble Johnston. • LU.CKNOW • a. CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH .1 W:Van :Stempvoort Pastor • Services: —10 00 -ant; (=English-?.= 2:30 . p m. ;(Dutch , 2nd and ,5th; Sundays)' • VISITORS •WELCOME •Dentiminational ;:Radio. BrO" cast-; "tThe BackTo 7God HO every Sunday,: CJCS (Stratfol 2:00.', pan.;' .C'F.OS:•:(O1 Sound) . 6.00' p.m • . htechUrch Messengers WHITECHURCH NEW.5 itec urc ' vesseng their September meeting, on' S. ay during Church service in th Sunday School room . •TFle pre ent Ronnie Soloman gave rhes n marsh ip� The,.the ne o f the 'meeting:' -was, "Everyone Is Imp ant",. one 528-2125 Fuel VirServnce coo Ashfield WAS. ASHFIELD NEWS' 4 Mrs. Richard West , ,President, was in charge;of the September lary.Society at Mrs. J. K. Rooneys. a•Mrs, -Allan MacDonald gave the ' rneditatio t explained n, arid Mrs, James Wes New Porins of Misson.. A --record , telling--of_odern-w-aye of Missio , ris overseas was heard . i ,Mrs, E:, • MacLennan read 'a ;poem and Mrs. Rooney a newsletter from. Armagh. ` Eighteen. members • ;answered the roll call. with a verse wit aavest" The tiorniriating comtnittee reported on new officers and plans for the Sectional Meeting on'Oct- o let-- Q9 we-re--disetyss'ed :��—Mils Sadie Johnson offered 'her home for the next meeting.' • • The scripture was re'ad,liy E: Thomson and Clare Weber- led ;prayer The 'offering was received by Karen Quipp and. Ronnie Soloman gave the offer prayer. The minutes of the last were read by Clare Wehet,, i1l also called the roll which wa. answered by 10. • All then went to'their•SUnds school classet,, •