The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-09-24, Page 8-% • PAGE . EIGHT WAWANOSF FIRST CORNER ,SOU''': OF :LUCKNOW THE LUCKNOW .SENTINEL; ;LUCKNOW ONTARIO .ANDS-; MILE EAST-ON."•12th CONCESSION ` SPONSORED BY • CKNOW LIONS • Mondani, Afternoon, October 3th SHOTGUNS AND Os.. ' PRIZES ,=- TURKEYS, DUCKS,, CHICKENS, • 0 • • •, LUNCH AVAILABLE Kingsbridge. Guides KINGSBRI'DGE NEWS • :: Kingsbridge First ;Company girl Guides'held.`their meeting: Thursday 'evening; September• 18th: . Captain Tigert, ,assisted by Lt. - Sinnett, took roll call and inspec-.' tion Forty-three girls were • present.:. Lt'. Sinnett gave:instruct instruct- ions on'Compass and •a compass game was played Another game, 'Emergency Line! p. conducted by Lt ; Sinnett, was egio_yed h}r:the_gir1s.:... •Captain,,Tigert told the ,girls to assist newcomers :with;the Guide 'Law .and, Promise Campfire was held by.•the Blue- birds and the meeting closed with T:apS'. Mrs-4oyee ,ea-esa=r-who-is .rep -lac ing Lt. Hayes ,'sat in on the meet - 2 Brownies Receive Colletiors Badge ' BY. BRENDA. ARNOLD • The. 2nd' Lucknow Brownie Pack started their Meeting with games. We had fair..rin g. The older , Brownies worked on semaphore and Tweenies learned• the Brownie Promise. • DuringPow Wo.W'; Kirri'•Haid nby . and Patti. Lou Irwin; were presented.• with collectors' badges.' Brown • Owl r'ead'a story: The.meeting•• closed with squeeze and chimes.' The Brownies ran home"shrough the arch.. ` ing with our convenor Mrs. Mary Clare and Mrs. Hazel McCreath, tlie-C-ommissit er °wh-rb-rough the Census forms .for' the Company Frigidaire "Flowing Heat" dryer with an ozone lamp gives -your clothes -that-- out=of-doors" .,freshness---- • Electronic Dryness Control ' ,` knows., when your wash is dry and automatically shuts off • Lint screen placed handily on. door • 10096 childproof' with Safety Start Button. 5 YEAR PROTECTION PLAN • WeDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 24th, 1 Kincardine Township has;•made full payment, of their tax requisit- ion, for $53,000 to the Bruce County Board of Education, without, having` a writ'served to force collection,' In reporting this; payment, Treasur- ,er`Roland Swanson suggested that - 'it proves that the board's claim for immediate: payment was justified . Townshp•officr"als :had asked .' fora, few days' delay before the writ would beissued, so that they could consult their solicitor. When ,payment in' full was' made within this period of grace , Mr. Swanson said, it indicatedthat the advice received by the township supported the board's position. He also reported that more. than $37,000 was received from; town- ships' which had not reached their . 'due date for taxes yet.: Finance chairman. Alan Whicher was credit ed with,• suggesting that payment' of taxes by, summer residents might make ,these funds •available . • The special co -o peration,in turn=; ing over early receipts was given by the townships Of 'Albemarle ,' . Bruce, Eastnor and Lindsay, and the village of-Lit*sHead ;•WALKERTON, STILL SLOW The bad :mews ,.Mr.. Swanson rep'-• orted', ;was that. Walkerton, had d ragged its 'feet" for two • month on the first requisition,. was:now a month. overdue 'on':their; second instalment., Tf payment, • was not received.'soon the -board's solicitor would be instructed: to ' issue a. writ to sue for,payrr`1ent. aoyd •Liesemer objected that it was erribarrassing for'him to learns through the press that a -mun- icipality he represented was in trouble; with the board. answer to questions, Mr-.'•Liesemer. said the:press 'report concerned, did not come from. the board', •but was a reportof a 'Walkerton council meet•' ink :.Ivlr. S thisonTsuggestedd-th t the controversy should not•have , surprised the board member,; as reports on tax payments. had been Our experienced mechanics spot the trouble before expensive damage sets in. We assure top performance with the best tools, materials. Fast service, too! made regularly at board Meetings-, 'and, Walkerton' was on• the list of delinquents; • • Director J. L.: Bowers. assured Mr,. Liesemer that the •adminis- trativestaff would co-operate, operate•• in advisin himl,: