The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-09-24, Page 4*G FOU . THE: LUCKNOW SENTINEL, 'LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY,'SEPTEMBER 24th, IN IIISitrigthletrreseN'Ir $10144 {II •134.1EC OIAQt, Sin 18r •0016 109 •. 1 N' Nita lodar. PANKall Mane., 169 at 4/ le al 130 14,1147. 60..11;%ti.ti 'ic'irtin 1401 CO '20 rEctilfriattr02 W. at NON 222 yells IP•MIC9, f.REGple, 1.011 1146,0 encv. 415 51, 14 t. FOR SA EAVESTROUGHING on hciuse or barn. • Metal flashings.' Roof• re - .pairs. CHIMNEYS built. Free 'es- timates. Morrison Bros., 528-2546, BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Contact Lloyd Johnston, R.R. 3 Holyrood, phone 395-5390. • VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service for all makes, R. K. Peck, Varna, Fhone 262- • RUST CRAFT boxed Christmas THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL is cards 'are now on display at Fin - in Lucicnow. Pick up an extra copy from Mel. FOR SALE 1111111111000111111111111111111111111115 FOR 'SALE - 1963 Dodge eight automatic, with certifitate, N. jW. _COMET WELDERS (180 and -30(1 anhp.) compressions, grinders, fer- tilizer augers, power bin, cleaners, rods an:I accessories., George Mes•- Ripley, Phone 395-2815. Smith Roles Ltd. London, Saskatoon. Try Comet 'before you buy. , Lawnmowers and Tillers tuCKNOW DISTRICT • CO-OP 'JUMBO PLAYING CARDS - available from the Lucknow Sent- inel at $1.19 •per deck.. If poor eyesight prevents you from enjoy- , ing, a card game, these cards with' large numbers and illustrations, • may be just what' you need. FOR SALE - a bronze time Zen- ith wringer washing machine, large - tub and heavy duty wringer. Excel- lent condition. Reasonable. Phone Mrs. Mike Lucas 357-3261. , CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING .EVery Tuesday anct Thursday Pigs and Cattle,•Tuesday • Cattle Only; Thursday BILL'S MEAT „MARKET •FOR. SALE-- used Gilsen dryer, low 'medium, high heat control. Compact size 1-.26". Good running phone 528-3112. • READ STOCK ' Fresh , dead cows over 1;000 pounds, $12.00 each; dead horses, $20.00 each; over 500 pounds ac - :LORENZ • REMOVAL DURHAM Call C011eCt 369-2410 . ADDING, MACHINES , In stock are two models.; hand operated "Victor with add and sub- ectrkoally operated Commodore with /an features, $135. See tncni both at The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528-3134. Buy your Barn Fans no* at the FOR SALE --= Weaned pigs, eight CUSTOM SILO FILLING - $15 an acre with one tractor. $18 an• acre with two tractors. Cliff Huffman, R.11, 5 Lucknow, phone 357-'2688 'or • FOR SALE - Beatty 'washing machine. Jim tyons Lurknoir. CUSTOM BULLDOZING Con-, tact Chester .:Nicholsonl• phone, FOR SALE - Massey Ferguson No. 74 three furrow plow, •14". phone 5M-6345, FOR SALE raspberry •canes - Hardy - heavy, Producing ettes. Leonard Chisholrn, phone 529-7205. FOR SALE .-- 3 Season oil heater, automatic electric ignition less than a year old. Cost $220, will sell for $150. Jack McGuire, R.R. 5 THINKING OF .-A MOBI'LE 'HOME: Many Makes ,and Modelt tO, 'choose, MOBILE HOMES LTD: Tel. (Code 416) 6324400 BRIAN-RINTOUL LICENSED AUCTIONEER WHITECHURCH PHONE 357-2349 DUMONT ALUMINUM ' SALES and SERVICE, windows, doors, 'awnings, sidings; For free estithate call Roy Eznberlin, ,your local dealer. ' FOR SALE - Palamino Model Quarter horse, stallion, 5 years old. Registration No, 14159-P. Dale Hartwick, Box 10 Harriston, phone 338-3608. TAT.. and. ElectriC, •phone 52873112. ' DEAD ,-ELMS :are , dangerous! Let tis. 'remove thein and other trees Safely. Also tree, pruning and 'cus- tom saWing.. Call. Roy's Tree• Ser., • vice at TeeSwater 392-6069. PEN SPECIALS.-- buy a Bic 49c' peit 'and get two. 19c Bic. .pens FREE;• buy a Paper Mate 41.95 • pen m.6 get a• Tempo nylon tip •The,,,Lucknow. Sentinel, Phone 528= FOR SALE - one Nuffield 3 - 42 • tractor, 2007 hours. Owner giving up •farming.. phone 529-7664. CLOVER' AND GRASS SEED high and 32%" wide, complete With screen and-windowsHock-key and • ROOfINo' AND :SHEET METAL SPecializing in flat build-up - ' 'roofS with asphalt i06 KING CLINTON May, lst. Contact- Alex-'MowbraY,- Lucknow 52873711. NOTICE • NOTICE 'ATTENTION' BOWLERS • MEN'S LEAGUE Anyone wishing AO '.bOwl in the 9 p.m.••Men's•Bowling League, con- tact BilrHuntel3owling-commerF res TueSday, :September 30th.. CLOSING AOTICE . Beryl's Beauty Salon will -be Grass Seed. Bring in a sample for ther notice. • ' • :LUCKNOW CO-OP t' A REAL DEAL I BIC PENS, - are fast capturing the Canadian :market after being introduced in Canada a Short/ time ago. The Sentinel ,has ,a good offer for 'any businessman or anyone - who tises a number of pens. Buy 1 dozen Bic 49d pens at the regular price and get two, dozen Bic 19c 19:_gie_g_x_ie ,tember-- - s7FRE-Enn4-"value-tcrr- 26th at 9.p.m, 'or phone Mrs. Jelle 0.88. The Lucknow'SentinekPhone de Jong 395-2764. , Royal • Canadian 'Legion- &mph No: 309, ,Lucknow, will hold a sup- per meeting. on 'Tuesday, • Septem- ber 30th at 7.:f5„p.M. All membere are requested to attend. ATTENTION KINLOSS BOWLERS. Anyone interested:in, bowling in the Kinloss Bowling League:come. ,Vacuum cleaning- and Pumping, of , Septic tanks,' Ronald Forster; Lueknow-,--phone 528 2346 manu ..T.V.-ANTENNA SERVICE Repairs.' and •Installation, Free Estimates,: Year •: Retind, _Service, facturer of Cement , septic ' tanks and well' tile. ' • •lect; Box 467, Hanover, Ontario.. • SILO AND ROOF EXTENSIONS Anyone wishing to have exten- sions on their silos or roofs, please • call Or Write.' This can be done now. George Wraith, Box 95, Goderich. Phones Residence 524-7002 or Shop 524-6511. UCTION SALE. VitiVe Ith COMING EVENTS 'Legion. 'Hall, Lticknow, Thuis day, 8;45 p.m.. 15 regular games, $10.00 each. 4 Share The •Wealth games...with jackPot included in each game.-:Tarkpot this, week. $90 on 58 calls. .1 RECEPTION A Reception 'will be•held in hon- our of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gutos- kie (Donna RintOul) in Whitechurch Hall, on Saturday, ,September 27th. Tiffin's orchestra, 'Lunch will be" served. • RAINY RIVER DISTRICT STOCKER AND FEEDER. SALE Stock Yards, Stratton', 'Ontario Monday, October 6, 11 aan. 2500 •head consisting of 60% cal- ves, 20% yearling steers and hell= ers '15% 2 year old steers and performance tested bulls; soine preconditioned calvei; all cattle" weighed„ off truck less 3% shrink - LuCknow RUMMAGE SALE Rummage sale will be held at the °Salvafion, Army, Goderich on Saturday,. September • 27th, at. 1;30 It is happening at Canada's Largest Rural Fair on' FRIDAY and SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, and 27. Friday evening The DELL FAMILY of • LOndon enter,: tains. Saturday, THE TRAVEL- LERS television and recording art- ing. Dance follows evening. show. Also -at FAIR• Band; Chariot Rades; Airplane 'acrobat- ies; 4-H Silver Dollar •Competition; newest •Apollo filth; Agricultural shoWs; new • Cars; Rides; 'Free FAIR - FRIDAY and SATI.IR- DAY,.SEPTEMBER 26 and 27. CARD OF THANKS ossac am wighes to express thanks to, all who sent. cards and Visited him, 'while he. was in Vic- toria Hospital, London and' thanks to those who helped, ont 'at home: All was, •very-inuch-appreciated. WANTED WORK WANTED -- all kinds of sewing and. knitting. Contact Mrs, MALE HELP WANTED * . I can find an• honeat man with. a car I'll set hini ,up in his own high income sales' and iervi.ce 'bus- iness. This business repeats year after year. No money required to start. Apply to Ed Bauer, Wing. hain. phone 357-3805. • WANTED - Pin Setters for Luck - now BoWl.• APPIY in person at 'FEMALE HELP WANTED Part time opportunity displaying.i Beeline Fashions, Earn an. extra income without neglecting your family and hcime. Free wardrobe twice yearly. No 'collecting; no- -deliveringi-no investment. For. in -2 - HELP WANTED.-- domestic help, One day per week, or two half days for cleaning, ironing. Contact Mrs. . PREVAILING TRICES PAID FOR FRESH DEAD OR 'DISABLED COWS AND' HORSES Small Animals •Removed Free Of Charge PFIONE• COLLECT WALKERTON 881-3459 REMOVAL ' The family - of the late John Bernard .Emerson wish to expreSs their Sincere •thanks to relatives and neighbours for the' many pets of kindness,..messages of sympathy, floral:tributes and donations to the heart' fund, received during the sudden loss of a dear husband and brother, Special thanks to Rev. Kenneth Rooney. • • Mrs. John, Emerson, AR, BROTHERS DEAD smc REMOVAL We pay up to $15 for fresh, dead, disabled .cows 'and horses. accord Moved free of charge', • • PHONE -BRUSSELS 133 COLLECT , ...MEMORIAM. StIEFiWOOD -- in loving rnemorY -Of a dear husband, father • and Deepfkoeripngtieotn.r'.h.earts your memory is To. love .and' to cherish and never hd usa ubIntearss itSnh;iir lfeaymai inide sN. o m a , their -1 wish to thank all those, who re- membered me in various ways, while I was a patient •St. Mary's Jos L MacMillan BARN ,* EQUIPMENT ,- Acorn unbeaten for ' hog barns; chain cleaner, bunk feeders, silo •unload - tanks; Ilawkeye ,cast iron hog feeder and heated rattle Waterers; Westeel-ROsco' Steel Granaries; Al - PHONE SINES BR,OS, for crush. so handle. complete line of . clay al gravel, cement gravel, Pit -run 'Pushbutton:Form Equipment. Lynn "'gravel, top soil and fill. 528-5203. Lowry, Ar,nberleYo phone Ripley 395-5286. 7 PLAYING CARDS Plastic coated single decks from SIlisICER SERvicE - Repairs to $1.19 Up as Well 'as double 'decks all makes and models; Sales and only). Drop in at The Lucknow Co. of Canada,,phone 357-3730 after .4, 'AUCTION SALE- . AUCTION SALE of household furniture. & 'antique articles' Will be held for Miss Flora air* 'in the village Of • Dungannon on Triday, September16 at 1:36. Offering in- cludes dining room table and six chairs, Philips TV set,, radio,/ En- terprise kitehen wood stove, elec- trit. stove, sideboard, chesterfield MO 2 .chairs, bed and mattress, chair, arm chair, ;hall stand With mirror, trunks, pine chest, wash- •ing, machine, eleCtric milk past- eurizer, pressure Cooker,4 some dishes, wood, garden tools and , TERMS CASH The Family of the late 1VIrs. abella (James) MarDenald wish to express their appreciation of the sincerity and kindnesses rendered; for 'the numerouS ' gifts, cards, treats from family, friends and 'ac- quaidances during her 'long • il- lness. Sincerest' appreciation Is' ex- tended Dr. M. IL Corrin,'Dr. Jack McKim; nursing staff On the chron- On behalf, of the Olivet • United Church ' messengers We wish to thank all who helped to make otir and Mrs. Walter Black s-O more will live