The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-09-17, Page 14Joanne Hendriks Is Club. President The first meeting of the Colwan- osh; Learning. Lassies was held at he -home -of -Mrs. Carl Rieg P Saturday.°�Se tember 13' at 2;0 . The meeting was: opened. with t e 4-H. Pledge . Eight. members were • .. present . •" The leader: is Mrs. Carl' Riegling and her. assistant, Miss Diane Zinn. • The election of officers was as follows President , Joanne. Hendricks; Vice President, Lynn Austin; Treasurer., Mary Ann. Miltenburg; Secretary,Revolving Press Reporter, Revolving. • Business: The fee for ' each member was decided to be $1.00.' The members made plans to go to a film on "Needlecraft" on Tues- day the 16th of September at 8:30 p.m. in St Helen's Hall. Home Economist Mrs. Wheatly will be commentating. Th,e nextmeetng,rv, .;will be held at Mrs. Riegling's ,home on September 27th at 2:00 i r ■• • Discussion: General outline of project including the requirernents of members.. Miss Zinn 'read`. pages land 2 'from the Member's ..Pamphlet on; •Requirements. of Club. Members, .Record''Book.and. embroidery work box contents. We discussed the Learning Stitches. The leaders then showed pictures • .and'gave different ideas for the "Free;Choice.Artic.le"/which .is to be made during the Club. We ' discussed the colour wheel.; Icolours and the matching of colours. Group Work:. The members decid• ecLto wait with the decision of what.to make, until they .have , seen the film;._,_ . _ The meeting wasmelosed with . • the Queen..• " Tilt LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO Fancy. Stitchers • Kairshea Fancy Stitchers 4-H .Club met on Wednesday evening at the, home of Mrs. George Young, Miss Anne Patrick. Home Econom. ist, was present She showed slides, o comp etea pieces 0, em •rot cry. The demonstration wasthe Feather' m y Stitch . Each giri cornpleted:•a sample, of this: For,group,.work, each girl. showed her pictures of free choice articles.: • - • ' Arrangements Were, made for setting up the. exhibit "Being Well Dressed and Well Groomed" at lucknow and Teeswater Fall. Fair., Mrs. Young served lunch Whitechurch 4-H. WHITECHURCH NEWS Whitechurch 4-11 Club held their 3rd meetin in Whitechurch • Community Memorial Hall on Sat urday ,...September 13 at 9;30 1.m. President Joyce 'Tiffin opened the''. meeting with the • 4-H pledge rep- eated in ep-eated.in unison: The minutes were read by Irene 'deBoer. . .Thirteen Memnbers answered' the roll call by telling a use for the. Blanket or Button Hole 'Stitch . The next meeting is Friday, .September 19 at 4 p.m. in Whitechurch Hall.? Irene deBoer demonstrated how to enlarge a design. The..;discuss. ion' centred' on 'how to enlarge the design and ,the uses of blanket stitch The group did sample stitches of feather stitches acrd decided 'n color scherne for each lineof design on runner. All worked; doing feather, stitches on• their tuner:°. 'The meeting close4 with the .4-H* Creed . - Corinne Cranston Is Stitch'n Time St. Helen's Pres. Carol'Campbell° opened the second meeting of Stitch'n Time • k.. The first meeting of the St with the 4-H Pledge:: It was -field Helen's' Happy Handicrafters was in the town hall on :September 10th held in the St. Helen's hall on '• at 4:00 • September .9 at 7:30. • 18 girls Were • Ei•ht_ •irls answered the roll call., •resent. The leaders are Mrs:,.' "the learning stitches article I *have. McPherson, ;Mrs: .Gaunt, Mrs. chosen to make, and why".' Gail Aitcheson and Mrs. Errington:. Pritchard read the minutes "of the The 'election of officers opened last meeting. Every one agreed to the,tmeeting.. President - Corinne' use-r-ose-coverand-each=girlis-to— ..{-Cranston ,: Vicom=Pr-esideat Linda bring a design for the cover Mewhinney, Secretary - Vera Creating'a picture was discussed... ' MacDonald„ '.Treasurer. Loree Everyone worked the .blanket stitch Gammie, Press, Reporter Lois on her sample and marked the Struthers. runners. The meeting'closed with I Next the -leaders' distributed, the the,4-HCreed:• books.' The discussion started when ' the leaders outlined the steps of the pro jec t.:',They' also told'. what to bring to the next meeting,. The ,leaders •are sending to •the . Zippy. Zronettes • Scarlett Fabric •Cornpan , in. Hamil :on for the material,.. . The'third .meeting:was'held'. on r • do September 16th the Mothers September 13 at Elva Ritchie's are invited to go to the hall at • home. 'The president opened -the. 8: to see Susan. Wheatleys' slides. Set School Rent Rates.ln:.Huron: BY RICHMOND ATKEY In need- of an over-all policy for 1 -the -schools -i - County, Board of Education.has corn up with a schedule df fees for the' use of theschool facilities in the 39 schools ,'outside of school hours; It ranges from $50 for the use 'of a large auditorium (only two avail- able, at South Huron DHS at Exeter and Goderich District High School), down to $5 for the use of a. class-: orn4Tha-ny-sehool-owned=and-oper - aced by the Board•. In answer to a query from. John Broadfiot',, R R'. 1, Brucefield ,. John:$..,Lavis, chairman, ruled that Tuckersmith.Township Council, which has-been meeting in Huron Centennial Public' School,. near Brucefield, would be required to pay the minimum .fee• lothink a municipal. council 1 • 1 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER lith, 1 would be classed as non-profit.," -Mr. Lavis suggested: • - ®' e . mount of fees. • 1 1 1 chargedby the Board will be on the basis of "non-profit"' of "no admission charge" , . and "profit" or admission charge . " Report was adopted on motion of Mrs. Marilyn Kunder, Seaforth,, and Mrs: J. W. Wallace, Goderich. ,Schedule of fees was struck gas .. follows: ,(a) Elementary 'schools; , _aucl tor,iuin_(-$11Lnon_pr-o.fit $15 profit); auditorium• , plus kitchen ($15.non-profit, $25 profit); library $10; library/T.. plus'kitchen, $15; standard' class- ;. room, $5 non-profit or profit; (b) Secondary Schools: large. auditorium ($15 non-profit, $50 profit); auditor Sum ($l0 non-profit, $25 profit) cafeteria. (no kitchen privileges) ($10 non-profit, $15 profit); class room ($5, non profit or profit).. Arrangements for lighting, sou stage ereyys,, are to be made and paid to appro riate student or student organization through the -school-principal. • u'1 know there will be. some kick backs on'this;: but we must have a policy common to :all schools, chairman Lavis declare "There will be problems to work out when we dome to them. " he said Authority to rent facilities'was, delegated: through the iree `ter' • of Education• to;the individual school principal. Custodians. are to be on duty whenever facilities. are used'outside4regular school hours with extra compensation to Pe lie paid` by the Board. No fee is to be charged . when facilities are being used for instructional., educational or sch functions,. the: Board decided. • ONTARIO HEALTH SERVICES INSURANCE PLAN *You can apply now, as an individual- on a Pay -Direct basis or through ,a: :Gro.up, regardless; of your gage, 'health or financial means. ' A : .in the potec i benefits of "e4i.eryone's ` health in; surance" in Ontario. After Oct. every employer of_ _5 or nzore' 'errs pending upon, your annual taxable • p g p .income. If you .enroll after'Oct. lst, you may .:have to wait. up to 3 months after on..,an: your:application is approved before: ""`— our covers a withbe in :W 5 :,. about being unprotected? Don't, delay—enroll today. meeting with the .4-H pledge, The The next meeting, will be Septemb Roll Call - "Places the,Blanket.or er 18th at 7;30. The -meeting end .Buttonhole stitch could be used" ed with the 441 'pledge. was answered by six members Wilma Hackett then read ,the minutes of the last meeting. Next.meettng is to be at Leone Cranston's home on September 26 at 41,)O, . The club is going to set up an 'exhibit for the Lucknorv. lair. There will.be a meeting at St:: Hcle-n's-T-uesd-aay:16 at. 8 Discussion: Uses of the Blanket rt , , • or Button Stitch, Group Work: " • : • Feather stitch and two variations Brenda 'Ritchie thanked the host- • as Mrs. Frank 'Ritchie after we closed with; the Queen. oferi' a complete selection of *gliding announcements styled for tine discrim. ivatio6. :Ploye.'es must•enroll every employee in. OHSIP. 'Any employer. of more .;than 5 but.fewer,than 15 may apply for Group coverage. ; Monthly . premium rates will be: Single ,$5.90.; 'Couple $114.80; . Family '$14.75.' You can obtain OHSIP. protection free, or receive partial . premium assistance, de- • You .need not apply -if you are pres- entlyenrolled in OMSIP or in a prr nate plan. Your insurance will con- tira.ue without interruption provided you maintain your coverage. • OHSIP does not pay for,hospitaliza- 'tion. You obtain •protection against the costs' of hospital care through your Ontario Hospital Insurance. You may obtain an application form at any branch of_a Chartered Bank, or writing to OHSIP at. • 2195 Yonge St., Toronto 7. Telephone 482-1111 ONTARIO'HEALTH SERVICES INSURANCE PLAN • ONTARIO DEPARTMENT HEA LTA Hon. T6rnas, L. Wells, Minister: