The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-09-10, Page 20PAGII TWENTY. . .4. •THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO r • . WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th, 11 WITH EASY CARE EVERY WOMAN WANTS YOUR, "LOWEST PRICES' FOOD1..AND - • . tedWooL. IUan Wool 54" Wide. :Hand Waslidale, Plain --find Plaid • $S95: yd. •,, ,$•\,•'1,*\• ..4,' , ., , • '''''. ,*., ,, \,,,,:s -,:s•s: .,,„ Criliplelle Machine washable, drip dry, ,..„\ dean' resistalit .. . 601, ., wide ' .,ec'. \ ,,.i \*.S.,',•,.. " • \ .. s. :•.• • ••••'.....-..• $6.95 and. $7.95 \s• - • • • . - .\,-tN ,. Washable Printed and Plain , 36" wide $1.59 and $1.89 yd. Polyester Crepe Machine Washable, drip dry, Ir iron 45" wide $4.50 yd. 40111'1. 'b • WaShable, '-.py.. •PatterlIS'! , • • I#ty.'• Polars. . ....... Water Etepdlent Velveteens a 36" wide printed aid plain $3.30 $535 , $129 yd. A plew Shilanient Of - . . • •HAS. ARRIVED FOR YOUR FALL. SEWING —'34!` WIDE . , 69c yd.' • 4 Ladies' and Mee's' Weir AGENT FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS ree Pickup and Delivery Tuesday and Friday Illness _, „c„,....„....._ .....„_...... 4 • . .. , Plagues c " " 12'g:72 :7 Hcsz.-ital. z - • ' Mrs.; 'Pete: zet1:--tte'io.1he8lao,c,:ze Frie-av tt:e. •1/4--eteral 1-los,ritil,atKizza.:7,±z.,,tte beizz t,atient R"e..:%.*: 'eldest sIste":. t-Eztesz,Cazte: • . Leek hef vziatit= Se.: =oche: Mts Donal:Isot, I-Jot:7. of . , it A •e.'!,4 • ,leriera," Hosr,,-.tal • 8, an: THAT Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ritchie And James have joined Lucknow United Churchby transfer of Membership from the Ashfield. Circuit and Mrs. Herb Curran • has transferred her membership .from'Blake,United Church to. Lucknow ' • THAT Lorraine Boyle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boyle, ; °of Lucknow tried her•Girl Guide Camper:s Bade last Week -end at.. the Girl,Guide Camp at Ayton. • '• She was accompanied on.4the.60 end .Camp -out by three other local: tgaise:s . :‘Ellen Havens.and Kathy, Treleaven THAT'the Lucknow. Fall Fair has some:blight new features for • • . ' young and old this year, You will want see the harness. and. • hitching contest, the pet' show, • the 'flog jumping contest and the • ' turtle race', the flower demonstra- tions' at 2.15 and 3 30, the anti— que'.' .• display ant the baby. show ' Three classes will. go as usual in the baby show. • The 12 to 18 month classnot listed' in the • Fair book., will be held so be' stire • and make this mental note 4.d.....ttya,..t. • . • . • • THAT...a goodcrow was on hand SundaY'afternbon for the bali, game in Lucknow featuring Bel- fast against Sands Clippers of Goderich. Belfast won 5-3 Paul Henderson hu a home run for Sand, Belfast. 'About $45 was raised in • , • aid of minor 'sport7 SALADA 60 COUNT Tea Bags SAVE 10c Pkg. 79c Rt.PRICED E. 00 SMITH 11 oz, • , SAVE 10c oma o lisup es 3YC KELLOGG'S 12 OZ. Corn Flakes COLD WATER DETERGENT Arctic Power 15c OFF PACK SAVE9c Pkgs. 65c P . SAVE TO 24c illy" 89c HIGHLAND PRIDE EXCLUSIVE Fresh Coffee Pond 79c .. • . . , PL.,ANTERS 16' OZ.. '8c OFF LABEL. . . •SAVE 10c Peanut Butter Pay Only 35c THAT 'Lloyd Stewart,' son•of.Mr. • and Mrs. Philip Stewart of Luck - 'now, is soloist at the Hamilton • . football stadium.and sings the • national anthem at the opening • , of all Hamilton football „. •• • • . , • 1.1 convertible,. and would be willing• ,-y7A-•VOtOenti,t_ut_e_au_ _ • . . . ni Get Your Canning Peaches Nowl other Load Of 50lbs. Sugar At Good Price VALuts..EF:FEcTIVE. ••••... • ..!rmiNE.; /.. SEPTEMBER '11, '12, • 13 LUCKNOW .• , . • • held a dessert ,and' euchre party in I with you ,..give chailie a phone the Ripley ,Legionliall on,friday, call. If you don't have a coni Sth; Prizes were won tible, ini&J,ht by a gbod tifne.tO by Mrs. George Sutherland and buy One.. „ rs. o n ac.aa , ; o un t teers were (-riven information , • '' re4irdirie the Blind Collection to •• be held in RipleV. "A brief husin•-:,; session follow ec , • • . • THAT. Allan Miller of 1,4ngside To:onto tells us that farmers in. the Langs.ide distritt have been , bot,hee8 by,a couple of dogs .cat •1 with the occUzzen4-,..... ez between 3 and E.36.,a,rn.... • :•Fot- differea'- farmers have had ••1'.•- • • r41.• ork, • . • WHEN. FOLKS TALK .OR/CES THEY NEVER ovenng t.; • ens • • 24,,s 4e Y4..e.„ et, al 'Than . , . the ai a:a, de and even- .. beauty Contest whiclz will pick, Miss Midwestern Ontaz4o, is busy :hese :Ives t•ountd.iztz ut,. the tecess- 2.-.1.• enz-...1 to'--nake a V.ICCeS.Sfili 1-.1as beet -irk touch .. e F ate etti.' es. • • • • . • . . „ iTeeli. re..heeasc, ' . .•'11 :t. :kr, :14 Pr...Z,Z4rir ro dr . r r. .41..• r: .4: - .4...e,,,,,,,, 4.. , '. • ' IZ.M. 411,: ..^".,,,,'...."*„ , '',. , a,.. • ).1.....i .. ' ' ...:.:t ......,...,,,,-,e...... 44 ....,:----, .1.'........• , . .- . ' 1 • ..... 14.Z44.-.. .... ..,.... , .. ....,.. ,i•.,.z., .-..4 .., :e. ,.... ..• ',.. -.:4..'.', *..-. .-...*,:''.e.'"."e' .a:,,,Li,,:..,A• •''•.' .'.'•T .• .t17•t:41.•.,••,••,••.1.v,e::; *4:...t7' rLt'.i1z".,,..:e-.,t ...Z:.:..,.".,„.;.'''....„ ...., .-';..."'': ,. :1. ..,.•• .- !_.-_trz.• t.-- . , . 84 ...:' "71:— _. ''''`-- .........r...,.:.i,4.1..',..z ,.41...N4...4 ..,.•7.,....-,'..rilhdr..4...1..1...1...1r,Z,tz. i, v-H• i *0 • :. 7'4'; rrr,r4 .** ''''''' ' 1;''''''''' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' , ..... QM W., w ;I e.0.44*.• w w w e se. . ., , . , , , .' 1,.,We. ' ' , ' ,,,, 4 mw :iii, ••• tro.... ,•• ,7,.. . . .7: ,.••.r• ,. t. ..:11:.... . . •i••• • C,....,. 1...04..... va4+ . . • .... . • • . , •. • • ' THOUGHT S 11011:S - THEYRf THE BEST 95 lino Asbestos Tile x 12c each 1 1 529-3013 wed ...Shit HOME FURNISHINGS MOFFAT APPLIANCES • , .‘ e ' . • • 1