The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-09-10, Page 111%! roof Tx •'WEDNESDAY, ;SEPTEMBER. 10h 1961. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, .ONTARIO PAGE' ELEVEN port= enly EDWIN HARRISON; LANGSIDE NEWS. • Edwin Gordon Harrison passed On Saturday evening, Septerrtber a away suddenly in the Kincardine " 6th a reception was held .inthe and District General Hospital on Whitechurch C'ommunity.Meniorial the second of. September, 1969 in Hallin honor:of Mr. and Mrs.. . • his '70th year. Mac Conley (Lorene Errington). ' : Son of the late John and, Mary A very large crowd was present .(Carleton): Harrison, he was born a'l.1: at k. °ssdn .. . 511o:w..•:. rer,bv- n•ed.. � , ler alden ho on eis in Huron•TOWns:hrp on.Hovexnber- 20 , 1899. u. . On ,December '24, 1923 he was.. united in, marriage to Estherr' Mary • MacNair who •survivesalong with` three daughters, Lois Mrs. Morford Mackay, Marilyn, Mrs. Ronald Lowry, 'both of Duron Township. Dorothy, Mrs.. D'ouglas Green, of Kincardine. Township;, and three' sons, Jack and Rae of -Toronto, and Howard of -Huron Township. Also surviving are twenty, grandchildren and a' brother. Lennie,: He was .' Predeceased by two sisters, Alice, • Mrs•, John McLean, 'and'Ella, Mrs. J, O. Armstrong and, one brother Arnold; .to enjoy thegathering and dance to the music ofA1 Mllervs-gre- es- tra. Doing the* calling were; Brian Rirtoul and Allan Miller., After lunch, was served, Mr, and. Mrs, •Conley were called to the front: by. Allan Miller:.. Harvey Miller thenread an<<address and;. Bill Moffat presented. the couple.' with al large gift of money,.' LAN•GSIDE., ONTARIO ' September 6, 19.69 Dear Lorene and Mac,, We are gathered herr tonite to honor you on your -recent marriage. We •hope that' as you start down' life's'°new path that you will have all your ambitions and dreams s hove of sports and his`ddedica- come.true and' hope ,all your troub- tion to the principles of,sportsman- • les are wee' ones. • ship will long be remembered, not. Mac; you have always been a only-by-tIrose-wxthrrhom h67 -was--- goodne:iglibour Ad. were always associated''in,sports,• but also by his many young:and'enthusiastie follbwers Rev., George N Ball conducted funeral services on September 4t:h. .at,McL,ennari Funeral Horne', Kincardine; during which Gordon, Bridge sang '"Beyond.. the Sunset". Interment was:in.,the Kincardine Cemetery. Pallbearers were, Ralph Elliott..Stewart Farrell,; Stanley Drennan W'. R. Lowry, Edward :Harrison and Gordon, Flow.erbearers were six grandsons Bill; and Allan Ivla.ckay;,, Don and; Kevin Harrison,. John. and.. Kenneth Green,: • G..• he M•.t, •E er- :lose ' , one uar ei ' t?ah ir- the .. al the: • K on the call if help was; needed .in anyway. Lorene we all are pleased to'. know that Mac just drove across to St. Helen's to date and Marry a local girl: We are sorry to see you ;leave • the Langside community, but :hope; that you will come back and .visit your old : friends and . neighbours often and renew aquaintances On behalf of this;' gathering,• we ask:you to accept this giftand hope that }eau wi11 have many._ ..:_.. . years of ha married life . } ,Signed on behalf of your'friends and neighbours; •• Bill Moffatt Allan Miller, . Eugene MacMillan,. • Mrs, Lorne Sparks was admitted to •Winghain ,and District Hospital'. last Sunday afternoon and 'later transferred to St: Joseph's' Hospital, London . We •wish' her a speedy recovery; .;. TO GUELPH AND SCARBOROUGH Two South Kinloss young people,, leave this week to further ;their education. Jim MacKinnon, son • ef MT.. ai-rd= rs'. Fz KIa7K rr-t t has regisered at the University of Guelph for the two-year Diploma •' Course in Agriculture, and Connie MacKenzie dau•hter• of Mr;and. Mrs... •Frank MacKenzie, registers. : Friday; at Centennial College,'. Scarborough. for a two-year course' in Secretarial. Science , ENTERS FOURTH 'YEAR Doug las Dickie registered Monday for hisfourth year in the Honour Science Course at the . University of Guelph, . Donna Burt of London has spent, ee=k-'•s ac-ataien-wit-1 her. parents ,.Mr and Mrs, ° Jim, Burt,: Nancy and Robert.' • • estsJ-wwith- r -aunt - \Mrs . John Needham' were: Mr. and • Mrs. Clair MacDougall of Mark - dale, Mr. and /virs. Reid Smith of London, Mrs. Louise Reid, of Corunna and Mrs, Jean•Ruttan'of will be ,inducted ,as minister of Lucknow , South Kinloss and DPrigannon Presbyterian churches at Luckhowchurch on Thursday • Mr: and .Mrs, Ted Collyer an Saturday froth a three-week motor, tripthrough Western Canada . in Victoria. HospilL London was able to spend the week -end at ' Lorene and: Mac both thanked everyone for putting the dance on •" and invited one, and all to• come ,. and'see.them in. Lucknow. Every= onethen joined in to` sing "For. They Are a Jolly Good Couple ,One of the.highlights •of the evening was a tape recorder •taping• the dance and, speeches, which will be sent over to Germany to' Mr. ,and . Mrs. .Ron Conley in, the . near 'future.. sThe= aftgs4 d :. C . 0-. C . -rnet en- = Sunday ..September 7th during the church service. Mr. A;, Murch of .Waterloo conducted church service:. y:nffrom-Langsid'e..atte ded the reception in Whitechurch•'on S•atur- dayy evening for Mr. and Mrs. Mac Conley Mr- and Mrs: Ted°Collyer returned from a trip to Western Canada., • Is your present job. a "HOL:E" or a., stepping• stone. A". castle or. tx prson•? •. If you're really happy with your pr..esent and future j breer , ,.,, good: for' you., If you're not completely satisfied, then, maybe we hel'p.. 'We're a Targe: school. that has been: created to . help people. We help , them, to ,change careers, " when necessary,. through professional counselling and dedicated. teaching.' We help them to 9et',along better' with others, and with themselves. We're not "MIRACLE WORKERS'' but .we do, have a lot of success stories to tell you. ; 'If a' change to any of the_ se zareer possibilities interests :you, andyou're serious about your future. •the'n. we'd' like to hear from you. C eh c :�Ov:er ' Tfi'rs st Ani T eh n "Follow The Simple Steps . TECHNICAL •. • Appliance 'Servicing. • • •Apeliance. and Vendina Machina Servkinq • Building CarpMker . and Janitorial Service •. Butchers and Me, cutters • • • Carnenfers' • Unaradina' Coors*. (Elemontarv) • Carpenters (Upgr0dina1 "Pore-Anorenticeship , • Carpenters, Iingradinn Course ' (Advanced), • Carpentry . (Pre-Apnrentice) • Certifiod Ruildinn custodian • • Chief Training (Pre -Apprenticeship) • •./lining . Room Service • • Drafting: • Electric. Motor Rewinding and Repair • (electronics •:'Food Service Heber • • .furniture Refinishing ;• and •Repair • Furniture Upholstering and Repair , • •interior : Design 'and ,Decoration • : Lathe Operator •.Machine Shop. . • Office. Equipment'. Servicing • 'Manufacturing Inspedtten (Mechanical) • Sfeel •Layout and . Welding ' • ,Welding Fitter. • Wotding Operator i`lAMeedwerking--Techniques _- . :..._ ,- . _.._... ,z�. Your 'adult '.education centre has•'•. a working' program of •"In -Industry. Training" currently underway.' Ask our Industrial Training Division.fai' full details,:" Many of these courses accompany a special course In orientation (3 . weeks),' ' • COMMERCIAL • nusiness-Mechines--Lepd Bookkeeper g •• Business Machines • • Business Machines (Servicing): ' • Business, Practice (Elementary) • Clerk -Typist . • Commercial' Accountancy • • Commercial Clerical ' • Contmerclai-=Dictating Machines' • • Commercial -Refresher Course " .' • Commercial -Stenographic • Electronic Data Processing • (Keypunch • and, Verifier) • ,.:COMMUNICATIONS •. Advertising' Sales and Service -• .Journalism-Newswriting • Offset- Printing • • Retailing and Merchandising BASICS • Orientation riffs wrens) • English as a Second Language e Basic: Training for Skill DevelopmiM (Grades 14) • • Basic' Training for, skilhDeveiopment-- • (erodes 7, •, I). 11, 12)` No longer need you. hove .a language •problem, ' we also have; courses.. in English.''' as' a Second language. Advice 'on Employment 'Opportune= 'hes f IrE C..c raduates-isavail: able from your C.M.C. '•111:)11.V.:% TO REGISTER AT A:E • 111 Mr. 'and Mrs. Bob-Br`egman and ,boys and Donald and :Ken• Scott spent Saturday at Western Fair. Several. attended the Thresher- men. s..ei n. on h on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. .Gordon Wall visit-. -ed' relativesra - and Auburn on Sunday., Joanne Bregman started' to Kinder• garter' at;. Teeswater.. ' Karen Young Dianne Huffman and Theresa Jansen are attending Kindergarten at • • • Select the program : which suits' you :bet _P rovfncial Program: You must have been out .of school for at . hast• one . year. If you apply, qualify, and are accepted, • you will attend school full ,time probably during the days, and your tuition will not exceed $15.00.. •.per month.. , • g -Extension: -Pr ram: n hesecourses=ore-offered=iopart-time-- tudentsmay-be=able-•to .pg!'-ad� you by. attending one'•or' two :nights per"vyeek. Select' your ,subject,: and check with 'our counsellor to seeif the course you: want it toeing taught on . the nights you: want t0 attend. 'Foci are ` usually • • $2.00 per week .per • subject •. 4 .. C --The , O.T:A. :Pro ram:. • The ccupaaona rano r for-*dults provides-tra.mng-and a-sub$ntence-allow0nce_fo. adults'who qualify through their Canada •;Manpower Centre. Counsellor:, Select the course of your ' . . choice, andarraflge a•sisit with .your .C.M.C- Counsellor to find out if you can •qualify to be ;paid while retraining. • Dhe In-lndustr Pro rams:' If you' own, manage, or work for' a fecal company, then In -Industry =-T,,,Training might mostyour needs. Workers con be retrained or upgraded right on 'your premises: Costs ore shared ' by the • Government, the' Company; and the worker. Ask our ;Industrial Training Department to discuss your 'needs, and to tailor a 'program of .education to your• academic or skill' requirements.. After you hove; decided on' the „tyPe of retraining, and:on the program which. suits your 'needs, . for 'some people lication con. be 'Made through -a supportive agent,/ such as irel?abilitation, , your particular agency should be 'ontacted imeividiately. • . • • Ph0/10 teceptiOnis• t. at 5764700 ext.: 44 and make on appointment!. -. A visit 'With one of 'itur•Career Couniellars, ond a ieries Of Testi far Registration'will be arranged, yOu are ,consiclering attending school, under . the .0.T.A. Piogram; please visit your C.M.0 You May visit; the Adult Education Centre from gi00:6.11. 9A0 ;weekdays, bUt please 43SXing_.Sij4e1_North, Waterloo, Ontario Atea Ode 519) 576-9700