The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-09-10, Page 8PAGE EIGHT' • . . • • . . . , . . . . . . • . ' • • • , • • I , . • • • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER leth, ra es y uou„1, ' • • •• • US' ••••••••••:•,•,... . • •• • -•,-7\'Sc-c•1•,.;,.. \\,...,;•::•;:\.N,' • •:•••• •:'\••• s\A.,•••• k•'• • ,4•• . Your brakes ,can make . a -crucial difference. r- • In-sue-you-r_scifet_yr_th_e_safety. complete braEe 'check. Our mechanics know what brake% 'pre about. - . .11 ; 1. • • avylin Tourney a ccess--- • Lucknow Lawn Bowling Club staged their merchants and' manuf- acturers laWwbowling tournament on. Labour Day. The anntial event proved quite successful, • Mating first in the competition , was the Lorne Buckley rink of Chesley. Other t,titi,c game winn- . Gordon McKay, Charles Hendy, • John Patterson" .- . TwO game winners were: :G9rdon Fisher and -Fred Jacks,on" Gunning" Al Deeves , • A:. Blair :Jim McNaughton and Lorne.,Gardner, Roy Finlayson and Keith Collyer, N. Schnurr., Dr. Leahy, A rhOld Fisher, Peter Talk , M. MarSman, •Deoaricoens,aRmoebin'son. winners• Lloyd •Hall,and Gordon'MacPherson, Were. c1.4...,r• • Semple•,. Alvin .Pym , Carman Gill., JaCk 'MacDonald andJack camp - 'bell" Donald MacTavish.aild ' Charles Anderson, Metcalfe-: oArt Cann, EmersOn Smith,. Schaiis, ic .1. Knox, L. •Ryari„Waluski; J. Porter: • Honour 25th Anniversary D,t3NGA:NNO,N NEWS." • • A pleasant evening was enjoyed., on, Sa,idrday , Septerfiber, t3th..at the. home of Mr•.• and Mrs. jim wpsoa. • . • _ . Goderich when Mr. and M,rs,•'. • Zion.Girls Enter: Area Wa.laCe Wilson obterved their 2.6t1i. „ . . - . • . T17 vine tto eon' unix to • •• furthez •• . • .Mation Reed entered Cnelph. t:niseesit,,' to tal;ei./2e Arts:C.:ow-se:, "ZOnta-2.--;itehie .entered Brescia 11.13.•••"1-1.140r-. ta:kinc'HOme tool - \N'anda Hunte: is enrolled in \N'indSO: 1:n1ver$'1tat WirldsOr. in 'Bachelor of _kits. Conise thajor Honie:---EcOnonuos-1- . Mr. and-" , ; and Ken and Kath Cnibezi ;-"S"4"' qard• 1 • att-ndt:11.t.Vt:etril Fait on Saturday'. John Ochie..tal:ked by. telephone to DZ.,:3:gAlic.,ri.Of andolearned that' Dont; is out or... hospital and Iavoura His leg al1 he m a casz1.1,tii • • • 5t; , •• • • . •1 t, • • •FrzOidatie lets yOu see what: s haPpen,Ing• 1.4rOe • fh- gree glass o••,en door lett yoU tr.teatz a calseyivittiie it bakes • Cook.-tiiast& oyen,p6ritrol starts '1 rnatipally At: ttermi YOU S.'elect , • : , Irgt-Sw abd , - / • fade eryits • P411 v,....;rcith St-ae • • drawer for your pts aptl..08t4.t. YEAR, iMOTECTIOirri PLAN •• • . - 11DAI • . . • 6dding.anni.versary. • ;. • • KEM-TO REM GLO PA1NTS----- ' DISCO BENJAMIN MOORE PAINTS ---- DIScOUNT hatha.m: • • , Mr:',ands,Mrs. Tom Fowler, . Darrel and Karen of 'Shipka •viiit- . : ed on Spnday with Mr. aidMrs. Chas.. Fowler.. Nir. Norman:, N.4cDanald'•of Re4ale also .visited: Todd Pa'rk, fourteen month-old. " • , • on of Mr. and.'Mrs,. urned; home Ttiurday from c -ode ,ich Kospiial afterobservation fC? outdays. • • Mrs. Wes•Burrducztis Was hoste; for. a Tijpperwareparly on, evening . • • pr'eserit-we're' Mr-.—and;;Mrs: • • W41 .Reed and,Jack. Mr-. and Irs. aVe INrnjoid and family of and Mr:s ..Murray .• •Wilspn and fam.irs):, Mr, and Mrs Jim -WilsOri and Mrs.. Wallace Wilson and Wanda.. Mr. and Mrs. waspri received spine lOVely gifts . Vs'ESTERN UNIVER.SIT '.Ntis..:t. WandaCNkii...-scni,asalso pres,nteq. Ns:ith,a ift prior tO foz Wetc.•:in t.'niVersity-ib • ismdon. • ; i• . .• , • .. • • • 's, NeUan,::„ner ot St Li. t::11- i'7.1".1 and .40.41,00.0-40•40,... Phone SZ8,- 3112 • . :Si:Z....5 ‘••21.4..!**.yr„2 • • • .71V 7,7 , • • • . . • • •••• • ''••• • •••, • ”' . (.4„. • ••• Ladies' League mence ow in q' . • • • ••.; • • • • .,. .:••• • . Z. c •. • ;ct ' ••'46 46 • ••4 ,••••• • • : V,* . '.7•• . t "••• : . ITZ".:„S; 7-,";'..„?' :'•-•::••: 01, . • INF • • r • x • ; • • . • ••''.-;';.••••••••;•,••••.• . • . 1969 Models • SEVERAL TO CHOOSE FROM - , • • . • • 1969 PLYMOUTH, 2 door hardtop - .• 1969. METEOR, 4 door sedan, V8 automatic, power steeling. . 1969 FORD, Custom 500, 4 door, V$ automatic ' • 968 PONTIAC 2 door haldtop,.V8,' full power • • • . 1961 FORD 'Custom 2,door, 6 cylinder automatic .•;' . • 1.967 FORD Custom300, 4. door, V8 automatic •-• , • • . . 1967 ,CHEY Bel: Air, 4,,,docit • ,2 --!•• 1967 'PONTIAC, 4 doers; V8, aUtornatic,..power .steering. aastndard 2 1967 CH•EV.Biscaynesi, 4 door, 6 cylinder. aUtomatic, 1967 PONTIAC, * 4:door stairWogo it, V8 autornaiie 1967 DODGE Polar.° $o;..2 door hardtop, 6 cylinder . . 1966 PONTIAC Parisienne,•4; door hardtop, Ve autOrnatie .1966 CHEV stationwagon - • ;. • • ' -1. r ar .,• • 1,64 CHEV 4 door, VCautornatic . 1964 CHEY-stafionWagort V8 ,automatic • • • . 1964 VALIANT statjonwagon 1963 METEOR 4 door,VS, standardtrasrnisSion', 1963 PONTIAC,•4 door, 6, a4rtoMattc • SEVERAL OLDER MODELS SEE THESE AND OTHER • " " „ 1.• 44.4 40.4%. "z• • • '• •'*•t• • . . " . ::••••, .••••.. • Ala • PHONE 523 ••14 . . • . . .. ..... . . . 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