The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-09-10, Page 3, 1969 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER. loth; 1969+ • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. ins, grade. -IDOL on . ►fly has. �riod Ithe_ nnel vid, cDon- key augh,. y, grade ,de .7; ver y' me, aT at ;ahe h 1d ..5,6 school )6E Josep'-: ' id:ge • princip+, i BY. sr ft, PAGE THREE' BEST BUYT'•- SAVE.I Oc! ^BATH.ROOM;. BEST BUY! - SAVE 12c! - Quick 5 -Lb. r Instant 72 -Oz. • FEATURE! -EVAPORATED' 1` Ib., Tall Tins A RNATI�ON MiIk+233 BEST Bur— SAVE '10c:! ASSORTED 'STRAINED With The Purchase Of 4:'GEN ERAL: ELECTRIC LAMP BULBS 0 460' 100 WATT - At Regular Price! • Rick Pritchard, son of Mr. Mrs. John Pritchard., R. R; 1',• now ;underwent an .apper decto at Wingham and. District -Iosp on: Thursday:evening of.last w Rick is a student at the F. E. Madill Secondary School,' Wingham : • and. Luck- my ital eek'.' • Jin.Henderson, son of•:Mr, and.. Mrs. Jim Henderson 'of Lucknow:, is a patient'in Wingham and' Dist rict Hospital. Rey. "and .Mrs . Glenn Noble,. minister of Lucknow Dungannon ;.• 'and South' Kinloss Presbyterian' Mrs: Millitc.erit Carter. returned ' Kitimat, B.C: onSunday. His toter Lcknow home lastsWed.oes induction,will be'Thursday of: this ; day`from Wingham•and District' Hospital where she recently had' , !Week and first services onSunday • ` surgery.: ' . ,,.. • , Mr an Mrs ex"Hac ett,'Jr. of Ashfield spent the•week-end Lawrence'Webster of Beamsville with Mr. and. Mrs. Allah Hunter and . his . sister : Mrs Ethel Rising of land family of•:Belleville. Seaforth visited Monday with Mr.' 'and Mrs, Walter Alton,.Lucknow;., %. : , Mrs; Andrew Hyndman ofAllan- dale, Florida is a visitor with Mr, and: Mrs.. W'. A • Porteous: Mr. and Mrs .Philip Stewart of .Lucknow spent Labor Day week- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs Mrs., Shaddicl of town spent a'w,/ee1< in August,with h.er'daughter' Mrs. 'A'aron,Boak,; Mr. Boak and family at their 'cottage near :North . Bay; M'r a•nd. Mrs.. Pete Tuehirka, an ewar ail .utlina� M'r : • . K'imberley and Bradley bf Toronto and Mrs, Lloyd Stewart and Greg,' '. were.visitors at thehomes of Mr, Mr.. and Mrs,, Jack'Wilson:, Sandra. and Mrs. Ron Brooks, Mr. and arid•Ross;; M'isrWinrrie-StemaJ.t emirs A4 -1 -0~ -Gamble -and -Mr arid- •-_-� Miss'Yvonne Gillies; 'Mr. and Mrs, Mrs.* Lloyd Hunter.; • Gordon Mctntosh of Clarkson, spent ` Sunday evening•at Allan'•s home. Mrs. Lloyd Ashton of•Lucknow Attend Chastening; The. christening of Shelley • Cnl leen.--HPw.-._*?;L-2-Month old • daughter of:Mr. and Mrs: Robert Hewat of West Vancouver, B: C.•; took place at St. David's United 'Church in Vancouver on Sunday, August :10.: The baby is• the great': ' granddaughter of.Mrs: R. 'H Thompson ofLucknow•., The christening gown was hand made" ;by the child's maternal great randmr;o othever sixty years ago' Mrs. Bob 'Hamilton returned to. her Lucknow ,home last•Tuesday -after spending about two`weeks in Wingham and;. District Hospital. MT and Mrs.. Wm.. Neabel,:of; R. R, # 3, , Lucknow'• celebrated their' 401h Wedding Anniversary on 'Saturday, August 30 Ivirs. Dorothy MacLeod'of Luck - now spent a•week's vacation with • her son David MacLeod , Nlrs. MacLeod and'family at.•:Bancroft:. T. E Harmsworth of Toronto was, a, visitor in .Lucknow for a few' da-ys• with -his --peace Mrs, •.Der-othy - MacLeod., -' Mr...and ,George, Peter R.' and Aileen, R R_3, Holyrood.,visited on Sunder with Mt. and Mrs. Gerald Bailey,. R. R. 1, .Walkerton..'. ; •, Mrs. R. L. White of Chicago. and. Mrs. Roy Mac sof Ripley were recent guests:of Miss' Catherine MacGregor and Nils. George Stuart.: Mr,_ and Mrs. Pere Youngblutt and wornoriginaly by her materna grandi'n; Cher..; •. A luncheon followed'•for relatives' and 'friends Out 'of town guests -i "attendance includedthe grand parents, Dr.' and; Mrs.,' W. Lindsay, •of Nanairno,"B.C. ,::and Mr, and Mrs'.. Wi limn Hewat 'o f ,.Elmira Ontario also • the child's parents' Mr. And Mrs.. Don Thomson; of Nanaimo, 8.0 and their son Lindsay Thomson;,' She 1e-''has oun °a The babySh 1. y y , g, sister Jodi,•aage '.three i' .,� ttend ReU:niof First .World or Veterans Veterans: :• ,Jack Campbell, Mr.,and Mrs. , Ross MacMillan and Mr..,and Mrs, Wilfred Drennano:f 'Lucknow, and..: John :MacKay of Ripley attended the Reunion of ;the."Old 'Boys, of the 91th and:77th Battery Of the FirstWorld 'War" r heldat Shetland , Park,:•Lambton :County, Saturday, September 6th. • Overr 0,©-cvmra-d�es anther" Wives -sat flown to •a bountiful ' dinner 12;30, p.m. after which Jim. :Grant of Beamsville led in the singing of familiar war' songs', ,.recor•. o .t e: soun• ing o e Last Post was played as a •memorial to the boys. • A minutes silence, was observed for. a 'number of comrades who' had passed away :. :during the year The large company renewed friendships andvexperiences Before. departing for horne•they decided to'' hold; this ;annual celebration at the same place in 1970. -All bidding arew.ell-sa-ying.; Hoppe -ti) -yo 'next year" ,'. Old boys' and wives 'were present from Lions Head to etreit Lloyd. Stewart` is the guest soloist. is a patient in St. Marys Hospital;'. Ith Whe sins the National Anthem at Kitchener, where She underwent . the opening of all the Hamilton' surgery on Sunday. football garries . Mr. and Mrs. Ted Collyer of . Langside and Mary Ttyre of Mts.:.: Phill cMillan of R: R. Lucknow returned from an trip ; o p 1 Luckno ttend • the funeral. of the West Coast. ' They visited' her unc'l W 1i• '` , c ichael on •relatives enroute, y Friday, September 5t in,Detroit He•formeriy lived•:in Wingharn', Miss Margaret Robertson returned Mrs , MacMillan com anied her eo her horne last week after two .tr't cle and aunt lyr and Mrs.• Jack eeks iri •Wingham and District. McMichael' of Listowel. Hospital., of.Auburn, Mrs ' Reg Schultz and Mrs. Ezra Schultz both 'of Whitechurch visited at Mr. and Mrs,: Spence trwins on Sunday: afternoon, Mr. and Mrs Waite Alton and Mrs. Mary Miller Vis •a ted Sunday :evening at'te rrwin hom ut..your money into our guaranteed. investment' certificates now paying thenever-before interest of eight and• one'half percent. VG CURN Grant arid Sandra .• Curran of Ashfield are'lappy to announce the birth' of a son, ' Murray. MacRae,, on Wednesday, 1 August 27,in Alexandra and Marine Hospital Goderich , a brother for I'A nnette and_•Lavonne ,_ ... _ _..... ROBBINS - at Exeter Hospital on tRuSr coMaANV SINCE 4;ee9 September lst, to Mr.'and�Mrs, Da,1 Robbins '(Mabel Stanley) of 10,0 KINGSTON S • 1 Rxe'ter; 'a daughter, Katherine TREET . , ..•. GODERICH• Lynn, a sister for Stanley, Doug 'and yeff. •: • •